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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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in general, with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product, we return to the review of the information picture of vladimir putin, the prime minister of india, who is in russia...
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for at least 5-7 minutes. i would like to note that moscow and newley are actively cooperating in nuclear energy; for example, as vrosatami reported , together with indian enterprises , the prospects for joint work on quantum computing, including the creation of quantum computers, are being studied. and, of course, the parties are discussing the construction of nuclear power plants in india, large and small. we are working on expanding this cooperation, well, firstly, we are already providing fuel for the first two units, we have contracted for the third and fourth. we supply the most innovative, the best fuel in the world for wwr with an eighteen-month fuel cycle, with an eighteen-month company, in terms of efficiency and quality, of course, it has no analogues in the world, we are now very actively developing an agenda for further cooperation, and to the extent that we tested each other and built very effective relationships in the current modern generation, the so-called generation 3+ of nuclear energy, then we want to go together to the fourth generation, this is fast. reactor,
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fast neutron reactor, this is a further modification of the development of our vvr technologies, water-cooled reactors, this is the closure of the fuel cycle, but even such groundbreaking areas as thermonuclear fusion, quantum technologies, digital technologies. the russian direct investment fund and the national investment promotion agency of india agreed to support the entry of our companies into the market of this country and attract indian business to russia. this was announced on the sidelines of the official. qualifications and indian companies already operating in the indian market in this country, as well as the russian direct investment fund, a joint-stock company of the national ruble in russian companies entering the announced partnership. we are talking about cooperation in the field of information technology, as well as support for educational and entrepreneurial initiatives in the two countries. rdif, as one of the leading russian ones. institutions playing
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an active role in expanding the economic interaction between russia and india in all strategic areas, together with partners will focus on promoting the mutual recognition of educational qualifications. this step will ensure effective international personnel exchange and facilitate the establishment of new partnerships between companies, educational and scientific organizations. previously, the russian direct investment fund agreed on a partnership with poly medicure limited, a leading indian company in the production of medical devices. and in our country they will release hemodialysis products. the volume of investment in the project is up to 3 billion rubles. and this morning at rendromode, at the head of the indian delegation , he laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. the prime minister honored the memory of the fallen soldiers with a minute of silence. the ceremony was accompanied by a military band of honor guard. and in the near future , negotiations between the leaders of the two countries will begin in the kremlin. at the beginning of the university. composition after which
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delegations will join them. follow the broadcasts on our channel. now a short advertisement and we will continue. don't switch. the two components of phosphoglyph not only help restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. i am chef kote aganezov. i share on my blog. simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important, astoria, now it’s definitely delicious, vtb, how do you like it, cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18% vtb, together everything will work out, fairy chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken. for
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of july, carried by a silver bullet, what kind of square is this, let me show you, this is a marking code, an honest sign , your assistant for safe shopping, the cashier checks it and does not... release suspicious goods, this is an honest sign that we bring from travel with avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito travel, everything will go as booked, with cashback, bonuses, program loyalty sber thanks has been updated, pay with any sber card, you get twice as many bonuses as before, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes. restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with a subscription with berprime. the two components of phosfoglif help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their
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destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. i'm a chef kote aganezov. on my blog i share simple and quick recipes. what about? it was even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious. in the belgorod region , attacks by the ukrainian armed forces were again repelled this morning and at night. kiev troops used artillery and also launched attack drones. regional authorities urged residents to take shelter. in just the past 24 hours, they have died as a result of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. four people, more than twenty wounded. our correspondent, alexey kornev, will tell you what the situation is by this time. past the day became difficult for belgorod and the border municipalities of the belgorod region. the region was subjected to massive attacks several times by militants of the kiev regime. at the moment
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, four people are known to have died. 20 people were injured of varying degrees of severity, 17 are in hospital, two are in serious condition. also , various damages were detected in 160 apartments, sixty private households, 140 cars were damaged, and several large trees of the regional center , municipal organizations are involved in eliminating the consequences, emergency sites are fenced off, operational services are working here, an assessment of the damage is being carried out, restoration work will begin in the near future. alexey kornev, vesti belgorod. the white house admitted that ukraine is hitting crimea with american atacoms missiles. this was stated by the coordinator of the... security council john kirby, he called these strikes extremely effective and said that the shells were used to destroy russian air defense systems command centers, airfields and for shelling port of sevastopol. the state duma has already commented on this statement, calling it the height of cynicism. the ministry of defense published footage
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of a missile attack on a ukrainian armed forces colony in the sumy region. the enemy units were discovered by scouts, after which they transmitted the coordinates to the crew of the iskander complex. the defense department said the warehouse was destroyed as a result of the strike. this was reported in the press service of the department. the cache was found on the outskirts of mariupol, at the former positions of the azov regiment. it contained ammunition for anti-tank grenades. they were handed over to specialists for further destruction. the kremlin denies accusations of attacks on civilian targets in ukraine.
