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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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sergena's news the hour is short: the russian military in the orekhovsky direction destroyed a machine gun nest of the ukrainian armed forces with american weapons. the attempt to set up a firing point was spotted by scouts. the mortar crews took a convenient position and fired an accurate volley at the enemy. nato has outlined the amount of military assistance to the kiev regime for the next year. the alliance plans to spend 40 billion euros on this. the amount is included in the declaration of the bloc’s summit. the meeting takes place in washington. a special service will coordinate deliveries to ukraine. the ministry of natural resources believes that the peak of forest fires in russia will occur in the next 2-3 weeks. the most difficult situation is in the regions of the far east, siberia and the urals. thousands of hectares are engulfed in fire. in transbaikalia they discovered it within a day.
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another 24 new outbreaks. the tenth brik parliamentary forum starts today in st. petersburg, with approximately 400 representatives from 16 countries taking part. the main topic is the role of parliament in strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development. vladimir putin will speak at the forum. a russian humanitarian aid center has opened in mariupol. orthodox church. it supports refugees and civilians of the city affected by the military. irina efremova will tell you how they help mariupol residents. the clergy cut the red ribbon and immediately perform a malebin. there are still civilians in mariupol and nearby settlements who still need help. often these are lonely people, in this
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room we already see several dozen people, i just belong to this category, during the war my house suffered greatly, all this happened very painfully, i was in russia in talyayati was saved, i was barely taken there in such a serious condition. after a month under bombing in the cold without food or water , an elderly woman was rescued by the russian military, and now she is helping the church, including with medicine. a person came to us for medications and a tonometer, we send it to the pharmacy, they dispense the medications to us. people are already filling out applications, and treatment is being organized for seriously ill patients in moscow, at the church hospital of st. alexei. there are a lot of those who are embarrassed to come or ask themselves, in fact, there is a great need for him. and the first task is for help to reach them, so that they understand that they are not alone, that they are cared for. in the new center you can see people of all ages.
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free legal consultations will be organized to help residents of mariupol with the restoration of documents. thank you very much for your help .
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the storm warning has been extended in kuban until tomorrow; showers with hail and gusty winds are expected. the south of russia is now under the influence of the black sea depression. it will banish abnormal heat from the region, we’ll tell you after the ad. fairytale chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at the delicious point. new kari sauce in chicken premier and chicken hit carry, try it out. hello, my name is cashboy, i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket, for example, unison bed linen for 1,859 rubles, 25% cashback. maybe a neighbor, anywhere there is an appetite, dad,
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only dad will tame it, dad, there is a door appetite, a snack won’t hurt, there is a door appetite, siski will help, alexander nikolaevich, july 16th in battle, no, i have ice delux, which means the third, no, i have a big hit, a delicious calendar at a delicious point, every day, a new favorite product at a super price, only in the app it’s delicious, period, on my feet all day my back gets tired, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, artneo everything. one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine, attack credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks, collect all credit card debts in one fella, conveniently pay off 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments, kholva - simple methods
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of installments, go to the moss exhibition, or maybe come to me, the best tasty point, check out the clips, a reason to meet superbox with the clips of hello kitty and her friends. hurry up to buy and win a trip. connect your sberp subscription. more cashback categories to choose from. access to vokko's films and tv series and music in sound. and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. what do we bring back from savita’s travels? cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito trip will go as it should booked with cashback, bonuses. enjoy your rolls at a tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try the caesar roll and other rolls only at a tasty point. the first
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signs of weather change in the south. strong winds blew in the region and rain occurred in places. is there a chance for the heat to ease when the thunderstorms reach moscow? current weather analytics on the russia-24 channel, i am vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist at the phobos center. hello, there is a surge in thunderstorm activity on in the south, the unbearable heat will slightly subside, but the risk of fires in the region still remains high. the heat has made the vegetation flammable, like gunpowder, and now it flares up at... the slightest spark. even faulty agricultural machinery can become a source of fire. fortunately, these farmers from the azov district of the rostov region managed to cope with the fire on their own and the flames did not spread to nearby buildings. the landing did not catch fire, everything
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is fine. the heat is especially hard to bear in the city. residents of krasnodar have been complaining all week to the inferno of hell. negative, the day before the upward flow from the heated earth turned out to be so powerful that it broke through the tropopause and threw a portion of moist air into the stratosphere, as a result, residents of novocherkassk could admire the unusually beautiful and rare mother-of-pearl clouds.
