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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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minsk oil refinery and fuel storage facility, also a warehouse for aviation weapons and a parking lot for bayraktar drones. the ministry of defense published footage of an attack on ukrainian s-300s in the koptievo region, poltava region. the launches on the target were carried out by the crew of the iskander m operational-tactical missile system. two launchers were destroyed , as well as a combat control vehicle, vehicles and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. vladimir putin. congratulated masoud pezishkian on the occasion of his election as president of iran. pezishkian won the election with a in the second round more than 53% of the votes. the ministry of internal affairs of the republic announced this after processing 100% of the ballots. the turnout was about 50%. from the islamic republic of iran, special correspondent for news, vitaly karmazin. there has not been a second round of presidential elections in iran since 2005. of the two candidates who were in the lead in all polls.
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here are the final election results, in total we counted 30,530,157 votes, masud pezeshkin scored 53%, said zhalili 47. the turnout was almost 50%, this is against 40 in the first round, candidates. obviously so competition added interest to the voting; iran’s spiritual leader aliya khaminiya noted this the day before. i heard that people are voting more eagerly this time. praise be to allah if this is true. if this is really the case, then this cannot but rejoice. the president in iran is the second person after the spiritual leader, the winner of the elections is masoud pezeshkin, a former field medic and cardiac surgeon. and from 2001 to 2005 he was the minister of health of iran. he is called a moderate reformer. which, however, according to
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experts, will continue its foreign policy iran, determined by the spiritual leader of the country. vitaly karmazin, mikhail devyatkin, news from tehran, islamic republic, iran. the moscow interregional transport prosecutor's office is monitoring the situation in sheremetyevo, where there is a real collapse due to bad weather. in case of violations, prosecutorial measures will be taken. due to the heavy rain storm that occurred the day before, more than 100 flights were delayed. passengers waited for their flights for... several hours; at some gates, judging by the footage on social networks, there was a crush. those who were particularly unlucky were forced to sleep on their things in cafe waiting rooms. passengers waited almost all night to board flights to krasnoyarsk, sochi, magnitogorsk and the chinese city of sanya. now, as noted by the federal air transport agency, airports in the moscow region are operating normally. the accession of belarus to the shanghai cooperation organization will make it possible to even more effectively use the advantage of association to overcome together. challenges
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, threats, both regional and international, these are the words of sco secretary general jean min. today he took part in a solemn ceremony of raising the flag of belarus at the sco headquarters building in beijing. let me remind you that the country officially became the tenth member of the community after signing documents at the sco summit this week. membership in such an organization, which today faces the future and , in fact, its voice is increasingly heard in the international arena, is an opportunity for...
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diplomacy, this was stated in the turkish foreign ministry. they noted that the number of weapons in the combat zone is increasing, which only leads to escalation. instead, every effort should be made to achieve peace, this will help relieve the degree. polarization of international relations. foreign mercenaries in ukraine, contrary to all international norms, are killing unarmed and wounded prisoners, the new york times reports. german military medic kaspar grosse, who worked for some time with one of these groups of mercenaries, spoke about this in the newspaper. it's called the chosen company. according to grosse, there were many such cases. the doctor tried to intervene and even argued with the commander of the association, but nothing changed. they did not suffer any punishment; it is also noted that the greek mercenary was especially atrocious, and the american military man who commands this company encouraged such actions. one of its former fighters admitted that recruiters in the united states directly tell recruits that they can kill prisoners in ukraine. well, now the united states, where
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the degree of nervousness in the democratic camp is increasing. how successful the presidential race will be, only three democrats in congress supported biden after his abc tv interview. and yet the new york times says the same. that public statements by the head of the white house only increase the anxiety of fellow party members; they increasingly doubt that biden will be able to be re-elected. maria skorodilka will continue. the american flag is in small pieces, and this is literally on independence day, which is sacred to all americans. pro-palestinian activists trample and burn us symbols and call for the death of kings, meaning, of course, those in the white house. biden is losing not only allies, but also sponsors who are already urgently demanding tie him up with the president. the democratic headquarters , spending almost fifty million dollars on advertising, is already trying to do at least something, but biden is not the same, he cannot say even the simplest phrase without errors and reservations. i will destroy
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trump, i will destroy him in 2020. congratulations to the americans on independence day, he spoke out of place, and those who watched the broadcast on tv noticed his clothes. show biden is capable of being president, but the topic of ukraine drowns everyone, narcissistic, out of touch with reality, irresponsible and very stubborn, helping the armed forces of ukraine, the west is pushing itself into chaos, writes german focus. and the sco summit is proof that russia has partners, journalists admit. the head of
