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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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or a helicopter, how hard it is to see only by sound and visually through binoculars. the soviet air defense system was created at a time when they knew nothing about copters, but the experience of special operations has already shown that the arrow has such accuracy that it can literally work on a point in the sky. this is the homing head, in fact, the main thing in the installation, it locks onto the target and steadily moves towards it. in many ways, the arrow was ahead of its time. the mobile phone unfolds, well, it literally takes 20 seconds to start working. on the go you can directly shoot on the move, right at the front line, they put an anti-drone net on the vehicle, there was another front-line tuning, everything underfoot, or rather under the tracks, is suitable for camouflage, this is a mine conveyor belt, now it covers the side of the vehicle like this, the anti-aircraft gunners of the center group of forces are leaving to work several times a day, the enemy tries to attack from the air, but very rarely emerges victorious from these duels, oleg
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bondarenko, vesti, donetsk people's republic, avdeevskoe direction. the front side shows an exact copy hundred dollar bill, on the back there are detailed instructions for those who are ready to surrender. all this is a new format of propaganda leaflets, which are supplied and delivered by our soldiers to the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the scheme is extremely simple: a whole bundle is dropped from a drone, after which the stylized banknotes are guaranteed to attract the attention of at least a few ukrainian military personnel , and let it be.
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the russian military actually proves the opposite, the northern military district zone, a russian warrior, single-handedly turns to dust, a supporter of the armed forces of ukraine, how simple runs up to the building, throws an anti-tank mine at the window, the walls fold up like a house of cards, what are they doing, what are they doing, choosing a blind spot, the guys there essentially don’t know how they crawl, they use the folds of the terrain, but they have very good combat experience they manage to go unnoticed. approach the enemy, and the enemy,
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it seems, did not even know what happened to him, that is, his lights all turned off. our military has found an unusual use for a truly legendary ammunition, the mini anti-tank tm-62m. as the name suggests, it developed in the sixties of the last century, since then they have only modernized it, the design turned out to be so successful. if you compare its power to something that is usually thrown at enemy positions, the mine is extremely powerful. effectively, standard hand grenades are about 80 times weaker than the tm-62m with its eight-kilogram warhead. it is clear that if the ammunition is capable of doing this with heavy armored vehicles, then dismantling the support is not a problem at all for a mine. the use of such mines, and it is carried out precisely in the absence opportunity to use artillery. here it is necessary to destroy the enemy right here on the spot. quite within a specific time frame.
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of course, ammunition has to be modified for such use. in a normal situation , the tm-62m has a contact fuse. it is designed for armored vehicles, that is , it goes off if something heavy hits a mine, it just won’t detonate from the impact. if a mine is going to be thrown, the fuse is replaced. in the videos from the svo zone, you can even see how our soldiers cock it. after that, the fighter feels like he’s hit a hand grenade. there is a few seconds for an aimed throw, what was the use before, so they took out the fuse itself, attached it there, made a makeshift fuse and mounted a capsule detonator with a short fire cord there, it was set on fire in one way or another and this is - this mine was thrown and used as needed, in our version. which
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we saw in the video, this is exactly the same, perhaps the only limitation for such feats is physical training, mine weighs 10 kg, and in order to throw it into the enemy’s dugout, you have to be... very brave and strong, in order to make the task easier for themselves, russian army soldiers undergo a slight modification of the ammunition, bandage the mine, turning it into some kind of athletics hammer, as in this video , it was wrapped in fabric wrapping, but for the convenience of the sample, the physical fitness of our military personnel and the initiative allows us to correctly use everything that is at hand, the desire to win, this is the main thing why the russian military began to use mines not... by purpose can be assumed, probably given the shortage of equipment in the armed forces of ukraine, our consumption of such ammunition has decreased, and we have to be creative so that the goods do not go to waste. tm-62 is now both hand grenades and air bombs, known to be
