tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 July 4, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK
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9:31 pm
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headaches there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. magnet - the price is what you need. knitted sausage 1299. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. start your business journey with sber support. in sber-business they will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and... connect an online cash register, all this is free, we are opening the way to business, sberbusiness, hello, the correspondents of the program will talk about the main legal events of the day, the duty department and i maxim movchan . a motorcyclist from st. petersburg maneuvered between cars at high speed and caused a massive accident, and he himself was injured in it. road accident recorded. flew into another, while
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the reckless driver was driving around the city without equipment, so as a result of the impact he received serious injuries, now he is being treated by doctors. a thick stack of banknotes on the bowl of fimida in rostov -on-don, the work of judges is developing rapidly. investigators are already interrogating the fifth alleged corrupt official in a robe, according to security forces and judges who took millions to make the necessary decisions. details of olga zhurinkova.
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rostov regional court elena zolotareva. initiation of a criminal case by the investigative committee of russia against ex-chairman of the leninsky district court of the city of rostov-nadono alexei kudilin is a direct consequence of the high-profile arrest last year of the chairman, now ex-chairman of the rostov regional court. court of elena zolotareva, he is accused of receiving bribes in the amount of more than 15 million rubles, and they say that he somehow carried out these schemes together with zolotareva. it seems that a conveyor belt has been organized in the region to make the necessary decisions. the criminal case against the ex-chairman of the leninsky court of rostov,
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alexey kudelin, is already the fifth in just over a year according to the account. the ex-chairman of the rostov regional court, elena zolotareva, was sent to a pre-trial detention center. she allegedly influenced the decision of the fimida related to major property disputes. in cities and districts of the region. in all likelihood , the scammers tried to resolve business conflicts through bribery of judges and put the flagrant violation of the law on stream. in zolotarev’s case , seven episodes have been established and it is possible that during the investigation their number will increase. zolotareva’s deputy, tatyana yurova, was previously sent to the isolation ward. during the search at yurova was found with a very large, impressive amount of money, and we are talking about 200 million rubles. we found jewelry, a lot of gold. then the former chairman of the railway court of rostov, georgy bondarenko, and the head of the regional judicial department, andrei roshchevsky, were detained, and now the security forces have questions for the former chairman of the leninsky court, alexei kudelin. the initiation of the case a year later is apparently a consequence
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of some testimony given by the same zolotareva, her assistants and other judges, perhaps even if they are still active, and accordingly we can conclude that the work of... services in this direction to clean up the justice of the rostov region will continue, it is unlikely that the criminal case against alexei kudelin is the end. earlier it became known that the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, asked the highest qualification board of judges to authorize the arrest of the ex-chairman of the sovetsky district court of rostov, elena kobleva. she is being investigated for taking a bribe. oleg pasobin, dmitry manyshev. lead the duty department. the colonel was suspected of fraud. in moscow, the 235th garrison military court decided to arrest the commander of the airborne assault brigade, artyom gradilov. this was reported by the tas news agency. the details of the criminal case are still a mystery during the investigation. is it known that we are talking about fraud on a particularly large scale, that is, an amount of at least a million rubles? the punishment for such
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a crime is up to 10 years in prison. the meeting was held behind closed doors. a bribe for a vice-mayor, a former chelyabinsk manager was caught receiving 10 million. what he took from yourself upon arrest. a far-sighted top manager, bananas and coconuts, ecuadorian police officers intercepted 3 tons of cocaine that were supposed to go to russia, how the smugglers' plan failed, he put on a cap and began to extort, in khabarovsk a masked policeman drank too much and disrupted his own performance, we will show a dubious benefit performance of an impostor, everything the most interesting thing is after a short advertisement, don’t switch. there are a lot of things that can be confused, but
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wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs, open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on a business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. the live legal program is broadcast by the duty department, we continue the broadcast. deadly avalanche in sochi, in a hot southern resort in the middle of july, two tourists, a mother and daughter , were buried in blocks of snow and ice. one of the women died. they were walking along a mountain path when part of the snow cap collapsed. there was no chance for the uda to dodge or escape from the path of the avalanche. as a result, a twenty-five-year-old woman received severe injuries. she is reported to have died in hospital. was already injured, but she did not need medical help. now there are operational news that our editorial team