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the hungarian ministry, sejärta, cancels the meeting with the german foreign minister, berbak. and viktor orban is flying to moscow. ukraine's allies are fighting in hysterics. who allowed? orban respond quickly. i completed negotiations in moscow with president putin. my goal was to open channels of direct communication and start a dialogue along the shortest path to peace. mission complete. we'll continue on monday. this is a failure. europe is literally screaming at the media. and the european union itself is to blame for this failure. we see people who are proud to be russian. for them, this conflict in ukraine is a fight against real nazism. western politicians. it 's nothing new to call ukrainian nazis heroes, pose for photos with them or supply them with weapons, said american journalist matsk blinenthal. for example, the stanford university project to create a list of extremist associations quietly
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the azov battalion removed its list of extremist groups, just a month before the state debt decided to approve the supply of us weapons to them directly, they have been sponsoring them since the seventeenth year. europe is under us pressure. it’s just weak-willed, they know about everything, but they are silent, they steal money from their own people, give it to ukraine, the last thing, they smile and nod, there is no other way, experts openly admit. trump, if he is elected again, will have several means of putting pressure on germany and europe, is it about helping ukraine or the threat of leaving nato? what can the german government do to counter this, what leverage does germany have? to be honest, we can’t do anything, how... you can be defeated by the hegemon, you think for yourself, sea maternity 200, knee pain, back pain, maybe in the neck , pintalgin extragel contains
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our beauty rituals, with a discount of up to 99% for sber bonuses, thank you, travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and get a superkick for air tickets up to 30%. buy with profit in the bank app or on... welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats, and we keep our finger on the pulse. today it will be hot, kazakhstani tourists accused of setting the entire island on fire. medos in astana as an attempt to put out a global fire, destructive mudflows in kyrgyzstan and ninjas from
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kokand. there is a joke on the internet: as emperor alexander ii said, russia has only two allies - the army and kazakh tourists who burn nato islands from a yacht. this is about the fact that perhaps vacationers from kazakhstan are still involved in the incident in greece, when someone from the yacht with help. i almost burned a hydra, it’s a whole island. the greeks were especially worried about the priceless forest on on this island, as a result, eight kazakhstanis were charged under the criminal article of moral complicity in arson. all passengers on the persifona 2 yacht, gris tells cnn. the greek authorities turned to kazakhstan for help, since the yacht's tenants immediately left the country after the incident, the greek press reported. among the passengers is kazakh businessman daniyar abulga. twenty-first place in kazakhstan's forbes. after the news came out, he released
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an official statement. i deeply regret the fire that occurred on the greek island of hydro. before our departure from greece , representatives of the greek authorities spoke with us, who did not make any claims against me or my guests. it came as a complete surprise to us to learn about the accusations that followed in the press upon our return. i categorically deny any wrongdoing. neither i nor my guests did anything. the capital of kazakhstan signed a declaration that reflects the opinion of 3 billion people, this is how it estimates... the document adopted at the astonin summit of the shanghai cooperation organization is shortened to sco. another expansion of the organization took place in kazakhstan: belarus became its tenth member. today the sco is russia, china, kazakhstan, india, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, iran, tajikistan, pakistan and now minsk. but the circle of dialogue partners is even wider. for the first time,
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a meeting was held at the level of heads of state in the sco++ format. turkish president erdogan, the leaders of azerbaijan and mongolia, and high-ranking officials arrived in astana. representatives of kator and the united arab emirates, national leader of turkmenistan arkadak gurbangulyberdumukhomedov. the sco sets a new trend, shows how it should be what a real platform for equal dialogue is. the main document, as i already said, is the astonian declaration. in it, countries oppose illegal sanctions, call for a ceasefire in the gas sector, and condemn the numerous civilian casualties . the sco countries are in favor of modernizing the un in order to increase its authority. this organization and the document still contains many specific points, from fighting crime to space exploration and control of artificial intelligence. in fact, we are talking about a new architecture of planetary security, since the old system of international relations is bursting at the seams. conflicts in ukraine, the middle east, and the pacific are all special cases of the general crisis in international
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relations. the sco countries stand for a new, fair, multipolar world order. and while in the west they look at this process, at least with caution, but not without the usual arrogant disdain, let us simply recall that the summit the uprising united the leaders of states where almost half the world's population lives, four nuclear powers, despite the fact that there are only three of these in nato. at the same time, the sco is not a military bloc, like the same alliance, but also not an economic one, like the eu. but there is no such terrible dictate of the bureaucracy. the sco is a platform for multi-level political relations. economic projects, of course, security, and here is what unites all participants: external interference in the affairs of the continent is unacceptable, but internally we will solve everything ourselves through dialogue. about alim rashidov, the former general secretary of the organization, will tell you what we agreed on. probably one of the most noticeable results of the summit in astana was the accession of belarus to the sco. what other key points would you
