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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. and the meeting with tusk took place today in warsaw. they discussed a lot of things, including cooperation in various fields and the futility of the ukraine-nato project; in contrast, the prime minister of poland refused to transfer soviet migs to kiev. the f-16 from the netherlands is also still on the way. so what remains? well, surround the border with a triple layer of wire so that the last ukrainians don’t escape. now 6.5 million people are already in migration, trying to escape from a ukrainian concentration camp. don't stop
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specialists are preparing for the worst sons, this is kiev, what can we say about the periphery, that’s why all this hangs in snot, people still don’t understand, because they don’t communicate with them, it’s true, what is the real situation in ukraine, it is much, much, much worse , how this is supported by the average information background, but people on the ground, experts seem to guess. they guess they talk about it directly, that’s why we don’t have good scenarios anymore, we have a choice between bad , very bad and unacceptable, so we have to to have the courage to admit this very missed opportunity, well, you need to have the courage and admit that official ukrainian propaganda is constantly lying, that’s what mosiychuk says, arvan hung around mirgorod for an hour and a half, aruan flew around poltava for 2 hours. after
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that there were arrivals, after that we lost equipment, now there is a conversation about patriots, that is, the situation is such that in fact the leadership of the armed forces does not quite correspond to what they wanted, they are lying to us.
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i said, it was so upsetting, as you remember, at one time a scumbag stole our combat helicopter, killed his colleagues, well, it so happened that he did not rejoice for long, in spain, he was overtaken by retribution, someone not only shot bullets out of him, but also ran tires over his head, and of course, we say, this is terrible, how is it possible, but it’s interesting how suddenly it worked, because when... the next
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time the ukrainian scum tried to recruit a pilot to hijack a strategist, then something went wrong, look, this is a video of the federal security service, ukrainian intelligence wanted to hijack our nuclear weapons carrier aircraft for the family prepared passports, somehow unknown, no morals, no ethics, threats immediately began against my close relatives, demanded... one-by-one equipment, said: give me data on the planes, port numbers, technical condition, schedule of regulations, i went i didn’t tell the team everything, my interlocutor didn’t even hide that from the ukrainian special services, pavlo introduced himself, and offered to hijack a combat aircraft on the territory of ukraine, but not just an aircraft, a long-range bomber , a missile carrier, a carrier of nuclear weapons. please note which country's passports they offered, yeah. i cannot believe that
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the italian leadership did not know about this operation, that is, this means that the italian leadership conceded 100%.
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to bring him to this point, it’s just that, this is not just an unfriendly step, but in fact, on the basis of this, it wouldn’t hurt to call the italian ambassador to the foreign ministry to ask him a few questions, and maybe recommend him to leave our country for a while, because it’s not
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easy an unfriendly step, this de facto, can be considered an act with much more serious consequences. ask.
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the solution to today's conflict is worth a lot, and in its wake there are almost curses from european officials. ursula fonlanecz said that this person is destroying european unity and cohesion around
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ukraine. and the story with the assassination attempt on nafits also does not add optimism, and in this situation, it would seem, in the 21st century... in civilized europe, and yet the practice of the beginning of the last century and shots in saraiva, it turns out to be still alive, and yet this person acts in the interests , first of all, of his country, his citizens, he openly says that the war in ukraine seriously affects economic growth in europe, he said this in moscow, and most importantly... he demonstrates an independent, sovereign policy, i repeat, he works in the interests of the hungarians and those hungarians who live in ukraine. now i must admit that for me in soviet times, hungarians were not, well, foreigners at all. i first
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encountered hungarians in 1985 in uzhgorod, eh, vasil dmitrievich won’t let me lie, he’s a spokesman for those places, eh. on the streets in in the cafe one could hear hungarian speech and russian speech, much less often than ukrainian, some words, moreover.
