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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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thousands of people on the streets of tel aviv, demonstrators demand that the israeli government agree to a ceasefire with hamas, and slogans are also heard to hold early elections. abnormal heat returns to the southern regions of russia up to 42°, predicted in the astrakhan, volgograd, rostov regions of the krasnodar territory. in the central regions the temperature will not rise above +30. the russian operational-tactical complex iskander hit two ukrainian patriot launchers in the odessa region, as reported the russian ministry of defense also destroyed the giraffe radar station made in sweden. the equipment was placed in the area of ​​the yuzhnaya settlement. in a populated area. after an attack by ukrainian drones
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, temporary accommodation was introduced, the state of emergency announced this, people are being evacuated to the governor’s points. as it became known earlier, our air defense forces shot down several drones in the skies over the region, a warehouse fire broke out due to falling fragments, and explosive objects began to detonate. emergency services officers are working on the spot. residents of the fifth the republics are voting today in the second round of early voting.
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very high is expected in the second round, already, judging by how voting is going on in the transmur territories, and online voting, it has already exceeded, the turnout has already exceeded the indicators of the first round, the stakes are indeed very high, today the political future of france may be determined, but here are the forecasts , which were held a few days before the decisive vote, they said that the national association would not be able to get the absolute majority that it so strongly counts on precisely in second round, despite... all the efforts, despite the popularity, today at the polling stations we will not see, for example, marine lepin, jordan bardela, we will not see jean-luc mélenchon and raphael glucksmann, since these politicians, they were already elected from the first round, they received more than 50% of the votes, but nevertheless there is still a large part of france where nothing has been decided yet, there are those electoral districts where there will be a duel, like here here, for example, between the national assembly, the national... . and the new popular front, this
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left, but there are also places where there will be three candidates and even four candidates presented, nevertheless , the national association still expects to receive a lot of votes, according to all forecasts it will take first place, but in terms of seats, if you look, they can to stop at the figure of about 200 seats, and this is not enough, that is, this is not even a relative majority, then the situation in france will be very difficult, if not one of ... the party does not gain enough seats to form a government, there will be complete dead end since it is quite difficult to agree between the rights and the left, no one wants to listen to macron, they say that for the first time in the history of the fifth republic , a government of technocrats could be formed, consisting of people far from politics, mainly economists, diplomats or simply officials who should simply provide the work of the country for the coming year, earlier than the president in a year by law.
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cannot dissolve parliament again, so in the configuration in which the lower house will be formed, in the one in which it will will exist for the next year, but nevertheless, the left is again strengthening its position, they have entered into an alliance with the macronists, and they say that, in principle, they can also get a relative majority, so they believe, in many electoral districts they withdrew the candidacies of their people in benefit each other, gabriel hautal, prime minister. i also went to a meeting with the left, he said that he would postpone, for example, changing the law on reducing social benefits, reducing unemployment benefits, just before the day of silence, the right said that gabriel otal actually even wants to soften migration policy, which simply caused a flurry of reactions in france and the presidential wing had to urgently refute this, although nevertheless, an article that was supposed to be published in the magazine dudi monche is published today and... says exactly this, uh,
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really, uh, the topic of migration is very important for france, the topic of consumer, uh, purchasing power is also very important, the french are tired of dragging their feet. belts they want change, many want change, but on the one hand they still don’t dare vote for the extreme right or for the extreme left, but nevertheless, it seems, judging by the results of the first round, no taboos, no barriers that the macaronistas were going to organize together with the left no longer work on issues, a truly national association can count on first place, now the main question is how many places they will get, france is preparing to announce the results tonight, shops in many cities in... establishments, what will happen next, the big question is, namely expensive boutiques, banks and others like that macron warned about the outbreak of a civil
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war, painted the worst scenarios, but whether this is really so will be clear after the results are announced. anastasia, thank you, we will monitor the elections in france today. wait, of course, for the first exit polls. they will appear at 9 pm moscow time. and our own vgtrk correspondent anastasia popova is following the elections to the national assembly of the fifth republic. western media pretend that they allegedly did not know about the kiev regime’s abuse of the civilian population of donbass as prisoners. with such the accusations were made by an official representative of the russian foreign ministry. maria zakharova commented on the new york times publication. it, with reference to a foreign doctor in ukraine, talks about the atrocities of ukrainian armed forces militants. foreign mercenaries, so the nationalists shot an unarmed prisoner in cold blood in response to his request for medical help, and this is not the only case. maria zakharova emphasized that the russian side has repeatedly presented reports on the torture and murder of prisoners of war by the ukrainian armed forces.
