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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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today the prime minister of india arrived in moscow, he was met by a delegation led by the first co-prime minister, denis anter, for us, of course, this is very pleasant, it is a great honor, our relations with brotherly india are well known, this is a centuries-old friendship, our generation has grown more. i remember
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the kind attitude of our people towards india, and the wonderful soviet films and indian films in general, which are simply absolutely true, and i also remember cheriya nyuf-nyuv, why are you telling me what it means, a bird was sitting on a tree, a bird was sitting and chikchirik , i don’t think this is true, but somehow in childhood they taught some poems to children, but the independent politics of india evokes enormous respect. and the relationship between our leaders is very, very close. in the evening , vladimir putin met with norendra mode in an informal setting in novo ogorevo. drink tea, fruit. good afternoon again, i’m very glad to see you. we will have official conversations tomorrow, but today we can.
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after an informal conversation, putin arrived in an electric car with his guest to the garden in novo ogoreva, where the leaders continued conversations while walking to the stables. vladimir putin and narendra modi were shown a show at the stables arena with horses, which are kept in novoyegor. the performance was dedicated to the day of family and fidelity. and a number of events are planned for tomorrow, including negotiations at the delegation level, which he will lead. the leaders of the two countries, russia and india
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, are long-time strategic partners, whose relations have actively developed over the past 10 years; in addition to discussing common projects, the indian leader plans to be accused of how he fought with his friend vladimir putin's views on various regional and global problems. meanwhile, at the other end of eurasia , the mission of peace continues, from which, of course, they are simply going crazy, especially the european bureaucrats, one small one.
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in the meantime, western journalists are trying to criticize orban’s actions, but the prime minister knows how to answer them. putin has a clear idea of ​​what will happen. how russia will win also applies to zelensky, zelensky has a clear vision explaining how ukraine will win. for putin, everything is simple: look at facts, energy sources, population, soldiers. putin cannot lose, this is very logical. if you look at the soldiers, the weapons, the technologies that are used in the war, then defeat russia? you know, such a thought is difficult to even imagine.
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and this is the majority, this is the majority in the world to show what we can achieve and what we are achieving, thanks to, thanks to the work and talent of our people, thank you very much, thank you very much, let’s move beyond the big puddle, there’s a self-propelled grandfather, he’s generally going crazy , he doesn't care how he will be, what he will do, as he has...
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all week and they gave him, the main thing is that his assistants depict a photograph like this, where to do and what they write in large letters, where to go, then aksia received documents in which they simply, well, they show how they help the old man, they say, look, the staff
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of the biden event department take him backstage, they just give him, just go here, go here, this is a podium, not a refrigerator, don’t try. open there is nothing there, there is no his favorite chocolate ice cream, or rather ice cream with chocolate these chocolate crumble, with chocolate chips, not tro, not tro, put it on early, early. moreover, we remember that he is joe biden, joe biden’s husband, after all, he lived, i listened, and i listened, after all, joe, that is, no, besides, i listened for a really long time, and there, yes, but on the other hand, the first black woman, well, of course, what did i say, on the other hand, the first black woman vice president under the first black president can afford the luxury of being a desirable wife and what...
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i want to thank, thank you for, well you you see, i told the bishop how good it is to be home, please sit down.
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joe biden couldn't answer a single question at the debate, he needed a translator, we needed a translator to understand what he was saying, i have a question, who is responsible for this, who is behind the scenes? america, joe biden is the democracy of the wizard of the los party, because we do not know who is now in command of the party actually. i just returned from a trip abroad and world leaders are making fun of america right now. joe biden is a threat to national security because everyone knows his condition is deteriorating. everyone knows that he doesn’t make decisions, the only decision he makes right now is the choice between applesauce
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and ice cream, he is not responsible for the country, and that’s not a fact, and that’s not a fact, after all , let’s listen, here anyway, what did he say? no, no, listen again, please. well, based on the election results, it sounds like i
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should say whether the prime minister of france is a homosexual or a fag, i just don’t know, we today in what style are we performing, closer to ancient greek or, classically, yes, the first second line of the greek language, well, it doesn’t matter, so that means he said this, i lost in connection with the traditions of france, i will file in resignation, immediately the minister of internal affairs, and i, and i, especially since they began to trash paris, it doesn’t matter who wins, just in case, they trash paris, they have such a way of celebrating something, and i too, wiping the stingy one, a man's tear, until the actor panin, pretending to be a foreign agent, sees pretending to be macron's wife, and... macron says: no, you won't go anywhere, i won't let you go, you will stay to work, atal, i
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need you, take darmanin with you, stay , i can't leave france, i can't, stay, well, some kind of fucking, shameful performance, besides, well, at least stay until the end of the olympic games, then, well, how is this, it’s all disgusting, disgusting, while the ultra-left is a new popular front.
