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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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our team was lost, the driver died, unfortunately, in general people are considered not to be involved in the work of the ambulance, but in fact the entire medical team is driven by the driver, the cars are driven by the driver, the rapists are taken out by the driver, and the wounded are brought by the driver to all of us. the brigade just stood there, it didn’t even
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take part in the excavations there, it was just waiting for someone to be caught alive in order to withdraw the medical facility in time, that’s all, it arrived there, and the fact that also on february 23 the brigade died in its entirety, the driver , two felchers and an orderly, we also went out to fire again, the whole brigade left. and so yes, wars, if it’s not a secret, who the teacher was, the teacher, yes, at school, at school, but in general like mobilization or contract, mobilization, yes, yeah, here, he taught children, and what kind of subject, chemistry, biology, everyone is friendly if they offer tea. put them on so that you don’t have to worry
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about being cold, how else could it be, now, come on, come here, come into my arms, higher, higher you need to be a little bit, yeah, all the wounds, whether peaceful or military, that come with damage to the vessel, one way or another, in most of them end up with us, it happens that you have to go at night, to yasenovata, to gorlovka, to dobaltsevo, to mariupol, it happens that you are on duty here for a day, the next night you go somewhere to a remote city, of course, it can be scary to travel when you're driving on the highway. and you see
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that there is a lie somewhere ahead and it is not clear where you are going, that is, they are suffering a lot from this driver, who i went into the building and am conducting surgical treatment there, when you are already leaving for surgery, well, you don’t... there was just a case recently, a patient came to in a state of clinical death, he received
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a penetrating wound to the chest with damage to the heart, clinical death occurred due to the fact that this blood compresses the heart and does not allow it... to contract from the wheels, they lifted him into the operating room and, well, they sewed up, let’s say, a defect, saved, well here we were waiting, let’s say, for such a pitfall, this fragment was x-ray negative, that is , it was not visible on the x-ray, it was not metal, after that, of course, the patient was in the intensive care unit for some time in a serious condition, his condition was due to oxygen starvation of the brain, the man’s life was saved. now they have transferred him for rehabilitation to a specialized center, let’s hope that everything will be fine,
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you know, most of all, like in donetsk, what ’s so impressive? the fact that the city is huge, big, rich, and in fact it is located on the line of combat contact, that is , this thin line between war and peace is very invisible here, we were just driving through the center, all the mothers with strollers go to the shops and work cafes, restaurants, everything great, here we are already entering the kiev region, the atmosphere is completely changing, here we were driving, the traffic lights were working, everything was like a citizen, so to speak, and here you turn, this is what for me personally ... there are victims, there are already few civilians, the already destroyed ones appear so seriously , they stopped working, they blink yellow, already at home
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you can see military transport, so people turn out, they seem to be living a peaceful life, now you just crossed one intersection , already quite seriously. now there is a checkpoint ahead of us, by the way, this famous stele, which was seriously destroyed during all these 9 years of hostilities, once there was a beautiful entrance to
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the city of donetsk, here it is. well, that’s it, we’ve arrived in front of a checkpoint, turn off the camera, because the military won’t understand us right away, here they are! well , there’s a feeling that they’ve seriously taken avdeevka now, but of course, where, what else to do, but they’ve taken zastal, a large fortress district, now we need to take obdeevsky, i would say, this is the second zastal, there’s also a bunker in case nuclear war, there are nine floors under there is a bunker at the bottom, there is width in it. corridors, two urals diverge, the whole city is underground, well , it’s okay, we’ll knock it out, i think first of all, who, if not we ourselves, will defend the locals, our own land, we ourselves will live here in one, then the men will get out faster, yeah.
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on our filming equipment, if it is a focal lens, now for the commander of this unit we are trying to reach the obrazh positions in order to see what is happening there, here is our fearless operator helping the soldiers carry out combat missions.
