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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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a humanitarian aid center of the russian orthodox church has opened in mariupol. let's tell you the details. natural fires are raging in russian regions. the most difficult situation is in the far east, in siberia and the urals. how is the fight against fire going? the ildarazakova music festival opened in st. petersburg. graduates also took part in it. today the tenth anniversary brix parliamentary forum starts in st. petersburg. it will be attended by about 400 representatives from 16 countries, including delegates from brazil, egypt, india, iran, china and the united arab emirates. vladimir putin will also come to the northern capital. the president
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has planned a number of meetings on the sidelines of the forum. the main topic of discussion will be the role of parliament in strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security. according to federation council speaker valentin matvienko, this fully corresponds to the motto of the russian chairmanship of brix. russia chairs the first of the brix countries in this association in a new expanded composition. and we took ours very seriously.
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and now to the situation in the venue area special operations, so in the orekhovsky direction , fighters of the dneporkh group destroyed the firing position of the ukrainian armed forces with american- made weapons. scouts using a drone discovered a group of ukrainian soldiers who were trying to equip a point for an easel grenade. the coordinates were transferred to our crew of a 120mm mortar. the military personnel hit the enemy, the target was hit. and in the donetsk people's republic, sappers cleared a field mined by the enemy. the dangerous work was carried out in two stages. first around the territory vepr special equipment, created on the basis of the t-90 tank, passed by. it destroyed most of the shells. but the most cunning traps and mines can only be found by people. our war correspondent sergei samokha will tell you the details. there are dozens of explosions on several square meters. this. this means that
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so-called continuous mining was used on the field, but even such obstacles are powerless against the vehicle in the boar. the combat mine clearing vehicle is made on the basis of the t-90 tank, in front of it there is such a huge trawl that scoops up all mines are at a distance of up to 3.5 m. this field is a gray zone, along which the line of combat contact passed back in 4 years. then the nature of the fighting was different. ukrainian formations were mainly used. it presses like firecrackers, they pop, that is, no damage at all constitutes a great threat to the boar. no, however, large ammunition is not the consequences of an explosion on a tank mine, on an anti-tank mine, that is, well, yes, there are some traces, well, nothing.
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essential, the vehicle has mine clearance and one more function: to prepare a minefield for foot sappers, they are the ones who finally clear the territory, it’s convenient to walk after us, that is, grass, he presses the grass, that is , here, as you can see, the grass is tall, that is , with the device, well, inconvenient, inconvenient , and the speed, the speed of the work of sappers increases significantly, working with a mine detector and probe is a real art, the device detects the presence of metal at almost every step, the sapper must... distinguish a real threat from an imaginary one, combat operations were carried out, and shrapnel was covered with orta a lot of, by the way, in this field of fragments there are cakes, and they also squeak exactly the same way as anti-personnel mines, you can use a swoop to make sure that there is something there or not, they check every corner, because often the enemy sets mine traps or buries ammunition so that they become inaccessible to heavy equipment, as soon as we, as deminers yes... who
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are engaged in demining, begin to think that the enemy somewhere made a mistake and installed everything simply easily, apparently this is fraught with consequences for us, then... the month is consolidated the demining squad of the engineering troops destroyed more than a thousand explosive objects; according to various estimates , hundreds of thousands of mines still remain undetected on the territory of the dpr. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, lead. deputy minister of defense anna tseveleva checked the organization of the honey mosh in the department’s institutions in the southern military district. the focus was on the treatment of wounded patients and their rehabilitation, as well as the development of infrastructure. in rostov...