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this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, commenting on the explosion in a children's hospital in kiev. peskov stressed that the russian military only strikes at military targets. i urge you to be guided by the statement of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, which absolutely excludes that there were attacks on any civilian targets. we are talking about the fall of the anti-missile system, we still insist, we do not we carry out strikes against civilian targets. strikes are carried out against critical infrastructure, military targets, one way or another related to the military potential of the regime. the foreign ministry stated that the okhmat det children's hospital in kiev was hit by a western missile from the nasams anti-aircraft missile system. the official representative of the russian department, maria zakharova, also noted that the attempts of the kiev authorities to use the tragedy for propaganda purposes confirm their
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inhumane nature. once again, as has happened many times with ukrainian air defense, its missiles went off course and hit residential buildings and social institutions. that's what happened this time. it has already been confirmed, including by numerous witnesses, that one of the missiles from the western neusams air defense system hit a building on the territory of the ahmaddet children's hospital in kiev. attempts by the zelensky regime to use the tragedy with the children's hospital in kiev for propaganda purposes. purposes once again confirm his inhuman nazi essence. for the sake of maintaining power, the kiev regime is ready for any crimes, it is indifferent to the fate and lives of its fellow citizens, including number of children. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. pintalgin. let's do without pain. hello my name is. boy, i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket, for example, olen professional shampoo for 399
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sber support. sberbusiness will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. in ukraine, 10 people were detained in one day . tried to escape to romania, the border service reported this. three made their way to the border through the mountains, and seven more set off across tisuo. previously, the river bank was surrounded with barbed wire, but this does not stop the draft dodgers. meanwhile, lawlessness warrior... another such case was recorded in odessa. according to eyewitnesses, odessa military commissars began to use ambulances, either out of fear of arson, or to get close to the future mobilized. increasingly, there are reports of clashes between ukrainians and military commissars. in the ivano-frankivsk region, young people attacked the security forces' car and eventually threw it into the enemy along with the driver. and in kharkov, women
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stood up for a fellow countryman who was being forced into an old lada. the decisions of the nato summit will not become a free ticket to the alliance for ukraine, the president of slovakia stated. peter pillegrini believes that the final document should guarantee the need for agreement of all members of the alliance regarding the admission of new countries. ekaterina shamaeva will tell you what other topics are on the agenda of the summit in washington and in what area it is, in what atmosphere it is taking place. zelensky will have to accept what is offered to him. articles in the western press are like a cold shower for kiev on the eve of the nato summit. but what not. you definitely shouldn’t expect an invitation to join the alliance in washington, but according to the revelation of ukrainian officials, kiev plans to use the guilt among its sponsors to achieve concessions in other areas, in particular, apparently, in the supply of weapons and finances, as reported in the white house, on the agenda of the summit the creation of a new command in germany, it will
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coordinate the training of ukrainian troops equipment. there will be news by air. defense, ukrainians turned to nato in april , they requested seven patriot complexes from the alliance on this front , a very positive response will follow in the next couple of days: this will happen in the coming days. so, all together - this is unity, additional assistance, financial obligations, coordination of military assistance, a new representative in kiev. instead of a clear promise of membership, nato prefers vague formulations, an irreversible process. thus, according to cnn, the final document of the summit will call ukraine’s path to the alliance, and in the white house. they insist that the need for democratic reforms be immediately indicated; the rhetoric and decisions that will be made at the nato summit will be closely monitored in moscow. the north atlantic alliance is an alliance that considers the russian federation an enemy, an adversary. this is an alliance that has repeatedly openly declared the goal of inflicting
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strategic defeat on the battlefield on russia, and it is an alliance that is directly involved in the ukrainian conflict. the chancellor of germany, europe's most important aid provider to ukraine, runs a deeply unpopular government that is almost certain to be replaced next year. belgium has a provisional government. more than a dozen major european nato leaders negative approval ratings. adding to the chaos within nato is concern over joe biden's condition. after a disastrous