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is gaining momentum, this time the wave did not rise high enough, but it continues to grow, so our victory is actually only delayed. well, in fact
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, it is not known whether it has been postponed or not, but the combination is definitely serious, because olan is returning, who is undoubtedly a heavyweight in politics compared to macron, not only that, macron called him, they say he congratulated him, and then the very fact that mélenchon takes first place - this is also a slap in the face for macron. because if i understand, the relationship between these two is so terrifying, that is, macron once did everything to take milanchon’s place and did not let him become president in the elections, and now, of course, milanchon will take revenge and revenge will be scary, that’s what i’ll say, well, well, well, for sure, let them at least kill each other, we don’t really feel sorry for them, absolutely, you’re for america they began to answer poorly, well, yes, i’m still waiting for a civil war, it’s going on all the time. no, not everything, not everything is so fast, in fact the situation is developing quite quickly, in my opinion, of course, such, such a state there in the united states and the west, well, we haven’t seen for a long time, maybe we’ve never seen, but moreover, fashion’s visit to moscow, orban’s voyage to several countries, of course, yes, they shout at him there, but they still can’t do anything, well, in general, the whole world has started to move, and this somehow puts me in a ,
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some such big general question that we are now present in a truly amazing time...
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they copied almost everything from the west, yes, for centuries they generally strived to be like the west, it is possible that this was incomplete copying, it was the so-called psiphtomorphosis, but nevertheless they strived to live as if...
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to everyone, to everyone, to everyone, by the way, there is truth in this, but because no one else invented modernity, which was more or less accepted by the whole world, perhaps china could have invented it in its time. maybe we don’t know what would have happened if the party that didn’t intend to live in the west or not had won in china? now , this, by the way, is a big question, no, of course, we are certainly not the west now, we are certainly not
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the west now, when it is included in this formulation that modernity was invented by the west, yes, then to put it bluntly, if we are not part of it, then this is all untrue, because a colossal number of achievements that are now perceived as the achievement of developed capitalism appeared thanks to there... this is actually a western thing that was actually brought here from the west, this is the feeling, by the way, that’s why i i ask what modernity is, if we are modernity, what do i mean, no, you need
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to ask him, zakiria, what he means, because, for example, the swedish swedish model of capitalism, it is based as the antithesis of the soviet red project, and here lenin can rest easy, because it appeared much later, i would not agree with socialism, but... that’s not the point, the point is that the soviet union, even when it did it, it relied on its classic lenin, who said that this is also western modernity, the marxists just went, lenin said this, it’s just that it was so penetrated and saturated with the russian spirit that it was transformed and turned out to be a completely different region, by the way, for a long time, for a long time, this western modernity was exactly like that advertised, you can remain japanese, indian, you can remain nigerian, but if you survive, of course, yes, but with...
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maternity leave for women was not invented by marx and engels , a five-day working week was invented in general by all these social benefits, no, a five-day five-day week, care means accordingly regarding pregnancy, it was discussed, it was taken by the soviet government first . to modernity to modernity, china, this is another thing, look, let's, let's look at everything, it means, in fact, the same china, which says its marxism, he, too, in general, takes the western, non-chinese
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part, yes, china managed to make, so to speak, an outer wall completely out of western marxism, understood as old marxism, yes, in fact, inside it is absolutely like a thousand-year-old china, this is also all clear , but pay attention, xidinping wears what kind of costume, national chinese or western, when to
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so therefore i go to ethics, to ethical standards , and from here this code immediately starts simply, in fact, yes there you can as call it different, what is a country there is any civilization there, yes, in fact, this is not only relatively speaking, there is government administration, technology and trade rules - these are also moral and ethical standards, of course, otherwise it is impossible without this, well, the current situation is surprising in that it is really very many suddenly began to say: no, the west is a dead-end model, it’s as if, just imagine... that some newfangled doctor or, so to speak , physical education trainer was promoting some idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, which prolongs life, makes life richer, brighter and healthier, at some point he himself , who is pursuing the same lifestyle, so to speak , would suddenly begin to fall apart into pieces, that is, just rot alive, can you imagine what kind of this would be a blow to the image of this system in general, so to speak, healthy eating or a healthy lifestyle, very similar. he
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would have said that he was thinner, but you see, when he started he was like that, i had a problem with him, i was so keen on the system, then i saw him, well, in fact, it is known that he dealt a very strong blow in aerobics, a blow was dealt, so to speak, by death as a fund, in my opinion, the last name was, well, no, just like a number of our nutritionists, when they told me how to eat, i had the first question, and yes, yes, yes, well, but here it’s even worse, that is, they show us, because what are they? they said that look, this is the expression of the will of democracy, well, slightly more cynical people said, but the elites are entering into a competitive struggle for the opinions of voters, that’s all other things, look, we don’t have that, all our leaders are leaders, we have functioning institutions, strictly speaking, we have a democratic expression of will, this is very important, our economy is developing, our industry is progressing works, we always do better than you and so on, and secondly, well, everyone in the world listens to us, well, we, we always come in peace, we always come with
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a ready-made solution and suddenly all this doesn’t work when saudi arabia, which for a long time, for example, these are just examples, for a long time time i was looking for my own modernization within the kingdom, i was looking for something like the american model, it’s not just a refusal to trade only in dollars, for example, although it was never 100% like that, there’s a transition there to trade with china in the yuan, it’s not just financial move, this is a very important symbolic move, we are no longer looking for the source of modernity in you, the one who imitates the dollar, we will try something else, yours is bigger...
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without a flint, i was imprisoned in a flint, a self-written pen, magic ink, you’ll get it, you are the main thing, van, hurry up, so give it to me horse, mechanical, beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it should be, that’s what they call me, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where should it be? i can’t live without traveling, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, whoever has flint in his pocket, soon, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and
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documentaries with... look in the app or on the website. well, what can you call other countries?


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