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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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four people were killed and 20 injured per day in the belgorod region as a result of the attacks. sso, such data was provided by governor vyacheslav glotkov. in the morning, drones attacked the shibekinsky district, six people were wounded there. the city of shibekina was under attack, as well as the villages of rzhevka, novaya tovolzhanka and voznesenovka. the topic will be continued by alexander korobov. residents of shibekin spent a sleepless night. enemy ammunition fell one after another onto residential areas. several people were injured. new craters gape in courtyards, the streets are strewn with portions of deadly fragments. an enemy shell fell
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in the immediate vicinity of a residential building, here there once was a ventilated façade, it completely crumbled, along with it all the windows on this side of the building flew out, and the social welfare institution located nearby also had to clean it up in the morning utility workers are out on the streets, there’s enough work, but there’s not enough work.
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we just signed up, i think, well, i’ll go and lie down for a while, i lay down like about seven, boom bang, it feels like the walls are about to collapse, yes, yes, so loud, so loud that i even that year that side of us it was so loud when a shell hit here , also on the corner of the house, yesterday it seems even louder to me, very, very hard, and the walls are cracking, and these floors are vibrating, vibrating so much that it’s impossible, at the same time as the blows the enemy's artillery... launches drones, dozens of explosions are recorded daily under fire in residential buildings, shops, educational and medical institutions. there are also plenty of such spare parts from unmanned aerial vehicles on the shibekinsky streets. one of the fpv drones attacked a children's clinic, crashed into a wall, broke out the windows, but no one was hurt because it happened at night, so there were no visitor staff there.
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residents of the border region have to always be on alert, the threat of shelling and drone attacks remains. alexander korobov, vyacheslav pozolkov, vesti, belgorod region. well , unlike ukraine, russia has never carried out and does not carry out attacks on civilian targets and facilities. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov stated this today. he once again recalled the statements of our ministry of defense, which absolutely rules out that there were attacks on any civilian targets. we are talking about... many people pay attention to the fact that all the time there are some tragic coincidences, as soon as an important visit to russia or an important meeting of the russian president, as soon as a nato summit, as soon as some important things for relations between kiev and the west , terrible things happen there all the time. well, i believe that in this regard there are no coincidences. of course, this is all,
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you know, a pr operation, and pyrooperations on blood. it is obvious that an anti-missile was used inappropriately, which ended up in this hospital in the children's room, this is truly a tragedy, but it is used, deliberately used to create, to create a background, which, well, would probably accompany participation. it is now very difficult for us
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to reach the western world with information, they don’t want to hear anything, we see newspapers, we see tv channels, we see the hysteria that is happening there.
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institutions, as it happened this time, were already on course hitting residential buildings and it was socially confirmed, including by numerous witnesses, that one of the missiles from the western naeesamc air defense system hit a building on the territory of the ahmaddet children's hospital in kiev. attempts by the zelensky regime to exploit the tragedy children's hospital in kiev for propaganda purposes, once again confirming his inhuman nazi essence. for the sake of maintaining power, the kiev regime is ready for any crimes; it is indifferent to the fate and lives of its fellow citizens, including children. russia will familiarize all of us, including the un, with the facts that will refute kiev’s version. it just started in new york. as the deputy permanent representative of russia to the world organization, dmitry polyansky, previously said, the westerners requested an urgent meeting. well, the west
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, the western media, in particular, without understanding, began to blame russia for the attack on the hospital in kiev. well, the russian ambassador in washington, anatoly antonov, expressed his opinion. that kiev's western backers apparently want to use the claim of a russian strike as justification for further escalation of the conflict in ukraine. the hysteria being spread here about the damaged hospital in kiev is an example of rabid anti-russian propaganda. american officials and local observers who do not understand the facts are cynically using the tragedy that happened against our country. it was a quote. well , here it’s probably important to understand the details, that’s what military experts say, the footage shows that the strike was not carried out by a russian x-101 cruise missile, it was an anti-aircraft missile of the norwegian nasa complex, they are in service with
