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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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in addition, the work of the energy substation, which supplies a significant part of the city, was disrupted ; repair and restoration work is now underway, the territory itself has been fenced off, and special and operational services are working on the spot. during the night , russian air defense systems shot down fifty drones. according to the russian ministry of defense, 10 devices tried to attack the rostov region, another 14 krasnodar region and 26 zaporozhye region. region, all drones were aircraft type. more than 300 natural fires are being extinguished in russian regions, this is data from air forest protection. according to the department, almost 70 fires were extinguished in one day. in addition to transbaikalia and yakutia , the situation is now difficult in buryat, where the fire has covered more than 20,000 hectares. 43 natural fires are being extinguished in the amur region. here the area is slightly smaller, 13,000 hectares, three fires are active in specially protected areas in nature reserves and... ikutsk region, buryatia and
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yakutia. the miracle did not happen. following the results of early elections to the lower house of the british parliament, the conservatives suffered a crushing defeat. moreover, 11 members of sunak’s cabinet were immediately re-elected to the house of commons could not. the laborites are coming to power, their leader keir starmer is already preparing to sit in the prime minister’s chair. our correspondent in london will talk about when this will happen and whether the election results will affect the ukrainian conflict. early elections organized by the cabinet led to a crushing defeat for the conservative party; today there will be a change of rulers and britain will begin to be governed by labor, who have been in opposition for 14 years. their leader, a former lawyer and prosecutor, will become the country's prime minister.
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this politician stands for peaceful settlement of the ukrainian conflict, he became a member of the british parliament for the first time in his career. given that we had no money, no campaign structure , virtually nothing across the country, we are going to take second place in hundreds of congressional districts. i don’t know how many places we want to get, but the fact that this happened in such a short period of time suggests that something very important is happening now, it’s not easy.
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former libar party leader jeremy runs as an independent candidate for the house of commons corbyn, he also called for dialogue with russia. the position of keir starmer and his team on foreign policy issues is not much different from his predecessors. this concerns the ukrainian conflict, the war in the gas sector. observers have already noticed. he will not have to celebrate for long; the outgoing conservatives left a difficult legacy with a large number of economic and social problems. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov and aleftina sorokina, lead london. the second round of voting in...
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the next presidential election has started in iran. traditionally the country's supreme leader , ayatallah khaminiya, votes first. so he sets an example for the residents. citizens will be able to vote for one of two candidates, reformer masoud pezishkian. or conservative said dzhelili. the focus of their election rhetoric is primarily the welfare of residents. the economic situation is difficult now; both politicians promise to solve the issue of inflation and raise the standard of living of the population. let me remind you that the first round took place a week ago, the turnout was about 40%, and pezishkian became the leader. well, let's return to the investigation of the ukrainian armed forces' attack on the city of primorsko-akhtarsk, where a child died and five people were injured. now the details are from the investigative committee, i will remind you there. a criminal case was opened under an article about a terrorist attack. the investigative committee of russia has opened a criminal case of a terrorist act following an attack by ukrainian armed forces on the city of primorsko-akhtarvsk in the krasnodar territory. as a result of these criminal actions , several people were injured, including
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two children. a six-year-old girl later died in hospital from her injuries. the chairman of the investigative committee of russia ordered to take exhaustive measures to establish. persons from among the armed forces of ukraine who gave and executed criminal orders to attack civilian objects, their actions will be given a criminal legal assessment. does your business need acceleration? open a current account at and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb. let's help things happen. fairytale chicken. needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at a delicious point, new carry sauce in chicken premier and chicken hit carry, try it at a delicious point, for the first time
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our film crew will travel the entire route. and now our sports correspondent stas ridikultsev is in direct contact. stas, greetings. so, how did the first day of the marathon go? yes, alexey, greetings, but it’s hot in tomsk, hot in the racing sense too, early in the morning the racers already set off for the first special stage, without... only 25 km, but it was a killer 25 km, first through the forest, then a lot of bumps in the end, fast sandy paths with such changes in the landscape not all participants could cope with, one of the participants was the silk road - this is after all testing both people and equipment for endurance, and so at the finish line one of the participants ’ car caught fire, but everything seemed to work out and... the main pilots were intact, and the equipment also seemed to go under its own power to
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the opening ceremony, it will take place in a few hours here in the center of tomsk, well, there really were a huge number of fans, despite it being a weekday , they gathered to see off the pilots, and of course , probably the most star participants in the race were the representatives of the cargo class and the pilots of the belarusian mas team. sergei vizovich, let me remind you, last year. became a champion for the first time, and of course, representatives of the kamaster team simply enjoyed incredible wild popularity, i personally watched the scene of how dmitry sotnikov was asked to sign a baby’s t-shirt, it was very touching scene, well, actually with dmitry sotnikov, four-time winner of the silk road marathon rally, we talked before the start, this is what he said, there are a lot of fans here, a lot of people recognize it, it’s great, it’s great in russia.
