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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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according to ukrainian s-300 in the koptev area, this is the poltava region. the launches on the target were carried out by the crew of the iskander m operational-tactical missile system. two launchers were destroyed , as well as a combat control vehicle, vehicles and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. vladimir putin congratulated masoud pezashkian on the occasion of his election as president of iran. pezashkian won the election with more than 53% of the vote in the second round. the ministry of internal affairs stated this
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in an interview with the abc television company, the new york times writes about this. american journalists claim that public the speeches of the head of the white house only increase the anxiety of fellow party members, and they increasingly doubt that biden will be able to be re-elected. maria skorodilka will continue the topic. the american flag is in small pieces, and this is literally on independence day, which is sacred to all americans. pro-palestinian activists trample and burn us symbols. calling for the death of kings, meaning, of course, those in the white house. biden is losing not only allies, but sponsors who are already urgently demanding that he become involved with the president. democratic headquarters, spending on advertising almost fifty million dollars, is already trying to do at least something, but biden is not the same, without mistakes and reservations, he cannot say even the simplest phrase. i will destroy trump, i will destroy him in 2020. congratulations. he did
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n’t say anything about independence day, and those who watched the broadcast on tv noticed that the president’s clothes were stained. joe probably forgot his lunch on his jacket, the americans say ironically, there is simply no trust in the electoral system. traveling to russia, you risk being detained. it's true when i came to russia for the first time, i lost so much weight, and then i met russian grandmothers, they detained me, they forced me. another chance to show biden is capable of being president, but the topic of ukraine is drowning everyone, narcissistic, out of touch with reality, irresponsible and very stubborn, by helping the armed forces of ukraine, the west is pushing itself into chaos, writes german focus. and the sco summit is proof that russia has partners, journalists admit, the hungarian foreign minister szijarta cancels the meeting with the german foreign minister.
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who are proud of being russian, for for them, this conflict in ukraine is a fight against real nazism. it’s nothing new for western politicians to call ukrainian nazis heroes, pose for photos or supply them with weapons, said american journalist max blumenthal. for example, stanford university's project to create a list of extremist groups quietly removed its list of extremist groups, the azov battalion, just a month before the state debt decided to approve the supplies.
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if emmanuel macron wants to send troops to ukraine, the prime minister is against it, then there will be no troops in ukraine. the prime minister has the final say. an all-russian national cleaning campaign took place on molokovo island in the krasnoyarsk territory. it was organized by the compass fund for supporting the development of environmental initiatives. residents of the region, representatives of government and non-profit organizations, as well as honored polar explorers and pilots who participated in the exploration of the arctic came to put the yenissei embankment in order. in the 1930s , the island was a seaplane base for soviet polar aviation. yenisei pilots.
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historical memory of the development of the russian north precisely from these places in the very center of our country. in vladivostok , the pace of construction of housing for military personnel of the pacific fleet is increasing. another residential building with 190 apartments has been put into operation. repairs have already been made there, all the necessary plumbing and electric stoves have been installed. now underway. device in the home area. svo participants and members of their families are provided with housing on a priority basis. all apartments for military personnel are rented fully furnished. the apartments are equipped with security and fire alarm system, bathrooms and bathrooms are equipped with plumbing fixtures, which
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allows you to enter and fully live in this apartment. all general construction work on the residential building has been completed, which means the house is fully connected to our utilities. networks, all the issues, legal, technical, they have been resolved, the house is ready for commissioning and ready to move in, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, you’re a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you're doing everything wrong. alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. the sber-thanks loyalty program
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sensoy, sensoy, that’s what it sounds like. asian taste. every morning in the family of loved ones begins with beauty rituals, patches and coffee. mom, are you out of pacchi? i'm already ordering from the megamarket. foam party, foam is over, megamarket, shaving foam, order and magic arrows, let’s order, the megamarket has everything for our beauty rituals, with a discount of up to 99% for the elect thank you bonus, your business needs acceleration, use instant transfers for business from vtb and money immediately. will go to any bank. open a current account at
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and your business will gain momentum. vtb, we help with action. the final of the national competition “this is our family” has started in solnechnogorsk, near moscow. 300 family teams from all over russia are fighting for victory. the main prize is 5 million rubles. with participants. we came specially from yekaterinburg, we we came from izhevsk, the republic of udmurtia,
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where you came from, from the old school, belgorod region, yes, the lokaev family from ulyanovsk for the competition, this is our family, we prepared for several months, we even came up with our own clothing brand, our uniform has a great philosophy, yes, that is, chess, we have the king of our game in life, dad, queen fers, mom, these are our pawns, the chess champion. thank you for this amazing, very important
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example, because in this room there are people of all generations, but everyone is united by a feeling of love, the joy of happiness in the eyes, this is an amazing and most important thing in life, family happiness, and this is the family of the unfortunate khleschenko from the volgograd region, a military dynasty, a total service record of more than 150 years. grandfather is a retired lieutenant colonel, i am a third -year cadet who went to the fourth year at the institute of the state emergency service, ministry of emergency situations of russia in st. petersburg, and our grandmother worked in court, crying and being in reserve, grandmother, our dad, and the special forces of the airborne forces, oh, this is a family, that’s all the finalists will go on a trip, and the best 30 families will receive 5 million rubles each. when asked where the money will be spent, they answer: we will build a house on our site. we came from the mining capital, kuzbass, the city of kemerovo.
