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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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so, at least a billion dollars will be allocated by the united states and allies to strengthen the ukrainian air defense system. joe biden announced this following the first day of the nato summit. according to him , with the help of the alliance, kiev will be able to win the conflict with russia. at the same time, during his speech, the american president once again misspoke, calling ukraine uranus. our us correspondent will tell you what other statements were made. received special, close attention against the backdrop of the political chaos in which the united states found itself in connection with the demands to biden joe biden, as we understand, is now asking him to withdraw his candidacy from the election race, of course, for the united states itself, first of all , this is... together we are creating a global coalition
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to support ukraine, together we are providing ukraine with everything necessary for defense with weapons, tanks, armored personnel carriers , air defense systems, long-range missiles and supply millions of ammunition, and today i am announcing historic contributions: usa, germany, netherlands, romania. italy will provide ukraine with equipment for five additional strategic air defense systems in the coming months the united states and partners intend to provide ukraine with dozens of additional tactical air defense systems. the united states will make sure that when we deliver critical air interceptors, ukraine will be the first recipient, they will receive these systems before anyone else. the two themes are opposition to china and conflict. in ukraine
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will be the main topics of discussion in the next 2 days in washington, today zelensky has arrived here in the united states, he is expected to be received at the white house by joe biden, and in addition, a meeting will take place nato council ukraine, after which biden and zelensky will hold events with the leaders of countries that have signed bilateral security agreements with ukraine, this is especially emphasized as a kind of alternative to ukraine’s full membership in nato. just the day before, the american press was talking about the fact that in the final communication nato. ukraine's membership will be called irreversible without specific deadlines, this is actually a continuation of the thesis that biden himself has already put forward several times, but now a new wording has appeared, it sounds like a bridge for ukraine to nato membership, which will be discussed at this summit, as gen. stoltenberg and the minister of defense of lithuania spoke the day before. just today, nato's logistics procurement agency signed a new multinational contract for the supply of stinge missiles. worth about $700 million.
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the reality of the war in ukraine demonstrated not only that our reserves and production capabilities were too low, but also showed huge gaps in the interoperability of our forces. the most famous example is a german-dutch brigade that was supposed to be ready for joint action, but in reality, the standard 155 mm ammunition that the netherlands has is not suitable for use in german howitzers, on the contrary, it is direct. opposition, compatibility of forces. we're moving forward now with the nato defense plan, with a forward presence, working to position more troops so we can be ready to fight on the border if necessary, but the goal is deterrence. to do this, you need to fill in the gaps in equipping systems air defense, long-range weapons, which require more defense spending. all this, of course, in addition to obligations to ukraine, arms supplies at the current level, at least next year, to a general demonstration to kiev, then... the west will not abandon the current
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ukrainian regime to the mercy of fate, so now we are talking about the fact that the summit the strengthening of ukrainian air defense will be announced, including the transfer of additional petriot systems, german chancellor olaf scholz spoke about this the day before. germany took the lead by providing a third patriot system, which very important for air defense, in addition to all the support we provide. this includes, for example, our irist system, which is very effective there. this also applies. well, the only dove of peace at this gathering of hawks, it seems, will be the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, the summit in washington is his fourth, as we remember , a stop after trips to kiev, moscow and beijing, and of course, the reaction to his peace initiative in the european union in washington extremely harsh, nevertheless, here he is going, apparently, to declare out loud that exactly a ceasefire and peace negotiations are the only way to establish peace in europe, this is how the day before the head of the mit of hungary outlined his country’s position on...
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could radically change, given trump’s initiatives to possibly weaken the role of the united states and reduce america’s financial participation in the alliance. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the first day of the nato summit in washington showed the aggressive nature of the alliance. this was stated by the russian
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ambassador to the united states anatoly antonov. he noted that during the events not a single ameri's words. according to the diplomat, the north atlantic alliance is trying to intimidate everyone for the sake of an idea. russia and india will develop cooperation across the entire economic spectrum and increase trade turnover. vladimir putin and narendra modi agreed on this following joint negotiations. the focus is also on increasing supplies of russian coal to india and eliminating trade barriers.
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energy, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, technology, a far from complete list of sectors of cooperation between russia and india, details and plans regarding the partnership of the two states, vladimir putin, prime minister of india, nadi discussed. noted a significant increase in bilateral trade turnover in 2023, which was twice as high as the volume of $30 billion planned for 2025. now the new target is $100 billion by 2030. thus , it is necessary to increase indian supplies to russia to ensure balanced bilateral trade turnover. today , russian exports to india are ahead of the counter flow of goods in almost all of the most significant groups, except pharmaceutical products.
