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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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moscow stands for a complete end to the conflict in ukraine. one of the key conditions is the withdrawal of the ukrainian armed forces from four new regions.
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ukraine's sponsors continue to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram, a victim of the confrontation with russia. as we see the state of affairs, including taking into account what we heard today from mr. prime minister, in kiev they are still ready, not ready, to abandon the idea of ​​waging war to a victorious end. in my opinion, the kiev regime does not consider the very idea of ​​a cessation of hostilities allows also because in this case. the pretext for extending martial law disappears, and if martial law has to be lifted, it means that elections will have to be held, which never took place on time for the presidential elections, but the chances of winning them for the ukrainian, ukrainian rulers who have lost their ratings and legitimacy are close to zero, the russian position in on this issue, as i recalled, it is known that proposals were voiced.
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not some kind of pause that the kiev regime could use to recover losses, regroup and rearm. russia stands for a complete and final end to the conflict; the conditions for this, as i have already said, were set out in my speech at the ministry of foreign affairs. we are talking about the complete withdrawal of all ukrainian troops from donetsk, lugansk people's republics from the zaporozhye and kherson regions. there are other conditions, but this is all a matter for...
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for europe, peace is the most important thing; we consider the main task for the next six months of our eu presidency to be the struggle for peace. now we have been in europe for 2 and a half years we live in the shadow of war. this causes enormous difficulties, we cannot feel safe, we see pictures of destruction and suffering. this war has already begun to influence economic growth and our competitiveness. in general, as i already said, europe needs peace. over the past 2 and a half years, we have realized that without diplomacy, without channels of communication, we will not achieve peace. peace will not come on its own, you need to work for it. today i discussed ways to achieve peace with mr. president.
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so that the dialogue mentioned by viktor orban took place, we need both sides to be ready for it. moscow has repeatedly stated its position and, moreover, has proven it. also about the ceasefire and peace negotiations, in what sequence they can be held. and the third thing that interested me was the vision of europe after the war. i am grateful to mr. president for the open and honest conversation. i realized that the positions of the countries are very far from each other. there are many, many steps that need to be taken
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to get closer to ending the war. however, we have taken the most important step, we have established contact. i will continue to work in this direction. the journalists, of course, really wanted specifics and tried to ask questions, in particular about kiev’s reaction to the proposals voiced by moscow, the very ones that would stop the bloodshed. the question was transferred to viktor orban, but he, in his own words, voiced the answer personally to vladimir putin at the meeting and did not repeat it publicly. it seems that ukraine is going to continue to take the longest possible path towards reconciliation. negotiation. vladimir putin and viktor orban caused a stir in the white house in the european union. natalya solovyova will tell you what caused the hysteria. as soon as viktor orban’s plane landed in moscow, an information storm broke out in europe. chief european diplomat josep barel was the first to react, calling the visit exclusively
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a bilateral affair between russia and hungary and calling for the hungarian leader not to be considered the voice of the entire european union. the european commission stated that this trip undermines the unity of the eu. we are talking about reducing tensions, but not about peace. we believe this undermines the unity and sense of purpose that we must demonstrate that this war will end. secretary general stoltenberg, who is leaving his post, said: they do not need minsk-3 in nato, they are afraid that orban’s trip will affect the future summit in washington. budapest is capable of blocking the alliance’s decision on ukraine. hungary informed us about this upcoming visit, i expect that when orban attends the summit. in the capital, the kremlin, european officials were racing to write angry messages on all social networks available to them. ursula fondeen summed it up in just 13 words: appeasement will not stop putin, only
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unity and determination will pave the way for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in ukraine. viktor orban clearly has his own ideas about how exactly to achieve this world and... putting it on the back burner, it was with the topic of ukraine that he began a conversation with vladimir putin. the very fact that someone could have an opinion different from his own infuriated european leaders. in moscow, viktor orban in no way represents the european union or the position of the european union. he is using the position of chairman to sow confusion. european union united and unequivocally stands for ukraine and against russian aggression. hungary did not inform other states about travel plans in the press; they called it disdain for partners and extended family.
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donald tusk. rumors about your visit to moscow cannot be true, or can they? in europe, where viktor orban is already considered the main dissident, the trip caused outrage. many are horrified that the leader who, in their opinion, has done everything in recent years to undermine european unity, is now representing the european union for the next 6 months. some took advantage of the occasion and even suggested. budapest from post. the council must respond to this clear provocation.
