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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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nursultan again astana, more than 45 years ago, in a series of titles, practically the entire history of eurasia. for nostalgia in july, we chose footage of fierce winter, but don’t be surprised, in moscow this week there was a historical temperature record, and we started dreaming about cold weather. a summit meeting of the shanghai cooperation organization took place in aston. in recent years , the forum has become a meeting place for the most influential leaders in eurasia. in addition to the heads of member countries, colleagues from... observer states and partners, and this is a whole set of important powers. significance of the sco un secretary general antonio guterres also witnessed his visit. after the collapse of the ussr , china and the neighboring cis states had to resolve territorial disputes. in 1996, the shanghai five appeared: china, russia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan.
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already in the 2000s , permanent mechanisms of cooperation began to emerge on its basis. in june 2001 , uzbekistan joined the five, and the shanghai cooperation organization was created. a year later , the sco charter was signed in st. petersburg, a basic document that fixed the goals and principles. in 2006, the sco announced a fight against the international drug mafia, and in 2008 it actively participated in normalizing the situation. india and pakistan, iran tried to join the sco back in 2005, but then, due to sanctions, it acquired only observer status. tehran became a full member only in september at the 22nd summit in samarkang. the procedure for the accession of belarus, which became a member this year, has also been launched. today the sco exists. these are belarus, india, iran,
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kazakhstan, china, kyrgyzstan, pakistan, russia, tajikistan and uzbekistan. two countries have observer status - afghanistan and mongolia. another 14 countries are dialogue partners. these are azerbaijan, armenia, bahrain, egypt, cambodia, qatar, kuwait, maldives, myanmar, nepal, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, turkey, sri lanka. the sco is the world's largest regional association, together with observers and dialogue partners, more than 3 billion people, more than 65% of the territory of eurasia. shoos is not a military bloc directed against anyone, it main tasks are maintaining peace, stability and security in the region, developing economic and humanitarian cooperation. the sco stands for a multipolar world order, emphasizes the need for cooperation in... the sco in
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beijing and the executive committee of the regional anti-terrorist structure rat in tashkent. our frequent interlocutor, adil kaukenov, a famous kazakh kitaev, greeted us straight from the staninsky event, we asked about the goals of the host country. kazakhstan on its own. he's like after all, he is proud and makes great efforts, but just trying to become, being a kind of bridge between large civilizations, between europe and asia, so initially, yes, especially since maric is such a president of kazakhstan, experience as a diplomat, that’s his efforts precisely to ensure the security of the regions to intensify economic projects, they consist in giving the opportunity to a wide variety of people.
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echoes of previously sounded initiatives of china, and in some formulations the community of the fate of humanity and russia is guessed about eurasian security system. for more than a quarter of a century, the shanghai format has transformed from a purely substantive to a framework and ambitious one. raises
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slight doubts. the shanghai cooperation organization was initially dedicated to the problem of stability in central asia. over the past 20 years, the sco has developed greatly. after expanding to south asia, the middle east and eastern europe, the organization has expanded beyond its original geographic vision. we need to clarify the direction of development. the documents of the ostana meeting indicate that central asia remains the core. one
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common assumption is that the sco is needed to regulate rivalry in the region between russia and china. there is always competition. more, of course, was said in the west and i won’t say that the situation has somehow changed, well, literally today, if you look, especially now in the days when the summit is taking place, but just a number of western publications are making headlines again about competition, who is whose biggest spoils and that china and russia are again a latent struggle, in fact central asia, well, kazakhstan itself, of course, have always disagreed with this interpretation of issues. well, due to the fact that the countries of central asia are not an object, big real players, they understand this well, therefore , for the issue of being between russia and china there, in fact, not only between them, yes, that is, it is located nearby in central asia, yes, there is a big middle east there, with
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all its seething problems, but on the other hand there are opportunities, yes, we have neighbors by caste, this is the caucasus and beyond, here the question is about something else: what opportunities does this bring, in fact, with all this, central asia is experiencing a certain lack of, well, such positive attention, that is, it still remains a national yes, a certain terrorist knowledge, that’s what the summit is, that, in principle, the policy is aimed at attracting more investors and capital there, and so that more technology transfers are concluded, and so on and so forth, so that this is not perceived as this is how it is sometimes.
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this opinion meets our interests. in china , we believe that this should not be our goal, but a number of sco participants have a problem.
