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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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our red line is february 24, twenty -two, not our guys with whom i previously served, with whom... then, what is happening now in ukraine, what is happening in europe, in the west, and the duty of every christian is to defend their faith, saint, orthodox, and his
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christian brothers, his homeland. a sapper with the call sign lis serves in the grom unit, originally from chelyabinsk, he came to the north military district zone as a volunteer, had no combat experience, but... well, it all turned out that we ourselves reached all this that was happening, maybe sometime there in the fourteenth year it was possible, our comrades, brothers, ukrainians were to blame, like that, somewhere for me,
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what is the maidan? they were then promised all this european economy, they just sat in the windows and looked at all this happening, at someone who went to the maidan was bought, well, that is... all this happened for money, wait for the water cannon, but damn it, my legs were cut, most of all, what touches the soul is when you talk with local residents, when you are closer you get to know them, everyone has some kind of painful situation, in ours , even in this small provincial city in the lugansk region, families are broken up. brothers, parents, sisters, they quarrel, alone in the west, alone here, they stop communicating, stop talking, even curse each other friend, there is a real civil war going on, there is a split in society, that is, this is a civil war, when you listen to stories, these are their real stories, when a grandmother cries or
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a woman or a man cries and they tell some of their family tragedies, or what engulfed them , the fact that someone went missing after the sbu took them for interrogation or what we have here? the priests were lost, then i talked to father zakhary, showed me a book where their diocese was, there was a priest, they called him in for questioning at the security service, for many years now he disappeared, there is no news, there are tons of stories like this, they really leave a scar in the soul, confidence, only confidence that we are on the right path. military engineers have to deal with various types of ammunition, most often foreign-made, for example, with german anti-personnel mines, from which about... a month ago the residents of shibekin suffered, our colleague, the city was bombarded with cluster mining and we cleared these mines, they are part of that were not, not found, they were here 3 days later
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self-destructed, this already happened there at night, roughly speaking, they seemed to start exploding one by one like this, there were these... neighbors in the garden, further neighbors also in the garden, here neighbors are also in the garden, this is opposite natalia, in her yard and behind the house and in the garden, all these exits, arrivals, these sounds, all this is happening here, there are destroyed houses, buildings there, some deaths are happening there, and completely calm there are women there, how calmly they walk with a stroller, that is... this great nonsense, women with strollers walk, walk, something immediately scatters, explodes, but this is just crazy in terms of what the united one is for, come here, the united west brought all this, stand,
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stand, sit, here we are too, this prisoner . thunder is sure, victory will be achieved faster, if there are no indifferent people in the rear, everyone can help the svo, in their place, for a person begins to be brought up in a family, this is the first thing, this is... what mom and dad will put into him and what they will put mom and dad then it will be difficult for any teacher to somehow reformat this, to transform, so the main thing is to educate parents, but if parents, as you said, say that this is not our war, the next generation will grow up again, which , well, will bear negative fruits, well, to put it mildly, our rear is rotten, our rear is rotten, therefore began, so the war has begun, if you, those who are there, don’t come to your senses now, then... we will never win this war, when their consciousness changes, they understand
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why they are fighting, that this is all for a reason and that the president speaks the truth, and what is happening in the west is not ours, it’s all artificially forced in our direction, they just want to destroy us, very narrow-minded people, they see absolutely nothing in front of their eyes, they are most likely only worried about their butt, they don’t worry about anything anymore, that is, they like it, apparently european. valuables, everything that this dirt is pouring out of there, well, i think it’s better for them to leave then and there, and support this movement there, a strong explosion, now you need to look up so that the fragments don’t fly to us, everyone should help in their place, that is, teachers should teach - in terms of patriotism, introduce them into school - some subjects must be christian subjects, orthodox subjects,
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our muslim brothers must have their own religious subjects, this must be introduced , life safety lessons must be introduced, lessons in basic military training, those people who are involved in medicine, they should, well, who can’t go here, they should at least teach or help with some advice, provide assistance to doctors who are here, people who - 2 million sympathize, and the rest don’t care what happens, this will probably all
