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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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the main facts of this day in the studio georgy podgorny and natalya litovka. as you know, negotiations between vladimir putin and hungarian prime minister viktor orban are currently taking place in the kremlin. in the near future, we are waiting for new details of the statement and joint statements from vladimir putin and viktor orban are expected in a minute. this is what our colleague pavel zarubin, author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program, managed to film there on site in the kremlin. he was not in the kremlin, probably the last time before february twenty-second years, when numerous negotiations on ukraine were also taking place here, a huge number of journalists are now heading to the catherine hall, where vladimir putin and viktor orban are expected to make statements to the press, perhaps they will be able to ask some questions, we are watching with you, here what to our colleague, author and presenter of the moscow cream program.
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council of the eu. by the way, this is the first visit of the head of an eu country to russia in 2 years. let me remind you that the last meeting between the two politicians took place in china in october last year at forum one belt-1 way. so, vladimir putin, welcoming the hungarian prime minister, expressed hope that during this meeting he would be able to exchange views on the construction of bilateral relations. moreover, in such a very difficult situation, including, the head of state notes.
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wants to know each other's thoughts on, of course, the ukrainian issue, and the russian president also said that he intends to set out moscow's vision for a peaceful settlement in ukraine and listen to orban's proposal. putin reminded him of in his recent speech to the leadership of the foreign ministry, when he clearly stated his position on negotiations with kiev and added that today he is ready to discuss all the nuances with the hungarian prime minister. during the negotiations, they also discussed economic cooperation between the two countries.
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i am very grateful to you that even in such difficult conditions you agreed to accept me. i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to the other side of the conflict is rapidly running out. soon hungary will apparently become the only country in europe that can talk to everyone. i would like to use this opportunity to discuss with you several key issues to find out your position on a number of topics important for europe.
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putin and orban and also vladimir putin, the prime minister of hungary, had a frank conversation on all issues that relate to the ukrainian crisis, now there are a lot of messages from nalenformagen, and in particular vladimir. midinsky, referred to in an interview with dmitry peskov, our colleague pavel zarubin said that he participated in the negotiations between putin and orban as an assistant to the president. what else is known, the detail reported by yuri ushakov, presidential assistant putin and orban discussed
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bilateral relations at a meeting in moscow, well, probably, this means that in addition to ukrainian issues. the heads of state had a frank conversation on... all issues related to the ukrainian crisis, ushakov said. and here’s another piece of news marked urgently, that nato is actively monitoring what is now happening in in moscow, stoltenberg also appears in shuffles with reference to jens stoltenberg, and who seem to be pointing a finger at the prime minister of hungary that orban needs to be reminded of the need to respect the territorial integrity of ukraine, which is what the secretary general is talking about. nato. let me remind you that any minute we are expecting a joint statement from vladimir putin and viktor orban on the results of these bilateral negotiations. well, now we will continue to tell the details that are already known. so viktor orban came to moscow on july 2, he arrived
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to moscow, but before that, on july 2, he visited kiev. it was noted that this was his first trip to ukraine since the start of the special military operation.
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how important is this and how do you assess the fact that now all of orban’s western colleagues are sharply criticizing him, because hungary now also chairs the eu, orban immediately came to moscow, well, here. it’s probably not our business to understand the intricacies of powers, whether orbán has them, to speak on behalf of the eu or not, but we can absolutely unequivocally highly appreciate such a firm, understandable, orban's consistent line of
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trying to compare the positions of the two sides, he was in kiev, now he is in moscow, and curiously, he just said that there are fewer and fewer countries that... able to talk to both parties. viktor orban's visit to moscow caused an unhealthy stir in the western world. the leaders of the eu and a number of european countries rushed to condemn the actions of the hungarian prime minister, and did so even before he had time to say anything. the topic will be continued by natalya solovyova. barely a plane viktor orban landed in moscow. an information storm has broken out in europe. european diplomat barel was the first to react, issuing an emergency statement. distancing the european union from the unannounced visit, calling it solely a bilateral affair between russia and hungary. prime minister orbán did not receive a mandate from the eu council to visit moscow. the position of the european union regarding russia's aggressive war against ukraine is reflected in many conclusions of the european council. this position
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excludes official contacts between the eu and president putin. while the cortege of russian auruses was rushing through the capital towards the kremlin. european officials at the distillation wrote angry messages to everyone. for a just and lasting peace in ukraine. about how exactly. to achieve this world, viktor orban clearly has his own ideas, and without delay, it was with the topic of ukraine that he began the conversation with vladimir putin. the very fact that someone could have an opinion different from his own european leaders was infuriating. the prime minister of estonia was one of the first to speak out kaja callas and german chancellor olaf scholz. in moscow, viktor orban in no way represents the european union or the position of the european union. he is using the position of chairman to sow confusion. the european union is united and clearly stands for ukraine and against russian aggression. viktor orban goes to putin