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i accept, i accept kolak, who shoots, tyrants, he says, accepts, who come here, look here, here, here are the tits, so, here is the geobraska. yeah, there she is standing there with red hair , yes there are, here are yours, in short, these, like these bumpers, your bumpers, you should
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now have work above the bumpers, and the edge, edge, just the very, very, very, very edge of the image , you don’t take it anymore, we’re working on the edge, this little thing, i understand, who went here, that’s it, in short, here we go, right here, so that the infantry doesn’t come now, i understand everything, it’s higher than the work, it’s better, let it be higher, here let's fill it up so they don't walk at all, oops. hello, daughter, hello, can you hear me, baby,
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i congratulate you on your birthday, i love you very much, i miss you, happy birthday, and here all the fighters are also at the front congratulating you on your birthday, i ’ll be there soon, i’ll kiss you, everything is fine with you, great, great, baby. they brought flowers, and that the flowers were brought to you, you are born, thank you, thank you, these are flowers from dad, show me, they are so beautiful, show me, well, get them, let’s, one two, oh, they are real. come on baby, i love you, kiss you, i’ll call you again later, i love you, bye, bye,
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bye, bye, right now the next group of fighters is heading there closer to the front line to the avdievka industrial zone in order to intensify the attack and try to knock out the enemy, everyone is in a fighting mood, everyone is as collected as possible, everyone of them understands that... perhaps he will not return alive, interval, let's 5-10 meters, everyone goes,
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everyone, all 15 people who are not baptized may not take photos, all baptized, baptized muslims and not baptized muslims, orthodox , buddhists, everyone protected by the lord god, of course, yes, but everyone else is protected by different gods, so
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the kolaurat said, i take the kolaurat from the film. i agree that i also forgot us boys, i was woken up at 18 years old, so i was a fool, in short , i attacked my friends, but i didn’t understand what happened, and then 12 years later the film the legend of kolavrat came out, i understood, and he sends me away, he says from 52 to 56 minutes, he says, look , brother kalavrat, he doesn’t remind you of anyone, a pozuma appeared, let’s be here right now, in short all the way, he just arrived, he was next to us already... we started they’ll respond back to us, well, so far they’ve got something that’s not super on point, and it’s not bad, it’s not bad, it’s not bad, you see, everyone, attention, kolovrat in civilian life,
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it turned out awesome. organized everyone, handsome, actually, the first time as a toastmaster, i became a special operation here, our guy got married alone, god give them advice for our love, we had a komsomol wedding here, sober, kushes, kushes, juice, tea, there was a cake, and there was even a white dress, damn it. the guys are covering us with a boot next to us and now it was straight right across the bridge one person has just been killed , let's get out of here somewhere , somewhere, into the bunker, and there, in that direction
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, in front of the stretcher, here, take him out faster.
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will strike back in order to calm the enemy down a little, in the position, in the position, you mean in the position, which is the skeleton, so you’re having fun, everything’s fine, you’ve reached it, again close, close, close, somewhere to lie down next to us , like this, all intact, this is not a boot, this is art, so it seems to me that heavy artillery, or a tank for a boot, is too powerful, you need to look tank, look for a tank, tank, tank is hitting, identified, i congratulate you, you came under
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tank fire, i’ve never been hit by a tank, i’ve also come under mortar fire and under cannon artillery fire, but this is the first time a tank, i want to say something not pleasant, let the bird go, the adrenaline is going through the roof, and when you are somewhere from here, well, it’s scary, honestly scary, every time i go to the front line, i think where i’m going, why i need this, but every time i return to moscow, after 2 weeks i understand, that i need to go there again, here i’m here again, immediately arriving - it’s a tank, but i’m not a tank, the calmness, confidence of the boys, especially the commanders, composure, adds, adds confidence to us, and is passed on to us. this is calmness, write down the x's, the players from the bridge, from the bridge it was possible to determine the approximate square from where they are working on us,
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three two, ulyana, 4, 4, 5, how the reception received me, i am a kalavrat, how many were, it turns out, 3.5, plus minus x 5 3 y 7 4 6.
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we still have a kid left there from the second baht.
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now we need to quickly, quickly leave our positions and it will be possible to take a break, now artillery, aviation, and heavy flamethrowers are actively working, everything is directed there, just a barrage of fire, but still, in the end, it will be necessary for infantrymen to go there, attack aircraft, this is generally a special caste, the guys who walk in the assaults, well, i don’t know, it’s real. guys with the rest of your eggs, could you go on an assault? no, i definitely wouldn’t be able to either, but they walk around, just heroes, just heroes because
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they can, the seventeenth day the assault is underway, that is, as if everything was left there, one block, then yes, we will now pick up the avdeevka industrial plant, 100% we will pick it up, give me a tour of the industrial plant, of course, as soon as you pick it up, of course, they can’t stand the pressure. that is, they only work from afar, that is, their main load is veterans, of course, that is, they are very cool guys, this is a chance to take revenge on the whole of ukraine for the losses of my comrades in arms, this is the main thing, and now navdievka, ovdeevka - this is my homeland, ovdeevka is my homeland, bakhmut is my homeland, mariupol is my homeland, donetsk is my homeland, everything, everything, that everything that has become part of russia is my homeland, and drive it all away. all these fascists with their homeland - this is my main goal, task, for which i came here.
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the russian army repelled nine attacks in the su grouping. the center was liberated by the village of sookol in the dpr, zelensky’s formation lost over 2.0 more soldiers and mercenary officers. a tank and six other armored vehicles, as well as 35 gunships, self-propelled guns and missile systems were destroyed. in ukraine, men who have had one hand or fingers amputated are widely recognized as fit for the front. military commissars say that this is a mild dysfunction. they note that
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zelensky’s plan does not send people with disabilities to the front lines. for recruits complete


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