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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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in kharkov, women stood up for a fellow countryman, whom they tried to force into an old lada, who are you, i am a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we get stuck. what a fairy tale without ivan, what began, without deception without flint, sharpened me not to go to the flint, pen, magic ink, you’ll get it, the main thing is van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanical, beat yourself on the head, nickname -do you have it? where i need to go, that’s what
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my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need to go, i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has flint in his pocket, soon, got used to watching videos on the network, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels and all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, look in the app or on the website.
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now it's time for economic news. the ministry of finance estimated the budget deficit for the first half of the year at 929 billion rubles. this corresponds to half a percent of gdp, the ministry reports. thus, budget revenues increased by 38%, above 17 trillion rubles expenses are up by 22%, totaling 18 trillion. earlier, the state duma adopted amendments to the budget for this year. the document provides for an increase in the deficit. sberbank
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earned almost 769 billion rubles in six months. net profit, the result exceeded last year’s by 5.5%, the report says according to russian standards. return on equity approached 23%. the number of active sber clients has exceeded 109 million. in addition, sberbank has held the lead in the ranking of european acquirers in terms of the number of transactions for the eighth year in a row. in june by 18% increased exports of fertilizers to brazil to $338 million, this is the maximum value since march last year, they write, citing local statistics. russian supplies were based on rut fertilizers; they accounted for half of the export volume. in turn, our country increased purchases of brazilian meat; in june they immediately increased by 70% to $26.5 million. russia and india will discuss.
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an agreement on oil supplies to the republic, a topic raised during the ongoing visit to moscow of prime minister narendra modi, economic times reports. we are talking about uninterrupted supplies of oil at a discount against the backdrop of growing exports to india. earlier it was reported that in june supplies reached a record 1,600 thousand barrels, an increase of 13% compared to last year. it was economic news. briefly: 75% of low-income citizens who are in prison. last year, the social contract was able to increase their income, such data is provided by the accounts chamber, and families with children enjoyed the most such support. this year , certain conditions of the social contract have changed, maria kudryavtseva will tell you exactly how in the program instructions. you find yourself in a difficult life situation, you don’t have enough money for the basic necessities, don’t rush to the bank, the state is ready to help, you can get funds under a social contract, who? under
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what conditions it can be concluded, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. let's start with the fact that this year the social contract was transferred to the principles of social treasury. what does it mean? first of all, uniform rules for the entire country by which agreements are concluded. at in this case, most of the information about the applicant, his family, income, the social protection authorities themselves receive through channels of interdepartmental interaction. it takes time to load information about labor income into the information system, so the calculation of average per capita income is made for the last three months preceding the month before the month of filing an application for a social contract. when calculating need. social protection authorities will take into account the income of only family members. now the applicant is taken into account as part of the family his spouse, their minor children and children, students under 23 years of age if they are studying full-time. when calculating the average per capita income, the income of other
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relatives who live with the applicant is no longer taken into account. when calculating the average per capita family income, all income received by each family member in cash is taken into account, with exceptions. payments such as state social assistance, tax deductions, maternity capital, one-time assistance for the treatment of a child and a number of other payments. the property assessment does not apply to the social contract, savings will also not be taken into account, but it is important to note that the income received from managing these savings will be taken into account when calculating the average per capita income for assigning a social contract. the resulting amount will determine whether you can qualify for a social contract. the average per capita income of a family or single citizen must be below the subsistence level per capita in the region. when concluding a social contract , the social protection body undertakes to provide state support support. these could be social services, purchases of necessary goods and, finally,
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cash payments. it all depends on the goals of the social contract; they are all strictly defined. this could be overcoming a difficult life situation, finding a job, if necessary, training. or retraining, farming or starting your own business. the amount of the monetary payment is determined by the citizen independently and reflected in the business plan or cost estimate, but this amount cannot exceed 350,000 rubles for starting a business and 200,000 rubles for opening a personal subsidiary plot. before giving money to a business, the state needs to make sure that a person can run this business. for this. conducted a test for entrepreneurial abilities, an hour of time is allotted for 45 questions, each question has three answers and only one of them is correct; if more than half of the correct answers are correct, the test is passed. testing to determine the level of entrepreneurial competencies is carried out by social protection authorities using the msp.rf platform.
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if a citizen has been tested with unsatisfactory result, then the social protection authorities will send him to free training for development. based on the results of this training, the citizen will receive a confirmation document. we must remember that under the social contract there are obligations that must be fulfilled. for example, the business must exist for at least 2 years and be the main source of income. it is necessary to keep all documents and receipts confirming payment of rent, equipment and supplies. this is necessary to confirm the targeted spending of funds and is required monthly throughout the year income report. the mechanism of the social. the contract allows you to create a long-term source of income, so the citizen is accompanied not only by employees of the social protection agency, but also by representatives of business support organizations, various business communities, at every stage of the development of their business, from the formation of the idea of ​​drawing up a business plan to entering sales markets. in
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addition, after the implementation of the social contract , citizens will also be able to apply for various business support measures. the social contract is concluded for a period. from 3 to 12 months, for opening a business and running private household plots will be valid for a year, 9 months to find a job, and a maximum of 6 months to overcome a difficult life situation. you can apply for a social contract through government services; this is now available in most regions of the country. you can come in person to the social security authority at your place of residence or to the mfc office. please note that this service can only be received by a russian citizen and only locally. permanent or temporary registration. let's repeat the most important things. this year the social contract was transferred to the principles of social treasury. the rules are the same throughout the country; social security authorities receive most of the information themselves.