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as prime minister of hungary. the european council is represented in foreign policy by charles michel. the eu's position is very clear. we condemn russia's war of aggression. ukraine can count on our support. 3 days earlier, the hungarian prime minister visited kiev, where he invited the ukrainian authorities to agree to a ceasefire in order to speed up peace negotiations. they refused, but orban would not be himself if he had not heard the second side of the conflict. his. the visit was not officially confirmed by both the kremlin and budapest until the last moment; 72 hours were limited to evasive wording, which forced the west to wait tensely. a day before the visit , polish prime minister donald tusk's nerves gave way. the rumors about your visit to moscow may not be true, or they may. in europe, where viktor orban is already considered the main dissident, the trip caused outrage. many are horrified that the leader, who, in their opinion, has done everything in recent years to undermine european unity, now represents the european union for... the next 6 months, some, taking advantage of the occasion, even proposed to remove budapest from his post. the council
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must respond to this clear provocation. thus, orban has lost all right to direct anything, unfortunately, the next 6 months will be completely lost, repair and restoration work. what orbán shamefully abuses presidency of the eu council, going to the kremlin without a mandate, is a scandal. it undermines the basic principles of foreign policy. either the hungarian government respects its current role in the european union. such assistant to the president of the russian federation, viktor orban, did not convey
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messages from zelensky to putin, and he also states that russia perceives orban on trips to moscow as the prime minister of hungary, but no one removed his powers as chairman of the council of the european union. and also on the details of the negotiations, which at this moment throughout appearances continue, let me remind you that any minute we are expecting statements from russian president vladimir putin and the leader of hungary. viktor orban’s statement to the press, well , details also appear with reference to dmitry peskov, that russia highly values ​​orban’s desire to take into account the positions of both sides of the conflict, to compare the positions of both sides of the conflict. and also our colleague pavel zarubin, the author of the host of the moscow kremlin putin program, who is in the kremlin, now has a new video, behind the scenes, like sergei lavrova. the minister of foreign affairs was literally attacked by western journalists, asking him
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some questions on the sidelines in anticipation, apparently no joint statements have been heard, but i think details will definitely appear, we are closely following the results of the negotiations between putin and orban. officially. the city tourist portal visit st. petersburg invites you to st. petersburg. city of history and romance. architectural splendor, innovative museums, the highest level of excursion services, creative space and a unique atmosphere the northern capital, where everyone can feel like a st. petersburger. it's all a unique journey of experiences with family and friends. welcome to st. petersburg, the city where good mood is born. so, now
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a picture has also appeared in telegram channels from roscosmos, which shows how that same arkhan is taking refuge in moscow. yes, we are now moving on to the next very important topic of today, this is a thunderstorm front that is expected in moscow, it is approaching the russian capital.
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well, it won’t work out for sure, it’s already risen in moscow there is a strong wind, the sky is cloudy, the storm will hit in the next few hours, and this will be only the first wave of bad weather. the elements are slowly but surely surrounding the capital, it is already raging in the moscow region, from the northern western regions of the region there are continuous reports of heavy showers and thunderstorms, so in the solnechnogorsk and norfominsk regions hail fell, and quite large, and dedovsk is flooding all this, accompanied by a storm wind. which uproots trees, here we have it, now on the all-round weather radar indicators west of moscow, literally a few tens of kilometers away, a ridge of thunderstorm and hail clouds with an upper limit of 12:13 km is clearly visible,
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the lines of atmospheric instability, slightly stuck in parallel flows, pass through... the east of the tver region, the western regions of the yaroslavl region and through the western half of the moscow region. squally storms are recorded along the cold atmospheric front, with wind gusts up to 17 m/s. and the contrast with temperature reaches 10°. so in the tver region, the thermometer readings have already plummeted to +17, in the east of the moscow region the air warmed up to almost +30. visibility in showers deteriorates to 2 km, and there will be a frontal system. slowly push to the east and soon hit the capital as a storm. in moscow it is now +28.8, the sky is gloomy due to a bunch of rain clouds, in the next 60-90 minutes it will begin to rain with an intensity of 8 mm, and in the evening and at midnight heavy showers are expected with a total amount of precipitation of up to an additional 36 mm, which is more than 40 % of
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the monthly norm. thunderstorms and hail in places up to three in diameter. 6 mm. squally winds will reach storm indicators of 17-22 m/s. as a result of the passage of the front , it will become noticeably fresher. tomorrow , sunny and dry weather will prevail in the western and southern territories of european russia. in the russian north +17:22, in the neniksky district up to 25 degrees celsius. in coma - 28:33 heat. in central russia it will become noticeably fresher to 20-25. in the black earth region - 25-3. in the middle volga region, lower reaches of the don, in the urals and donbass - 30-35, in the caspian region - up to 33-38 heat. with the onset of saturday the storm will stop, the weather in moscow will improve, become fresher, more comfortable, the weekend will be sunny and dry, at night +11:16, during the day on saturday 21:24, on sunday +24:27. at the beginning of next week, when the weather is warmer
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, the anticyclone will retain its position on the banks of the moscow river. in the bag. as it will be +13:18, in the daytime +25 +30. well, while we are waiting any minute for the start - statements, official statements by vladimir putin and viktor orban following the negotiations in the kremlin, which apparently continue until this very moment, let's take a look at the uk. yes, there an important day, a change in political winds, and so abrupt that it is happening for the first time.