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the air defense forces , directly in kiev, the ukrainian army, the russian xa-101 missile, has larger wings, this is noticeable in comparison in these photographs, it is... heavier than any anti-missile, which just fell near a hospital in kiev. in ukraine per day 10 people were detained who were trying to escape to romania, the border service reported. three made their way to the border through the mountains, seven more set off to swim across the tisa. previously, the river bank was surrounded with barbed wire, but this did not stop the colonists. meanwhile, the lawlessness of military commissars has led to the fact that in ukraine everywhere... military vehicles are being burned, another such case was recorded in odessa. yes, there are more and more reports of clashes between ukrainians and military commissars. the topic will be continued by margarit semenyuk. now i can ride on these minivans. you more protective pat. now the ambulances
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in odessa can probably catch fire like a match. military commissars hope to quietly approach their victims. but odessa residents are also tracking down shopping centers and burning their minibuses. in the ivanofrankivsk region, young people with beaten people attacked a security officer’s car and eventually threw it into the enemy along with the driver. at the same time, we managed to recapture it from the military. odessa fitness trainer, later the man was severely beaten, who? dimyan ganul, here he is in the photo, a radical activist, was one of the organizers of the arson of the trade union house in odessa on may 2, 1914, now in conjunction with the shopping center, so he said. helps, he personally takes the beaten coach to the bus, although he doesn’t get into it himself, in chernigov the presny
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camp is good, it’s good for you, first you can successfully get through season number 13, that’s why you didn’t end up in the tukhatu anymore, they talked to people in uniform differently, using a hairdryer, the former prisoner, according to the rules, stood up for the guy in the clutches of the looters, no force, the gift of persuasion worked, he is wanted, so check it out.
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evaders, data reflected in the official file , over 400 wanted reports were filed according to the document of the ministry of defense of ukraine, now there are eight regions in the ranking of the most lost regions, lviv region tops the list, there are almost 86 thousand ukrainians on the wanted list, transcarpathian region is in second place and 54. the top three is closed by ivanofrankivsk region (33,000).
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dead on the sidewalk than actually dying in in this village, it’s easier for ukrainians to pretend to be in a trench. an odessa resident, seeing the employees of the shopping center, lay down on the asphalt and simply relaxed. in transcarpathia , along the tisa river, there is a permanent barbed wire fence. administrative protocols were drawn up for everyone, instead conclusions, probably the front, the result is the same in every sense. margarita semenyok, maya alenova, news. the european union has suspended the integration process of georgia, the eu ambassador to tbilisia stated. gerchinsky, he connected this with the adoption of a law on foreign agents in the country;
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brussels also froze 30 million euros that were allocated to the georgian ministry of defense, and this, as the diplomat emphasized, is only the first step. natalya solovyova will tell you what else to expect from brussels and washington. in relations between brussels and tbilisi, from love to hate, one step as soon as georgia took a wrong turn towards the european union. closed its doors to it and has already frozen 30 million euros that the country’s ministry of defense planned to send. the intentions of the current georgian government are unclear to the leaders of the european union. the foreign influence transparency act is clearly a step backwards. also , anti-western, anti-european rhetoric is completely incomparable with the declared goal of joining the european union. unfortunately, georgia's accession is currently suspended. according to the european diplomat, this is only the first step in connection with the law on foreign agents who were accepted in georgia this
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year. the eu now plans to provide all support directly to ngos and georgian media. simply put, brussels will continue to pay politically affiliated structures, which the new law should identify. the document itself was dubbed russian and the fact that similar legal norms have been adopted in many countries around the world, including european ones. no one is embarrassed, the culprit has already been appointed. according to the russian foreign intelligence service. and here they found the hand of moscow. with the anti-russian fervor inherent in the white house, the basis the propaganda campaign is planned to include a sensational revelation. russia is to blame for all georgia's troubles. at the same time, the accent. will be done to unwind the accusations of the georgian dream of political lack of independence, which threatens to take the ship georgia with its sails away from the european shores. the foreign intelligence service believes that the united states is preparing a change of power in georgia, the country is facing parliamentary elections this fall, and if their results do not suit washington, it is likely that there will be no protests, but another color revolution. one of the main characters
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which will be georgian president salame zorabishvili, who is scheduled to give an interview to the american media.
