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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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only for so often does she see the species, if she saw it at all. but this is what vasily nebenzya himself sees, being in the chair of the chairman, the permanent and non-permanent members of the security council change places every month, the order is determined in the order of the english alphabet: before us there was south korea, after there will be sierra leone, but for the whole month the main symbols of the chairmanship in the hands of the russian permanent representative. what do you have at hand, another me, the composition of the united nations, the rules of procedure, of course, the hammer, which. i sometimes knocking - at the right moment, this is an ordinary hammer, a non-standard hammer from the chairman of the general assembly, at the beginning of this session there was some episode when the chairman tried to interrupt someone who was speaking at the general assembly, did not want to finish , began to desperately knock with a hammer, this part of him, part fell off from here, here it was fixed and flew, flew back up, up into the screen behind his back. excesses
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happened in the security council chamber; after one such incident, the windows were covered with blind curtains that did not let in daylight, overlooking the strait from triver, they are on either side of the famous peace mural by the norwegian artist perakrog. the windows over there on the right on the left, they are curtained almost all the time, ever since - in the early sixties, there was an assassination attempt on chege.
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reveal a secret, within the walls of the un they say that they really love the russian chairmanship for the reason that we always adhere to the procedure, this idea also came to mind: last year the westerners staged a real pantamida in the council chamber security, when addressing you as the chairman, they did not call you chairman, good manners returned to them, partly, this time also in discord.
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her ritual words that russia, which violates international law, is unworthy to occupy the chair of the chair of the security council, but we answered it that it is not great britain that teaches us international law, great britain, which has long forgotten about international law in favor of the established order on the rules, well, everything is clear with them, that’s all the rest, why are they so they always treat our chairmanship with care and wait for it, because with us? long history and traditions
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of the chairmanship, all members of the council, including permanent ones, know that we value, as they say, integrity, that is... events on the sidelines of our chairmanship during july? and the events in the fields are understandable, but if the main program is such a crystal lattice of our work, please indicate its key points, what main events await us, and we are waiting for
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minister sergei lavrov here, in addition to this the so-called mandated reporting cycle, when topics are discussed that have a frequency of discussion.
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it will end, we will need to build a new system, a new security system in the world, in which undoubtedly he will also play an important role, what role it will play, how we will build this system, what the security equation of the future will be, these are all topics which we propose to discuss at the meeting on july 16, on july 17 there will be an open debate on the situation in the middle east, meaning gas, but i think comments are unnecessary here, because the hottest crisis of our time, plus it is possible that this crisis will spill over into the confrontation between israel and lebanon, which will turn it, as we have repeatedly said, from a local crisis into a regional crisis, with a possible projection not only
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on lebanon, but to other countries. on july 19 , the third key event will take place; this is a debate on cooperation with regional organizations, namely the csto and the cis and the sco. these. the organization does a lot in the area of ​​its responsibility, but about not much is known about this in the united nations organization, i think that this will be a good reason for the members of the council and the wider membership of the organization to learn about the activities of these regional organizations, we are waiting for their leaders, secretaries general, we are waiting personally, we hope that they will all be issued visas, they will brief the council, these are our three main events that we have planned during...
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that the world is becoming polycentric, that new centers of power are emerging that cannot be ignored, not taken into account when the search for this security equation, the concept, the concept of strategic stability, must be formed differently, the sooner our western partners understand and recognize this, the
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better, nothing is ready for this yet, but i think that we are hearing voices - still separate, breaking through, resounding in the west. that sooner or later we will have to come to this, we do not count on the west admitting its mistakes, we do not count on it, that it will offer us dialogue at this meeting. they are still to we are not ready for this, but, but we, we will talk about thinking about a world order that is not based on the dominance of a certain group of countries, but on an equal balance of interests of entire groups of the country on conditions of equal indivisible security, it is necessary. regarding neocolonial practices, this is a topic that is certainly uncomfortable for former colonials and current non-colonials. unlike classical colonialism, they have not disappeared anywhere, just as
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they exploited the countries of the global south and continue to exploit them in different forms, the topic is very inconvenient, but it is in demand and not only we are talking about it, not because we want to spite someone, to take revenge, but because, because this all continues, recently, by the way, on the initiative of the same group of friends of the un charter at the general assembly they discussed...
