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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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to a soldier on the radio, when you tell me, i have one soldier, you say, talk to us, you say, when we hear your voice, it becomes easier for us, calmer, calmer, at what speed you enter, well, when the car with the trawl is moving, the speed is about 12- 15 km/h, because if the car goes too fast, then the mines that the mines will fall back down. that is, it goes like a plunk, a mine once, well , it lifts the ground and the mine falls, and if you go fast, the mine will fall back, drones, first we look from the air, reconnaissance, therefore, all the actions that are carried out are coordinated from the air, the copter went to the support tower with the release, so. he
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is walking in a fairly strong wind for him, an eighty is moving ahead, he is deliberately walking at speed, so there is no tb left, yes, because if he jumps forward, then the motorcycle league is for that. get lost and here i saw a field trail, from a heavy machine gun, the infantry is supporting the tank so that no one jumps out and can’t hit the car with the rp, the motorcycle that you’re carrying means you’ve screwed the machine gun on it and landing, but not landing and dshk on top, dshk screwed it on himself, yes, yes, yes, yes, this has been modified, yes, modified, yes. so he put
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smokes, yes, to hide the tank, he blocked it, it’s a flamethrower, rather like a shmallow, a flamethrower then, but that’s all, that’s it, the machine gunner, the grenade man covers, and the groups of two twos went accordingly to jump into this opornik, so here’s how the police will present it it was an action, if we train lengthwise, if we train crosswise, that is, specifically for the task, and even under protection. who are they, that is, what weapons do they have? are they coming for you? well, a motorized rifle squad, there
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are riflemen, a grenade launcher, a machine gunner, so that means they came here and came in, but here they are, guys, the trench has been dug here and they are holding the guys, have you already had to storm or will it be the first, already stormed, stormed, okay everything went just like the guys, happy, satisfied, yes, a good worker. how many young people do you have who haven’t gone yet? well, everyone in my group has already gone through this, that is, they already understand, yes , that’s right, contact, contact, contact.
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everything is clean, we are at home, we are at home, what kind of tanks are now t-80, bv, bvm, i like it, well, i like it, but all the senior bosses have everything. tankers are asking the t-90m to try to at least look at the breakthrough, i myself am a tanker by military specialty, somehow the tanks here are close to me, guys, of course they adore the eighties, well, because, firstly, they are quiet, fast, and by and large a sniper, i damn served on the t-80, t80u tank, a very good tank, good daytime control system, quiet sniper time and well, it’s not so typical here, right there eastern district, northern regions. yes, it
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was created for these conditions, of course, starting in the cold season there for days, well , there are no problems at all, and well, the engine can be changed very quickly, the tankers are happy. very sangkisyat of the eighth corps - these are the people who ensure our advancement, by the way, well, not that, let’s say, i read with pride on the internet, you probably also read that one of the ukrainian bloggers found the longest in the world the train is 30 km, haven’t read it, it’s here from the wave to elenovka i delivered 30 km of cars coupled together, that is, who supplied the minister of transport of the dpr, according to my letter, supplied all this. and, as it were, here is another tank-dangerous obstacle, or rather a tank-impassable obstacle, where even if some group of tanks, well, we were looking at this on the fly, breaks through, then they will not go anywhere, at least they will not go out onto this road and well , ingenious solutions, well done , they dug my anti-tank ditches, but it took a long time and that
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is, not only the fighters of yuri mikhailovich stovitsky, but also yours. this is the crew that i just took part in a training session, well, the crew is already, by the way, don’t take it off, the world champion in tankum biathlon 2018, he was my tank company commander, he was my tank commander, the world champion, that’s for sure, not some kind of fever , okay, where it was harder at the tank biathlon or here, well , of course here, he served for me, then he stayed under a contract, so, that is, you have something.
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the rebs were welding the rebs, of course we stop them, but now our reb workers are assembling it, it turns out, well , different blocks, you can do it, they’re fv they fly and change frequencies, so one installation consists of several blocks, it turns out to automatically cover all frequencies, yes, it is with a thermal imager, it works at night, it gives direct guidance, semi-direct guidance to the crew, and those that are... assault vehicles, they are generally, you know, like , well, scalded specifically, these are exactly assault vehicles, you stand, in what position, where are you, the tank commander, that is, you are on the right, yes, yes, and this is so old that when i served as a tank, the commander to your left, on the left, i understand, t-62, t-55, probably, and there were
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four of us, uh-huh, what kind of car do you have, the fourth one, those three written off or someone? something survived, no, not a single one survived, they all burned down, that is , it was very tough there, well, yes, they were knocked out, repaired, there were also eighties, three eighties, but my heart was attached to the eighties, but i can do it in any car work, the championship you won on se3, well, you still have to race at ninety, right?