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thus, orban has lost all right to direct anything, unfortunately, the next 6 months will be completely lost, repair and restoration work. the fact that orban shamefully abuses his presidency of the eu council and goes to the kremlin without a mandate is a scandal. it undermines the basic principles of foreign policy: either the hungarian government respects its current role in the european union, or it should resign as chairman. even if the chairman takes turns. the eu will not have a mandate to negotiate, you cannot sit idly by and wait for the war to miraculously end, orban’s words addressed to his opponents, and the first photo from the russian capital with the emphasis - this is a peace mission, because sitting in comfortable chairs in brussels , it really won’t be possible to achieve peace. natalya solovyova and matvey popov, news. a training center for foreign mercenaries was hit near odessa. according to preliminary data, they died 18 people. anastasia has all the details. we arrived on safari, where we became a target, a natural trend of foreign mercenaries, against
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whom our military carried out precise missile strikes. in this port building near odessa, there were reportedly almost two dozen legionnaires. according to the coordinator of the nikolaev underground, sergei lebedev, another 30 mercenaries were injured. this region, odessa region, chernomorsk, ochakov, they were used by the british intelligence services to train saboteurs who could... engage minelaying and sabotage operations, carry out sea raids, they were present for many years preceding the special military operation, over the course of these 2.5 years the number has increased, this preparation is constantly being carried out, they have aquariums, rebreathers, and high-speed boats . local authorities and the media, of course, did not admit that mercenaries were stationed in chernomorsk, they write, they hit civilian infrastructure, but if so, where is the evidence? some civilian objects, there are none, russian the military knew where they were hitting, it is reported that
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in addition to the legionnaires, the port supply warehouse and the training center for soldiers of failure were destroyed, it is this territory that they use a for the production of these unmanned boats, b for launching them, moreover, they can launch them using civilian ships, grain carriers and even pleasure boats, that is, they go out under the guise of a civilian boat, go out to sea, throw this backing out of the side, it drifts, then it is activated with the help of starlink, that’s what they do. and the mercenaries are already fighting with civilians. in in toretsk, controlled by the ukrainian armed forces, random shots were fired at the windows of civilian houses, says a local resident who was hiding from the machine-gun fire. about five black citizens in military uniform ran into this yard, began shooting at the windows, the garage, the kitchen, everything, in general, all the buildings, and since they were afraid to go down to the basement. they started throwing noise grenades at him, shooting into the basement, fired a shot from an rp, but at that time
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we again heard more shots, our russian guys came running and drove them away. it is reported that there were french in toretsk, and still in the zone, poles, georgians, americans, they don’t stay long at the front, like these three colombians, for example, who wanted to line their pockets by killing russians, this one is still alive, good, normal, he tells everything. and these two turned out to be already broken parcels, on april 21, ukraine also arrived, such are the things, well, welcome, we are waiting for everyone to visit. the irony is understandable, because the path of foreign legionnaires ends underground. this memorial is reportedly in kramatorsk, here are photographs of an american wild goose, who was destroyed by our military a year ago, although the ukrainian media claimed that then they allegedly beat him in a civilian manner. well, we see it from time to time.
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russia, after the departure of western companies , completely restored the volume of tire production with plans to increase production. denis mantarov was told about this during the first deputy prime minister’s working trip to the kaluga region. mantarov also visited the plant that previously produced tire continental. now the assets have been purchased by a russian investor. we see that the company has already recovered after reduction. production of the departure of the former western owners, and we see and understand how to develop the enterprise further, there is a clear, precise, there is a program - increasing production volume and line and nomenclature, so i expect that, uh, the region will
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continue - including the worlds of support that ... at different speeds in different modes, heavy equipment travels across the bridge with braking unhindered, and even jumping over the sill, to simulate all types of load direction, dynamic testing is only one of the stages of comprehensive testing in compliance with safety requirements and actual load-bearing capacity, which the bridge
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across the volga on the m11 highway passed perfectly. data - the machines that stand on the bridge, they provide somewhere around 0.8%, well, 80% of the design load-bearing capacity of the bridge, that is, we definitely guarantee that - and this allows us to give an actual assessment of the load-bearing capacity of the span structure, bridge supports in order to continue to operate the bridge without fear, without risk, for at least the turnaround time - this is 35 years, and so up to 100 years. acceptance testing of a bridge is the most important stage of quality control, allowing us to confirm both the reliability of all load-bearing structures and the readiness of the facility for commissioning. therefore, to carry them out , we developed a whole comprehensive program consisting of two stages: testing the riverbed part of the structure and testing the span structures of the floodplain part of the bridge. the bridge is a real