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well, yes, let, let his efforts, well, to some seem overly romantic, well, because, well, it is quite obvious that mediation today is not the best form of achieving peace, as our president has already said, which is unlikely as a result of these, it is unlikely that the mediators will be able to prepare any documents or , much less, sign any peace documents, but at least these efforts are worth expensive. and most importantly, you know what else, so to speak, i have left in my memory, the first
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country i left, which i left after the collapse of the soviet union, was hungary, i ended up in budapest in the center on heroes' square, there is such a monument of thousands of years, which means the central column around it is such colorful figures of the leaders of the mayar tribes who came through.
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from italy he returned from biden, and from italy he returned practically an italian, that today i want to be an italian, you know, really looking at orban, i wanted to be a hungarian, but there is something, some, some moments, i certainly didn’t want to feel like a fellow countryman, when i saw his interview, bloomberg, when this man,
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say how things are there business and what do people tell me? do you hear, german, are you swimming? well, then you know, you said about meloni, i just remember. how they rejoiced at her victory, many here in russia, some in russia, they say that now yes, this anti-russian system will be destroyed, here are the friends of russia there are becoming stronger, well, you know, the same thing with prolepentom, well, there are no friends of russia there, it’s just that those who repeat these stories that this is a friend, this friend, are
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essentially repeating propaganda, liberal, liberal propaganda, if talk about a french girl, then we can say for sure that there is nothing to take these friends to take to the museum, no, it doesn’t matter, even if we are talking about, they are talking about men, it ’s still about wilders there and so on, you just need to understand, this is western propaganda labels its non-systemic politicians that they are kremlin agents, friends of russia and the like, yes, when some of us repeat this, they are essentially repeating this very propaganda. now you know, he arrived, imagine, he still didn’t really have time to go to his new ministry, he only managed to send an appeal to the officers there, and the british minister of defense, just appointed, he’s already in odessa, yes, he hasn’t had time to do anything yet, and i’ve already arrived to tell you that the course of the british government will be continued, yes, this is to the question that they, too , were labeled as friends of russia, and boris johnson
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came out there with an article that laborites have pro-russian sentiments in their blood, well, we see yes... the minister of foreign affairs of the netherlands is standing there, again for several days appointed back and says: listen, well , i haven’t gotten into the picture yet, yes, they’re shelling kiev badly, they’re shelling donetsk, they’re shelling lugansk, ask him who ’s shelling donetsk and lugansk, he’ll even be surprised by this question, but he doesn’t know , where it is and what, where they are, but nevertheless less, you know, this is such a cliched lie, and they continue their anti-russian policy.
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condemned and the like, i remember how long we tried to wait for at least some kind of reaction to the shelling of the beach in sevastopol in uchkuevka, and generally zero attention, and literally the day before on the weekend - the cities of the donetsk people's republic, donetsk, gorlovko and others, yes, no one reacts at all, but what difference does it make, how many russians will die there, yes, but here you have to connect right away, it’s happening instantly company, especially... yes, during orban’s war in various countries, i liked zelensky’s reaction today most of all, today he signed an agreement on defense and security with duda, and you should have seen duda’s grin at the moment he signed, yes, that’s how defense agreements are usually signed, by the way, there is zelensky’s ukrainian legion, with tusk, and i said, well
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, with the poles, in general, and this tusk on... in short, he signed an agreement and stated that that the ukrainian legion is from those ukrainians who settled in europe, yes, in order to contribute to the defense of ukraine, well, they fled so that later they could join these same ukrainian legions in these polands, but what am i talking about, what, by the way , these poles also took part in the operation, a card... a pole was also offered to the pilot’s wife, that is, the polish government took part in this, but most of all i liked how zelensky said in poland that only those unions and countries can mediate peace negotiations with russia , the armies that putin fears, the vatican doesn't count, i as i understand it, yes, we are not afraid of the army of the vatican, no, today we are not afraid, but in the end
