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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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russians affected by the floods managed to get new housing before the end of the cold weather. the head of state today began a meeting with the government on the topic of eliminating the consequences of emergency situations. the president also drew attention to the situation with forest fires. at the moment , more than 500 outbreaks have already been recorded in the country, but the peak of the disaster is still ahead. details in the material by andrey grigoriev. a meeting between the president and the government is not only a discussion of individual planned issues, but also a speech it’s always about the general situation in the country. of course, we need to start with... the situation with forest fires and liquidation of the consequences of spring floods. the forecast remains unfavorable; dry, hot weather has set in in a number of regions, and a high fire danger class remains. the forces of the ministry of emergency situations of russia provide protection of populated areas from the passage of fire. yakutia and the trans-baikal territory were transferred to the republic of sakha in good time, and now one b-200 aircraft, two helicopters each, are actively working. due to
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abnormal heat, forest fires in yakutia and transbaikalia this year is a month earlier than usual, but so far we have managed to contain them on time, noticing from the air how the aerial forestry service is working, there are some questions, requests, maybe additional ones, we have put the forces on high alert, increasing the frequency of forest monitoring, our main task, which we now see , is to prevent the fire from spreading to populated areas and economic facilities. at the same time , there is a struggle against the consequences of spring. flood in the urals, victims have already been paid 11 billion rubles, and the amount of compensation was increased by order of the president. how much on average have we increased the amount of payments to all flood victims? about one and a half times, yes, yes, one and a half times the difference. yes. how many people are still in taps? 242 people in total. all the rest went to relatives and friends. yes. well, well, they rent housing. almost
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30,000 residential buildings were damaged; they need to be quickly restored before the heating season begins. yes, we will do something before the cold weather. we will build apartments in orskie and build individual housing. and we will control the houses that people have undertaken to build themselves. people choose their schedule, territory, region will compensate for renting apartments. carefully, please follow what is happening there , accompany this administratively . we need, we need to help us on the spot. there are enough workers in the country for this. in general, russia is now breaking records for the number of employed citizens. unemployment is receding. summer is vacation time, but work continues. compared to last year, last year we had 73.4 million workers. this year there are already 74.1 million workers. unemployment is at an all-time high. low level of 2.6%.
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indeed, we see a constant growth in the number of employed our citizens, demand for professions is growing unevenly, the most in demand are skilled workers, industrial engineers, and representatives of the mining construction industry. active construction is underway at all checkpoints on the russian border, everything is gradually being modernized, but already the waiting time has decreased by five times. customs officers received the right to conduct veterinary sanitary.
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those that connect russia with friendly states. most of them participated in the sports games of the brics countries, organized as an alternative to the olympics, to which our national team was once again not allowed. this year more than 5,500 athletes from 82 countries took part in them. they were held in kazan with success, noted by all participants, high organization, everything was spectacular, audience. very big, more than 25 million people watched it on television alone, on social networks, this figure is hundreds of millions, we need to plan future competitions of this level, of this scale in such a way that it does not conflict with international calendars, so that we have a sufficient number of high and very high level athletes so that there are no problems with this calendar, do you understand what? and
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i say, so look at the future, but overall, in my opinion, it’s a very good experience, and there are really quite a lot of people who want to come, and i ask you not to delay - only high-explosive fragmentation, but with a cluster warhead, as the governor noted , nato shells were used, and not from the region, there was a lot of destruction in the city, residential buildings and two dozen cars were damaged. from the scene of the event, reporting by alexander korobov. an enemy shell fell literally a meter from a residential apartment building, the explosion knocked out most of the windows, one
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of the balconies was destroyed, residents are inspecting the damage. i was sitting in the hall, there was such a strong explosion, i mean another one came out, then i detonated it. everyone must have been so strong. among the shells fired by poshibekin, not only high-explosive fragmentation, but also western-made cluster submunitions exploded in residential areas. when a cassette falls, it breaks into dozens of damaging elements, but they do not have much penetrating ability, even a display case, here the thick glass withstood the blow, these are the actual fragments of the ricochet. as a result of the shelling, one person was killed and nine were injured in various ways. degree of severity, everyone was taken to the hospital, only a few seconds passed from leaving to arriving, i collected my things, i go out and see there’s no phone, i went to look for the phone in the room, and just at that time it happened here already, well, there’s a further flight to the bank, if i had taken the phone right away, i
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probably would have stayed here right now, fragments of ammunition damaged the windows in several residential buildings, in some apartments the windows were completely blown out, in others they survived, but with characteristic marks, they cannot be restored at the scene of the emergency, others can be saved, in the near future the damaged vehicles will be assessed and the residents will be paid compensation. restorative work on the houses began almost immediately after the shelling. alexander korbov, vyacheslav podzolkov, conduct the belgorod region. last nights in ukraine, four
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military vehicles were burned; incidents in odessa, rivne and lvov were reported by the ukrainian media, and, as stated, vsushnikov’s vehicles are probably mistaken for the transport of military registration and enlistment office employees. well, about the jokite. it has now become a routine way for tcs to take revenge for violent mobilization. by the way, the ukrainian government has simplified the work of military commissars. subpoenas will now be issued automatically through an electronic system and sent by mail. a sent letter, regardless of the result, is considered delivered. the topic will be continued by evgeniyv. vіdav dead, if you have killed the people in the military form. an anecdotal case from odessa is being discussed on ukrainian television. seeing a retail center employee from a distance, the man lay down on the sidewalk and pretended to be there.