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happen until this number changes in the other direction, and the most important thing for me is that my relatives are healthy, everything else, then there is, having been here there, you know, there are some material values ​​there, so that you can dream about sleeping there, you can sleep in the open air completely calmly, and you can ride a bicycle, it’s okay, the most important thing is health, health and your own and. ..their loved ones, the worst thing is that here you understand even more that if you could unite with our brothers, the ukrainians and go through europe to america, do this, this is probably this, this would be a really cool dream, so that to the people who are now ours the opponents have realized what they are doing and what they are doing, even after living here, you still communicate with the local population, they themselves say that they are slowly realizing
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what is happening. the following story is about two brothers who lived apart for 8 years, their the family was divided by the civil war. one went with the militia to fight for donbass in 2014, the other was forced to stay with his parents in mariupol. after the liberation of the city, close people were reunited. all the events began with us in donetsk, in mariupol, with us it began with mariupol itself, it also began in april, march, and in general in the winter, when the maidan was everything else, you just watched tv and there’s really what - this is a fiend, some kind of evil, universal evil, maidan, on this maidan is surreal, an incomprehensible situation, what ’s going on, it’s some kind of hell in general. then we had the seizure of this city council with some people, with arrests by people, with
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the work of alpha kievskaya, it was just some kind of incomprehensible performance, i had many friends from ukraine, that is, from western ukraine, from lvov, from all other things, we were always friends with them, helped each other, there was no national question, we were brought up under the union, i served in the ukrainian army as a 5-year-old, that is, we had one enemy, we were friends, we didn’t there were never such questions, the war began to approach... to the city of mariupol itself, on may 9 at the administration, when these events took place there, when the police were shot, then civilians too, when you just walk , a big demonstration comes and unfolds . you will sit out, but you will not sit out, but the war will come to you anyway, well, as practice has shown, the war will still find you, it will come to you, and you went to fight, well, yes, and somehow got ready so one day, literally in the morning, i climbed into i drove the car to
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donetsk, and from then on somehow in the same in general, i serve in the unit, i need to even before... when a serviceman with the call sign weasel went to fight, he could not even imagine that ahead were 8 long years of separation from his family, it was impossible to hug, see his loved ones, and even find out if they were alive are they, you seem to know that they are there, they are relatives, you can call them, you can correspond, but you can’t see them, it’s very difficult, some situation is happening, you can’t help, and i was worried for the fact that there were simply a lot of situations that... "sbu came to relatives, and i was on the peacekeeping mission when this war began in 1922, i realized that there was also an attack on mariupol there, everything was fighting there, and to be honest, i was very scared for my family, i found out that my family was alive, everyone was safe and alive, i only found out about two months later, i remember
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that moment, it was just tears, really joy, but just..." because i am a miracle, that they survived, in fact, it was truly a great miracle, and my father is elderly, already advanced in age, and i just can’t imagine how he can survive at all, well, they survived, people survive, people get used to everything, thank god, everything is fine, the brothers are now together, they can calmly walk through the park in donetsk, one serves as a uav platoon commander, and valery helps humanitarian aid to civilians, and i remember... when some guys couldn’t stand it and came to mariupol, for example, to visit their family, children, everything else, they were grabbed there, well, they were also tortured, forced to hand over something there , to whom - give out something else, it was, i was always very afraid of this, damn it, i was afraid that you wouldn’t
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be able to stand it there either, you’d also come sometime, that would be very wrong, no, well, i wouldn’t do that, that’s what you felt when the war, it turns out, separated you from your brother, sometimes it was quite difficult for me to watch and talk with people who, well, might be fighting with my friends, with my brother there, with my friends shooting at my relatives, well, that is, it was hard for me with them communicate, talk and know that they are, well, they are to me
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they boast about their people there, how they are hammering around the city, they are like everyone there... just now there are arrivals ahead, there are arrivals here, hostilities began, how did they behave in the automated control system, what was the situation in the city? they considered, well, people in mariupol to be strangers, and later they started evicting houses, especially these ones, the damaged houses, which were the real estate, they were simply military, they demanded to give up the key.