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western press statement that they allegedly knew nothing about it, the diplomat called it ridiculous. military personnel in the dpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions. received a batch of special equipment from representatives of united russia, the our truth foundation and the young guard. the head of the central executive committee of united russia, alexander sedyakin, said that electronic warfare drones were delivered to fighters from voro in gorlovka, berdyansk and skadovsk , and binoculars, night vision devices and a laptop were delivered to military personnel in the rostov region. what are we conveying today? to you? in addition, activists brought medical products and protective clothing to doctors of the donetsk
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environmental center and delivered the necessary equipment for the construction of a playground on the territory of the medical institution. since the beginning, united russia has purchased special equipment for the front line for almost 13. protests against the aggressive policy of the alliance. demonstrators demanded the closure of american military bases around the world and then the dissolution of the organization altogether. in addition, protesters opposed the supply of weapons to israel. the action took place in one of churches with anti-war posters hung on the walls. residents of israel
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went out to protest this morning. they have two key demands for netanyahu’s cabinet: early elections and the release of hostages who are still being held by hamas militants in the absence of a ceasefire agreement. today is exactly 9 months since their attack on the jewish state. protests of disagreement with the government's policies swept the entire country. nine major transport junctions are closed. in addition, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the homes of eighteen israeli ministers and parliamentarians, including the heads of the ministry of defense and foreign affairs. large rallies are expected this evening in tel aviv and jerusalem. now a short advertisement, after which we will continue the release, headache there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and
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a twenty-meter frame is carefully lowered under the future pile. supports and road ramps will be installed on these piles. the vladikavkaz bypass road is perhaps the largest road construction project in the north caucasus, certainly the largest transport hub in ossetia. today, all transit transport heading to the russian-georgian border passes through... the caucasus means thousands of trucks and cars per day, city roads and the environment suffer, traffic jams arise, the load on the city is colossal, the new road will solve a whole range of problems and alleviate life for both local residents and drivers. vladikavkaz, it is almost the only city in the north caucasus, where until today there was no, until today there was no bypass, in fact, this entire string that you and i we see that it passes through the districts of the city of vladikavkaz. the road workers have started.
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the entire complex includes several overpasses, parking for 400 trucks and 200 cars, and huge interchanges connecting three federal roads at once. this is the largest transport interchange in the north.
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that year, but road workers expect to launch traffic on the new road much earlier. alexander kunduk, once again stanislav khuziev, news: north ossetia. now there is a short advertisement, then the broadcast will continue with the final episode of the vesti program - duty department. travel with alfabank, choose where.
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sber it is more profitable with prime. on avito khvatamba. discounts for people from people until july 7th. hello, the duty department is on air. let's summarize the legal results of the past week. i'm maxim movchan with you. watch now. former auditor yuri chekin was sentenced to life in khantamantiysk for ordering the murder of the district prosecutor. they took matings, the participation of shareholders' apartments, how the criminal managed to hide for more than 20 years, who helped him set up a shelter with a porn studio and a gym, a new twist in the case... scam racers in the volgograd region arrested the lover of kristina gvozdeva, who left his family for her and lost his business. i believe i'm done a good deed, and the guilty person will be punished.
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so was it love or was every step of the glamorous diva just another deception? the tobacco case in the kaliningrad region, a former deputy of the legislative assembly is being tried for smuggling cigarettes. underground workshop and how were illegal products managed to be sold not only in russia, but abroad? in dagestan , the former head of seroga, kalinsky district, has been detained again; according to businessman magomed amarov, he may be involved in fictitious employment of people in a local municipal newspaper. according to media reports throughout for several years, the so-called dead shower was used to pay salaries, and the money went to the official. it is noteworthy that literally on the eve of the arrest. released from the isolation ward, where he spent 10 days for petty hooliganism, using obscene language in a public place. let me remind you that omarov lost his position at the end of june after a terrorist attack in dagestan; one of the militants turned out to be his
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son. former auditor yuri chekin was given a life sentence in khantamantiysk this week for the person who ordered the murder of the district prosecutor. they searched for the criminal for more than 20 years. to the whole world, he didn’t even leave the city, hid in a rented apartment, equipped himself with a shelter, and also... a gym and a porn studio, how a fugitive ministry of finance official became a millionaire without going outside and without using the internet, what other crimes was he involved in ? , about the finale of the high- profile trial of alexandra mostovaya. the former auditor for the khantemantsy district , yuri chekkin, changed his voluntary imprisonment to forced imprisonment. before the verdict was announced, he staged a one-man show.
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rewarding the murder of the autonomous prosecutor district bederin, yuri alexandrovich. in the nineties, prosecutor bederin worked on the case of yuri chekin and found out that the auditor was involved in the theft of more than 15.5 million rubles from the budget. and even when it was not possible to prove this in court, bederin continued to look for evidence. that day , yuri bizerin, as usual, was returning home from work, but did not have time to reach his apartment, just a few steps. here the killer was waiting for him, he shot three times. in early 2000, the murder of the prosecutor shocked.