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highlight? well, first of all, i would like to join in the congratulations addressed to. belarus, now about the ostanitsa summit itself, its results, well, i would first of all draw attention to the document itself, the main document is the ostanitsa declaration, in which each paragraph has not only regional, but also global significance. further, of course, the sco initiative for world unity, for a just peace, harmony and development is of great importance. it is also important that... despite three waves of expansion, the sco's original focus on the problems of central asia has not shifted. the region was and remains the core of the shanghai cooperation organization. it is important to adopt a plan for the practical implementation of the sco economic development strategy until 2030 . it covers almost all areas of trade and economic cooperation. and
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of course, these are safety issues that the sco has always given top priority. of course, it is worth paying special attention to the creation of a universal center for countering challenges and security on the basis of the regional anti-terrorist structure of the sco, and the creation of the shosan anti-terrorist center as an independent body. and what is the reaction in the west, how are they reacting to this initiative to build a new, fair world order and what retaliatory steps will they take? should be expected from them, and i, naturally, carefully look at what is there published on the eve of the ostalin summit in the next 48 hours, what i am tracking, so to speak, the western media are trying to present its results as another annual meeting, they are writing this to an anti-nato organization trying
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to establish a multilateral world order as opposed to the western institutions that it heads. .. the united states and its allies, i quote, along with this another topic was added, well , the so-called rivalry between russia and china in central asia, this indicates that the west did not accept the initiative to world unity for a just world, harmony and development, they ignored the proposal to launch an honest, direct, transparent, global dialogue, i remember the wisdom of the east. it says this: when the paths are not the same, they do not make plans together, but in this case we are talking about deeply seriously discussing together: what the multipolar world of the future will be like, so the west will not be able to stand on the sidelines for long and act only as a critic or observer. the ostonin summit, as
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noted, became another triumph of the kazakh diplomacy, and we are not talking about organizing such a representative forum, although here everything was on the level. based on the results of the meeting, the secretary general of the organization was appointed. over the years, he held the posts of secretary of the security council of kazakhstan, ambassador to china, minister of defense of kazakhstan, general secretary of the security council, he will remain until 2027. the appointment highlights a clear trend: kazakhs are occupying leadership positions in key organizations. here is the list given by political scientist daniyara shimbayev. csto secretary general and mangolit asmagambetov, secretary general of the smvda kairat tsarybay, secretary general of the sco, nurlan germikbaev, chairman of the board. eurosia economic commission sagintayev, general director of the islamic organization for food security, berik aryn, and a number of other leadership positions,
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in fact, president takaev, a diplomat with enormous experience, so think about whether this is an accident or a proven strategy within the framework of the multi-vector policy, which is so talked about they talk a lot in astana. and to other news. a business forum was held in tashkent uzbekistan-afghanistan, which was dedicated to increasing bilateral trade turnover. investments. today, afghan capital is involved in the work of more than 500 uzbek enterprises. on the sidelines of the forum, an exhibition was opened where one could evaluate the electrical, mining and transport products of the taliban economy. the authorities of uzbekistan intend to significantly increase the state duty on the import of balloons. the initiative was taken by the ministry of ecology, which believes that helium products pollute the environment too much wednesday. i will now add the wholesale price of one ball. in the republic is about 3,000 sums, and it can grow 100 times. dambrists of kazakhstan celebrate their professional holiday. in general, in the calendar, republican dombra day
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falls on july 7, but the musicians began congratulating each other on social networks in advance. of course, with videos of his virtuoso playing, which collect millions of views. and again kshos. obviously, such processes are not to everyone’s liking. someone is watching with jealousy, or maybe trying to influence. opposition kazakh activist aidos sadykov died in kiev. we talked about the attempt on his life, which happened on june 18. the main suspects of ukrainian investigators are two citizens of kazakhstan with experience in law enforcement. at the same time, astana began its investigation. sadykov remained a citizen of the republic, although in his homeland he was... wanted for inciting ethnic hatred. sadykov was in intensive care all this time and coincidentally, the news of his death came on the day of sidzenpin’s state visit to
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astana on the eve of the sco summit. of course, the death of any person is a tragedy, but what if this is a planned provocation against kazakhstan. this is an attempt to intercept the information agenda and create a negative background around the country. just at the very moment when the leaders of russia, china, turkey, and iran are coming to astana. and they don’t just come together, but discuss a new, fair world order. amazing coincidence. the chairman of the people's republic of china , xizen ping, also timed a state visit to kazakhstan to coincide with the sco summit, and later in tajikistan. the people of vostan were greeted with incredible solemnity, fighter jets in the sky, helicopters over the motorcade, demonstrations with flags, children singing songs in chinese in chorus. this attention is understandable, given the level of relations between astana and beijing. china is the main trading partner of kazakhstan and the main buyer of kazakhstani goods.