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all tasks must be done together, children learned about their parents, things they didn’t know before, learned about their grandmothers, great-grandparents, great-grandfathers, learned family traditions, the competition will be held from july 5 to 8, but the winners will be announced on family day, love and fidelity, alexandra pirfileva, philip dubrovsky ivan. zamorin, lead the way.
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a festive holiday set off from khabarovsk to the amur region, where the capital of lake baikal is located on the amur mainline. relay train. on it are builders and veterans and bama, which turns 50 this year . kirill rogachev spoke with train passengers. a letter train arrives at the first peron of khabarovsk, bam veterans, as well as the younger generation of railway workers gathered to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the line. gennady. onovich goes into the compartment with more things, says that he gave his best years to the main construction site of the soviet union in the second half of the 20th century, which he doesn’t regret at all, i came to work already married and i was 30 years old, i worked for memory.
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the far east was built by the entire large country. it is a symbol of time, perseverance and fortitude . young people and komsomol made a big contribution. it would not be an exaggeration to say that the profession of a driver is the most difficult and most important job on a construction site. the construction of the first line of bam from taishet to tynda was planned at the end of the 19th century, but plans for the construction of the longest railway in the world were not destined to be put into practice. however, at the end of the 20th century, the baikal-amur mainline received its first trains. 50 years - this is a serious experience, this is whole... two generations have essentially changed on this construction site and what was laid, made the foundation, of which we are proud today, as they say. this relay train will proceed from khabarovsk to tynda, where a second similar train from irkutsk will arrive, where a big celebration will be held for veterans and railway workers. in 3 days the train will pass seven stations that were opened during the construction of
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the highway. the path is not close, 1,157 km. kirill rogachev, olim berkinov, vesti, khabarovsk. in this weekend on lake ladishskoye off the coast of karelia, work begins on raising the unique soviet aircraft tb3, which lay at the bottom of ladoga for 84 years. about what kind of amazing plane it was, see in the new film by sergei brilev, which was filmed in karelia, the moscow region and brazil. right after the commercial. try more this summer. free delivery artful point in yandex food. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. yes, this is not a business at all. but you didn't listen. after all, you do everything not this way. continue. alfabank has the best
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instantly. vtb, we help business. in the family of loved ones it begins with beauty rituals, the megamarket has everything for our beauty rituals with a discount of up to 99% for the sber bonus thank you, one of my friends connected unlimited in the megaphone completely free of charge and now sits on the internet all the time, have time to connect megapowers to unlimited until the end of summer so that the internet does not ended, only in a megaphone, how
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cool is that for you, but save up for a subscription to... vtb savings account open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18% vtb together everything will work out go to the moss exhibition or maybe it’s better to come to me at a tasty spot check out the clips a real reason to meet buy a superbox with clips for hello kitty and her friends and win a trip. khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7th. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and receive
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a superkick for air tickets of up to 30%. buy from benefits in the bank app or on the alfa travel website. not just profitable, alpha profitable. there are only a few such divers in the whole country, we can count these strong guys, and at least give them fins, they take on the most difficult work, for example, at the bottom of the arctic, or as now in ladoga.