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will also discuss bilateral trade agricultural products that need to remove unnecessary veterinary, sanitary and phytosanitary restrictions and bans. energy cooperation will develop, we will talk about nuclear energy, in particular about the project to build a second nuclear power plant in india, oil refining and petrochemicals, as well as
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the provision of infrastructure and technologies. there are plans to consider new long-term contracts, including those related to oil supplies. today india is one of the priority oil producers. russian markets in 2023, russian oil exports to india doubled compared to 2022 45 million tons to 90. the whole world is facing a fuel energy crisis, but through our cooperation we have been able to avoid hardship for the common citizens of india. we provide them with gasoline and diesel fuel, so the whole world must recognize that thanks to indian-russian cooperation in the energy sector, we ensure stability in the world market. india became the first market, and i would like to note that in the energy sector today, india is one of our key partners. based on the results of last year, for example, if we talk about oil supplies, they amounted to about 90 million tons, which is 40% of
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india’s total needs. coal supplies are another key part of the energy trade. vladimir putin and narendromodi agreed to study increasing the volume of imports of cucumbers. coal to india, recently russian exports have already increased, in the period from april 1, 23 to march 31, 24, russia increased supplies to 6.4 million tons from 2.3 russia and india will develop economic cooperation, including by increasing cargo turnover, and here's the deal development of transport routes by launching new routes of the international north-south transport corridor, northern sea route and chinaya sea route. they intend to optimize customs procedures on routes. the growing trade turnover between russia and india is largely served by national currencies. today it is 70%. india and russia are also mutually
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interested. from the point of view of economic interaction, the main result of the negotiations was, of course, an agreed program between russia and india for strategic cooperation and development strategic directions until 2030. all these areas, they cover the key topics of our interaction, this...
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in addition, russia and india agreed to strengthen interaction in the fields of transport engineering, automobiles and shipbuilding, space and other industries. discussed india's entry into the arctic, concluding a framework agreement on joint promotion of investments. enjoy your rolls at a tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try the caesar roll and other rolls only during delicious point. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing. that would be a good house. better apartment in the center. or maybe everything everywhere at once? find
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at least three such incidents. it also became known about explosions in the khmelnitsky region. where exactly has not yet been specified, in addition, in other regions the strikes led to power outages, and ukrainian journalists also talk about severe fires, several hours earlier, explosions occurred in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. now to the nwo zone. in the lugansk people's republic, russian anti-aircraft gunners are completing tests of a mobile installation created right on the front line. one of the most important tasks of the new product is protection from drone attacks. our war correspondent alexei baranov has details. we meet with the design engineers who so happened to now serve in a separate anti-aircraft missile division of the third corps of the southern group of forces at
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the training ground in the lugansk people's republic. we do not disclose the exact location for reasons. security, literally armed to the teeth, the steel car looks like a buggy, less than three months passed from concept to implementation. and in the conditions of modern combat there is a need to combat uavs of various types, poseidon, jupiter h3, 1,2, and such as fpv, yes, everyone is already tired of, well, all kinds of kamika drones that are trying to constantly hunt for us. there is a need to display mobile devices, we made them ourselves, these are some kind of shotguns, conceived for protection against attacks from enemy fp drones, we installed several on all four sides of the vehicle, the chief designer with the call sign vizier tells us, these means are equipped with an electric match, a lush projectile,
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or shot, or now we use 762 cartridges. six kalashnikov assault rifles combined into a single system, controlled from a panel located in the cab. the fact that in the logo of this model the word st. john's wort is written with an a is not at all a grammatical error. the name for the car was invented by the military themselves, it is actually consists of three words: st. john's wort, faith and fight. bye. the members of the third corps are preparing their new vehicle for combat work, in the avdeevsky direction there are drones of the central military district in the air, a whole group of uavs is working with the artillery of the center group, which regularly uses high-precision guided projectiles krasnopol,
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a crew technician with the call sign start tells us. payload, laser, which is aimed and...
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all ammunition is shot in a circle. protection against air attacks, which anti-aircraft units are engaged, of course, the most important component of the combat work of infantry and equipment on the ground. alexey baranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev. news: donetsk and lugansk people's republics, line of combat contact. the general mobilization in ukraine received a forceful response from the residents of odessa. unknown at night. they set fire to the car of a military registration and enlistment office employee, leaving only a charred island. this is not the first such incident; another arson occurred about a day ago.