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at the same time, on wednesday in the south there were hints of an imminent change in the weather, the wind rose, and in the kursk region sandy weather first broke out. storm, and then there was a downpour, precipitation occurred in the mountains of sochi. it’s simple to explain what’s happening: in russian the solar system dominates anticyclone, but due to sharp temperatures. contrasts between the hot land and sea water over the black sea , the depression intensified, masses of heaping rain clouds began to form in this area, it was so yesterday, it will be so today. look, on thursday in most of the european territory of russia, the probability of precipitation is minimal; only in the east of the region will the influence of the cyclone unwinding in siberia be felt and there will be thunderstorms. another zone of unstable weather with showers and thunderstorms will appear in the south of the country. here
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the most intense precipitation is expected in the mountainous regions of the caucasus. increasing cloud cover will limit the flow of solar heat to the earth's surface, so the coming day will become a little cooler. so in the middle zone the air will continue to warm up to +25-30. but in the south the prevailing daytime temperature will not exceed. +33-38°, however, this period of relative freshness will be short-lived, the fact is that tomorrow a new atlantic cyclone will break through to the russian plain, before its cloud fields have time to spoil the weather only in the northwest, but under the pressure of the vortex, the high pressure center will begin to drift to the shores of the black sea, dispersing the clouds here, creating conditions for a new heat wave. for example, in krasnodar today there will be thunderstorms, and the daytime temperature will not
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exceed +37, but from friday, the probability of precipitation will again be reduced to a minimum and the thermometers will creep up, at noon +38.40, we are waiting for a new series of maximum temperature records, in in central russia it is still sunny in the coming days, in moscow today it is +28, tomorrow +20. on saturday the air in the megalopolis can warm up to +31, then on sunday monday fields of frontal clouds will make their way into the capital, bringing refreshing showers and thunderstorms, the thermometer readings will drop by a couple of degrees. that's all for me, goodbye.
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now the news of the us economy is going to buy oil, despite rising prices, tribute is going to be made up. strategic reserves starting in october. i'll tell you how much now. oil prices continue to rise amid a shrinking resource base. so the brand jumped above $85 per barrel, wti approached $82. us inventories fell by 3.4 million barrels. the americans plan to replenish strategic reserves by purchasing an additional 4.5 million barrels. this was reported in a written statement by the united states department of energy. we are talking about purchases from october to... december of this year at a price not exceeding $79 per barrel; bloomberg previously predicted that
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the biden administration would abandon plans to purchase oil due to rising prices. world wheat production in the twenty-fourth year will be almost 790 million tons. this is the forecast of the un food organization. the volume of wheat harvest may be slightly higher than last year. in the twenty-third , 788 million tons were collected. just a few months ago the numbers were expected to be this year. will decrease, most likely the leaders in production will be china, india and the united states, and for other key indicators of producers, in particular for european countries, the wheat harvest is expected to be worse last year. the main reasons are drought in southern europe and record rainfall in the north. russia will also harvest less wheat, which coincides with the forecasts of our relevant departments, however, an increase in export prices may compensate for the losses. joe biden's campaign headquarters expects donations to halve or even more after his failure at the debate.
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nbs reports this with reference to its sources. now democrats are trying to remedy the situation by investing heavily in advertising. and the opening of election offices, in the press service the current president was told that as of july, the headquarters had a financial cushion of $240 million. a month earlier , the democrats managed to overtake the republicans; the biden campaign collected $127 million in june, the trump campaign - 112. fish exports from primorye to china have increased by 16% since the beginning of the year. as reported by rosselkhoznadzor, deliveries took six months. 3% less than in 2023. as noted by the department, this is a minor change and does not yet indicate a general decrease in supply volumes; it may be due to
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random factors. sberbank started test the ability to select denominations from... at atms , one of the top managers konstantin podvalny told tas about this in an interview. the service will be free, and the pilot project will include thousands of devices. sberbank noted high demand for such a function; for example, a gift often requires a five-thousand-dollar bill for tips in smaller denominations. and at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the current exchange rate for the dollar is 87 rubles. 86 kopecks euro 95.32. and that's all for now. novel. thank you. i’ll briefly talk about some of the central ones.