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in kharkov, they are looking for drivers, literally translated, for forklift drivers. so far, mobilization has not extended to women, but it is clear what the kiev allies are pushing for. western tv channels produced hundreds of stories about heroic ukrainian women on the front line. of the more than 400,000 soldiers currently serving in the ukrainian armed forces, about 15% are women.
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euros, so that they would first be transported on a grain truck as close as possible to the border with moldova, and then transferred across the fields across it. border guards. at the same time, the ukrainian cabinet of ministers has barred all ngo employees who live on western grants from mobilization. there are 133 organizations on the list; the document calls them critically important for the economy. countries, such as transparency international ukraine, the ukrainian academy of leadership or the center for democracy and the rule of law. one for all and all for one. these are the same as ukrainian realities. eight teachers and police officers.
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well, i don’t need military personnel like you who don’t want to serve in defense of their homeland, and what can we expect from those who set fire to the transport of military commissars, here in ivano-frankivsk , atvs issued by the tsk are burning, apparently to chase dodgers across rough terrain. poland will form a legion volunteers from ukrainians in the eu. they can sign a contract with the armed forces of ukraine. ukrainian media call the signing of the next important result of zelensky’s trip to warsaw.
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ukraine did not allow a bundestag deputy from the left party into the country. zeren pelman, who spoke out against arms supplies to kiev, waited for 2 hours at the lviv train station, after which he was deported to poland. the german ministry of defense promises to find out what happened, but what is there to find out? if ukrainian diplomats can insult with impunity chancellor of germany, then there is no need to stand on ceremony with the deputies of the bundestag. evgeny reshitnev, yana streblyansky, alexander ivankov. news. the federation council today approved changes to the tax budget codes of russia, which, let me remind you, were previously proposed
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by the government; they, among other things , imply that the income tax rate depends on the size of the payer’s earnings, and these amendments are expected to come into force at the beginning of next year. in addition, senators approved a refund of 7% of personal income tax paid to families with children. more details about everything in material by alena logvinova. thanks to the changes that were adopted next year, the federal budget will receive an additional two. 6 trillion rubles. the changes were aimed at fine-tuning the tax system, first of all, we are talking about a new progressive personal income tax scale for citizens whose annual income is less than 2,400. 1. rub. the rate will remain at 13%. if income is above this mark, but less than 5 million rubles. the tax will be at 15%, from 5 to 20 million rubles. per year - 18%, from 20 to 50 million - 20%, over 50 million rubles. per year - 22%. it is worth noting that the increased tax will
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not be levied on the entire amount, only on excess of the relevant thresholds. another change involves an increase in income tax. for the organization from 20 to 25%, and thanks to this measure alone, next year the federal budget will receive an additional 1.6 trillion rubles. those citizens who have higher incomes should pay more, and these resources should be directed, including to those people who are in greater need of government support, this is actually happened when we introduced a progressive tax scale, the principle of fairness is that, at the proposal of business, we took into account the abolition of the so-called turnover taxes that businesses today pay when exporting their products. it is envisaged to increase the mineral extraction tax for iron ore, fertilizers, coal, and diamonds, according to the document, the cut-off price, if exceeded , will be charged a surcharge to the mineral extraction tax for thermal coal will be $ 120 per
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ton, $ 167 for coking coal, the flow price for anthracite is 135. per ton, the premium to the mineral extraction tax will be 10% above the cut-off price for coal, as well as anthracite, and for thermal coal 5%. in addition, the federation council approved a law that provides for an annual indexation of excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol by 4% for 3 years, the procedure for paying excise taxes on pharmaceutical alcohol-containing substances was improved, and new measures were introduced to curb rising prices for medicines. the innovation is absolutely correct.