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the light of god, this is really so, there was a meeting, the so-called
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world summit in bürgenstock, which in essence was a failure, of course, this is again recognized in the west and i think that in the depths of my soul, i'm trying to put a good face on a bad game, the ukrainians also admit that, firstly, they managed to gather not the number of countries they expected, secondly, secondly, the so-called declaration was signed by 76 countries, despite the fact that it was after the fact... the americans and europeans twisted hands, in my opinion, to seven or eight countries, some of which did not take part in this conference at all, which signed this declaration, but there is a way out. it is essentially zero , which we warned about, this is not a peace conference, it cannot bring any peace, all this talk is frivolous, then you heard that zelensky began to send some signals that negotiations with russia through certain intermediaries are possible, but this is also childish, we are not seeing any serious attempts to start real negotiations, i think that this whole situation can and will change
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according to as the situation on the line of contact changes, the more... the worse it gets for them, the louder the voices will sound about the need to talk, about the need for negotiations, about the need to stop, or at least, at least freezing the conflict, well, you know our position on freezing the conflict, president putin recently proposed stopping the conflict and put forward specific conditions , which were also rejected, but the problem is that the further, the worse these conditions will become for those who these terms are offered. there is also the question of who to talk to, this is also a question, of course, yes, you said that the situation on the contact line is the most important factor, this is an internal political factor for the united states itself, after all, they are the main actor, the main inspirer, main co-sponsor, we keep in mind what can change here, who else but you, a specialist in the internal politics
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of the united states, should answer this question, fortunately for me and for our team. is not involved in the internal politics of the united states, but of course we are monitoring what is happening. for us , by and large, it makes little difference who becomes president of the united states; i’m not sure that us policy, when trump came to power, who promises to end the conflict in one day, in one day, that it will radically changes, they do not stop in any way in terms of supplying ukraine with weapons, that is, this does not prevent them from forming new packages, and moreover, this does not interfere with ukraine. to use these weapons not only far on the line of contact, we know the completely barbaric terrorist act that was committed, a strike was struck on sevastopol, and by attacks, is there any mechanism for, if not bringing this to the level of investigation, then somehow still
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actualize this on the naon platform, so more in the context of recent statements by the state department that they generally consider this quite acceptable. well, that’s all, it’s all unrealistic, no one here will investigate anything, we are conducting our own investigation, that the americans and, well, first of all , the western europeans, but the americans also violate numerous agreements in the field of arms exports, which they signed, in particular o about the impossibility of transferring supplied weapons to third countries without consent?
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no reliable data, and then ugly a comment from a representative of the european commission, who stated that the reliability of the data provided by russia on this matter tends to zero for us, this simply does not fit into any gates, it is a disgrace. vasily alekseevich, you have already said that the main crisis, the most dangerous crisis now, is the middle east, the
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very first meeting under our chairmanship was on this very topic, and it is happening smoothly. as we said, well, some time ago, that is, the crisis is scaling, first it is the gas sector, then it is yemen, then lebanon, then further? it was not necessary to be a prophet to foresee that the resolutions that we adopted on the situation in gas do not work and are not capable of working; we discussed the progress in implementing resolution 2720 on monitoring humanitarian assistance in gas, which does not exist. simply, and it is impossible, impossible to implement in combat conditions, which we talked about before the adoption of the resolution, during the adoption of the resolution, after the adoption of the resolution, it simply does not work. the lives of humanitarian workers are under constant threat, 197 employees have already died, only he and more than 200, about 250 employees of, in principle
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, international humanitarian organizations, which is unprecedented in history, by the way, this resolution cannot be implemented without a real ceasefire, and not one invented by the americans in the latest resolution 2735 , where they talk about a ceasefire, where it is given... in words it says similar things, but in deeds, because the operation in rafah continues, there is no ceasefire, now the arrow points to hamas, which proposed
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discuss the implementation of this resolution and came up with its own conditions, now everyone is saying that hamas is not complying, what is the defect of this resolution, besides this, is that now, if someone proposes a resolution on a ceasefire, our american partners will tell us , why do we need a new resolution, do we have one?