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receives directly from the agency's news feed. so, a metal hangar caught fire in moscow near the belarusian railway station. you can see footage of the fire on your screens, the area has already reached 600 square meters, the roof of the building has collapsed, and a fire train has arrived at the scene. the hangar caught fire at about 20-40. the initial area was about 100 square meters, but the fire quickly spread and spread to the roof of the adjacent room. the roof of the hangar that caught fire collapsed; firefighters are now continuing to work at the scene ; there was no information about casualties. crystal castles of mr. smirny in security forces in the moscow region detained a swindler builder who managed to deceive 70 people by promising luxurious houses at very reasonable prices. the main evidence of his intentions was a warehouse with boards, and a never -built pyramid, galina hungureeva. with an emphasis on the hood of the car, but... at maximum width, behind him there are operatives with machine guns, the detention of the hero of the events in shchelkovo near moscow, as if not at all
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surprised, casually and somewhat doomedly reads the protocol. detained vladislav smernov, head of a construction company phoenix, according to investigators, was not building housing, but a financial pyramid, entering into contracts with clients, not fulfilling obligations, and partially paying off old debts at the expense of new defrauded ones. short term for a minimal fee, in a comfortable office on the table they showed visual models of houses, it seemed that you could just reach out and touch your dream, the first worried clients who did not receive the coveted squares on time, smirnov reassured them that there were materials for construction and even showed them stuffed warehouse with boards, i have wood here these houses are yours. soon there were more clients in the office, only there was a queue of people wanting to get their money back,
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they waited a year for the promised housing, someone took out a loan at 20%. we don’t need your house anymore, i need money, but go to the authorities, to the mic, changing his intonation to outright rudeness, smirnov offendedly declared that he himself had become a victim of deception and therefore was now in debt, let’s say, get into a situation, however however, the unfortunate builder refused a personal meeting with clients, and his employees said: phoenix is in this office no longer exists, from now on another company is located there. the company, which disappeared into oblivion, left its clients with millions in debt, but law enforcement officers helped the phoenix from ashes to be reborn. on suspicion. the general director of one of the organizations was detained for committing fraud under the pretext of constructing residential buildings; the attacker promised clients the construction of houses in a short time for a minimal fee, but after receiving the money he did not fulfill his contractual obligations. a forty-five-year-old director of a construction company, with multiple convictions in the past, he
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clearly showed the history of his so-called walkers, his arms from forearms to nails covered in prison tattoos. during the search , seals of various companies were confiscated from the suspect. computers, a payment terminal and documentation that can tell a lot about phoenix's activities. at the moment , more than 70 people have been injured; the alleged swindler has been taken into custody. galina hungureeva, denis vaskovsky, khalemat kuchmezova, conduct the duty unit. uzbekistan hospitably welcomed 100 children from russia who suffered from terrorist attacks to the regions of our country and the crocus city hall concert complex. teenagers from belgorod and bryansk regions, as well as those whose families suffered as a result. criminals in krasnogorsk near moscow rest in the anor health camp in the tashkent region. at the airport, schoolchildren were greeted with lush cakes and fruits, followed by gifts, backpacks with tracksuits, sneakers and tablets on behalf of the president of the republic. the camp has a varied program for children. mugs, including for young traffic inspectors,
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a swimming pool, a library and a computer class. there is time for sports competitions, creative competitions, and disco. and also a trip to the famous samarkan. the food was very tasty and we also really liked the entertainment, it’s clear how they try and want everything to go well with us. i'm still a little shocked. many thanks to those who organized this, to the president of all uzbekistan, there are very kind people here. russia, heaven, friendship. the solar republic covered all expenses. decision to support children. who found themselves in a difficult life situation, was accepted at the highest level after the visit of russian president vladimir putin to tashkent, where he met with the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev. at the end of may, the heads of state signed a cooperation agreement on a number of new projects.
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the former vice-mayor of chelyabinsk is accused of receiving bribes worth 10 million rubles. an operational video arrest of an alleged corrupt official has been made public. the security forces looked into the country house of sergei reprintsev in broad daylight. the former official apparently was not expecting guests and didn’t even have time to get dressed. but later i still had to put myself in order and go through a special vehicle. reprintsev probably realized that he was unlikely to be released in the near future. took things with me. it is known that the former manager headed the urban planning committee of the chelyabinsk city hall and temporarily acted as vice-mayor. it was during this period, according to investigators, that he enriched himself by several million rubles. according to the investigation, the suspect, from 2017 to 2019, received a bribe from employees of a commercial organization through an intermediary
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in the form of money in a total amount of at least 10 million rubles. for providing assistance in matters. it is reported that the crime was detected by employees of the regional department of the fsb of russia. i've had too much beer, now the former mayor of tomsk, ivan klein, is free, but just recently his case spilled over into three episodes. what the mayor was found guilty of and why the investigator in the klein case also ended up behind bars. this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel, watch the investigation of duard petrov. the secret of the mayor's pillow is damned. beer baron, rich mayor, an authoritative person in tomsk, ivan klein , allocated an additional plot of land to his family business. on friday the thirteenth they came to your office. surprisingly. it seemed that klein was killed by a craving for beer, that is, new houses should have been built there.