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they started shooting up the building, like, you don’t want to leave, here you go, both brothers have suffered enough, saw all the horrors and atrocities committed by the ukrainian armed forces. valery, being on the territory of what was then still ukraine, and his close person was fighting in the avdeevsky direction. in front of avdeevka, it turns out from the side of krasnogorovka, which is avdeevskaya, an army unit came in there, i remember there was one landing there, it really is...
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an eyewitness to the inhumane acts of the kiev militants, who covered themselves with the civilian population as a human shield, dryers drove around the city in ambulances in food delivery vehicles, sat in the yard, at home it’s cold, there’s nothing to do at home, they’re sitting near the fires, they’re cooking, everything else, then an ambulance comes in, well, the people there are already getting up, they say, why did you come here, they say, well, like, to protect you from the harrows, he says in... . we need to defend, nothing is happening here, well, as if you were leaving, they say, well, now it will happen, like, they take out mortars, a couple of shots, a response comes, well, that is, as
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if it was often, that is, they. they hid behind people, it turns out that they were openly open, they did not let people out of the city, but they explained to the children that we cannot guarantee that you will not be killed there, my neighbors once tried to leave very behind...
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when you look at a grocery store , some locals start to take it apart , then the police arrive with a smart look comes in, opens the doors, starts. take the products out of there yourself, that is, everyone there, we thought that they had come to impose the law here, but they simply pull these products out of the store, load them into their car, turn around and leave, well, that is, at first i understand, they stocked up the reserves there, well, who provided there, someone carried a lot, apparently we were tired, what is worth living for, we must appreciate every moment, just appreciate our parents and family there. the children there of your strangers are just joy around you and somehow try to make it better in life, help yourself, your family, and people too, do something good, this is what i would like, i too, when in
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mine i realized that money, well, money is important you have to earn money because you need to provide for your family, this is all important , but it’s not fundamental live so that you enjoy your life, then there is something to remember and you can remember. to see i somehow really say to a person: you hear, to see my mother, i generally never say my father, i will never see him again, never, most likely, because well, because i
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can’t see him, i won’t be at his funeral everything else, i just can’t do it, it was a very difficult moment, it was like after i left, it was hard to worry about, i still had dreams, i remember that this is how i get to mariupol there in mariupol... well, for some reason i always end up somewhere in the middle of the city, when there is traffic around, everything and i’m in uniform with this big, in short, this, well, chevron, it says dpr on it, i’m with this dpr in this uniform i’m in the middle of the city, in short, i had this dream, i had this moment, i’m like these courtyards, because it was inconvenient, i keep getting home, then i talk, then i go out, well damn, the worst thing in a dream is when you’re alone since i dreamed that i lost the machine gun, it... was generally the toughest thing, it’s just i woke up under my pillow, looked later, then the shelling began, i ’m lying under this shelling with this machine gun, stroking it, thinking, damn it,
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well, thank god he’s with me. this report is about the fate of soldiers, their faith, their views, stories about the events they experienced, how the war separated loved ones, each of these soldiers is an example of the courage of perseverance, ordinary men, as they themselves say, are doing their manly work.
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listen, there are dense roads ahead, yes, you know, despite active hostilities , right? people are returning to the city, you know, in general, when i first came here in 1818, i was of course very impressed by the city, i’m from voronezh, there’s also a wide river in the center of the city, such a soviet post-war architecture, the cities are very similar and i felt like i had come home, i was very much i was impressed, you know, i was there in the summer, that there were so many flowers, roses, roses, roses, roses everywhere, i didn’t hear this legend then that donetsk is the city of roses, i was impressed, and the people, of course, are incredible people, donetsk residents, residents of donbass. responsive strong
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character, of course, i want them to finally take a deep breath, so that this horror that is happening on their land will stop, and the city is simply gorgeous, i am in love, over the last year it has already become my second home. behind me you can see the civilians who live here permanently.


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