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the landing of the crew of the american spaceship starliner is postponed again, the astronauts have been on the iss for more than a month, the booing company's ship has problems with the engine, a helium leak, now nasa is deciding how to return the crew to earth. the england national team defeated the netherlands with a score of 2:1 in the semi-finals of the european football championship, passions were running high not only on the field, fans of both teams destroyed a bar in dortmund, and five british fans were injured as a result of the clash. a note about the child's citizenship on the birth certificate is required to travel to a number of countries, in what other cases is it needed and are parents required to put it in? stanislav bernwald will have all the details in the program instructions in a couple of minutes. oh, cashback has arrived. kohl, and he
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pays for all purchases. dad, with a black card you get cashback for everything. peak everything. with real money. he's the only one enjoy rolls at tasty point caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese try caesar roll and other rolls only at tasty point that we bring from our travels with avito cashback bonuses for your next avito trip, everything will go as booked with cashback bonuses at an excellent percentage. june 28th is the parade of planets, get ready for an expedition to the arctic, on the 28th i have nuggets, and on the 24th 24th a chicken burger, a delicious calendar at a delicious point, every day, a new favorite product at a super price, only in
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the app it’s delicious, period. you may have an appetite anywhere, only dad will tame it, dad, dad, have a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt, have a beastly appetite, sausages will help, travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alpha travel service and get super cashback on air tickets, this alpha friday 12. megamarket. explore the floors of the mega tower to find out what awaits you at the top. look for the game in the application and on the megamarket website. go to
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the moss exhibition. or maybe to me? better at a tasty point. check out the clips. a real reason to meet. superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends. hurry up to buy and win a trip. did you want to open a deposit at 18%? it turns out that under 20 you can, it turns out, you can have your own marketplace for money. financial services - financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. a note on citizenship on a child’s birth certificate is now required to cross the border, with which countries, and in what other situations will it be required. where and how you can get it, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. so, in march , new rules for children under 14 years of age traveling abroad began to apply. they relate to
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the birth certificate, it must contain a mark on citizenship, with a red official seal. you will need this to travel to a number of states that accept russians by national documents, these are abkhazia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and south ossetia. this concerns the list of countries with which the russian federation has signed interstate agreements and interstate treaties, these are belarus, abkhazia, south ossetia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and armenia, but armenia with a reservation. unfortunately, in the interstate agreement between the russian federation and armenia, the birth certificate does not appear as a document by which a child can cross the border, respectively for visits. a child in the republic of armenia needs a foreign passport, if the child has his own foreign passport, there will be no problems with confirming citizenship, if there is none, and
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there is no mark on the birth certificate either, along with the certificate you can present the internal passport of the parent, if the child is included there or a foreign passport, again, if it contains information about the child itself. everything is clear with travel, let’s go back to the very mark on the child’s citizenship in the certificate. about birth, parents are obliged to put it down on the forms of the birth certificate , the corresponding mark is not a novelty; it has been carried out by the internal affairs bodies since 2002 . on october 26 last year , a new federal law on citizenship of the russian federation came into force, which detailed the procedure for registering russian federation citizenship for children by birth. but it must be emphasized that sanctions, that is , some kind of punishment, fine. or anything else was not installed or installed for the absence of this seal. citizenship stamps will be needed in many situations,
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and this is not only going abroad, but also, for example, receiving a first passport at the age of 14, and also social benefits. the mark indicates on what basis the child is a citizen of russia; for the departments, this means that the check has been carried out and they can calmly work with the documents. and here’s an important point: in order to... put a stamp on the birth certificate, you need to submit an application. with an application for registration of citizenship acquired by birth, including by affixing the appropriate mark, may one of the child’s parents should contact the territorial body of the ministry of internal affairs of russia directly. to do this, you will need to submit the birth certificate form and parents’ passports. it must be said that in itself a birth certificate issued in russia does not confirm citizenship, because the document looks the same for a child whose parents are russian and for a child whose, for example, one of the parents is a foreigner, when the
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birth certificate is issued child on the territory of the russian federation, but there is a need to clarify what kind of citizenship does he have, does he have the citizenship of a foreigner’s parent, or the citizenship of the russian federation, in that other case, the parents will have to submit a document, a notification about the presence of citizenship to the territorial body of the ministry of internal affairs, or about the absence of russian citizenship, or about that they accept russian citizenship, but ask to grant citizenship to their child, by birth, because the father is also a citizen of the russian federation. so, you can put a mark on citizenship at the territorial division of the ministry of internal affairs on issues migration by place of residence. in some regions, such an opportunity is available at the mfc. the queue is either live or... online, if citizens of the russian federation are abroad, then they can contact our diplomatic missions, foreign institutions, and accordingly they will be helped there...
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with registrations. please note that the service is free, there are no commission fees. let us repeat the most important thing: citizenship must be noted on the birth certificate. it will be needed for the child to travel to countries that accept russians. according to national documents. if he does not have his own passport. in order for the stamp to appear, you need to submit an application; this can be done at the territorial division of the ministry of internal affairs for migration issues or the mfc. citizenship stamp. it will be useful not only when traveling abroad, but also for receiving government services and social support. if you have any questions, if you want to learn more about how to obtain certain necessary documents or take advantage of benefits, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask questions, we will find out from specialists and we'll tell you about everything in one of the next issues of the instructions program. any set of rules, both on the road and in companies,
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should be understandable. an investor who wants to invest in a particular company should not bother looking for answers about where corporate governance is better; the rules of the game should be the same for everyone. i have always been for the charter to be quite clear and transparent, a working document, it is not made to be put on a shelf, it needs to be made understandable and accessible. right drawn up and certified corporate documents are the conditions for achieving new heights in business.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views changes entire locations, it’s easy to do, change the voice. we will expose all fakes.
8:00 am
fair global development , the brix parliamentary forum opens in st. petersburg, 16 foreign delegations are participating, vladimir putin will speak. even more weapons and money for war. what is in it and what is the reaction of russia and china. targeting aircraft missiles at enemy stronghold, footage of the work of our aviation in the yuzhnodonetsk direction. the peak of wildfires is expected in the next 2-3 weeks, where is the most difficult situation now, and which regions are threatened by downpours?
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the road to the big stage. were introduced to the viewer


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