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dropped from large drones. well, how can we forget the kamikaze robots, who carefully deliver mines to enemy positions and then detonate themselves. here, for example, is another recent video: the product is called: a frog, together with a tm-62, jumped up to the support of the armed forces of ukraine, in general, if the enemy hoped that there were no tanks, no problems with anti-tank mines, then we have bad news for him. the french finance minister promises the country an economic crisis after the left forces win the parliamentary elections. their program is allegedly too risky, but the euro and french bonds have already fallen in global trading. this is how the market reacted to the fact that none of the parties failed. obtain enough votes to form a majority in the national assembly. difference between president macron's left-wing coalition and marin's party le pen has only a few dozen parliamentary seats, which means france has received a so-called hung parliament. the results of the voting and forecasts for the future in the report of our european
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correspondent anastasia popova. victory is victory, pogroms are on schedule. a traditional way for far-left youth to mark important events. in lyon. a fast food restaurant and a bus stop were destroyed; a supermarket in rennes was destroyed during the riots; 25 people were detained. in nanti , a policeman was set on fire after a bottle was thrown at him with an incendiary mixture, the officer survived with serious burns. in paris, everything started peacefully, they celebrated on the republic square, but by night everything went according to a different scenario. the appearance of the police, who, by the way, mostly voted for the national unification, is perceived by the extreme left youth as a provocation, they go on the offensive. however, mass pogroms, which perhaps all the businessmen of large cities feared, were nevertheless avoided; the left,
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unexpectedly for the experts, won a victory, albeit not a very impressive one, the final one the composition of the national assembly will be known in 10 days, but for now the approximate one is from figaro. new popular front - 184 seats out of 577, macronists - 166 seats, national association - 143 seats. while we do not have any clarity, there are no clear winners and losers, there are three blocs that have approximately the same number of seats. this is, in my opinion, the most important result: governing the country in the coming weeks will be incredibly difficult. on the one hand , political technologies worked, a temporary alliance of the extreme left and... macron, who have already stated that will never work together, but united in the second round simply to prevent the right from coming to power. on the other hand, it is interesting to look at the figures that in france, and, by the way, in great britain, power was given not to those for whom more people voted, but to those who took more constituencies. if you look at
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the total number of people who voted for one or another party, the national association is in the lead. they have over 8,700. for comparison , it’s a little behind the macronists. 6 million, the united left has 7 million. the new popular front assures that he is ready to rule the country, promises to take up macron’s legacy closely, and, if possible , cancel the unpopular reforms that he adopted during the 7 years of his rule. supporters greet each such news with jubilation. but it’s too early to rejoice; in order to govern the country, you need to be able to form a government and propose a candidate for prime minister. the first to speak after the announcement of the results was the leader of unconquered france, jean-luc milanchon. the president must either leave his post or choose a new prime minister from our ranks. the president macron did not accept the resignation of prime minister gabriel attal and asked him to wait. he himself
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again refused to make public statements or contact the french, which he previously did almost every day during the election program. now he is going to washington for a summit... we will have the opportunity to get an absolute majority, maybe this will happen in a year, yes, we will have to endure another year, leaving unresolved problems of illegal migration, insecurity in our country, but if we need to go along this path, which means so be it, for them the trend is obvious, popularity is growing steadily, while the responsibility for possible failures is not on them, they remain in opposition when the work of parliament can be paralyzed, and the economic situation in france... will worsen, if only because that the left's program involves large expenses for the budget, which already has a deficit of 5.5%. this is
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a very convenient position for the fight for the presidency, which will begin in 3 years. anastasia, irina kudesova, news, paris, france. the enemy is not assumed that the attack could begin at any moment, he was taken by surprise. thus begins the action-packed story of the commander of one of the units of the central group of troops. provided komsomolskaya pravda military correspondent alexander kots with unique footage of the battle for the ocheretin auction point in the dpr. let me remind you that it is located northwest of avdeevka, and came under the control of our armed forces at the end of april. but only now has it become possible to see how the offensive operation took place, and there is undoubtedly what to look at. here is at least a very clear episode when a detachment of ukrainian militants managed to be caught in a railroad fire trap. it took the tandem, aerial reconnaissance and artillery a matter of seconds.