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well, as a matter of fact, the british public reacted with the voting results themselves, the fact is that keers armmer, the leader of the previously opposition ilibar party, has already been appointed, he has been officially appointed prime minister of the country, now he is in the official residence of the british prime ministers on downing street, where he introduce various materials, we are talking about the protocols that are provided for delivering a nuclear strike. he is also shown a bomb shelter, he is also informed about those terrorist and other threats to the security of the country and what measures are being taken to counter it, after which he will proceed to...
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for the country, i would like to say that firstly, for the majority, i am sorry, i removed this work of yourselves, but you have sent a clear message that the uk government must change, and your judgment is what matters, i have heard your anger and your disappointment, i accept myself responsibility for this defeat, after these results i will resign as leader of the party, not immediately after the electors choose my successor. instead of sunak, keir starmer is now the owner of downing street, today he, to the hail of his supporters
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, moved into this residence with his wife, and he also made several statements about what was to come for his new government, he really said that britain faces difficult times ahead and quick solutions to the problems that have accumulated over previous years are expected not worth it,
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the democrats have only 12% of support, but that is 0.6%, while the liberals received 70 seats in parliament, these are the features of the local electoral system,
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let's see how the situation will develop further, colleagues, yes alexander, thank you, on vgtrk great britain's own correspondent, alexander khabarov, was in direct contact with the studio from london, talking about the extraordinary parliamentary elections, in which the winners for the first time in the last 14 years, and what the british looks like. the political landscape is now let's talk with the first deputy dean of the faculty of world economy and world politics of the higher school of economics igor kovalev. igor georgievich, hello, thank you for joining our live broadcast. yes, igor georgievich, how can one explain such a serious loss of the conservatives to prime minister irisha sunoka in particular, what factors turned out to be decisive? well, in my opinion, many factors turned out to be decisive here, one of them. by the way, the conservatives’ reign is very long, 14 years for a two-party system is quite an impressive period, as british history shows, voters usually don’t like it when a party rules you
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for more than 10 years, sometimes they simply vote against the ruling party just because it has been in power for too long, but in this case, of course, the failures of the conservatives also added to this , yes, they had successes, they were able to succeed after a serious crisis for... the problem of migration and a number of other problems have not been resolved, including in relations with the so-called kelsk outskirts, that is, regions of the united kingdom, all this generally shows
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that... the reign of the conservatives in recent years cannot be called successful, plus , of course, numerous scandals, starting with covid parties and so on, yes, it happened, it happened there, but i want you to know more about the result ask, the laborites, although they did not repeat the record of 1997, when tony blair took over as prime minister, showed a very impressive result, how popular their agenda is now among the british, what is this agenda all about, what's there? about russia, about our relationship? well, indeed, the labor program still seems very vague, not entirely clear, that is, many aspects there, or many points of this program are accompanied by the words, if, yes, that is, we are planning to increase spending on equipment if the current economic situation there allows it the situation, and so on practically on most points, so to say that now
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the libraists have presented an accounting... an action plan on how to get the country out of a difficult situation provisions, well, probably not, but as for the externally political aspects, here, in my opinion, most likely there will be continuity, and the liberists and conservatives are united in the need to support ukraine, there is a complete political consensus of almost all major political forces in britain, so expect some serious changes. on the foreign policy front, there is probably no need, the only exception may be that some new steps will be taken to strengthen ties with the european union, in order to to neutralize the negative consequences that resulted from brexit, to still painlessly sever relations with the european union, which accounted for half of britain’s exports and half of its imports, well, of course, it was initially impossible, so perhaps...
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some new steps will be taken to in order to build some more profitable or more adequate trade and economic relations with the european union. well, it’s still unclear how they’re going to solve internal problems, in particular, what options there might be to getting out of the internal crisis, for example, with a drop in the standard of living as such, well, really, internal problems are the most important thing, the libarists’ headache, and here, in general, again, based on the election manifesto, everything is not completely clear. most likely , taxes will be increased, the liborists talked about this, but on the other hand, their plans, for example, to increase, that is, to make a radical shake-up in the ministries, yes, to increase, create new government departments, increase the staff of the national healthcare system, all this requires additional costs, that is, in conditions of not the best economic situation in which britain now finds itself, in
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general... first deputy dean of the faculty of world economy and world politics of the higher school of economics igor kovalev was in touch with us .
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most of all, it’s like in donetsk, which is impressive, here this thin line between war and peace is very invisible, everyone is walking, peaceful life, i was also surprised by this, people are accustomed to all this, that here it is peaceful life, now there is war. the brigade just stood there to get this medical facility away in time, but it didn’t fly there.


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