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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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this water was then declared by local authorities. in the city of belova, kemerovo region, the palace of creativity partially collapsed, but there were no casualties. according to the director of the institution, the children left the building literally 40 minutes before the emergency; there were employees on site, and they also managed to leave. the causes of the incident are now being investigated, but the investigative committee has already announced that two criminal cases have been opened. to the leader of the communist party of the russian federation, gennody. awarded the order of honor. the ceremony took place at a meeting of the political executive committee of the council of the communist party of the soviet union in moscow. they discussed preparations for the second anti-fascist forum and the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the victory over hitler's germany. the decree on awarding the leader of the communist party of the russian federation was previously signed by the president of belarus alexander lukashenko. the document states that gennady zyuganov was awarded this award for his personal contribution to the development of bilateral cooperation, as well as strengthening.
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speech and emphasized that the state duma does not think about our future, he made a wonderful one without the union of the fraternal peoples of russia, belarus and ukraine. we applauded. route the moscow -st. petersburg high-speed highway is already 60% designed. and the equipment for the first high-speed car is 92% complete. the head of the rsd, oleg belozerov, spoke about this in an interview with our channel.
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let’s ask anna lazareva what other statements he made. so, anna, first of all, what will the new trains be like and how fast will they run? alexey, it is expected that the train will have eight cars and four classes of service, and a speed of up to 400 km/h. russian railways not only fully restored the pre-pandemic volume of passenger traffic, but and exceeded it. the summer season promises to be active. it is planned to transfer 61 million people from may to september. weather in general. hope to reach the maximum figure in the entire history for long-distance and suburban communications, oleg belozerov said in an interview with our channel. in long-distance traffic, in general , we are experiencing a very significant increase in transportation; we have already exceeded the volume of transportation during the pandemic; our main concerns, of course, are the movement to the south, about 12 million.
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we provide seats for the transportation of passengers, separately for children’s groups, specialized, because these are special requirements, special trains, we form all trains with air conditioning, with dry closets, the third stage of modernization of the eastern training ground will allow us to achieve the goal of increasing the carrying volume to 210 million tons by the year thirtieth and 270 by... 2032, at the moment contracts are signed with contractors, other preparatory work is being carried out, the implementation of the project is tentatively estimated at 3.700 billion rubles. what will be the financing mechanism? said the head of russian railways. there are no federal budget funds there at all. inside there are not only funds from russian railways, including, as i already said, banking funds for the four largest projects. financing through a contractor,
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that is, the contractor builds an object for us only in the thirty-second year we begin to pay them for the constructed object. the east is an important direction for russia, the volume of cargo transported in this direction is constantly growing, including ore, fertilizers, coal, oil products and much more. based on the results of the twenty-third year, russian railways predicted that the increase would be in the direction of china. will be 10%, in the end, it turned out to be 40%, more than 160 million tons were transported, this is a record. another large-scale project, the high-speed railway route between moscow and st. petersburg, is already 60% designed, oleg belozerov said in an interview. together with sinara, with the ural locomotives, we are conducting research, developing design documentation, well, for now.
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about 40 systems have already been fully approved, 27 systems, we are currently finalizing them, in terms of volume, this is about 92%, so what... i’ll have to go for a ride, of course, thank you, anna, anna lazreva spoke about the dynamics of railway transportation and the plans of russian railways.
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preservation of traditional values, health and well-being of the family. these are the main topics of the discussion, which were organized by specialists from the expert institute of social research. we talked, in particular, about the family support tools that have been created in the country in recent years, these are, for example, maternity capital, a social contract, a family mortgage. at the initiative of the president, a separate national family project will soon appear, according to the plan it should earn money from january twenty-fifth. the main task of the project that we set for ourselves, to do something at all , is to unite the family through common causes, we selected these 1570 families during the spring of this year from march to... june , semi-finals were held throughout the country and we watched with on the one hand, how athletic they are, how intellectual they are, that is, each family had the opportunity to prove themselves in one of the competitions, there were eight different tasks, plus there was an assessment from senior experts, these are those who i observed families throughout the entire
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assessment day, i looked at how well they understand each other, respect each other, value each other, are friends, is the whole family involved or was the child simply given a cell phone and he sits on it and... plays, but as if there is pain in the knee, pain in the back, maybe in the neck, pentalgen extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. the delicious calendar returns to delicious, period. we give 100% cashback every friday when paying by cards. bank hello, my name is cashboy, i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket, for example, allen professional shampoo for 399 rubles with 25% cashback. i am chef kote aganezov, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to
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belgorod, four people were injured during shelling of the ukrainian armed forces. ukrainian troops, using a drone, dropped an explosive device on two cars on a regional highway, among the victims was a twelve-year-old girl with a shell shock. according to the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glodkov, the child was sent to a children's facility in the region. clinical hospital. the head of the region also added that on the same section of the highway, another drone attacked a truck. the driver saw the drone in the rearview mirror and slowed down. as a result, the drone detonated on the road and the man was not injured. now about the progress of the special operation in a ukrainian mig-29 fighter was destroyed in the dnepropetrovsk region. footage of the attack on the aircraft parking lot at the dolgintsev airfield was published by the russian ministry of defense. it is reported that aviation assets have been liquidated. defeats and vehicles of the engineering service of the armed forces of ukraine, the launches on the target were carried out by the crew
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of the iskander missile system, objective control cameras recorded an accurate hit. additional airmobile groups and equipment have been deployed to transbaikalia to combat wildfires. within a day , two more outbreaks were localized in the region, and dozens continue to simmer. anton kolganov is monitoring the situation in the trans-baikal territory. one of the most difficult situations took place in the kalarsky district, where forest fires have been burning for several days, the entire north of the region is enveloped in thick smoke, this is how the situation looks from the air. the day before , the head of the region assessed the situation on the spot; due to the house curtain , it was only possible to arrive in the district. once again i
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would like to greet all of you and, of course, the guests taking part in the meeting according to the sco plus formula. i think that interest in the work of the shanghai cooperation organization is connected first of all, with the fact that the basic ones are valuable.