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stanislav bernwald will show how much it justified itself, in order to inflict very serious damage on enemy manpower, and in general the bet during that assault was made largely on the speed of decision-making, to what extent it justified itself. the battle for ocheretina was not easy, but very fast. thanks to excellent actions of our attack aircraft, the enemy was simply not ready to confront our guys, he began to move back, losing expensive strange equipment of soldiers, hundreds of vysushnikov with... he simply panicked, me and the battalion commander decided not to wait, but
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to go in, which played an extremely important role role, and we were the first to fly into the industrial zone, that is, there were no troops there before us, we entered, secured a foothold, gave passage to others, the enemy, in turn, simply did not wait for us there, the attack of our attack aircraft really turned out to be lightning fast, as the evening says, our guys generally took the first prisoners without a fight, the first prisoners were taken by us... roughly speaking, my guys didn’t even take them with a fight, but caught up with them on the street, at that time they were just walking there, not expecting ours there at all appearance, they were entrenched, in fact, they had already started cleaning up, pulling in other units and working, so we went in, the waters appeared, as the commander says, there was no need for any engineering preparation, trenches had already been made along the outskirts, for which the guys are very grateful to the enemy, that is why the attack aircraft no longer walked along... the regiments, but could break into the populated area from different directions. when the first shock
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passed, the enemy attempted a counterattack, but to no avail. from time to time, attempts were made to get bradley and banam to work, but it didn’t work out for her, it didn’t work out, her path was immediately blocked by burning the equipment. as the commander of the assault company noted, the enemy in the populated area was simply not ready to fight at all. chaos prevailed among the units. there was no coordination, command generally disappeared somewhere, the prisoners generally reported that they had arrived in the morning, had no contact, the captured officer also did not even have a walkie-talkie with him, he, in principle, could not control the unit, these were small disorganized groups that were all gradually destroyed, so here is the most interesting thing, filled with rapidly losing manpower and equipment , militants of the terrorist rdk advanced from the rear, but only aggravated the situation along the line, our guys... our guys greeted them very warmly, we guys from the same intercepted walkie-talkie, we just heard it,
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they were simply met, they were simply destroyed without any problems, too, from my point of view this is more of a show, because they showed themselves in absolutely no way at all, the tough terrorists from the so-called rdk, as the evening party claim, turned out to be completely untrained , these are such tiktok troops on minimal wages, when they realized that the situation was ruined, they tried to escape and... would have been safely destroyed, most of the prisoners told stories of how the command told tales about russian captivity, senseless and merciless, they put him in yes already to me at the hospital, there was no need to provide him with medical assistance, they only gave him water, the person in general immediately seemed to be determined that they would now begin to torture him, kill him, but they offered him water, but if you drink, he stands there, he looks, he doesn’t seem to understand, the second prisoner was also the first question he had, will you shoot, no one is going to shoot you, where does this kind of thinking come from, why is this necessary, well, let
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me remind you that the front line at cheretin was defended by the elite at that time ukrainian division. forced to retreat to the next line of defense further to the west. it’s not going anywhere and as a result, tens of thousands of ukrainian soldiers were sure to defeat trump again. this is exactly what joe biden today noted to those who are now in favor of changing the democratic candidate for us president. party, the current head of the white house is confident that the voter still supports him, but meanwhile the ratings indicate the opposite, so the major donors of the demo party on wall street are increasingly concerned about biden’s participation in the elections, and what if there is an alternative, our correspondent in washington dmitry melnikov. having not received a sign from heaven to retire with dignity, joe biden himself heads to god’s
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temple. president biden is coming back, he 's coming back, he's a fighter, he's a champion. these short, but exhausting events for the elderly president are now prepared with special care, but it is still impossible to avoid biden’s wanderings, despite these photo cheat sheets with the help of which he is prepared for going out in public, the passage to the podium, the inscriptions above the pictures read, where the president's entire path to the podium is depicted, but it is much more difficult to control biden’s consciousness;
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here in philadelphia, biden begins to remember his youth, when he was elected to the senate and thanks... the residents of the city for their support, although the residents of philadelphia and pennsylvania certainly had nothing to do with his election as a senator from the state of delaware. even when i ran for the senate, every time i ran, frankly, and this is no joke, philadelphia in particular helped me get over the line. accompanied by pennsylvania governor josh schappier, who considered as a possible alternative to biden, a pretty tired president.
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and i think the president needs to decide whether he can put those concerns aside, whether he can demonstrate to the american people that what happened at the debate was an aberration, that he can beat donald trump. meanwhile, in the depths of the democratic party there is a possible scenario for replacing biden in the presidential race. already in mid-july, he could be removed from the leadership of the election headquarters and begin to prepare the ground for the blitz
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primary, as a result of which there could be six applicants were selected. for a subsequent nomination from the party in august, it is reported that a-list stars such as host oprah winfrey, singer taylor swift, and the woll street journal announced about the advent of the kamala haris era, which the democrats are unlikely to avoid. and if dr. o kokonor admits to falsifying the results of the president's examination at congressional hearings, then the matter may come to directly accusing the biden team of collusion. with the aim of seizing power. claims would then arise against camel harris, who, according to the constitution, had to invoke article twenty-five to remove the incompetent biden from power. dmitry melnikov. pavel kostrikov, news from washington. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. offended the feelings