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the task is certainly not easy. and when the organization includes countries that consider themselves separate civilizations, it may not be feasible. in russia, the civilizational interpretation has recently become official. china has always perceived itself in this capacity, but how can it be reconciled with the modern interpretation of the state? the world's most famous chinese expert on this topic, zhang weiwei. recently he was in moscow at a conference of thinkers at the institute of oriental studies. all western political science is based on the idea of ​​the nation state. if you are not a european-style nation state, then you are backward, not modern, but as china grew, something else became clear. a new type of state has formed in china, it is
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very modern, but at the same time it is unthinkable without deep historical roots, which make every country uniquely special. this means a state - a civilization, for small ones - a civilizational community, this
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way to stick together. a good example is ocean, which strives to become a cultural and civilizational community, thus increasing its role in the world. the association of southeast asian nations began in 1967 in bangkok, when the foreign ministers of indonesia, malaysia, singapore, thailand and the philippines signed a declaration of friendship, cooperation and non-interference in each other's affairs. it was later joined by brunei, vietnam, laos, myanmar and cambodia, as well as papua, new guinea and east timor as observers. relations with other states are regulated by the so-called bali treaty of friendship and cooperation, to which other participants can join since 1987. now this. have already been done in more than 40 countries. according to the charter, the summits of heads of state and
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government are the highest body of asia. they take place twice a year. decisions are made by consensus. in the ninety- second year, asian member countries created a free trade zone. and if in the nineties the average tariff rate for the bloc was about 7%, today tariffs within osian are actually equal to zero. and in 2020, members of the association will join australia. china, japan, new zealand and south korea signed an agreement on regional comprehensive economic partnership. today osian is one of the world's largest regional organizations. its area covers almost 5 million square kilometers and its population exceeds 600 million people. the total gdp of foreign trade turnover is about 3 trillion dollars, which is approximately the same as the gdp of germany alone. many remain unresolved. problems, for example, income inequality, chinese territorial claims, natural
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disasters and terrorism. it is easier to become a community if the joint task is not abstract, but clear. now is a time when countries are striving to solve specific development problems rather than follow someone else's big ideas. perhaps the path of the shoos from a narrow profile to a broad one contradicts the prevailing trend, which is actually the opposite.
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complete dialectics, but who said it would be easy? the sco, for example, is potentially strong because it is a collection of countries with different cultures and divergent interests, divergent does not mean contradictory, just different, the more important the mechanisms that can them. a wolf, in the sense that you need to stay away from her , met with those who believe that work
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is far away. their morning now begins like this: chinese gymnastics is the best means for relaxation, and although you definitely won’t relax in class, every muscle group is still working, but there’s no rush. money, health, we spend it all the time, we spend it, but we don’t have what’s left after we’ve spent it all. nothing will remain. i worked as an interior designer of fashionable furniture, i go to work in the morning, sit until late, everyone puts pressure on you, come on faster, come on more, come on, it’s better to dig beds in the fresh air
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for your own pleasure, at the beginning of each week everyone fills out a form, who wants to eat what who doesn't want anything. together we make a menu together we cook, either a camp or a hostel, but here everyone has their own bedroom and can be alone, we have self-service, everyone cleans up after themselves, does their laundry, or vice versa , meditate together in the mountains or join in the rural life, i have never taken this into my hands before, i like it, in the city life is more boring, the settlers themselves call it a retirement home, just for the young, where, in spite of building a career, you can... change the horizontal position, this is a stretch with an invitation to lie down with your a kind of slogan of a new alternative philosophy of life in china, where everyone runs somewhere, is late, competes, earns money, here it turns out to be a complete tonping, the term is translated from chinese as lying flat, something like a protest against the constant race and fierce competition, having gained momentum, the movement as a rebellion against
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the mass production consumption system appeared in china 3 years ago with a publication on a social network. why spend your whole life crawling up the career ladder, which in the conditions of chinese competition , everyone still can’t climb, if you can be content with little, and now youth nursing homes in one form or another in every province, there is something of the commune in this, from the time of mao. many young people really like to live together in this way, but after all, we don’t quite lie still exactly, everyone here is active, again we give the opportunity to participate in our events and...