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meeting of the committee on relations with the host country, another, systemic violations by the united states of its obligations, not only to us, but also to a number of other member countries, continue, a little better became. arrival visas, but it is still also bad with extension visas, you are all familiar with it, personally, unfortunately, everything is the same, what happened, what happened with diplomatic property, this is happening, restrictions on movement, the americans say that we are in good faith we carry out what we are doing, we say, let’s turn on arbitration, we say to the secretary general, the general secret comes to washington, talks to blinkin, blinkin says: “we ’ll think about it, we’ll talk.” there the secretary general leaves and says: the secretary of state promised me, and until next time, that is, in essence , nothing changes radically, this does not mean that we suffer here from communicating with
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ordinary americans, because they are for the most part normal, pleasant, nice people, but those who determine policy the united states in relation to russia, they are not even in new york, it is all washington and the swamp that surrounds it. but at the same time, not everyone in russia knows that you and i are now sitting on what floor is the headquarters of the united nations organization, but if not you, but the ordinary an ordinary employee of our diplomatic mission here at the un will want to go further than he can at home; before the situation was such that everyone before the adviser traveled around the country without permission. for those who were of a lower rank, a lower position, there was a notification system, then it became a permitting system, and then they simply closed travel for everyone outside the twenty-five-mile
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zone, except for me, the driver and the translator, which of course is ridiculous in itself, our calls, when anatoly ivanovich antonov, the same situation in washington, raises this topic, almost the same with nuances. raise this topic in the state department, he says: about the un, let's not talk about representation, that's a different story, we have bilateral relations, let's discuss it with you, and representation at the un, let them discuss this with the office of foreign missions in new -york, but you understand all this, it ’s like a pass, throwing the ball into someone else’s half of the field, that is, the situation is stalemate in this sense, but you personally don’t have a lack of communication here at the un, that is, everyone communicates with you, always. well, i have a lot of american friends in the city, yes, but how do you build relationships with permanent representatives? you always say that they are good, often outside the hall where
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the meetings are held. good or bad, this is the so-called value judgment, i won’t, i won’t, but there is a group of people with whom they don’t communicate, who don’t communicate with you, do you communicate with everyone and are ready? if we talk about those with whom we do not communicate at all, these are europeans, young europeans, first of all, those people who arrived here after the twenty- second year and who never came to me on a courtesy visit, and whom i essentially don’t know personally, this is the policy of brussels, they wanted to limit not only social communication, but also workers...
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i communicate, yes, they don’t shy away from me and don’t shy away, with this young the shoots that arrived, arrived here after the twenty-second year, no, and of course, they often present a pitiful sight, all their initiatives, they all revolve around how to annoy russia even more, so that it is not discussed, even a topic that is not has a direct or indirect relation to the fact that is happening in ukraine, is it by someone...
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is it interesting? well, for now, while we are preparing for the so-called summit of the future, which will take place this year, if it takes place at all, because, because the discussion of the final document of this so-called summit, the pact of the future, it is going on very difficult, irreconcilably, not only not even between us there and the west because of what is happening in the world, because of the situation with strategic stability, but because of
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the contradictions between the global north and... a six-year-old girl died as a result attacks by ukrainian drones in the krasnodar region and hit residential buildings in primorsko-okhtarsk. report from the scene from our correspondent in the region. a revolution in britain's party elite. as a result of the elections , labor, who had been in
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opposition for 14 years, came to power. we will discuss what these results mean and what to expect from the new government live with the head of the british iran research center. in iran, early elections are in full swing. today is the second round of voting: who are they betting on, who will keep up, reformers or conservatives? a storm and a cargo front are approaching central russia. a warning has been issued in the regions of the european part. when to expect the elements to strike , let’s ask our meteorologists. a terrorist attack at a defense plant was prevented in samara. as the press service of the fsb regional department reported, the suspect corresponded with a member of a pro-ukrainian terrorist organization and agreed to commit sabotage.


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