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giant, the largest structure of the northern bypass of tver, built on ten supports 738 m. bypassing the door, we will have a seamless passage after we completely open the northern one from moscow to st. petersburg, this will eliminate the intersection at one level and the absence of traffic lights, that is, the start has started, there is no need to stop anywhere, only at gas stations or at... construction of the bridge as part of the second stage the northern bypass began in 2022. the most modern technologies and the best personnel. 2.0 people and 722 pieces of equipment were involved in the construction of the facility. beautiful nature, picturesque places - volga. during the warm season , a large number of people pass here, including
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including tourist ships. that is why the height of the bridge is 17 m, which allows. for everything in stages, for example, i can say that the section from st. petersburg to moscow, going around the door, this section will be completely ready, then the route to kazan, it will be completely ready by... by the end of the year we plan to get to yekaterinburg, by upon completion of all work, the new section of m11 neva will not only allow motorists to reduce travel time from
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st. petersburg to moscow by 30 or even 60 minutes, but will also become the most important element necessary for the launch of the high-speed automobile communication between the northern capital and kazan, without a single traffic light at a speed of 110 to 130 km/h. varvar nevskaya dmitry arkhangelsky, news! the progress of the construction and reconstruction of treatment facilities within the framework of the national ecology project was discussed at a meeting held by deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev. in 2018, the president set the task of reducing the discharge of polluted wastewater into the volga by three times, as well as ensuring the improvement of lake baikal. for this purpose, construction and reconstruction are carried out more than 140 treatment facilities in 19 regions more than 140 treatment facilities.
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i signed an order to carry out inspections by rosprirodnadzor in relation to 55 legal entities operating wastewater treatment plants on
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the volga, they are already beginning, and dear colleagues, this is only the first stage: information about the results should be promptly displayed on the incident dashboard for all other volga and baikal facilities included it is necessary to prepare a similar instruction for fet projects; rosprirodnadzor will also necessarily inspect them. in astrakhan the fifth ceremony of the all-russian special happiness award took place. this is the only award in russia that is given for the upbringing and education of children with disabilities. nominees from eight federal districts and new regions of the country came to the celebration. vice speaker of the state duma anna kuznetsova took part in the ceremony. it is especially significant that today it coincided exactly.
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competition, it’s a family affair, 300 teams from all over the country are fighting for the victory in nechnogorsk, the final of the most popular competition is taking place, the winners will be announced on the day of family, love and fidelity. about the finalists alexander perfilev, there are literally a few minutes before the official part, but this is how the participants of the most popular competition are already preparing, how wonderful for you, this is a holiday, a gift for every russian family on family day. 300 families from all
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regions came here for the final of the family competition on the basis of the presidential platform russia land of opportunities. we came on purpose. from yekaterinburg, we came from izhevsk, the republic of udmurtia, where you came from, old school, belgorod region, yes, the lokaev family from ulyanovsk, for the competition, this is our family, we prepared for several months, we even came up with our own brand of clothing, our uniform has a great philosophy, yes, that is , chess, we have the king of our game in life , dad, queen fers, mom, here these are our pawns, the chess champion, well, yes, second place, well done, high five. the lokaev family, a dynasty of builders, say that at first they were skeptical about participating in the remote stage, but after the semi-final they decided that they would now participate in all competitions. a huge number of people are united by one event, the atmosphere is like at the olympics or the world cup. build love, don't build each other. the goal of the competition is to unite and support families with an active
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lifestyle. thank you for this amazing, very important example, because in this room there are people of all generations, but everyone is united by a feeling of love, joy, happiness in the eyes, this is an amazing and most important thing in life, family happiness, and this is the family of the unfortunate khleschenko from the volgograd region, military dynasty, total service experience of more than 150 years. my grandfather is a retired lieutenant colonel. i was a third-year cadet who moved to the fourth year to the institute of state fire service, ministry of emergency situations of russia in st. petersburg, and our grandmother worked in court, the youngest from the reserves, grandmother, our father, special forces of the airborne forces. oh, what a family. all finalists will go on a trip, and the best 30 families will receive 5 million rubles each. when asked where the money will be spent, they answer: we will build a house on our site. we came from the mining capital, kuzbass, the city of kemerovo. my home, i will be there for you
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get sick. thank you! and the family from the kemerovo region is a dynasty of miners. the older generation says: it didn’t take much persuasion. did we immediately decide to participate or not? of course, lena, as she gave us the command, we are for it, there was no other option. no, there was no other option. family teams consisting of four or more people participate in the competition. the main requirement of the competition is at least three generations. thanks to this competition, some families really came together, because as it happens, grandma.
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