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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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100% cashback from the island, book hotels and apartments, take part in the draw, i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out you can get it at 20%, it turns out that for money there is your own marketplace, financial services, a financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. well, today is july 8th, on the day of family, love and fidelity, the grandiose exhibition forum russia. vladimir putin came to the closing ceremony, and this is the president’s fifth visit to vdnkh since the opening of the exhibition, which, let me remind you, continued. his work for 248
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days, more than 8 months, yes, at vdnkh the president held a meeting with exhibition employees, who told him about their successes and shared their impressions, and also talked with the finalist families of the all-russian competition, this is our family. well, we’ll find out all the details of this meeting from our colleague anastasia efimova, she’s joining us from vdnh, anastasia, we welcome you to say how it went meeting? yes, colleagues! hello, indeed, 8 months, 18.5 million visitors, and of course, countless emotions received by each of those who visited the russia exhibition during these long 2.5 hundred days. the head of state today spoke with the employees of this very exhibition and, of course, thanked them for the work they had done. by the way, the figure of 18.5 million is perhaps not final, because many guests came. to the exhibition twice or thrice,
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the president, by the way, was among them, he actually came to vdnkh, here to the exhibition site, if you count today's visit, as many as five times. the exhibition worked for 8 months, yes, 18.5 million people visited it, this in itself speaks of the enormous interest in the exhibition, but only during the period when we extended it for several months. in my opinion, 7.5 million have already come there, a huge number, the participants in this whole event talked about international interest, indeed, in my opinion, 120 delegations, more than 120, that is, delegations from 120 countries came here and saw what i want say we have something to show, something to be proud of, but that’s not all, it’s also important... it’s important
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to present it beautifully and talentedly, you did it. it really worked out, they showed so much that, perhaps, each of the guests perfectly understood the feeling of pride for their homeland they feel while being here. here we laughed together, and here we cried together. today at the meeting, the exhibition staff very emotionally told the head of state about what exactly they were wearing. the exhibition russia will be associated with the memory. march 18 is our day russian spring, decades, processions, gratitude campaigns, songs, but the brightest, you know, what happened. in the evening, a guy came up to the stand, he, well, is the same age as the russian spring, and said, now i know exactly what patriotic goosebumps are. vladimir vladimirovich. thank you for the haven,
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for the goosebumps, for the invincible russian spirit. i am very grateful that there was such an action in support of the belgorod region. belgorod is... with you, thanks to our family, as long as we are all together, we will not be defeated, a lot of guys come who are being treated in hospitals, here there is rehabilitation, they come in with different moods, and come out and you know, we are listening all the time, crying, they say, we know what we are fighting for, for our great, the best country in the world, thank you very much,
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not by chance, of course , that it closes on this day of family love and fidelity, and it is also symbolic that it was at the exhibition site in russia that the head of state today met with the finalists of the “this is our family” competition. they talked about how difficult it was for them to pass the tests, that
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motivated them to win more and more victories, and of course, according to tradition, for this format of communication, the heads of state with citizens expressed: their very specific and important proposals, we are the owners of maternity capital, we have had a small amount stored in our account for many years , and it would be great if you could spend this amount today, and not store it in accounts, spend a child’s school fees, or buy a high school student a laptop, a bicycle, but such a problem... not a problem, the situation is well known, after that, like people they spend the bulk of the maternity capital, there remains some small amount, with which it seems like nothing can be done, so of course we discussed with tatyana alekseevna, we need to allow people
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to use the remaining money, well, let’s make it 10,000 first, and then. .. let’s see, maybe we’ll take other steps, we need to organize the work in such a way that people can use these funds, just pay all this money to families, yes, yes, this is far from the only proposal, which was expressed by the meeting participants, which was supported by the president, which means that the pressing issue for families will be resolved. in our large family , only a small part is represented here, there is a child with disabilities, there is such a problem that only the mother can receive compensation for such a child in the amount of 10 thousand, if it is not registered in the name of the mother, but , for example, another person receives it relative,
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grandmother, then it will only be in the amount of 1,200, is it possible to make this payment so that it is also, for example, to a grandmother or another close relative, but of course, of course. and you need to do this, you know, these are the difficulties, they don’t develop on purpose, just like that the situation develops, one decision is made. then something else, these little things are not taken into account, they have a certain meaning for people, it turns out that they have a certain meaning, so of course this needs to be done, what difference does it make, who cares for the child, mother or grandmother, we need to make everyone equal, pay this 10,000 for everyone, at least for now, in any case, and certainly their indexing, competition - this is our family. in fact, like the russia exhibition, it essentially united the whole country, the participants represent