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so you don't have gas? no, whatever gas you don’t see, we heat it with wood. i don’t understand what i’m being accused of today. the secret of mayor klein's pillow, what did the mayor's wife hide in it? a woman defended her family, threw out a pillow in which they found bank account details, more than 6 billion rubles. she fought for your house, well done, in tomsk, eduard petrov. and we return to the operational news that our editors receive directly from the news agent tape. new information is being received from the site of a major fire in the area of the belarusian railway station in the capital. so, the hangar, which was engulfed in flames, collapsed along its entire length. by this time, firefighters have managed to extinguish the open fire and are pouring water on the structures. information about casualties or injuries has not yet been received. at least six people were injured in brazil as a result of a fuel tanker fire. flames engulfed a huge car as a result of an accident on a country road. movement on it
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is paralyzed. a dead traffic jam arose, and some drivers could not resist and came closer to look at the fire. at that moment there was a deafening explosion. now doctors are fighting for the lives of the most curious eyewitnesses. police metamorphosis. in khabarovsk, real law enforcement officers are interrogating a mummer. the impostor dressed up as an employee of the ministry of internal affairs and staged a stormy one-man show for his victim with costumes and props, but the script, thanks to strong alcohol, gave way to impromptu. about the unexpected ending of the production of the extortionist artist, alina skachkova. the khabarovsk showman in telnyashka was well known to local security forces. this is grigory, a former car thief, now an unemployed man, and no new ones were expected from him. so they thought, by the time he was thirty, he had matured and changed his mind, but this time gregory outdid himself. for what reason were you detained? there was a fight for messing up the uniform. they had no idea
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that they were dealing with a director of almost hollywood caliber. gregory came up with his own thriller, he himself played the main role of an evil policeman in it. everything follows the laws of the genre. night, search of the package with powder. so, in the ominous light of the headlights, grigory and his comrades appeared before one ill-wisher. he owed money, they wanted to intimidate him, and the young man didn’t... immediately realize that the police uniforms were ordinary crooks, take that away, it’s not mine, it turned out even though it was on a budget, instead of a camera, a video recorder, instead of drugs, soda, but most importantly naturally, for the time being, grigory himself broke the comedy, he entered the stage under the best man, and therefore, almost immediately he went against the script and attacked his offender with his fists. drunk police, doing things without limits, the criminal actor also had other props with him, an exhausted makarov pistol and... from cuffs, the victim about the work of the valiant
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did not have time to think about anything, fought off the law enforcement officers, after the execution the real ones helped him figure it out employees, they found out that criminal grigory himself, of course, would never have decided to attend such a show, but then a muse came to him, the victim rented an apartment from a resident khabarovsk, but recently it has become the owner... disagreements have arisen regarding payment issues. the woman asked her twenty-nine-year-old partner to resolve the problems that had arisen. criminal businessmen easily buy police uniforms in stores. this in itself is not a crime, but what they do, hiding behind the almighty shoulder straps, is punishable by several articles of the administrative criminal codes, including arbitrariness, for which they are given up to 5 years. but even severe punishment does not stop impostors impostors. a few years ago , a swindler named ekaterina bichinova was operating in krasnodar. she introduced herself to this dagestani family as a major and said that she had found their relative who had disappeared more than 20 years ago,
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but she would not give any information about the location for free. at first , 500 thousand rubles were announced. but making allowance for the fact that our mutual acquaintance appears there, because of this, she agreed to tell us where he was for 300,000 rubles. and this disguised traffic cop was walking around in high spirits right in front of the kremlin, in fact he. turned out to be actor of the moscow sovremennik theater, dmitry smolev received eight days for his performance. what's the matter with you, comrade sergeant, you are near the kremlin, absolutely inadequate. my name is. what punishment awaits the khabarovsk guardian of morals will soon be decided by the court, but for now grigory, who creatively stood up for the lady of his heart, handed over his shoulder straps and went to a temporary detention center. still, this was his most striking role. alena skaskova, lead the duty department. three people suspected of preparation. makhachkala terrorist attack was taken into custody, about this tas reports with reference to the supreme court of dagestan. magomed khalid and zaur magomedov are accused of preparing a terrorist attack; during searches, caches of
