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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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without a flint, in a flint he quickly imprisoned me, a self-written pen, magic ink, you’ll get it , the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, but where you need to go. i can’t live without traveling, flint, he who doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in his pocket, soon, got used to watching videos on the network, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on
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the website. what is stopping us, it is well known, what is helping us, is it political will?
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the doors closed so clearly they were talking about before closing they made this sound: when ukraine and putin were also later asked who could be a mediator during the crisis, they always advocated negotiations, never refused them, to finally end the conflict... with the help intermediaries only through them, it seems unlikely to me, it is unlikely that the intermediary will be empowered, sign the final documents, and moreover, lead to the signing of even the final document, who can give powers to the mediator such that they could put a final point to put an end to this confrontation, i just think that this is unlikely, but mediation, since , for example, mr. erdogan i did this during our negotiation process in istanbul, a mediation in itself.
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there is still an opportunity to talk about difficult issues again . erdogan insists on visiting turkey. i'll be waiting for you as soon as possible, mr. president, in my country. thanks a lot. and when the meeting ended, the leaders demonstrated that it was clearly a success.
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they were sitting on the kremlin floor, all the seats in the press center were also occupied by journalists, an amazing case, no one here knew 100% at that time, so with whom were the negotiations. a regime of complete secrecy until the last, so 15 minutes before the start peskov reveals his cards, that is , negotiations are now expected here between vladimir putin, putin and orban, yes, who flew in on a working visit to moscow, of course, including soon the prime minister of hungary appears at these doors, and hungary is now also the chairman of the council of the european union. viktor orban begins negotiations with vladimir putin, vladimir putin begins negotiations with '. our program immediately manages to see that the minister of foreign affairs at the beginning of the meeting apparently put a folder with documents next to him, but when the operators were asked to leave the room,
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the folder was immediately handed over to the prime minister. delegations from our side at such negotiations, who determines this? the president of russia, the president, and the presence of vladimir there medinsky says that he continues to fulfill the role of head of the negotiating team, right? he actually led the negotiations, so of course, the entire array of developments is supervised by him, now, of course
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, there is no negotiating group, because there are no negotiations, there are not even prospects for negotiations, but what has been developed, those old istanbul agreements, could be some kind of basis for resuming . process , orban’s arrival in moscow caused a storm among eu politicians, however, they were indignant at the meeting of the hungarian half a year ago premiere with putin in china. it is also clear that now he will clearly face obstruction from his western colleagues. how do you generally feel about such methods? he belongs to the small cohort of european politicians who know how to defend their interests. they do this persistently, consistently, and, in my opinion, quite tactfully.
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he just said that there are fewer and fewer countries that are able to talk to both sides. i am very grateful to you that even in such difficult conditions you agreed to accept me. it's been a long time, of course, this didn’t happen in the kremlin, probably the last time before february 22, when numerous negotiations on ukraine were also taking place here, a huge number of journalists are now heading to ekaterinsky. hall where vladimir putin and viktor orban are expected to make statements to the press, perhaps we will be able to ask some questions, we are watching with you. well, at least the atmosphere of the negotiations was very good. did you manage to come
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to any compromises? i can say that many issues were discussed, including naturally ukrainian. he was the main one, right? yes, the ukrainian issue was among the main ones, yes, now the president and prime minister will talk about this, with these words the hungarian foreign minister takes minister lavrov away from the hall, talk again? all the news from such important negotiations was published earlier than others in the zarubin telegram channel, you definitely need to subscribe. lavrov then returned, and the president and prime minister continued to communicate. the russian foreign minister was simply attacked by journalists. i can't talk at all right now.
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that they managed to film everything themselves, the facial expressions of the russian minister in front of a photo with a western journalist will, of course, become a new internet hit. it was this observer who then flew on the plane with orban and asked him about the details of his visit to putin. this war has already begun to influence economic growth and our competitiveness. over the past 2 and a half years, we have realized that without diplomacy, without channels of communication, we will not achieve peace. peace will not come on its own. you have to work for it. they worked together for several hours.
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cough into the microphone, please, please, please, apparently, due to the fact that the visit was organized on the fly, the translation was not instantaneous through headphones, but sequential, when there were no headphones, and translators into microphones translated phrase by phrase, sponsors of ukraine continue to try to use this country and its people as a toran, a victim of the confrontation with russia, as we see the state of affairs, including taking into account... heard today from mr. prime minister, kiev is still not ready to give up the idea of ​​conducting war to victory
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end. in my opinion, the kiev regime does not allow the very idea of ​​cessation of hostilities because in this case the pretext for extending martial law disappears. the interpreters stand a few meters away, trying to hear everything. speakers are brought closer to them. russia concedes the law.