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payments will become a kind of thirteenth salary for parents, since they represent a refund of tax payments accrued at the end of the year. the amount of the payment will be calculated in such a way that the parents’ personal income tax will ultimately be at the level of 6%. this is the money of the taxpayers themselves, this is a return of part of the income tax, that is, you work, provide wages, and part, most of these funds are returned. in the form of a family tax payment, and this is done taking into account needs, this is done taking into account the assessment of the needs of families with children in state assistance, this is another additional payment that is aimed at ensuring that families with children live better. on wednesday , the federation council approved amendments to the budget for
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2024; the document assumes that gdp this year will exceed 191 trillion. rubles, its growth will be 2.8%. inflation will be at 5.1%. it will return to basic indicators in 2025. and the ruble exchange rate against the dollar will be at the level of 94 rubles. 70 kopecks the presented bill fully takes into account expenses obligations to implement the goals of the tasks set by the president of the russian federation and the federal assembly. i will briefly discuss the changes.
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as for other main budget parameters, the deficit will be at the level of 2 trillion rubles, this is 1.1% of gdp, total revenues will exceed 35 trillion rubles, and expenses will be 37 trillion rubles. additional budget expenditures will be primarily aimed at implementing the president’s message and his instructions. alena logvinova, dmitry malyshev and sergey kuznetsov, lead. number the queue of countries that would like to join brix is ​​constantly increasing today. where 24 states already stand, valentina matvienko announced this today on the eve of the organization’s parliamentary summit in st. petersburg. according to her, russia welcomes the growing interest in unification, but at the same time advocates creation. clear criteria for new candidates, we are all faced today with such new modern challenges that did not exist before, and of course, we must
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create such legal conditions so that unite our efforts in the fight against these new threats, because no country alone can do this, because this is already transnational crime, transnational terrorism, this is... what is happening today in attempts to maintain the hegemony of the generally international relations when international law is violated. the very fact that the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin, who will speak to the participants of the parliamentary forum, will take part in our forum, emphasizes the significance of this event. joe biden, according to the latest opinion polls, has updated the anti-record of his ratings and now remains. trump by almost 12%, and the decline in support from the traditional electorate of the dim party, namely voters of african,
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asian and latin american origin, should be especially painful for the current president. against this background, even the most loyal opinion leaders to biden, be it the writer stephen king or, for example, actor george clooney, are calling on him to leave the election race, but is he ready for them? listen, denis davidov understood. leading us channels cannot ignore trump even if they want to, so they show meetings of the republican candidate carefully. he is on stage, there are people nearby, but how many of them are not visible on tv. the endless field is packed, there are 45 thousand people on it, in the heat of 35, they catch every word that their idol says, and he, of course, is still talking about the same thing, about biden. joe biden is the president. who works part-time while you have to work overtime to survive, and he works part-time because he is mentally sick let's have another debate
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this week and give sleepy joe a chance to prove to the world that he can be president i also officially challenge cheating joe to a golf match have you ever seen him play biden jokes from the people on duty are fed up with trump, this is how the democrats trample on the president? in his opinion, he is my best friend from school, it’s up to the biden administration staff to save face, who are increasingly pushed to the wall with uncomfortable questions; during
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these interrogations, they chose with bias tactic to deny everything. the wall street journal writes that in june 22 , secretary of state blinken went to a meeting with the german chancellor instead of president biden , saying that the president needed to go to bed. you denied it, but you can tell that the administration is absolutely open on the topic.
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will be 86, his press secretary is sure he will fully work it out. the majority of americans do not believe that this president can serve effectively for the next 4 months, let alone 4 years, and this is a huge problem for the headquarters biden, they can't run a traditional campaign, they don't talk about goals for a second term, they can't champion the accomplishments of his first term, they're all focused on his health. convince voters that everything is fine and the candidate is fine.
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a co-contemporary, still influential, albeit a former speaker of the house of representatives, who regularly praised biden, did not sing his praises in an interview this morning, but suggested that he think carefully. denis davidov and evgeny samsonov, news. russian special forces are coming to storm, surrender. guys, come on over there, drop by to see them.
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we came in with prayer, of course, that’s right, the first state radio of russia, more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners, on the air around the clock, moscow listens to radio of russia, now on 101.5 fm. i am chef kote aganezov, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious. start your business journey with sber support. they will open an account at sber business and help with accounting.
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