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game of chess, who won? well, it happened in any way when he was in the mood good, he will win quickly. yuri bederin's life was valued at $50,000. according to investigators, chekin transferred this amount to his childhood friend viktor zmanovsky. and he hired two performers, rabadan rabadanov and alexander kozin. all three subsequently received long sentences, but the customer disappeared. for 20 years they searched for him all over the world, and all this time he did not even leave the city. apartment in the center of hantimanti. became yuri chekin's lair. it was in this house, on the fourth floor , that chekin lived for 20 years. he didn't leave the house because he understood that street surveillance cameras and facial recognition systems
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would instantly give him away. the neighbors had no idea that a dangerous criminal lived next to them. after his arrest, chekin told our colleague eduard petrov about how he had been in hiding for two decades. and i also want to tell you an interesting story. first of all, how did i escape? you are probably also interested, yes, of course, and what move did they come up with, take me away, the move to stay in khantemansiyskiy and, so to speak, pretend that i just disappeared, lay low, yes, and i thought through the security system, that's all. the apartment had a secret niche under the window sill; its size allowed the man to hide in the event of a visit from the security forces, however, at the time of the assault, chekin did not have time to take advantage of the shelter. this was a surprise to him. it turns out that he was scared, he was just a man in his apartment, moving around, then they came in - it turns out to be employees with a specialized unit.
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the organizer of the murder pointed to yuri chekin. viktor zmanovsky, he agreed to cooperate with the investigation and actively testified, but chekin himself, despite the impressive amount of evidence, did not admit his guilt until the verdict. in a long interview with journalist odard petrov, he stated that he had been slandered. what do you say to zamanovsky? well, i’ll tell zamanovsky that there’s no need to slander me, that’s all. are you involved yourself? you. you did it, which means you were held responsible, but you shouldn’t blame someone who didn’t order this crime for you. chekin was awake at night and slept during the day; he did not use the telephone or the internet, but over the years he managed to earn several tens of millions of rubles without leaving your apartment. he successfully managed the financial affairs of his son, lawyer sergei. what money did you live on these years? 20 years, how did you survive on what means? well, i worked all this time, well, i had so much savings, no,
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why? i worked, i was in khantemansiysk and worked, i worked every day, there were these rental premises, let’s say they were all involved, i did the calculations there, i did the taxation, that is, you were such a privy councilor, yes, but my son doesn’t seem to appreciated the financial success of the fugitive father handed him over to the security forces, they began to approach his relatives, so he was more or less in contact, it turned out to be his son, we saw their contradictions in the family, we noticed these contradictions. so we started talking to him. possible disagreements arose over money and real estate. cheken divided his income between his son sergei and his niece alena. the latter clearly got more. according to our information, the lady drives a premium car. this is presumably her mercedes. alena owns two apartments, and according to open sources, is the founder of the company. did the craving for money really force chekin jr. to hand over his own father to the security forces? we managed
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to talk. why did you decide to cooperate with operatives and investigators? i felt a threat to my life; i seemed to have a very close relationship with yuri chekin’s niece. in the apartment where the criminal was hiding, the operatives saw not only a mini-gym for maintaining good physical shape, but a porn studio where solyony checks in. filmed videos for adults, the lady, by the way, didn’t she was embarrassed to appear in court and cried when the verdict was announced. yura, no matter what connection the girl has with yuri chekin, they will no longer meet in freedom. investigators were able to prove that in addition to reprisals against the prosecutor, chekin was involved in two more contract killings committed in the late nineties. two businessmen became his victims, and the auditor also stole budget funds. according to the court's decision, he will remain behind bars until
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the end. of your days. the role of the prisoner seems to have become familiar to yuri chekin over the years of voluntary confinement in an apartment, but the conditions, of course, are incomparable with those that await him in the colony. on the totality of the crime , yuri vasilyevich chekin was finally sentenced to life imprisonment. relatives of prosecutor yuri bederin are glad that the person who ordered the murder received a well-deserved punishment. yuri alexandrovich paid with his life for his honesty and integrity. will always be reminded of this. memorial plaque on the facade of the district attorney's office building. alexander mostovaya, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov and pavel alekseev. vesti - the duty unit from khantemansky autonomous okrug. uzbekistan hospitably welcomed 100 children from russia who suffered from terrorist attacks on the regions of our country and the crocus city hall concert complex. teenagers from the belgorod and bryansk regions, as well as those whose families suffered as a result of an attack by criminals in krasnogorsk near moscow, are relaxing in
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a health resort. at the airport, schoolchildren were greeted with lush cakes and fruits, followed by gifts on behalf of the president of the republic: backpacks with tracksuits, sneakers and tablets. the camp has a varied program for children: clubs, including for young traffic inspectors, a swimming pool, a library and a computer class. there is time for sports competitions, creative competitions, a disco, and also a trip to the famous samarkan. very.


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