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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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reconstruction, the number of lanes will increase from 13 to 32 units, and i addressed my colleagues from the kazakh side, i spoke with the prime minister and the first deputy prime minister of kazakhstan, because on the kazakh side, on the kazakh side there are only eight traffic lanes, and we would say we are concerned, that our 32 lanes will be able to create a traffic jam on the border with kazakhstan at the bugrista checkpoint and the first prime minister...
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on vehicles crossing the border in a unified information environment and thereby reduce the time we must be spent to pass control of the vehicle. this year, a prototype will be deployed at the tagerken kozmalyar checkpoint, this is the russian-azerbaijani section of the road, and in the future we will replicate this technology to all priority sections of the border. measures to develop checkpoints. taking into account your
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instructions were supported by mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, a decision was made to allocate additional funding in the amount of 150 billion rubles for the period until 2030 to implement the tasks you set. of course, this is a significant amount, and we, together with the ministry of transport and the ministry of finance of russia, will work on this issue in detail. and at the end of my speech i would like to thank the governors for their help in achieving this task, and not only that. regions i visited, in general, all governors provide assistance in the development of checkpoints, the first deputy director, head of the border service of the fsb of russia, vladimir grigorievich kuleshov and his colleagues, then the federal customs service headed by valery ivanovich pekalev, who is already deeply into the topic, we are communicating with him about development, further development of checkpoints. thanks to systematic interaction with colleagues, we manage to save the tasks you set.
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the north and dnieper defeated units of the ukrainian armed forces and repelled several counterattacks. in addition, aviation, drones, missile forces and artillery struck enemy positions in 131 areas. air defense systems shot down a ukrainian mig-29, 55 drones, four atacama tactical missiles, three himmers missiles and four hammers guided bombs.
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transfer money to sber for free from other banks, receive cashback up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with a sberim subscription. delegation of the federation council headed by chairman valentina matvienko arrived in st. petersburg to participate in the tenth brix parliamentary forum. and the main theme of the forum is the role of parliament in strengthening multilateralism for fair, global development and security. anastasia efimova knows the details. she comes into direct contact with the facts.
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the first of the brix countries in this association in a new expanded composition and we have taken our chairmanship very seriously, a huge program has been drawn up, more than 200 events are planned in it, and this whole year is going under the brix flag, this is through the ministry of foreign affairs, other ministries and departments, the public, the courts, the prosecutor's office, the brix sports games, which, in my opinion, were the olympic games, and of course, this is the brix parliamentary forum, which occupies an important place in this common agenda, we are very pleased that the nine delegations of the main brix members are almost all
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at the highest level, at the level of parliamentary chairmen, this is an understanding of the importance of participation, and of course this is the attitude towards russia, why st. petersburg, because it is... here russian parliamentarism was born, the tovrian palace in which you and i are located is the headquarters of the interparliamentary assembly, and of course. thematically, what would you focus your attention on? in general, are there any results
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that we would like to achieve within the framework of this forum? the program is really very intense, believe me, from 8 am to late evening, all these days are scheduled not only in terms of brix events, these are four full-fledged sessions, this is a huge number of bilateral meetings, everyone requested and this is very very pleasing, but the very fact that... the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin, who will speak to the participants of the parliamentary forum, will take part in our forum, emphasizes the significance of this event, and you know, here is our president , he always pays great attention to the parliamentary dimension, the parliamentary component, because parliamentarians are gathered by the people of their countries and represent their interests, and he, like no one else, understands how...
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provide such legal conditions to unite our efforts in the fight against these new threats,
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because no country alone can do this, because this is already transnational crime, transnational terrorism, this is what is happening today in attempts to maintain hegemony in general, international relations, when international law is violated, when ...
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turnover is already discredited, we are developing cooperation in a variety of high-tech areas, space, nuclear energy and many others, and this is mutually beneficial cooperation, our citizens feel it, and of course, there are a lot of people who want to join such an association, why did they pause it? well , first of all, the new brix members who have joined this organization now need to adapt so that they become full-fledged partners. so that interaction formats are included and it is absolutely correctly said that it is still necessary to develop certain criteria, yes, first the partner country, who fits these criteria, so as not to dilute it, you know, this is not a club of interests, this an association of like-minded people who have
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the same views on the development of international relations in general and on the role of the united nations organization. tatarstan, most likely at this summit the following criteria will be adopted: first , the partner country’s criteria for admission to brix membership. i think that this process will then go very quickly, because today , in terms of the population of the brics countries,
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the rate of economic growth, the rate of growth and overall share in the world... people's relations, the situation in the world, this process will go, in my opinion , after some time is already moving at a faster pace. thank you very much, valentina ivanovna, thank you for answering our questions, i would like to ask you something else, because i remind you that , first of all, i remind our viewers, who may not know that brix is ​​not the only thing, because that the parliamentary dimension
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of another large association will be represented here, this is the cis, plus representatives have been invited.