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performance at the debate, bloomberg writes, noting that western leaders had something completely different in their plans, namely. the united states and the inevitable issues of the world leader. what do you think of biden? what do you think he looks like? what are his abilities, his firmness, which he showed during the 3 and a half years of his presidency. these stories will absorb the entire festive atmosphere, plus reflection on what exactly it will be like the future of ukraine and nato. however, this does not stop the process of building up nato forces, as reuters found out that at the summit the leaders will discuss the future strategy of the alliance, taking into account the experience of the ukrainian conflict. nato is considering the creation of up to fifty new brigades, under the guise of the need to defend against russia. where to get such a number of military personnel, given that one brigade is from 3 to 700
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people, the alliance does not yet know. another potential weak point, according to the nato military, is anti-aircraft. they give separate advice to germany, increase four times the capabilities in the field of air defense, and this country does not stand out by chance; the abrg reporter writes nothing less than a large logistics hub as a springboard in the event of a conflict with moscow. ekaterina shamaeva, olga panomareva, lead. there may be a fight in the knee, a fight in the back, or in the neck.
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accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register, all this is free, we open the path to business, sberbusiness. we know that industry is actively developing in the svetlovsk region, the growth rate is very high, and of course, i would like you to say a few words about how you are doing the situation here in the region that you
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head, one of the important elements is to attract staff in the region, today the situation is stable, and the level of wages is growing, active housing construction, the opportunity to get a good education, improve skills,
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industrial developments, as a result of which it is planned to sign agreements . they can get acquainted with the advanced the chairman of the standing committee of the national people's congress arrived in russia on an official visit. in moscow, the loss of a high-ranking the guest was met by the first vice speaker of the state duma , ivan melnikov. arrived at the invitation of state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin and a bilateral meeting is planned with him. in addition, the chinese guest will take part in a meeting of the interparliamentary commission on cooperation of the federal assembly of the russian federation of the all-china people's congress, and will also attend the brix parliamentary forum. it will be held in st. petersburg on july 11-12. the president of georgia hastened to respond to the statement of the ambassador of the european union about the suspension of the country’s integration into eu. slava zarubeshvili,
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who lived most of her life in france. left without attention. earlier, the eu ambassador to georgia, pavel gerchinsky, said that brussels froze 30 million euros allocated for the georgian ministry of defense due to the law on biological agents, adopted in early june. and accession to the european union has been suspended. parliament passed the law despite widespread street protests and warnings. from the eu and the usa. the russian foreign intelligence service commented on the situation in georgia. the agency cites data that shows a decisive attitude washington to seek a change of power in georgia following the results of the upcoming parliamentary elections on october 26. now live broadcast. prime minister of the republic of belarus roman aleksandrovich golovchenko. chairman of the cabinet of ministers of the kyrgyz republic, head of the administration
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of the president of the kyrgyz republic. human thought is capable of transcending time and space. imagination and intelligence allow us to create the future today, turning the most daring ideas into reality. technologies impossible for a few more years back becomes part of our daily life. looking beyond the event horizon. the best
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minds on the planet are designing the future, determining the development of technology for decades to come. these achievements allow us to build modern cities, improve quality and make the world safer and more convenient for everyone. we stand on the threshold of a new era in which high technology and human intelligence come together for a common cause. today, more than 85% of russian industrial enterprises have implemented information security systems. let's get to the broadcast from the kremlin.
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dear mr. prime minister.


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