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he named europe, the european union, more precisely the usa and china, well wait, orban seems to be... he presides over the european union, he flew to china to the united states america, to the very countries that zelensky himself named the day before as the only possible mediators, so what else does he want then? well, orban is fulfilling this very mission of his, this very peacekeeping mission, which we have little faith in, as vladimir putin said, but we welcome it. today someone joked on the telegram channel that orban decided not to convey zelensky’s request to putin, because he already knew. that putin won’t give money, well, yes, yes, yes, there is no way to take it for debts, and this is necessary, but you know, as for at least take it for debts, returning again to shelling, again military experts will decide, i saw , firstly, what they fired at, yes, that is, what they were aiming at, we see how akhmetov’s substations were damaged again, that is
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, the targets were military energy structures, so what was the ukrainian air defense doing there, indeed, let military experts figure it out, but i you know i read today, coincidentally, just today in the danish newspaper illand, a big article was published about how poor kiev residents, poor ukrainians are increasingly turning to psychotherapists, it says: it really becomes a pity, here is a twenty-five-year-old girl, then of course the question immediately arises, yes for 10 years already, donetsk has been shelled, lugansk, and in general it wasn’t the danish
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press that got away from her, not this twenty-five-year-old girl, and then she slipped into this interview, so i’m very afraid for my brother, i’m always afraid that the last time i can see him is when i talk to him, he serves in azov, brother in the nazi unit right away, here we have to add for...
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i called the bank and hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to extract money from you, hang up without talking, watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch. in the application or on the website. the president called the baikal-amur mainline a key link in the development of siberia and the far east. the prime minister noted the importance mikhail mishustin. today is our anniversary . exactly half a century ago , a decree of the ussr council of ministers was signed on the start of construction of the baikal-amur mainline. as a result of this decision, they were laid in permafrost conditions. 3,000 km of railway, founded about 60 settlements, created a new access to the world's oceans. the development
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of the railway resumed on instructions from the president as part of the eastern railway range project. this is one of the largest highways in the world, almost 4,300 km of tracks, laid through six regions of siberia and the far east. the shortest railway route to the ports of the pacific ocean passes through ban. ban and... transsip opened the markets of the asia-pacific region to the russian economy. for example, last year the volume of trade with china, contrary to forecasts of 10%, increased by 40 and amounted to 161 million tons. first of all, the importers of goods transported by bam are, of course, china and the countries of southeast asia, and also india and the countries of central asia. if there is an expansion, then, let's say, will be added. through mongolia , countries will be added that we traditionally supply through the sea, that is, through the ports of the primorsky
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territory. and which border on china. in the regions where bam passes, coal, oil and gas, iron ore, and copper are actively mined. in addition to minerals, fertilizers are transited along the highway. if we take the eastern range as a whole, then it accounts for most of the cargo. about 60% of all transportation is exactly what transip is for you. 70% of all cargo is coal. the first consumer of coal is, of course, the people's republic of china, in connection with this, due to the fact that our trade with the people's republic of china, well, in general with asian countries, is increasing all the time, and that is why, of course, such quite significant investments in infrastructure development are required. in recent years , the throughput of the highway has been growing due to
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the implementation of the program. development of the eastern test site. in the twenty-second year it was 158 million tons of cargo. by the end of the twenty -fourth there should be more than 180. the carrying capacity of bam itself will be almost 42 million tons. the numbers will only increase by the thirty-second year. the landfill will be able to transport up to 270 tons of cargo. investments in the large-scale project will exceed rub 3,700 billion. construction will continue. on 24 sites, 10 of them belong to bam, where they plan to build more than 300 infrastructure facilities, at a minimum there will be new tunnels, stations and sidings. the investments required here are very significant, for example, the second severomoisk tunnel requires about 500 billion rubles. the duseali tunnel, which should be completed around 50 next year billion. accordingly, the second baikal
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tunnel is also about 50. russian engineers have also developed new locomotives especially for the eastern test site, so russian railways predict that with the increase in bam’s throughput, mining and processing enterprises will not only increase freight traffic, but will be able to increase delivery speed.
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