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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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most of all, it’s like in donetsk, which is impressive, here this thin line between war and peace is very invisible, everyone is walking, peaceful life, i was also surprised by this, people are accustomed to all this, that here it is a peaceful life, now there is war, the team just stood there to withdraw the medical facility in time, but it was a disaster. let's hope
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that very soon the long-awaited peace will come to this long-suffering land. well, now we return to the main topic of this evening - negotiations in the kremlin between vladimir putin and viktor orban. let me remind you that any minute we are expecting joint statements from the two leaders on the results of these negotiations, but for now there is a statement.
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marked lightning on the news agency's tapes with reference to the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov that the negotiations between putin and orban ended and this conversation between the leaders of the two countries lasted almost 3 hours, the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov told reporters. let me remind you that orban arrived on a visit to moscow on friday, and before that, on july 2 , he visited kiev, where he held negotiations with vladimir zelensky. main.
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including, of course, the ukrainian one, it was the main one, yes, yes, the ukrainian issue was among the main ones, now the president and prime minister will talk about this, probably remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but you’re a girl, this is not feminine business, but you didn’t listen, because you’re in... what are you doing wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs, open a free account with alfabank, you get up to 10% cashback on a business card, alfabank is the best bank for business, my dream, such a life would come.
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installments, holva - simple installment plans , hello, my name is cashboy, i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket, for example, unison bed linen. for 1.859 rubles 25% cashback. this is not ogan straus. this is a promotional code for 100% cashback from ostrovok. book a hotel apartment take part in the draw. the russian army destroyed eight fighters and one helicopter of the ukrainian armed forces in a week. two more aircraft were damaged as a result of the strikes. iskanders at airfields, also over the past week , the russian military took control of five settlements of the dpr and the kharkov region, the results are summed up by the ministry of defense, and our colleague denis alekseev will tell you more about them. yes, he's joining us live. denis, hello, welcome, let’s see that according to the ministry of defense in a week,
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more than 13,500 armed forces personnel were destroyed. yes, greetings. well, another traditional report for the week, and it was wow... oh, which internet publics begin approximately the same way, for 7 days already, dozens of intense ones, every morning in ukrainian videos showing the consequences of the arrivals of our iskanders, but what is characteristic the ubiquitous squeal about strikes on civilian targets, as usually happens, did not happen this time, because everything is more than obvious, from the last one, our military says the extreme, although, because for now there is a threat to russian security. will persist, such arrivals will be repeated, here an iskander strike hit an oil depot, fuel tanks and a fuel transfer station, which the sushniks supplied their military units, flew into the air. on the eve of the nato summit, such defeats out of the blue
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are not at all good for kiev, because zelensky would so much like to report on successes on the fronts, saying that all the money went into business, we are working, but things are not moving, but we can’t cope. not the remnants of the elite, not mobilized, even mercenaries are of no use, another arrival according to their base near odessa, it was just today, the losses over the past week were over 1000 people, two dozen soldiers of fortune were eliminated. from june 29 to july 5, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 23 group strikes with precision weapons and attack unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which enemy airfields were hit. energy, ensuring the operation of an enterprise of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, a fuel storage facility for military equipment, an assembly shop for attack unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned boats, as well as places for storing and preparing for combat use of missile weapons. surrendering into
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captivity has become the norm for the armed forces of ukraine, 32 people in a week, they say, it is impossible otherwise for clarity, here are first-person shots, a militant in the trench, a fap flew in hundreds of meters from him. by the way, it’s not the most powerful, but it’s enough to realize a lot, and without fabs there are plenty of reasons to leave positions, explosions, arrivals. skids constantly drones disappear literally for a minute or two, without water, without food we can’t get out at all, a unit of the military grouping center in as a result of successful actions , the settlements of shumy, novoaleksandrovka and novopokrovskaya were liberated; further development of the success of the offensive operation will allow at least.