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to say, yeah, i don’t have enough imagination, i don’t have enough, because even hungary, which is part of the european union, is now being slandered for its connections with moscow. we are a sovereign country, and i don’t think we should think about it, goodbye, goodbye, viktor orban is leaving the kremlin, these are these shots, but you and i understand that this is not just the departure of the european leader,
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now from moscow, you and i see, we understand perfectly well that most likely viktor orban is leaving from here from moscow to... his home with some... then, perhaps, with some signals, perhaps some messages from moscow to other western politicians, we will, together with you , monitor the development of the situation. european leader orban is leaving the kremlin in the russian senate, and the manufacturer of these cars is under western sanctions. all these public details the visit is now being discussed in the media, but much in big politics should remain a secret, like the hungarian minister. communicated with colleagues, covering his mouth with his hand so that no one could read his lips. peskov also spoke on the phone at the sco summit. chief of chinese presidential protocol. well, putin always has important documents close to his heart, only journalists. leaves the hall.
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lavrov also acts, such large summits always bring a lot of unusual personnel, because the most different situations are reported by different journalists. tried for you more than others, but the closeness of the two countries is evident even in this: china's hongqi, xidimping and vladimir putin's russia are parked together, look how close to each other, today vladimir putin and xiding ping are together again at the back table of the shanghai cooperation organization summit. major political events are often called historical by many journalists, but
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this is not always true, but today it is for sure historic summit.
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to others, the united states did all this, we sometimes hear from the united states that they want to resume conversations on this topic, well , it’s not clear whether they want it or not, in the last period of president obama’s administration they gave us signals that they want then suddenly they lost the desire, now during the election campaign, and one that is of a very acute domestic political nature, to say that we can now establish some kind of constructive dialogue with the united states is not... active took up missiles shorter than medium range, as for deployment, i said that we are declaring a moratorium on the possible future deployment of our respective
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systems until these missile systems appear in some region of the world, and if the missile medium and shorter range american production will appear somewhere, then we reserve the right to act in a mirror way, everything remains as we did, we hear a statement about it. shelling of sevastopol and other regions of the russian federation, it is stated that the united states bears responsibility for this, that these signals from our side, direct statements mean what kind of responsibility can ultimately be discussed, the president spoke about this in great detail when he explained how the atacoms and other long-range weapons that the united states supplies to ukraine operate, and for any technically literate person who understands military affairs, that without the direct participation of the united states in the targeting purpose, in the preparation of satellite data, these missiles would not fly anywhere, so this
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it’s a well-known fact, they keep saying the americans, nato members, that we are in no way at war with russia, well, in general, this is a bad face in a bad game, that’s what i’ll say, they understand this perfectly well, as for our reaction, well, the president said that we will react and... i am convinced that in the future you will know about this. everything that is happening now in europe, said sco leader putin, is the result of washington’s aggressive aspirations. absolutely unceremonious policy of the united states with its satellites. let me remind you that in mid-june we another settlement option is presented, which, if the ukrainian side, and most importantly its western sponsors are ready , would allow literally at once, an immediate cessation of hostilities. start negotiations, which over the past few years has become a truly powerful organization of a global nature, in my opinion, it is one of the most successful international
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organizations that now exists in the current situation, in addition, it is inherently democratic, the principle of equality of all states is respected there, and these countries, in where half the world's population lives, together declared their common, very important position. against placing any weapons in space, this is still a signal to the rest of the world about how we feel about the militarization of outer space. the sco country has a very negative attitude towards the use of american currency as a weapon, when the dollar printing press works only for the benefit of the united states, it harms the rest, this cannot but worry. the sco countries are moving towards creating their own payment systems, an analogue of the common currencies.
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in kazakhstan, they did everything to make the work of the cooperation organization convenient and comfortable for the participants of the sco summit, but the delegations made such busy schedules for themselves that in the literal sense of the word.
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regional and international affairs and the role of russia. it is obvious that the agenda will be , given the volume of trade and economic cooperation, given india's role in the rich, if not overloaded. this will be an official visit, and we hope that the heads will be able to communicate in an informal setting, and, of course, negotiations will take place in a narrow composition, already directly in the kremlin in an expanded composition, as part of a delegation. rumors just started spreading about this visit, and jealousy immediately began. powerful began in the western media, from western politicians regarding the visit of the indian prime minister to russia, how do we feel about this jealousy? well, listen, they are jealous, which means they are closely monitoring, closely
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monitoring. the leader of a country with a population of one and a half billion will make his first visit to russia after the re-election; according to information from our program, there will be not only official communication with putin, but also a lot of informal moments, and yet india is a geopolitical giant, western countries in the last 2 years have also tried to subordinate them to their, as they say, rules, i can’t imagine that fashion could be frightened, intimidated, there is such pressure, i know last week putin participated in
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the sco summit, this year we are chairing... brix. and therefore, next week the president will address participants in the brix parliamentary forum. putin will also hold a meeting with members of the government, with permanent members of the security council and will communicate with the finalists of the all-russian competition. this is our family. another important project for the country that emphasizes a key priority. the importance of family in our society. such a busy week. watch and read zarubin’s telegram channel. you will find out the most interesting details before others. well , as everyone well knows, on sunday evening only our program will show more about the results of the presidential week. thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you for a week, and to the audience i'll see you after a short break in the studio on sunday evening.
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hungarian prime minister viktor orban caused a hysterical attack among western partners. the reason for this is a visit to moscow.


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