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the budget is being cut and they want to transfer these funds to the civil sector, in justification they call the adopted law, but this will not change our decision, if someone thinks that this only harms the government of georgia, then this is a lie, it harms, among other things, the interests of the west, for whom georgia is an important point on the geopolitical map, the sooner they understand this, the better. since december last year, georgia has been official candidate for accession to the european union. from a geographical point of view it is absurd, but geography is a big political game. no matter, the west is accustomed to carrying the european dream to any point in the world, the fact that in tbilisi they are not dreaming about this was an unpleasant surprise on both sides of the ocean. natalya solovyova, yulia tyushevskaya and evgenia zemtsova, news. and right now we return to the main political news of the day: the second day of the visit of the leader of india to moscow, here on the kremlin ru website
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a joint statement was published by the leaders of the russian federation and the republic of india on strategy development. message that russia and india consider it a priority to develop cooperation in the energy sector, including nuclear power and oil refining. russia and india will develop a system of bilateral payments through the use of national currencies. moscow and new delhi also intend to increase the supply of indian and russian goods between the countries. well, here’s another message that russia and india will strengthen cooperation in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and the space industry. there is also information that russia and india may enter into a long-term an agreement on oil supplies, the parties already have a joint project, including the need to simplify customs procedures, this is also stated in the joint statement of the leaders
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, which should reach 100 billion dollars by 20, as well as education and science. as early as 2025, people will be able to apply for it in 2026, if the law is adopted. the latest proposal to adjust tax legislation for the second reading was received the night before. thus, deputies together with the government agreed to increase the deduction for guardians of children with disabilities from 6.00 rubles up to 1200. a total of 225 amendments were received, as you
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understand, in fact there are many more of them, because. yes, several amendments raise several questions at once, 78 amendments were recommended for adoption, 109 amendments were recommended for rejection, 38 amendments were withdrawn by the authors. in addition, deputies adopted a proposal for a family tax deduction, an annual payment to working parents of two or more children in the amount of 7% of the 13% payments.
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also asked the state duma deputies to take into account the decisions that were developed during the conversation with residents of the northern territories. discussion of a progressive tax scale continues. we are considering an option in which for those who earn less than 200,000 rubles per month, the personal income tax rate will remain at 13%. if income exceeds 2.400. per year, then the amount exceeding the threshold will be charged 15%. personal income tax can reach up to 22% if income is more than 50 million rubles. sbo participants are offered
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to keep the rate at 13%. the progressive scale, as introduced by the government, is supported by 65% ​​of the people. 35%, i must say, said that in in principle, by... to the largest it could be increased even more, that’s what people say about this. last year, the maximum personal income tax rate was 15% for those whose income exceeded 5 million rubles. the rest paid the standard 13%. at the same time , 167 russians were able to earn more than 10 million in a year. 167 thousand. taxpayers are 0.3% of the total number of taxpayers, they paid to the budget, well, actually at a rate of uh 15%, last
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year 1.2 trillion rubles, which amounted to 20% of the total personal income tax receipts, that’s only 167,000 people, that is, taxpayers, this says or 0.3%, this speaks of the glaring degree of, well, inequality in... income. the general corporate income tax rate can be raised from 20 to 25%. and in this case, even taking into account deductions, in 2025 the budget will additionally receive more than one and a half trillion rubles. and for 2025-2027, about 5 trillion. it is proposed to set the income tax for it companies at 5% in 2025-2030. let me remind you that the first reading of the speech is in the editorial office. was talking about 2025-2027, but the current rate is 0%, will remain until the end of this year 2024. well,
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the third reading of the bill on additional adjustment of the tax system is scheduled for july 10. one of the first issues to be discussed is the family tax deduction. now it's time for economic news. in russia they plan to produce 100,000 volga cars per year, a. the head of the ministry of industry and trade anton alikhanov announced this at the inoprom forum, the cars will be produced at the site of the nizhny novgorod automobile cluster, it is expected that mass production will be launched this year, and next year they will enter the full cycle. at that at the same time, solers plans to launch the production of minivans in december; cars will be assembled at the valabuga site, tas was told by the company’s management. they plan to present the new model in october. it also became known that solers will restart in the fourth quarter. internal combustion engines will be used for a very, very long time,
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despite the growing popularity of electric vehicles. this was stated by the world's largest oil company, saudi aramka. last month it acquired a ten percent stake in horsepower train for 740 million euros. this is a company that produces engines using traditional fuel. saudi aramka predicts even more in 2050. half of all cars will still run on combustion fuel. and the united states recognized the impossibility of further increasing the national debt. federal reserve chairman jeremy powell stated this at the european central bank forum. according to him, the debt has reached a critical level of 35 trillion dollars, which makes it almost impossible to continue borrowing. according to bank of america estimates, the american government debt increases by $1 trillion every 100 days. it is expected that by the end of this.