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natural resources. the sco's active participation in multilateral cooperation in a variety of areas is especially in demand in the current difficult international situation, when fundamental transformations have truly emerged in politics and economics. the world is becoming truly multipolar, and more and more states are ready to defend their legitimate rights and interests in the most decisive manner. new centers of power are emerging, and
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the shanghai cooperation organization is being established as one of these. therefore, the topic brought up for our discussion seems very relevant: strengthening multilateral dialogue, striving for sustainable peace and development. this, in fact, reflects the essence of what the sco has been doing since its founding in 2001 . bearing in mind efforts to create an atmosphere of security and trust in our common eurasian region. in this regard, we are grateful. for the sincere and concrete proposals of the sco member countries for the peaceful resolution of the ukrainian crisis, which arose as a result of absolutely the unceremonious adventurous policy of the united states and its satellites. russia, as you know, has never refused and is now ready to continue
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peace negotiations. it was ukraine that refused negotiations. moreover, she did this publicly on direct orders from london, which means there is no doubt about this from washington, which ukrainian officials speak about directly and openly. the istanbul agreements, thanks for this to the president of the republic of turkey, mr. erdogan, who took part in this work as a mediator, these agreements are going nowhere share, they were...
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within the framework of the sco, together with business circles , trade, economic, investment and financial cooperation is vigorously promoted. it is significant that against the background of a recession in a number of developed economies of the world, the total gdp of the sco states in 2023 increased on average by two, by 5.2%. industrial production. grew by 4.5%, with inflation only 2.4%. these are good indicators. cooperation in the fields of energy, infrastructure, food security, high technology and innovation continues to consistently deepen. digitalization of artificial intelligence.
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shoss is taking the most active steps to build optimization of trade and logistics chains, and the organization traditionally respects historical, cultural values ​​and civilizational diversity. it is on this basis that contacts between people are expanding, interaction is being built in the fields of science and technology, education, health and sports. a youth council, public and
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volunteer structures are working, that is, the sco can, in practical terms. much to share with all countries that are interested and ready to cooperate, in turn, our organization is happy to accept any constructive contribution to its activities, to absorb everything valuable that our partners offer, so i am sure that this meeting will be useful and will contribute to strengthening friendly relations between all those represented here states, will serve to intensify the interaction of a wide variety of...