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with whom we have very good, good friendly relations and working relationships, we wanted them too joined this format because i
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do not rule out that in development the cis countries may become members of the brix, but in any case , this will be a parliamentary community of the brix countries and the cis interparliamentary assembly, which will bear fruit, i am sure of it. the kind of global integration work that will take place in the coming days in st. petersburg has been carried out by russia for more than a year now, but it seems to you that the interest in this work, in these integration processes, in these associations and criss in the first place, is it also connected with, firstly, of course, the growing threats with the rhetoric that we now see, in particular at the nato summit, which is taking place, it just so happens that in parallel, we have never opposed ourselves, the president always says that we are not friends against someone, we are friends.
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the work of brex and such an attitude causes attention, they are in every way possible, they are trying to put pressure on countries, prohibit them from traveling, prohibit them, but already the process of building a multipolar world, the desire for sovereignty of the state, its it is impossible to stop, this is already a kind of agony, when all the tools have been exhausted, they are no longer afraid of threats, and maybe be careful in some ways. some countries, but they make independent, sovereign decisions, they understand that it is in this association that they will be comfortable, it is beneficial for them, and the atmosphere
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is completely different, yes, for some time it is, well, not confrontation on their part, an attempt not only to restrain the development of russia, china, and other states there, but an attempt to prevent like-minded people who think differently from uniting who look at the development of international relations, the world order differently, no, everyone should think as the west thinks, everyone should line up and walk on the right foot, as they order, and nothing else, you know, i already want to take it all, shake everything up, get rid of it, because the time is different and the conditions of life are different. and these illegal sanctions that are being introduced, you know, this is the subordination of all international structures to this one ideology, look at
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how the world trade organization behaves, they never said that unilateral sanctions are illegal, that it is necessary to create conditions for equitable global development, which we will talk about at brix, even the world health organization, i can list others, they are there. under severe pressure, under severe pressure, they endure, but believe me, no one likes it, and sooner or later they will throw off all these shackles, they will not tolerate, they will continue to harm, they will interfere, but look, 24 countries, if i'm not mistaken, they are now queuing up to become members of the uk, which means they are no longer afraid, they are already tired of being afraid, so...
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the states, we see what is happening in the elections in great britain, they are tired, in france they are tired, that is, they are pursuing a policy that is not supported by people, citizens of their countries, voters who vote against this rabid.
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the economy was destroyed by illegal sanctions , everything they did, they destroyed economic ties, world chains, everything is collapsing, and people began to live worse, prices are rising, migration processes are unregulated, these are the results of the elections that took place, well which are still to come, i’m sure.
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petersburg will become its formation, we will of course closely monitor all upcoming events, thank you very much, ivanovna, i will remind you that the speaker of the federation council, valentina ivanovna matvienko, answered our questions. well, we continue to report on the situation with forest fires, liquidation of the consequences of floods in russian regions, this is where vladimir putin began today’s meeting with the government and , first of all, the president asked about how things are going with assistance to the victims,
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have compensations been paid, what are they... liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters, personnel training, tours of creative groups in the summer months, the president of russia discussed a wide range of issues via videoconference today with members of the cabinet of ministers. the meeting began with the most pressing issues, the situation with forest fires and floods. according to the head of the ministry of emergency situations, this year the number of fires has decreased, but their area has increased by one and a half times and the forecast remains unfavorable, because
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peak years. in a number of regions there was a dry, hot weather, a high fire hazard class remains. the head of the rescue agency spoke about the challenges that arise in connection with the topic of paying compensation. on the one
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hand, a simplified and... more convenient mechanism for sending an application for payment through government services has appeared, on the other hand, every third application turned out to be repeated or unfounded, but the absolute majority of applications for compensation in connection with natural disasters have already been processed. the issue of increasing the amount of payments to victims has been worked out and submitted to the government a draft resolution that provides for their increase by one and a half times, that is, instead of 10 thousand 15 thousand rubles. for loss of property, instead of 50 and 100 thousand rubles , 75 and 150,000 rubles will be paid, respectively, for each victim. the same approach has been implemented in relation to citizens who have suffered harm to their health as a result of an emergency. these payments will be indexed annually to the inflation rate. how much has our average size grown?


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