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only citizens or families with an income below the subsistence level in the region can enter into a social contract. when calculating need, only the income of family members will be taken into account. these are spouses and children, minors and full-time students. and to get money to start a business, you now need to pass an entrepreneurial ability test. still have questions, want to start your small business, but don’t know where to start? channel, ask us we’ll talk to experts and be sure to tell you everything in one of the next editions of the manual. alexander nikolaevich, july 16 in buenos, no, i have ice delux, so the third one? no, i have a big hit. delicious calendar at a delicious point. every day. new favorite product at a super price only in the app, delicious, period. find out your
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reason to meet, a superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, try more this summer, with discounts up to 60% in yandex food, found out the credit rating, chose. the right loan: check your credit rating on the comparison website or in the app, it's free, and we'll select the most profitable loan taking into account your current payments credit history, found out, compared, chose, compare on your side. 50 years ago, the baikal-amur mainline was declared an all-union... komsomol construction project, more than 2 million people took part in it, the development of bama today is proceeding at no less
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pace, and the importance of this road is even greater than before, because from bama as well depends on how russia's trade with its eastern partners will proceed. this is a special report by taras kucharenko. western gate bashit, irkutsk region, this the only station in the country along which... there will be both the trans-siberian and the baikal-amur mainlines. the construction of a railway in the direction of bam began here back in the thirties in order to provide access to rich mineral deposits in case of need to protect the eastern borders. back then they could not have imagined that this route would become one of the key routes for russia for trade with foreign partners in the countries of the asia-pacific region. the reversal
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that has recently taken place to the east would have been impossible without the boom. it's possible now we can clearly state that our predecessors, perhaps, did not know some of the nuances, but they absolutely calculated that this reversal would occur. but they planned to build the bam back in tsarist times. at the end of the 19th century, a special expedition explored the area, it turned out to be so complex, it is permafrost, and stormy slats and mountain faults, swamps, that the decision was made unequivocally, while there was no technology to pave the road. technologies, as well as money for the project , appeared in 1974, when the baikal-amur the highway received the status of an all-union shock komsomol construction project. over the course of 10 years, more than 2 million people from all over the former ussr came to build the railway, and together with the railway they built cities and towns. i arrived in the seventy-fifth year, on april 13, my
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kharkov detachment came here for 140 people , otherwise we all... one of the largest in the world, its length from taishet to the soviet harbor is almost 4,300 km, and if counting together with branches and connecting lines, then more than 5,500, while bam is the shortest railway route to the ports pacific ocean, thanks to the highway, the route to vladivostok is shortened by 200 km, and to kamchatka by all 100 km. we are driving inside the longest one. railway tunnel in russia, severomuisky, its length is more than 15 km, it is not only the longest, but perhaps the most difficult object to implement on the railway, it took 26 years to build, and we will pass in just 12 minutes. the tunnel, which had been under construction since 1977 in buryaati, was needed to launch non-stop
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train traffic to pobama. before this they had to be uncoupled and move around in parts. the launch made it possible to reduce. travel time from 2 hours to a maximum of 25 minutes, the volume of cargo transportation has also increased significantly. bam veteran viktor gatsenko, an honored resident of buryatia, headed the tunneling team. they dug a tunnel using blasting equipment, but only where conditions allowed. in most cases, we had to go with jackhammers, digging into the rock centimeter by centimeter. we walked along 130 m. there were good mining conditions, the breed was good, that's all, and so we are blind in a month, which is 10-12, like that, meters, you know, and if it were bad, then i would measure it, the whole point is in the water, there turned out to be so much of it that during laying the rock under pressure was not once a huge stream collapsed, like a tsunami, washing away multi-ton
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equipment, as if they were toys, once it was so flooded that they had to stop work.
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artificial structures, we work very intensively and try to all objects, and these are
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first of all new construction projects, as they say, in construction, shift to the left, then there is a need to build faster than it should be according to design decisions, there really is not enough transport capacity, this year we must reach... the final implementation of the decree of the president of the russian federation with construction to reach 180 million tons so that we can transport it to the east. the implementation of development programs for the eastern landfill, the first of which began in 2013, has made it possible in recent years to significantly improve the carrying capacity of the eastern landfill. in the twenty-second year there were 158 million tons of cargo, according to the results of the twenty -fourth there should be 180, the most work on bama. this is also about... second tracks, where they do not yet exist, so that traffic flows continuously in both directions, and electrification of the highway. the power of electric locomotives is greater than that of diesel locomotives, which means they are capable of transporting more cargo.