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them in the krasnodar territory in one of the regions , representatives of the russian book of records recorded the highest in history the yield indicator is 110 centners per hectare, this is the result of the joint work of farmers and scientists, andrei malyony found out how this was achieved. there is a mighty spike here. before the start of harvesting, the breeders manually thresh several ears of corn, and with an experienced eye they immediately confirm that there will be a record. by the wave of the flag in the experimental one. two combine harvesters bite in, and within a few minutes they disappear in a cloud of dust. this golden kuban field is like an olympic stadium. today this is a platform for setting a record, this is the kuban one. sort of school, today its graduation, which will thunder throughout the country, the record-breaking variety is named after the kuban breeding school, it was bred by the lukyanenko national grain center
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just a few years ago, the legend of domestic selection lyudmila bespalova estimates its potential at 130 cents per hectare, this is a variety that is tolerant to thickening, there may be a thousand ears of grain per square meter, maybe 4000 or more than 4500 grains. we have enormous potential, and i, as a chemist here, being in this field, want to argue that, of course, half of this the harvest is the result of competent, accurate,
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targeted and prudent use of chemical plant protection and chemical fertilizers, they introduced chemical fertilizers, they did soil tests, according to these soil tests we already applied fertilizers in order to achieve a good harvest, agricultural scientists call records the engine of progress. a representative of the russian book of records adds: “agriculture is one of the most technologically advanced industries.” for example, one smartphone is enough to record a record. each harvester is connected to lonas, and i can connect to any in a second i can find out where the combine was and how much wheat it collected. the scales showed that 10 hectares of field threshed by combines yielded almost 11 tons per hectare. and the exact figure of 109.7 centners was written into the certificate and handed to the head of the farm. last year's record. 13 centners has been beaten with a margin, however, judging by the dynamics of development of russian agriculture, the current one will not last long. andrey malyony, vadim zhaleev, lead. more and more russians
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prefer private houses to apartments, choose a successful project, find out what benefits you can get you can now calculate and receive a mortgage offer using a new service, but you will need an account with government services. maria kudryavtseva has all the details in the program instructions. according to the survey. more than half of russians want to live in their own home, only a third want to live in apartments. the main advantage of a private house, of course, is space, fresh air and silence. we will tell you about the new service that helps make this dream come true in 5 minutes in the program instructions. select a suitable project, find a reliable developer and even find money for a new house. all this can be done on the portal stroim.dom.rf, developer superservice operator. institute for development in the housing sphere, state company domrf together with the ministry of construction and the ministry of digital development of russia. government construction was done jointly with the ministry of construction of russia and the ministry of digital development
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of russia. last year, we integrated it with the state services portal, so in essence it creates a single customer path for both receiving government services and obtaining commercial services. government services mean, of course, obtaining permits for construction, connection of technical conditions, connection, connection of infrastructure. and other services. from the point of view of commercial services, the most popular are choosing a private house project, checking a contractor, receiving advice on building a private house, and of course, choosing a mortgage loan. the portal can be viewed without authorization, but in order to fully use it, you need to log in using your government services account. then the site will be able to select a project taking into account the region you are in want to build and what support measures are available to you. the selection on the portal is large, more than a thousand projects and almost 900 contractors. all contractors undergo reliability checks and therefore you can be sure
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that they will complete the work within the agreed time frame. in addition, the portal has the opportunity to build your house using spark accounts, that is, you transfer money to a special bank account, and the contractor will receive it only when he completes all the work. this year , the russian federation appeared on the portal. first projects that can be built using spark accounts, and out of more than a thousand projects that are presented on the portal, we already have 173 such projects, their number is growing every day, this allows citizens to transfer money to a bank account and the contractor will receive it only after once the construction of the house is completed, thereby the construction becomes even more transparent and safe both for the contractor and, of course, for our main client - this is for the citizen. service is closely related to government services, a special page on the state portal contains everything that may be useful in the selection and registration of a land plot for putting a house into operation,
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including. concluding agreements with suppliers of electricity, gas and water, there you can also assign an address to your new house so that you can obtain permanent registration in it, our service is integrated with the public services portal, and you can, in fact, either from our portal or from the public services portal, here to begin the very client journey of building your own home so that it is as clear and transparent as possible, on the government services portal you can receive key services that: are delivered by the state, on the portal we build goods, respectively, you can receive services for building your own house, for choosing a contractor, for receiving services, for choosing a mortgage loan, and so on. the portal is worth bookmarking, its functionality will be constantly expanded. there you will find not only builders, but also those who will help with repairs, landscaping the site, installing fences, gates, and so on. that
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there will gradually be on the portal... everything to make life in your own home, on your own land, as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. now our task is, well, besides, of course, increasing the number of participants in the super service itself, as suppliers, and not only limited to contractors, banks, and, but also those who may be architects developing projects, atypical projects, adding a system. in addition, we want to create within the system, we are already completing this functionality, an opportunity for the user to increase controllability process. that is, from the moment of receiving the loan until the completion of construction, he must clearly understand what is happening with his house, that is, at what stage the developer is, how the materials were delivered, whether networks are connected or not connected, for this purpose a special control room will be created in his personal account a panel that will allow you to see this. so, let’s repeat the main thing: 13,000 people have already taken advantage of the personal recommendations of the portal stroim.dom.rrf. with its help you can find
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well-thought-out house designs on reliable contractors, find out about the support measures in force in your region, the site will even teach you how to speak the same language with developers, it has a glossary of construction terms. the portal will also be useful for those who already live in their own home; there will be services related to home ownership. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about how you can get land for construction or what support measures are currently in place for those who want to build a house for their family, write to us. telegram, we will find out everything from the experts and tell you in the next issues of our instructions.
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the decision was made at the sco summit in astana, it became more influential at the expense of minsk, it has already spoken at... but it was not the president of russia who signed the yastonian declaration, what does it say? precise work, the ukrainian mig-29 was destroyed right at the airfield, the strike was carried out by iskander’s crews. what else is at the front? there are parliamentary elections in britain, the prime minister's rating is breaking records, and the liborists are counting on triumph. alexander khabarov will talk about british political cuisine.


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