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a variety of regions, they submitted applications, regardless of any circumstances, many admit that they doubted, were not sure that they could cope, especially since participation in the competition the whole family took in, from young to old, suffice it to say that the youngest participant was 5 years old, and the oldest registered were 102 and 108, that is , these are the great-great-great-grandmothers and about... about the grandmothers of the youngest participants, coped with trials, i repeat once again, despite the difficulties, in many families that took part in the competition, one of their loved ones is in the zone of a special military operation, and even this did not stop them from supporting their relatives. i had to very often ask my immediate superiors for permission to make some concessions so that i could. record some short video for the competition or take a photograph, yes, they supported, and if there was
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such an opportunity, they let me go somewhere, uh, so that i could do all this, you are now in did you get a vacation? yes, now i ’m on vacation, it is necessary, we need to generally establish a vacation system for svo participants, not everything is properly organized there yet, but i know it. we will work on this, but the fact that you came is great, of course, today not all the participants in the competition were at the meeting with the president, many watched the broadcast, but the most important thing is that, perhaps, a rule was formulated in this competition , which today can become almost universal, because the most important thing today is not everyone should stand for themselves, and stand for each other, colleagues: yes, nastya, thank you, but it seems to me that another of the most important results is that the competition will now become an annual event, and
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vladimir putin today signed a number of laws, which we will tell you about, in particular, one of them simplifies the procedure for parents to obtain documents for children, the law gives the right to one of the parents to receive them in a simplified manner, that is, even if he was not the applicant, but the truth is that there are conditions, for this, when submitting the application you need to indicate your last name, first name, patronymic and passport. start your business journey with sber support.
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profitable. well, let’s return to the first topic of the hour, to one of its episodes, the russia exhibition completed its work with incredible success, its popularity, which seems to have exceeded all expectations, is evidenced by this figure: the exhibition, which became a reflection of a large country, entered the world top 10 most visited places. 8 months, or, more precisely , 248 days, that’s how long i worked on a grand scale. russia, all subjects of the russian federation, the largest state corporations, federal ministries and departments. the exhibition was spread out on the territory of vdnkh in different pavilions, and its total area was over 265. m. well , more than 130 exhibitions were placed in the pavilions,
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you could visit them for free. let me remind you that the exhibition was supposed to close on april 12, but due to enormous interest. her work was extended until today. over the entire period, vdnkh was visited by 18 million people and, as noted by the chairman of the organizing committee for the russia forum exhibition, the first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko, it entered the top ten most visited places in the world. i just looked at the world rankings of the most visited places in the world, the russian exhibition. during this time it entered the top ten most visited places on our planet, millions of boys and girls, having come here and looked at what the country is proud of today, have probably made their choice, and several decades will pass at the same exhibition, we will be proud of what they will create these same boys and girls who
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found their dream here at the exhibition, several interesting facts: during the russia forum exhibition , more than 15 thousand business, cultural, educational sports events were organized. new national projects were presented at the site: family, personnel, youth and children, well, in the year of russia’s chairmanship in brix , events were held at vdnkh with participants from the countries of the union. since the beginning of the exhibition , more than 65 thousand free excursions have been held along 30 routes. their participation. visited by delegations from 120 countries of the cis, asia, the arab world, south america and europe, well among there were foreign guests. and 2,000 participants in the world youth festival forum. on july 6 , the closing ceremony of the russia forum exhibition took place at vdnkh.
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more than 200,000 people visited the exhibition that day and this became a record. before it, the highest attendance was on the opening day, november 4 , 192,000; on children's day, june 1, 191,00 people. organizers in honor of the end of the exhibition. form held a big concert with vdnkh, the same rich program, with the participation of alexey vorobyov, grigory leps, shaman, pilagea and others. today, july 8 , dedicated to the day of family, love and fidelity, useful trainings, creative workshops and meetings with the stars are organized for children and adults. also today there will be a gola concert of us millions. it will end with a performance by bolshoi theater soloist ksenia dezhneva.
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the kyiv regime's use of toxic chemicals, including hydrocyanic acid, is confirmed by numerous. testimony of witnesses, civilians and russian military personnel. thus, in may 2024, in the village of semenovka, located 10 km from avdeevka, donetsk people’s republic, ammunition was dropped from ukrainian uavs. according to eyewitnesses, the affected villagers experienced symptoms characteristic of blue acid: difficulty breathing, vomiting and a taste of bitter almonds. well,
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continuing the topic. russian troop groups east and west occupied more advantageous frontiers. the center group has improved its tactical position. the north and dnepr groups defeated enemy units. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the southern group improved the situation along the front line, defeating two brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of konstantinovka and belogorovka. according to military department estimates , the enemy lost more than 570 military personnel and nine vehicles, as well as several guns and a radar station. ivana, uh, uh, what started? without deception, without
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