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units at konstantinovka, and these are already prospects for advancement in the slavyansk-kramatorsk direction, from the immediate plans for the development of the attack on toretsk. and in just a week, our groups liberated five settlements, as well as a new area in chasyar. our southern group is actively advancing there, their forces inflicted a serious defeat on at least two mechanized brigades, four tanks were taken out. building, and the losses in the ssu are more than 3,000 people. on the right bank of the dnieper the day before, enemy personnel were destroyed, and our drone operators left the militants without an ammunition depot, and at night the ukrainian drg tried to cross the river to land on the islands, but judging by that seething crater in the middle, they did not make it. the north group continues to push back the enemy in volchanski near liptsy. positions in the ssu are revealed from the air, as it were... but for
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successful counterattacks it is not enough to have weapons, experience and people are required, but there is a shortage of other things, the enemy is behaving very aggressively, but fortunately they don’t have normal artillerymen, so we’re not particularly afraid, we can’t even really get within a kilometer radius, so we defend ourselves little by little. everything is working out, well, now about how this week ends for ukrainian aviation, it seems that our military set a record by destroying five fighters at the home airfield, three more planes in the air, this doesn’t even look like a hint anymore, they make it clear in plain text : american and french fighters in ukraine may face the same fate, all this is on the eve of, again, the nato summit, which is not a topic for discussion. well, now urgent
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messages marked lightning on news agencies with reference to the press service of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in energodar, temporary power outage schedules are being introduced. let us remind you that earlier ukrainian troops attacked the raduga station in energodar three times with drones. eight employees of the zaporozhye npp were injured. and, as the head of rusatom alexey likhachev reported, time the blows were chosen vilely. i was working there at that moment. energy, industry, transport and yes, the best innovative startups for construction in kronstatt, the first festival of technological entrepreneurship energotechnofest started. the authors of the most effective developments will receive the first investment. energytechnofest is being held
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for the first time, but thousands of participants, young entrepreneurs, students, scientists, in a word, inventors, those who will move science and industry forward, have already gathered here to share their ideas and present new developments, hundreds of startups.
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a technological showcase of innovations for various sectors of energy, industry, transport construction, among its participants is the startup energotechnohub st. petersburg, which has already received support from 1,600 beginning and experienced entrepreneurs.
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as for tech, the industry is mature, but we have so many interesting technological challenges. such a space for the creativity of creating a whole new creation of something that, accordingly, does not yet exist in the world, therefore, what is being created, including here, what is being created by these students and technological entrepreneurs, is already in demand abroad; it is industry and energy today that are the locomotives for the development of new innovative developments. our sector has both resources and orders, that is, there is a need to develop technologies and equipment. therefore, young specialists who have already established themselves can all find employment here, but again, i repeat, this is impossible without a system. such a system was created in st. petersburg. the energy technohub has been operating in the city for 5 years, bringing together large companies and research centers for budding entrepreneurs. among them are students who compete annually for grants to launch
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their innovative projects. of the authors, more than 250 are ideological. festivals chose the best, the winning team received a million rubles from gazprom neft to launch their business. dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev, news from st. petersburg. well, now about the automobile market, which is gradually recovering after the restrictions introduced. of course, if you believe the macro indicators and statistics that have been published. christina kuruma will tell you the details, she will join us live. christina, hello, what 's going on with the prices? hello, prices are falling, but consumers are in no hurry to take out loans. cars are becoming cheaper. in the first 6 months of this year, prices for both new and used cars have decreased. in june, cars were sold from the showroom for an average of 3,600,000 rubles. this is minus 3% since the beginning of the year. used cars cost 8% less, this
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approximately 2 million rubles. if you look at shorter-term statistics. from may to june , new crossovers from hanci, bmw and toyota, as well as supported volvo, genesis, skoda fabia and peugeot 308, became cheaper. although the demand for cars throughout the country remains at a good level, queues at dealership centers have not yet been observed, and one of the reason is the high cost of loans. the supply in the new segment is increasing as chinese dealer networks are deployed. brands throughout russia, growing accordingly their volume of offers, their level of availability on the market, plus, accordingly , the preferences of probably russian users change a little, they are ready to invest in a new car, which has dealer support, which has a factory warranty, rather than use a properly
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supported car, and which in addition there may be certain difficulties in obtaining spare parts. according to statistics from the ministry of industry and trade, sales of new cars increased by more than 60% in the first half of the year. almost 845,000 cars were bought in the country, the market electric vehicles grew by 137% (11,000 units). according to analysts, the market is stimulated by the import of new cars; it will decrease when several more production facilities are launched in russia, then the volume of our cars will increase. in may alone we managed to sell 15,000 cars. lada, now we have a broadcast from the kremlin, thank you very much, please, dear mr. prime minister, ladies and gentlemen, very intense negotiations have just ended with the prime minister of hungary, mr. viktor orban, it is important
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that even in the current difficult geopolitical environment. we continue the dialogue, as during many previous meetings, we had a really useful, frank conversation, both on current aspects of bilateral interaction, and, of course, on pressing issues on the international and regional agenda, including, of course, the situation around us. maybe for ...
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leállítását a harcoknak azért sem akarják, mert ebben az esetben vissza kell vonni a hadi állapotot.
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