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just like you are training here, from the enemy, the second tank, which was driving behind a distance of 20-30 m, destroyed by fire from a cannon , also suffered a fire defeat, destroyed the enemy, an assault group landed from the third mtlb, which cleared the enemy stronghold and took possession of it, followed by two more mtlbs, they were hit by pvedrones, remained in place , it would seem, here is the tank and it has reached the end, completed the task, here it stands,
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we stood here like this and rewarded you, and for this you need to train here, prepare, think through everything, see everything, everything will work out. you do the most sacred thing and the most necessary thing on earth. you are warriors of light, which is opposed by darkness, without your feat there is no victory, without your feat there is no life, as the supreme commander-in-chief said, but why such a world in which there is no russia, there is an order of courage, and how old are i, i’m 27, the first time got a man? the first one was received back in the twenty-second, that is, when he was just leaving, well, after
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a certain amount, six months later he received the first order of courage, the second was twenty-third, well, and the third one was received on the twenty-fourth, that is, you mean in next year as a hero, well, i don’t know, i would like it, i would like it, of course, your tank is the same, an eighty, and i have an eighty too, or maybe yours is brewed better, well, yes, mine is brewed better, but a little bit, because well. .. the last time i went, i had a direct flight deck that arrived normally , in general, i honestly didn’t count how many came, i didn’t count anymore, after the fifth i didn’t count anymore, but the armor held up normally, that is, we more or less learned to deal with them, of course, of course, we have such masters there, already guys are welders, you saw the complete blast there in general, it’s real, what’s most important, when work is going on, this is the task ahead, also coherence, the most important thing is the complexity of the crew, because without it , at least... what kind of tank you will have, no matter what kind of equipment, no matter how simple or easy the task will be , complexity,
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there was an extreme offensive, and i had roller trawls, well , a mine explosion, everything, okay, everything, the trawls survived, everything was covered in earth, the mechanics, the driver, that’s all, he says, no, the commander, he says, i don’t see, that’s all , well, that’s it, i’m using triplex on my device, as i told him, he did so, everything was clear, everything came out, everything was great, the gunner was the same, the shots were dust, not dust. well, i won’t say that, exactly by the clock, about 15 minutes with arrival, departure, the task
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must always be completed, we always complete it, that is, we never give up, there were times when the gun did not fire, but the task is worth getting the guys, where there already, well , you can’t turn around anymore, you hold a machine gun, then use a machine gun, and if the gun doesn’t fire, then that’s it, we’re just going to scare, but we’re scaring since everything is there, the enemy is there either psychologically we give it purely, but well, anything can happen. most of them were restored by the guys themselves , our guys pulled them out right away, well, when
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they knocked them out on their own, they came back or had to abandon the tanks, they had to , they even had to, so they remained in the depths of the enemy, and yes, i remember in poland, it was winter, yes, the month of december , the month of december, one and a half kilometers crawling on ice in the snow under the birds under artillery damn it, but we still completed the task for this one, well, they rewarded us and that’s it started anyway.
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we need to somehow concentrate without him noticing and turn around to go out, demonstrative actions in another direction somewhere we do this, sometimes it happens that we were specially waiting for rain, specially waiting for a strong wind, when even the pivedron cannot fly by, we have to act all the time in different ways, or on technology, on technology, on technology, since without technology, motorcycles also everyone here has long mastered the throw
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on motorcycles, but still, first we go to technology, so that... no, because the enemy is what does as soon as it starts battle for a strong point, they immediately begin to cover their own strong point with cassettes, right away, they don’t worry about their people there at all, or they give instructions, as i understand it, to lock ourselves in dugouts and just sit on top, when we enter their dugouts, they as a rule, they are already destroyed, and there is no place to sit there , and it turns out that it’s either specially there for...