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but in dnepropetrovsk a resident simply tried to escape from the hands of the security forces, but as local online resources reported, he was unsuccessful, and calls for help did not help either. european states will face serious difficulties if the united states refuses military supplies to ukraine, it was reported. sweden. according to him, copenhagen will declare at the nato summit: without scaling up western support, kiev will never be able to win. alika komarova has all the details. ukraine asks washington to lift restrictions on strikes deep into russian territories. according to the publication of the politician, the controversy has been going on for several months. at the same time, journalists emphasize that most of the previous american aid packages have not yet reached the armed forces of ukraine. and from... the wall street journal claims that behind the scenes the main theme of the nato summit was the lack of production capacity of western countries. according to journalists, europe and the united states cannot
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produce as many weapons as russia already produces. military experts also say the same. russia is too big, too well resourced, too well equipped for ukraine to defeat it. russia is a spike that has many strengths. ah... vast reserves of natural resources, several vital allies, a powerful and expanding military industrial base. the pentagon is already calling on allies to prepare for protracted wars. according to the us first deputy secretary of defense, washington is rapidly losing global leadership, which means that everyone else must immediately prove their commitment to the united states. i know what we have everything necessary not only to compete with other countries, but to win this competition.
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then one of the targets in kiev was the kiev plant named after artyom, one of the largest enterprises of the ukroboronprom concern, it is one of the main producers of aircraft missiles, weapons and ammunition, and this target, according to objective control data, according to the testimony of the kiev residents themselves, was hit, since the plant is located approximately 2 km from the damaged children's hospital, there is every reason to believe that... similar tragedies could have happened
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would have been avoided if the kiev regime, in violation of international humanitarian law, had not placed air defense systems and heavy weapons in residential areas. nibendya emphasized that the ukrainian air defense missed all five strikes on the plant, but clearly hit the children's hospital, while there is no information in the ukrainian media about strikes on the plant. the diplomat asked his norwegian colleagues whether they had given permission to strike a children’s hospital, since it was oslo that supplied ukraine with the nasa anti-aircraft missile systems that operate in kiev. alika komarova, lead. in the state duma will today consider the final draft of a bill on changes to taxation. the document proposes a personal income tax rate that varies depending on the income of russians from the usual 13% to 22. if its deputies... then today the federation council will take up the law. our correspondent varvara nevskaya is observing the preparations for the plenary session at okhotny ryad; she is joining us now.
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in the morning right now there is a debate about the consideration in the third reading of the bill on improving the tax system, i let me remind you that yesterday the duma adopted this document in the second reading, it introduces a progressive personal income tax scale consisting of five steps, as well as special conditions for...
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a lot of work was done on the project and the government proposed additional preferences for the it industry, radio electronics, this includes a 5% income tax for it companies until 2030, this is the removal of various restrictions on neocores, this is an opportunity to receive additional benefits from income taxes when using russian software, also today the state duma can adopt immediately in the second and final third reading of the bill banning propaganda. drugs, including in the media and the internet, as well as the conditions for mentioning such prohibited substances in literature and cinema. and as you know, in the revised version of this bill for the second reading it was clarified that works of literature in which narcotic drugs constitute a justifiable genre will not be included under drug propaganda. these are quotes from the text of the bill: an integral part artistic design, also the norm
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should not apply. which people suffered, as well as for leaving the scene of a traffic accident, such measures are long overdue, we have also talked about this several times, we receive requests almost every day from citizens who have become victims of road accidents involving electric scooters and other similar personal mobility devices . lyakhachin rush with terrible speed along the sidewalks, past passers-by, knocking down mothers and children, knocking down
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the elderly. people, and another bill, which carries responsibility for violators of traffic rules - this is a document about the possibility of deprivation of a driver's license for driving a vehicle with hidden license plates. let me remind you that today, for driving a car without a license plate or with a special device that actually hides this license plate, a fine of up to 5,000 rubles is provided. deprivation of rights for up to 3 months only, if a new document is adopted. careless motorists may lose their rights for a period of time already from one year to one and a half years, and also here in the state duma today a meeting was announced between the chairman of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin and the chairman of the standing committee of the all-china people's congress zhao ledza, after which the ninth meeting of the interparliamentary commission on cooperation between the federal assembly of the russian federation and the all-china will begin people's congress of
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the people's republic of china. this is the news from a willing row, we continue to monitor the situation, we’ll definitely come back on air and tell you everything in detail. thank you, we’ll wait, i ’ll remind you that varvara nevskaya was on direct communication from the state duma. now let’s take a break for a couple of minutes and then continue to talk about the main topics of this environment.


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