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evenings 6 days a week, industrial culture, which has migrated from the high-tech industry and other industries, will generally come to china from kindergarten, right up to university entrance exams, endless classes and tests, study groups almost around the clock, after graduating from the institute, working until exhaustion, generation z does not want to do this. even now, during lunch, i don’t have a phone on the table, i enjoy my food, and don’t answer everyone in messengers and don’t i'm scrolling through. this is a threat to the progress of a country that is already struggling with a slowing economy and an aging population, and water does not flow under a lying stone, but the new chinese pensioners, it is clear that pensioners are figurative, from time to time they still work remotely, just when it’s convenient for them to live here,
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they’re unlikely to stay here all the time, it’s more likely a reboot, especially since in addition to the recumbent movement of china... there is just the opposite, fiery, the meaning of which is precisely to give your best, having saved up for a comfortable old age at forty, they will again go to the village, into the wilderness near peking. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, especially for international viewing from china. us president joe biden agrees with the heroes of the story, explaining to the activists of the democratic party the reasons for the failure in the debate with trump. he referred to fatigue, from now on the secret of success is to sleep more and work less, but not to withdraw from elections, but from different elections after advertising. remember what
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people until july 7. fourteen years of conservative rule have ended in great britain. in the early elections announced by prime minister richa sunok, his party lost almost 2/3 votes, the worst result since the century before last. the laborists, that is, in the old categories, left socialists, have secured a confident majority and are forming a government. the cabinet will be headed by keith starmer. a principled pragmatist, a proletarian, a prosecutor, an honest but criminal, boring lawyer. such an image. the british media portray a sixty-one-year-old keir starmer, who was born in london into a working-class family, but grew up in a small town north of the capital. his parents, devoted
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labor supporters, named him after scottish miner keir hardy, who at the dawn of the 20th century founded the workers' party and became its first deputy in parliament. while still at school , kir joined the international union of socialist youth. then he graduated with honors from oxford and the university of leith with a bachelor's degree in civil law, and was engaged in the defense of human rights. his most high-profile case was the winning mclable case, in which the lawyer defended the interests of two british environmental activists in a battle with mcdonald's for 10 years. in 2002 he was awarded the title of queen's counsel, in 2008 the chief state prosecutor, heading... the crown prosecution service, for which he subsequently received a knighthood. starmer does not make harsh statements; he promises, without specifics , to strengthen border security and shorten the queue.
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in political matters, starmer is clearly boring, the british say, but the politician does not hide his passion for football, he has been an arsenal fan all his life, last year, during a visit to paris , he gave the president, a marseille fan, an arsenal t-shirt with the inscription macron and number 25, being the twenty-fifth president. starmer prefers not to advertise his private and personal life. it is known that
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then boris johnson, who is not a politician at all, but a cynical opportunist showman. the 49 days of lis tras' premiership went down in history as an unprecedented misunderstanding. rishi sunok is generally unable to define any political line. he is a neoliberal financier and does not understand the country that... is governed by, in general, a perfect collapse of ideology, leadership, politics, everything at once. british tv series "yes", mr. minister, appeared on television screens in the early eighties . it was filmed back in '79, but due to the general election the show was postponed for a year. in a satirical form, it tells the story of the work and personal life of the secretary of the department of administrative affairs, james hecker. sami.
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the minister and his department are fictitious, but the main idea that runs like a red thread through the entire series is that instead of real work, the administrative apparatus of the government is engaged in fraud by a masterly demagogue, even if it is politically appointed, trying to implement some ideas and election promises, the bureaucracy , with its manipulations, harshly returns it to the once and for all established framework. accordingly, it is impossible to change anything. in december 1984 , a special issue is published, the unexpected resignation of the prime minister leads to a race for this post. as party chairman, hacker should take this position. so in 1986, the continuation of the series “yes,” mr. prime minister appeared. in the first episode, the hacker is shown a red button and explained why it should not be pressed. for what russians to occupy all of europe? they can't
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even control afghanistan, but if they do anything, it will be salami tactics, salami tactics, piece by piece. screenwriters anthony jay and jonathan lin satirized the selfishness and incompetence of the ruling class, which is only interested in maintaining its place and ensuring its personal well-being. the series turned out to be very successful. prime minister margaret thatcher considered herself a fan and even wrote her own. own sketch and presented it personally. in honor of the main manipulator of the series humphrey appleby, the main mouser of the residence of the british prime minister, humphrey the cat, received his name. he was born in 1988 and served under three prime ministers: margaret thatcher, johnny major and tony blairley. do the libarists, the winners of the elections, have an idea?


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