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it’s not easy, that is, it’s not so easy to decide, well, it seems like such an everyday thing, as if, when you don’t delve into it, it seems, well there's a soldier there, take a shovel, he'll be ready for 40 minutes, but try a coco under fire, now it’s not enough, you don’t need a trench, you need to block it off, bend it over, how can you restrain yourself from going to the front, i see a mad character, i see... when the authorities don’t know, then you go to storm it yourself, no, you can’t storm i’m walking, i can’t run away with my leg, you understand that i won’t run away somewhere or won’t run somewhere, but so, well, how to stand up for yourself, the smile gives away a little and now you have to go yourself when you can’t get a subordinate, now i’m saying, this year and more of work here has allowed me to sit in such a way that
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everything works out in the brigade, in the corps, that well, here not all the military units of the corps are in... and that is, if a person is not pulled, well, for now he is drawn here, the next one is pulled further, further, i have a captain already sulimov, a year ago he was a platoon commander, he took two or three oporniks, now a storm commander in a position that i like that this is not the first time that you, as a lieutenant general, have brought me guys who are junior officers, officers, because at least be a marshal if... they don’t do their part, you won’t do anything, but it’s important that you know, yeah, it’s impossible without them, it’s impossible without them, these guys, these are the ones who make the victory, better, better along the path, right along the path, there may be mines, well, cassette tapes, that is, you have to watch your step all the time, yes, that’s why i’m still in this war
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surprisingly, this is the line between. no way quickly, or that you graduated from the mikhailovsky academy, you were sure, you were proud that you would go, just like there, what you can see, while you can hear, so far everything is good, just like that, you will still look back at the bead, the point of aiming, where you ahead, the aiming point can be either behind or in front, but
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where is the bead in your place, in front on the right, yes, we passed. amazing artillery people never see where they are shooting, but they are always happy that they hit, but with tankers, on the contrary, i don’t see, i don’t shoot, yeah, well, it was like that before, then the bugs appeared, well, yes, how long have you been working with this gun, two years, 2 s2 years, that is, from the very beginning, not, not to say that from the very beginning, initially it was still in the ppdd, basically they were, at first they worked on 20, then they gave 2.36, then d30. then they armed 25, well, compared to d30, this is generally a big difference, so let’s say, which one did you like best out of the products i worked with, most likely i liked 236 more and...
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arm, back, no, leg, leg, continued to fire on the wounded? yes, well, so you say that he continued to fire at the wounded, did not run away anywhere, well, the evacuation happened quickly, that’s already it, but after completing the combat mission, we provided everything necessary completely, so he recovered and arrived back, well, that is, you’re running , everything is fine, well, i’m running, yes, it’s normal, or it hurts, sometimes it happens due to the weather, what do you have? for the vagu they also wounded and brought the bull was flown straight into the army or something else in the civilian world worked straight into
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the army you went straight into the army why did you call up on urgent duty studied at 25 then transferred to sakhalin on sakhalin that is, you have known each other for a long time - together more 3 years since i came to the unit , i signed a contract in the same unit with that is, you are his senior comrade, yes, that is , you look after him comrade and commander felix, i am a crutch church, write down the target 303 artudie high-explosive fragmented fuse full charge, charge.
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chopped, i have my hands. hand, charged, how much the army has changed compared to the initial period of the war, it’s hard to say, there’s nothing to measure it in, nothing to measure it in, radically, let’s say, just radically. at the beginning we had a lot of shells, the enemy had a lot of shells, but i remember
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there was one quadcopter for the whole brigade, everyone looked at it like a miracle, now any tank rides in front of it, a quadcopter, any group of infantry, there’s a quadcopter in front of it, now it’s already fighting quadcopters, there one quadcopter shoots down another, here it is in the future... peaceful life, bread, a tower, you’re probably driving, fighting, but your thoughts think that someday it will all end anyway, of course it will end, for this we are fighting, so that it all ends as quickly as possible, so that people, and how do you define it for yourself, this is the end of the war, victory - what is it, victory, victory is victory, a ceasefire, peace on a favorable basis... on conditions, further, further we can spread for a long time, but how then will we prepare to the next war,
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well, that’s what the army exists for, as soon as one war ends, we must prepare for another, although somehow they always psychologically think that this war is definitely the last, and then it turns out that each generation has its own war, well, it’s definitely not the last, you know, i’ve only seen views in movies before and thought it’s not true not a very fertile land , very modern technology here. confidence in sustainable work. reliability. and
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energy efficiency, flexibility for use in any industry, new quality for your success, russian electric motors, don’t go to the fires, you imprisoned me, pyro self-written magic ink, you can get it, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me the horse. mechanical in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where you need it, that’s what they call me, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need it, the one who doesn’t need a pen, who has a feeling in his pocket, what started? ogniva, i can’t
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live without traveling, soon. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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9:00 pm
three people may remain under rubble after explosion at sewage pumping station stations in volgograd. this was reported to emergency services. according to the investigative committee, two people died. the supporting structure collapsed in the building, equipment was damaged, the preliminary cause of the violation was during welding work. here's what local authorities said. this is our sewer.


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