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weapons and a homemade explosive device were found in their possession. according to unofficial data, all three may be connected with the organizers of the attacks in derbint and makhachkala, which killed 23 people. during the last swims, with the onset of hot days, the rescuers switched to an increased work schedule. reservoirs constantly roam where vacationers swim, and... often, despite the prohibitions, reservoirs can be dangerous, from the parasites in them to the underwater currents, but there are no fewer people wanting to plunge into them. report by maxim shevchenko. on an abnormally hot day for the capital, the state inspector for small vessels , alexander kozhurov, unsheaths a service boat, but this time the attention is not on the water area’s channel, but on the coastline. dear vacationers, i remind you that swimming is strictly prohibited in this place. hooray! rado. the cries with which vacationers see off the rescue boat cannot please the inspectors; the statistics are sad: at first, summer in the moscow region alone, 79 people died
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on the water, so in hot weather... a patrol boat is regularly on the route, our boats, their boats, are constantly on duty, that is, this is immediate, we know about these beaches, we know about these non- beaches , and places of unauthorized swimming, let’s call them that, are regularly patrolled there and either by rescuers or by us, that is, such places are constantly under surveillance, in the capital they strictly monitor the opening of beaches, at first eight sites were allowed to operate, then their number reduced, first of all, in order to... open the beach, any beach and place for swimming, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities, this is diving cleaning of the bottom, firstly, secondly, again collecting water, checking for water frequencies, that's for this is necessary - a group comes here, takes water, checks specialized laboratories, and also the necessary first-aid post and rescue tower, there is no need to even talk about the fact that this is not available everywhere, now in moscow they are officially
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open... five beaches are there, where you can swim, and generally equipped recreation areas water is more than 130, but you need to understand that in these places you cannot go into the water, but nevertheless , vacationers neglect the basic rules and advice of the ministry of emergency situations and enter the water where the bottom is often not examined or the water has not been tested. it’s hard to call this piece of land opposite the northern river station a beach. concrete slabs that were previously used to launch ships. my child is already 40 years old, and you are just after so we swam and our children grew up in schools, immediately go collect interviews, similar reactions of the majority of those who completely refuse to take the fears of the rescuers seriously, and this is not only about moscow, this is...
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the result of a survey on the beach in kazan, we will wash ourselves, be treated and we will swim again, i’m not afraid of anything, that they are afraid of me water, water they swim here all their lives, and what are they afraid of crocodiles there, and we are, of course, not talking about crocodiles at all, but about circaria, schistosomes, parasites that live in stagnant , low-flowing water, on beaches that have not been tested, they strive to crawl under skin, they invade the circulatory or lymphatic system and can cause disturbances in the body. the period of the disease is long, the disease is certainly not fatal, but quite dangerous, because they have cells that have certain thorns, and these thorns, so to speak, pierce the tissues of certain organs, but for a drunk, as they say, the sea is knee-deep , in the case of novosibirsk, there is no other statement among the russian regions in terms of the number of deaths on water in the top three of the anti-rating, these are official data, 13 victims at first.
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cases have been recorded where people become intoxicated and, well , simply do not calculate their strength, swim somewhere into the current, it is commonplace that people could not cope with the current, so they swam back and could not return and, well, sank under the water, unfortunately the rescuers they were taken out. rescuers, armed with leaflets, brief vacationers near the shore and give valuable instructions; they keep an eye on those who still dare to blindly enter the water.
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we are talking about ignoring unfamiliar bodies of water, so more where swimming is prohibited. this year, the death statistics are especially frightening; across the country we had to respond to more than 100 incidents, more than 800 people were not saved, and this is not even the equator of summer. maxim shevchenko, valeria vershinina, anna makoveeva, anton fedotov and ksenia klimina, news. duty department. bananas with cocaine did not reach russia in ecuador. the police discovered a large batch of drugs, more than 3 tons of powder. which was planned to be sent from south america to our country. prohibited cargo cartel bandits hid them in sealed boxes along with bananas. these fruits are usually shipped in airtight containers to prevent them from becoming overripe in transit. this means there are no checks from warehouse to warehouse. but the plan failed. the police examined the cargo before preservation and the service dog immediately sensed something was wrong. prohibited substances were seized. and in the case of smuggling on an especially large scale , two people were arrested. it is known that they planned to send the bananas to the port
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