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equipment as a single biomechanical organism and this is more than a thousand people and 300 units cross the russian border, customs formalities do not affect the race schedule, only the appetite of the pilots at the finish of the special stage, many preferred precious minutes of sleep over breakfast, any day, preferably russian, that’s great, the organizers they promised that the catering would be our russian one. because the last time we stopped by chinese catering came to china, to be honest, we didn’t feel at ease, so i climbed behind the edges, took out a stew, we cooked naval pasta, 300 km of stones, dust, sand, hard soil surrounded by ancient rocks at an altitude of almost 2 km, the track was good, interesting, somewhere in the middle of the special stage there were very beautiful views, i really wanted to go out and admire it, but i had never seen something like this in my life, but it’s better
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to look around. and under the wheels, advises mongolian motorcycle racer murun purivdorzh. i can say one thing: be neat, there is a stone around every turn, other participants need to be very careful with the wheels and take care of them. the dust from racing cars racing across the steppe is clearly visible, however, this is not the best reference point for the cars behind, the fact is that the mongolian wind blows this cloud away. international. the track is the same for everyone: the gasellers fed me all day, thanks to the gas team, i’m full, just like that, i’ll stay away from them now, yesterday the steering was broken, so the car was driven by a tow truck until the finish of the stage, today there’s a new problem, three
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punched. at the beginning of the race in mongolia , andrei korginov's truck overturned. bogdan karimov's crew had to change the shock absorbers. slightly faster than nikolaev and sotnikov at the finish line was belarusian sergei vizovich on the oil. although the record holder of the silk road, dmitry sotnikov , hardly took his foot off the gas pedal in white boots, unusual for the blue armada. they look good, in fact , i’m just a large size and i often choose shoes, including boots, from what ’s available, but it’s not always possible to choose what we want, what suits our style,
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i just had to. buy boots a little similar to our style, well, with white color, but they look elegant. the silk road is just accelerating, despite the fact that almost half of the race is behind us, all the main tests of the dangerous off-road conditions of mongolia are only ahead, fatigue is accumulating, and the mileage of special stages is only growing. stas redikultsev, ivan lavrikov, alexander stalmashevsky, news from khovd, mongolia. expanding trade turnover, interaction in the fields of energy and high technology, aircraft manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and agriculture economy, cooperation within the framework of brix and the shanghai cooperation organization, and of course, the international situation, all this is the topic of today’s negotiations
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with vladimir putin. as stated in the kremlin, they exhaustively discussed almost the entire agenda, elizaveta khramtsova, about the atmosphere of russian-indian negotiations and their results. the main day of the indian prime minister's visit to moscow is filled with many events. after visiting the atom pavilion, vladimir putin and narendro mode went to the large kremlin palace in one car, an executive aurus. where detailed negotiations took place on all aspects of russian-indian relations. for the two leaders, these negotiations are already the seventeenth personal meeting, the next summit speaks of the commitment of moscow and newdeli to further strengthen relations based on mutual respect. today our relations have the character of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. we are constantly in contact and pay main attention to the development of trade and economic relations.


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