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in ladoga, our mini-squadron, our expedition, was rushing to an extraordinary point, soon 85 years, as in the soviet-finnish war, a very special ship sank here, an air one, now there is such excitement on board, now the stroposcope has already been turned on, because we lies exactly at that point below us now. plane, so look, this shore, how close it is, now this is the republic of corelia, the russian federation, it was finland, from there, when the pilot landed the plane here, the finns were already running in, which means somehow the crew is in the ice, probably went in that direction to ours, the plane remained, its pins were plundered, then the ice melted, here it is now below us, 72 m. the dive was to be a very difficult 70-odd meters, a dive like going into outer space, so now there will be one blow,
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il will rise from it, but when the suspension settles, we will see the steering wheel, but once again the steering wheel is from an airship . both pilots were constantly at the controls: comrade bodopyanov and comrade. pilot vodopyanov, is this the one who was the first in the world to land at the north pole in 1937? this is true. 11:2 minutes. the plane reached the north pole. it was a grandiose triumph for our people, our aircraft, the ant6 or otherwise tb-3. we will explain the difference in name later. and the triumph was such that after so many years, so many decades, in fact, almost a whole century has already passed. even in brazil, the main collector of aircraft models there was putting together his second model of just such an aircraft. and we also think that you, like us, will gasp when from the documents
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of the central archive of the ministry of defense you find out who was at the helm, which is now at the bottom of ladoga, an unthinkable coincidence, but for now an excerpt from another film, which itself, the legend, the planes, ours in the film based on the book by konstantin simenov, they are alive. soldiers dead in june '41 watched in horror as this pride of soviet aviation was torn to pieces by german vultures. but after the war, the remaining such aircraft were destroyed by us ourselves, old junk, but this legacy actually haunted a group of our friends, true enthusiasts. the vadim
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zadorozhny museum of technology on the novarichi highway near moscow, this is where today we will return from time to time, to the head of the winged memory of victory foundation, boris osetinsky. boris, your model will be larger than that of your brazilian friend, models, yes, that ’s all good, these are real cars in full size. as we would like to see, there are none of them in the world, about 800 tb-3 aircraft were produced, unique aircraft that the soviet union was proud of, and which, in general, was a calling card at all air shows, it’s like an art object, our task , of course, it’s not easy to raise, within a certain time, to make a real, real machine, standing on wheels with skins, with all the detailing, with all the instruments, the airship that they want... this is a military modification of the ant-6, it was called tb-3. tb is a heavy bomber. but you we already understand that
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there is much more to the history of this multi-role aircraft than just that. technology, a year after the epic with the generation of the pole at 38, the film studio mosttech filmed a game film about tb3 deep raid. it began with the arrival home of the wife of an exemplary pilot. sasha, you have an order. the central executive committee of the ussr decides to award the order of lenin. more? there is something to protect. but then the phone rings. eat. eat. immediately calls everyone
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to headquarters. on the way to headquarters, the pilots hear. attention, attention, listen to emergency government messages. the imperial air force treacherously attacked the soviet union. we're above the city. give me the first bomb.
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exactly a hundred, because it was believed that the design was close to an ideal universal one. moreover, 10 ceremonial planes were made, so -called, in these planes, painted white, which flew around europe, yes, which flew around europe, which had improved aerodynamics, the bomb bays were redone , and there were sofas with velvet. coating with equipment, that is, these planes flew on all over europe, they were in paris, they were in vienna, they were in rome, they were in warsaw, it was boris who told us another treasured address abroad, a question for filling, in which city in the world the most italians live, this this is not rome, this is not naples, this is contrary to the stereotype, well, those who watched the red test is not new york, this is brazilian sao paulo.
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bombs, regiments of bombers, which did not exist anywhere in the world, moreover, they were not only bombers, they were capable of carrying up to 5 tons , that’s also... in general, this is the beginning of all airborne landing operations, transported light tanks, vehicles, dropped amphibious tanks during exercises on the bear lakes near moscow, this is probably the most striking illustration, but of course the delivery of this aircraft took place in the immediate vicinity of...


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