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the leaders of the two countries took part in a business council meeting with the participation of businesses, including 50 of the largest chinese companies. as a result , 40 agreements were signed for almost 4 billion dollars. here, for example, is from the important agreements between kazakhstan and the chinese corporation cnpc on strategic partnership in the field of energy. it includes exploration of promising deposits under existing contracts. and the heads of kazakhstan and china launched ferry cargo transportation along the so -called middle corridor. via video link, takaev and xi took part in the launch ceremony of the ferry on the trans-caspian route. in kyrgyzstan, a destructive mudflow occurred in the ozhda region. people died. in roads were destroyed as a result of mud flows. bridges, residential buildings were flooded, 10 people were killed, among the victims there were children, including citizens of neighboring kazakhstan, the whole family came to relax at the reservoir and
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the car in which they were caught in... the epicenter of the disaster was carried away by a mud flow. they searched for the car for more than a day; the children were between 8 and 11 years old. the tragedy could have been avoided. the head of the kyrgyz cabinet of ministers, klybek dzhaparov, at a meeting of the operational headquarters named the cause of death. if the bridges hadn't been raised like that high up, they would act as an obstacle. the water would not accumulate in a narrow place and would go down more slowly. we lost about ten people because of one scammer. this tragedy could have been prevented. ail akmatu and akima. must read the documents of the ministry of emergency situations. we’ll talk more about the destructive nature of mudflows with vadim karavaev, candidate of geographical sciences from the iran institute of geography. please describe the mechanics of mudflows. well, in order for a mudflow to occur, two components are needed. firstly, it is loose material and water. in central asia, in particular in kyrgyzstan, especially in the foothills there are a lot of loose rocks that are easily washed away by water and are easily involved in mudflows. what about this spontaneous thing?
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a disaster can be influenced or provoked by human activity, in particular in kyrgyzstan, are they now talking about violations during construction? firstly, where the soils are mobile, it is necessary to carry out especially careful research regarding construction, and if possible, then simply build the object even 100-200 m from the place of its intended original location, as for bridges, then they themselves not for containment of mudflows, and the height of the construction, it seems to me, could not affect the strength of the mudflow. are there effective methods of combating mudflows, for example, mudflow containment dams, and do they exist in kyrgyzstan? yes, of course, mudflow control dams are effective, they can be like mudflow protection structures, again, provided they are properly designed,
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constructed and... naturally systematically maintained, well, there are such dams in kyrgyzstan, especially in the southern regions, here in the area of ​​the kulya priissa, a platinum was built on the zhalsay river for a very long time, and let's say that from the eleventh to the seventeenth year , 125 mudflow protection structures were put into operation, most of them in the southern regions of the ul, talas, and naryn regions. in general, 17 people have died in kyrgyzstan since mid-spring. during this time , 250 similar natural disasters were registered. in general, the most destructive mudflows in the history of central asia date back to the soviet era. one can recall the terrible disaster of 1977, when little was left of the city of kazylkia in the south of kyrgyzstan, or july 1963 was already kazakhstan. then mudflows destroyed the natural
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platinum of lake isyk. which led to large-scale flooding, but the modern period in the history of central asia remembers several devastating disasters. in the summer of 2015 , the gorno-badakhshan autonomous region of tajikistan was seriously damaged by mudflows. powerful streams of water mixed with mud flooded hundreds of residential buildings, destroyed highways, power lines and hectares of farmland. in addition, the infrastructure of the pomir odin hydroelectric power station barely survived, and six people died. also in 2015. seriously frightened the residents of kazakhstan's almaty; large waters covered the city with stones, trunks of fallen trees, layers of washed-out soil, into which cars sank. in general, everything looked really scary, and it’s all the more surprising that no one was ultimately hurt. in july of twenty-one , oselii claimed the lives of eight citizens of uzbekistan. then the kanasai river in the namangan region of the republic overflowed its banks. the disaster turned several settlements into impassable swamps and collapsed bridges
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left. hundreds of families without access to public amenities, however, more victims were avoided thanks to timely evacuation. in any case, central asia is fortunately far from the gloomy world records for the power of mudflows. in august 2010 , more than 1,200 people were killed when mudflows hit the chinese province of gansu. the cause of the tragedy was the loss of half the annual norm of precipitation in just 40 minutes. in january 2011, hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of stones and mud fell on the mountain. brazilian state of rio de janeiro, more than 600 people died there, and thousands more were left homeless. this natural disaster is considered the largest in the history of the country. and to other news. turkmenistan will supply gas to iraq in transit through iran. agreements were reached at negotiations in ashkabad. as noted.


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