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we have prepared an extremely complex and interesting, eventful route, sporting for the pilots of the participants of the silk road, since in several climatic zones the gold will immediately visit the eternal peace zone in the hot deserts of mongolia, for the first time since 2019, the race also goes beyond russia, well, about everyone we talked to vladimir chagin, the head of the international silk way rally marathon, about the peculiarities of the surprises that the organizers had prepared. it’s great today that this year we returned to the international route again, we start in russia,
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finish in mongolia, here is the most beautiful first high-speed section, 25 km along a winding route through beautiful siberian forests, scotch tape, pits, jumps, turns, just today participants will check the readiness of their equipment, well, based on the results of today’s special stage, starts tomorrow they will rush. for the first bivouac in barnaul, well, as chegin said , the rally marathon is leaving for barnaul tomorrow, and in 2 hours there will be a ceremonial start here in the center of tomsk. alexey, yes, it’s clearly a difficult race ahead, thanks stas, my colleague stas ridikultsev was on direct communication from tomsk.
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acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. we'll make do with pentalgin. without pain, this has never happened before, russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass, try real ice cream, russian cold, great, incredible taste, on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7, how do you like it, class, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, open a vtb savings account with a rate. 18% vtb together everything will work out. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands. when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million. every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. gac m8 is a luxury minivan. unique
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month, and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. try more this summer. free delivery artful point in yandex food. for the first time on screens, welcome. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7th khvatamba has so much to offer. from cabinets to auto products on avito. in the east of sicily , the etno volcano, the highest active in europe, has awakened. lava is actively flowing the ash rose almost 5 km and local media wrote that the catania airport was closed. the island's authorities have raised the alert level to yellow due to tremors.
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a visiting meeting of the presidium of the russian academy of sciences is taking place today in st. petersburg. this. the participants of the meeting gathered in the historical building of the academy on the university embankment, and members of the newly formed st. petersburg branch received the rights of hosts to their fellow scientists. it was in st. petersburg that the wound was founded in 1724 by decree of peter i. for us this building university reliable house 5, where it is also decorated with mosaics. lomanosov, which he made here, of course, this building is historical and it symbolizes the connection of times. we are very pleased that at the end of last year our new fourth regional branch was formed, this
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building was handed over to us at the russian academy of sciences, and indeed a lot is connected with this place, and i think that... one of the most important traditions, and now the weather, storm warnings have been announced today in many regions of european russia. sharp worsening weather is expected in moscow. forecasters are predicting a severe thunderstorm with heavy rain and gusty winds. we’ll find out more details from anna volkova. so, anna, what should we expect today when a thunderstorm front covers the capital region? the first short-term rains in the capital will begin in the afternoon, but later in the evening there will be showers with thunderstorms. to megapolis in full force. these terrible cloud masses are now rushing towards moscow. these shots show the shkvalovy gate, which was filmed the day before in velikiye luki, pskov region. there were intense downpours in the city, rivers of rainwater ran through the streets, what is biting there, but no, no, not biting, not biting,
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biting, as if, biting, oh, in veliky novgorod, a cold front staged a real light show in the night sky, thunderstorms thundered in the city, rain it was like a wall, a squally wind uprooted trees, corrugated sheets were flying along the roads, an electrical line was damaged on one of the streets... the whole weather system was approaching moscow. the following footage was filmed the day before in orzhev. this is already the tver region. a stormy wind also arose in the city, as a result, a large number of fallen trees. last night nature held a dress rehearsal for the upcoming ninastia in the moscow region. intense downpours occurred in dolgoprudny. in the forehead, torrential rains were accompanied by hail from fallen ice floes, sweeping up entire snowdrifts. and near dmitrovo there is lightning. hit a tree on one of their plots, local residents noticed the fire in time and put everything out; in moscow the sky is covered with cirrus clouds,