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for the eastern training ground, russian engineers developed locomotives capable of transporting trains weighing 7,100 tons, there were 5,400. the technology of virtual coupling has not been developed; now locomotives are constantly exchanging. with each other with data about their location, length, weight, speed, which allows trains should run at a minimum safe distance from each other; more equipment, and therefore more cargo, passes on the route per day; marshalling stations are being modernized; one of them, located in the city of tynda, amur region, can process up to 1,200 wagons per day, that is, unload load goods, form new trains for further shipment, the complex was mothballed for many years, there is a completely new slide, a new slide complex, practically one of the best in russia, the osb system is the most
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a modern slide system for today, it practically eliminates human intervention in the operation of the slide complex. tinda is secretly called the capital of bam, this is how the builders themselves nicknamed the city because tinde divides ban into two approximately equal parts, and besides, there are settings here. muscovites worked, that’s also a reason. the railway station was opened in 1986, and its project was awarded a bronze medal at an international competition in sofia. the architecture of the building resembles a swan that has opened its wings. the city itself it’s small, but it’s developing a lot, it’s made up of young people, well, mostly, of course, it’s railway workers. the concept of bama provides for the development of tourist routes, our passenger traffic is compared to... people come to tynda from all over russia, including to develop professional skills. the city is home to one of the best training
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centers of russian railways, which trains specialists for bam. training of just over 300 people is planned for 2024. this is almost twice as high as in relation to last year, well , about 2 times more than in 22. the main areas of training are our locomotive facilities, that is, drivers, assistants, these are slingers, well, advanced training and professional development in the area of ​​locomotive and track facilities. to accommodate everyone, a new educational building with an area of ​​4.02 m2 was built here, the classrooms are equipped with simulators. this year, for the first time , assistants are trained here. driver from among the girls, soon the entire bam will get second tracks, which means that there will be much more equipment moving. we are on site -
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construction of second tracks on the kuryan tinde section, direction tyndakhan. the section is 10 km long; in the seventies and eighties , the earthwork was poured here for two tracks, but only one track was laid, more than a thousand km. the routes run through permafrost, so the task of builders when laying second tracks is to minimize the impact of the railway on the soil. in such areas , a layer of special stone up to a meter thick, the so-called cooling ripple, is laid. the sun's rays do not warm the earth, even in forty-degree heat. one of the quarries for extracting stone and crushed stone for bam is kuryan, located 7 km from the indus. same here. in this place there is a plant that is operating at full capacity, about 70% of the production from here goes to the construction and repair of the railway, in order to ensure high demand, the staff here has been increased by
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40%. vam2 is directly related to the development of the plant, because the need for crushed stone is very great, the plant’s body is working at full capacity, the equipment has now been updated very much, well, not very much, they have changed in fact, the entire dump truck fleet, excavator fleet, heavy equipment, bulldozers have now received part of the new crushing equipment, the railway largely determines the development of cities and villages along the bama route, provides work to the local population, the tynda north service locomotive depot, where they service... repair railway equipment, a city-forming enterprise, employs about 1,200 people; after 4,000 km of run, the locomotives are dismantled almost down to the screws to check the technical condition and be replaced in in case of wear of parts and components, including diesel engines. this diesel locomotive comes to us after this mileage; according to the technical process, we completely overhaul the piston, connecting rod bearings and
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the cylinder kit itself. well , of course, they come when they are worn out, so in any case, this is a 100% replacement, and also the equipment itself, that is, it is completely spilled and distributed to areas for repair. regular maintenance and repairs ensure stable operation of the equipment so that it does not break down on the way and there is no traffic jam, because for business any downtime is a loss of a lot of money, taking into account the fact that on bama the demand for freight transportation today significantly exceeds the capabilities of the railway, russian railways treats rolling stock with particular care. plans for the development of the eastern range of russian railways are planned for 8 years in advance: to ensure a carrying capacity of 270 million tons by the end of 2032, investments will exceed 3.700 billion rubles. in order to maintain a high pace of implementation of work programs, the last 2 years have been carried out year-round, involving tens of thousands.
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today is the main day of the official visit of the prime minister of india to russia, which the leaders of the two countries discussed the day before in novoogoryovo. the belgorod region is again under fire, kiev troops used artillery and also launched attack drones. four people were killed and 20 more were injured. the alarm was declared again this morning. extensive business program, advanced industrial developments in yekaterinburg,
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second day. international industrial exhibition inoprom. natural fires have covered more than 850,000 hectares in russia. complex the situation in transbaikalia, a large-scale fire fight is underway in the yakutia-amur region. the situation is complicated by hot weather. six people were wounded during an attack by the ukrainian armed forces on the shebekinsky district of the belgorod region. governor vyacheslav glotkov announced this. the drones attacked. the city of shibekina, as well as the villages of rzhevka, new tavolzhanka and voznesenovka. alexey kornev has details. the past 24 hours have become difficult for belgorod and border municipalities in the belgorod region. the region has been subjected to massive attacks by militants several times kyiv regime. at the moment , four people are known to have died. 20 people were injured of varying severity. 17 are in hospital, two are in serious condition. also,
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various damages were identified during the period of service.


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