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of extremist lgbt people. the tour de france cyclist kissed his wife and child, for which he was fined. how much are traditional values ​​worth in europe? i wanted to. open a deposit at 18%, it turns out, you can get it at 20%, it turns out, for money your own marketplace, financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange, heartburn from food, take it, extinguishes, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, active from the first minutes , extinguishes heartburn, extinguishes, you are at the post, i’m looking for you, there are so many people, the connection may be interrupted, here’s the guy, nastopolis is behind the signal, there is something more convenient. beeline's smart network, with it you stay connected even where there are a lot of people. beline is the safest operator. oh, cashback has arrived. kohl, and he gives in for all purchases? dad, with a black card
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a pregnant woman appears in the frame, and the author of the video continues filming, goes straight to her, a viral video that a refugee from the russian federation filmed somewhere abroad. at first you might think that the young guy decided to document how he helps the poor, but when the beggar with hope and gratitude extended her hands to him, instead of money she received only ridicule in the packaging video. with a means of contraception, so that, well, if anyone didn’t hear, the author of the video stated that he distributes condoms to beggars so that they do not reproduce, the philosophy is quite in the spirit of the nazis so revered by the kiev regime, as well as the current western patrons of ukraine they directly encourage a reduction in childbearing, not only in poor countries, but in europe, which is still well-fed, where a family with children... is no longer held in high esteem, moreover, you can even get a fine for adhering to traditional values, this is exactly what happened at one stage a prestigious wheel race, the participant of which
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paid for a public demonstration of love for his wife, and who he offended by this, anastasia ivanova tried to understand. the international cycling union does not like moments of tenderness if they are not on the agenda, apparently, but how could it be otherwise if you kiss your wife and a son is almost a crime, which... outraged the organizers of the tour. during one of the stages, the route ran next to the house of athlete julien bernard. he drove at a fast pace at the beginning of his trip to give himself literally 10-15 seconds to stop and greet family and friends who had come out to greet him. as soon as he arrived, his wife hugged him and kissed him. it should be touching, but it’s not. bernard was fined 200 swiss francs, or just over 200 euros. organizers cycling races considered that a hug from relatives - quote, is detrimental to the image of the sport, but what is hidden behind the wording, if he were sucked in there with some kind of
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sodomid friend of his. kissed, probably, the media, mainstream or officials would have received it with a bang, but the person openly challenged the system, let us remember that france is a pioneer state in promoting this rainbow agenda, let us remember the law on the acceptance of same-sex marriage in 1914 , respectively , against which hundreds of thousands of french people protested, but the then government simply ignored such an expression. civil position, speaking of civil position, here it is, what it is now on the social network x, the french understand everything and are ironic, they say , if a transvestite met bernard, then everyone would be given an award, the stories would be removed, now if users wrote about an athlete in rainbow i was still riding in a thong, they would have immediately awarded the victory. by the way, julien bernard himself reacted to the situation with humor and said that he wanted to pay 200 francs every day to relive the moment of meeting his family during the race. it’s hard
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to stop playing sports and find time to see your family. the time trial was perfect because i could have my time and then i could spend the remaining seconds enjoying the moment, it was amazing. another racer, already danish, magnus kord, who recently participated in another race in france, did not believe that he could be fined for kissing his wife, published his similar meeting with his wife during the competition, writes: consider yourself lucky that he didn’t get caught under sanctions of aggressive liberal authorities. the correct position would be for the cyclist to appeal this fine, uh, unfortunately, this is done quite rarely, naturally, athletes do not have a higher legal education, often education, no knowledge in the field of law, so many of them simply, how to say, skip this, yes, in the end this becomes a precedent, this is natural, in my opinion, an absolutely unacceptable violation of human rights in this case, in france
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no one after this... either this law will be reformed, or but it will still be cancelled, because the public reacted very quickly, very rarely, on the other hand in france, but this white boy, there is not any... there is no negative component, why did the organizers consider this gesture obscene and causing damage to reputation sports, the question remains open, that is, these two cases, they seem to be from two worlds, in a world of abundance, rainbow propaganda, it is the usa that is all unchanged, disney creative producer amid gurnani announces transvestite shows for children. they only recently began to implement similar projects, last year there was the first pride evening at disneyland, before
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that every similar... in novoogoryovo, vladimir putin met with the prime minister of india at redoimod, and the negotiations were declared informal. according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, there should be no doubt about the content of this meeting. this means that key international issues, including ukrainian ones, are on the agenda. vladimir putin called fashion a dear friend and recognized it.
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that he was very glad to see him, the prime minister of india, in turn, highly appreciated the president’s invitation to visit his residence near moscow. varvara nevskaya will tell you more about the meeting. dear friend, this is how vladimir putin greets rendra mode, and the prime minister of india himself addresses the president of russia with the same words. on the first day of the indian leader’s visit, the russian president receives the guest at his country residence and emphasizes: we are meeting in an informal setting, but we will talk at... events via video conference. the last time we met in person was in the fall , we called each other and took part in major events on the 22nd, but since then more than once for the head of the indian cabinet, this trip to moscow is the first after his party confidently won the parliamentary elections for the third time. we will have official conversations tomorrow.


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