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which are harbingers of bad weather, but it’s still hot, and record levels can no longer be achieved expect a cold front to dramatically change the weather pattern in the afternoon. as a result of his invasion of almost all western countries. in areas of the russian plain there will be showers with thunderstorms and squally winds. the heaviest precipitation is expected in the northwest, in some places in the east of the leningrad region, the south of karelia, as well as the novgorod, tver and vologda regions. about half of a month's moisture may fall. a change in the main atmospheric process will affect temperature background, tomorrow the abnormal heat will remain only in the east and south of the russian ramnina, and on the banks. in the volga the thermometer will rise to +30-37, in the southern regions, perhaps even to +41, and
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the long-awaited freshness will come to the west, here at midday it will be +22.27. in moscow, in the second half of the day the sky will begin to gloom, there will be rain, the most intense in the evening; up to 35 mm of precipitation may fall in the metropolis, this is 40% of the monthly norm. squally winds will reach storm indicators of 17-22 m/s. when saturday comes the storm will stop, the weather will improve, it will become fresher and more comfortable, the weekend will be sunny and dry. at sportmaster, the prices are half the same, but from global sports brands with a guarantee of the authenticity of the goods. all. saws, mixtures, shovels, everything for the home, garden, construction and repairs for all tools. i wanted to open
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a deposit at 18%, it turns out you can get it at 20%, i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out you can open a deposit in different banks at once, for money you have your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. meat sauce, sytin is hot, fills with meat and noodles, we don’t know exactly what is behind your request, for training or the water has been turned off, for flowers or to cool off, to the dacha, oh, or to eat, yandex maps will tell you places, build routes, what... you are not planning to go to the moss exhibition, or maybe to me, the best tasty point, check out the clips, a real reason
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to meet, a superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, for the first time on the screens, meet on avito, on avito, khvatamba came and... and to people from people, only until july 7 khvatamba on so many things, from smartphones to sneakers on avito, a sberbank mortgage for any type of housing, if only a house outside the city, better an apartment in the center, and not in baskrilada, or maybe everything everywhere at once, find a property, submit just one application for a mortgage in the domklik service.
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most of all, in donetsk, what ’s impressive is that this thin line between war and peace is very invisible here, everyone
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is walking, life is peaceful. i was also surprised by this, people got used to all this, that here it was a peaceful life, now it was war, the brigade was just standing there to take medical care in time the institution has not just arrived there, let’s hope that very soon the long-awaited peace will come to this long-suffering land.
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america is a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello! on july 1, for a period of one month, the chairmanship of the un security council passed to russia. the meetings began with the approval of the schedule for the upcoming busy work. then the russian permanent representative held a press conference for the llc. reporters, as for our program, vasily nebendiya not only answered questions, but showed such corners of the headquarters where not every employee of the secretariat of the world organization can get in, completely exclusive. let me, as the chairman of the council , give you a short, brief tour of not only the security council chamber, which many have seen and know what it looks like, but also
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the neighboring rooms. which, probably, the public does not see very often, if seen at all, this is what vasily nebenzya himself sees, being in the chair of the chairman, permanent and non-permanent members of the security council change places every month, the order is determined in the order of the english alphabet, before us there was south korea, then there will be sierra leone, but for a whole month the main symbols of the chairmanship are in the hands of the russian permanent representative, that you have at your fingertips the composition of the united nations, the rules of procedure. of course, the gavel that i sometimes knock at the right moment is an ordinary gavel, a non-standard gavel for the president of the general assembly. at the beginning of this session, there was some episode when the chairman tried to interrupt someone who was speaking at the general assembly, did not want to finish , started desperately banging with a gavel, he had this part, part fell off from here, here it was secured and flew, flew to...


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