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support as long as necessary. next year the alliance will allocate 40 billion euros of military aid and will create a mission to distribute it. a special representative of the bloc will collect reports from countries on tranches. some states have already expressed their readiness to pump ukraine with weapons with renewed vigor. thus
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, the netherlands announced that it would contribute 20 million euros to the production of drones for the ukrainian armed forces. and germany and luxembourg remembered that kiev had been waiting for the promised fighters for a long time. at the same time , nato secretary general en stoltenberg confidently stated during a press conference that the coordination of military supplies by the alliance is not will make him part of the conflict. we agreed to begin providing security and training assistance to ukraine. nato will coordinate the training of ukrainian military personnel at facilities in allied countries. we will support ukraine by planning and coordinating costs, and will manage the transfer and repair of equipment. we will also provide support for the long-term development of ukraine's armed forces; this will not make nato a party to the conflict; it will help ukraine defend its right to self-defense. true, not all are allies with we share this opinion, and hungary resolutely refused to participate in the nato mission in ukraine. today nato is moving away from its
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original mission and is becoming more and more like a military organization. it is significant that nato is actively involved. has a decision on the battlefield, russia is still there and russian troops are moving forward, if you take into account the huge amount of weapons that have been delivered to ukraine over the past 2 and a half years, has this improved the situation? no, instead of the battlefield we must to come to the negotiating table that brings
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hope to an agreement that in turn can ensure a lasting, just peace in the region. an unexpected desire for peace negotiations has appeared in kiev, as bloomberg reports, ukraine wants... to hold another conference to resolve the conflict, this time with the participation of moscow, however, western journalists explain this by the concern of the kiev regime, because great powers are coming in the world powers changes and... russia is not going to participate in the new summit on ukraine, the deputy head of the ministry of foreign affairs said mikhail goluzin. according to the diplomat, kiev and the west are trying to rehabilitate themselves for the failure in switzerland, which is why they want to hold new events. at the same time, they still strive to push through the so-called zelensky formula and deliberately ignore other initiatives to resolve the ukrainian crisis. crisis. goluzin emphasized: moscow does not accept such an approach. the nato summit declaration
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is filled with cold war mentality and belligerent rhetoric. this statement was made by the chinese mission to the eu. and the press secretary of the kanr embassy in the usa stressed: beijing opposes hostile aggressive policies. china calls on the military alliance to immediately stop the baseless accusations. now let's move on to advertising. and then economic news. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. i ate something wrong, what should i do? in case of poisoning entermin. the new generation enterasorbent removes taxin. preserving nutrients, a smart solution against poisoning, go to
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there are nuances, i’ll tell you about them now. family mortgage extended. until the thirtieth year, the rate remained the same 6% per annum, the minimum down payment also did not change, it is 20%, as before, you can not only buy an apartment in a new building, but also invest in the construction of your own home. left the possibility of refinancing the mortgage, that is, if initially our clients received state support or bought a new building from us at the base rate developer, otherwise they can refinance the family mortgage at the birth of a child. what has changed? now those who have a child under 6 years old, inclusive, can take advantage of a family mortgage. in some cases , citizens with children over 6 years old can also participate in the program; these are families with a disabled child, or at least two underage children if they live in regions with a low volume of construction or in small towns with a population of up to 50 thousand inhabitants.
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in addition, families with two children from regions where an individual socio-economic program operates... let me remind you that in may of this year it was approved in ten regions of our country. as anton siluanov said, the updated parameters will prevent further distortions in the mortgage market, but at the same time, the most needy categories of citizens will still receive social support. experts believe that the new rules will not only reduce overheating, but will also lead to economic development. this version of the program should stimulate construction not only in cities with high demand, where and so it was, these are cities. million people, well, the whole country, it’s not for nothing that this limitation is either 50 thousand population, or the city’s participation in investment programs, that is, that’s why it turns out that economic development goes through such restrictions, and the social factor comes with the identification of categories of families, it is important to participate in the program only those who
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have never taken out a preferential mortgage before can do this, by the way, the maximum loan amount depends on the region, in the capital regions the bank can lend up to 30 million rubles, in the rest up to 15, but in in this case, for the amount that goes beyond the state program limit, the market interest rate will apply. people can, along with some amount of this preferential mortgage, take out the amount they need from the bank. already on market conditions, so you can take out a loan that is much larger and in scale than indicated, yes, but you will pay a preferential rate up to a certain point, and then according to market conditions, these are the opportunities, well, to again stimulate demand in cases where people slightly do not fit into this mortgage,
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as for private houses, a preferential mortgage for construction will now be issued only in two cases, if construction is carried out in accordance with the law on shared construction or when concluding a construction agreement, but then it is necessary to open an spark account , which can keep borrowers' money safe. the fact is that the funds in such accounts remain frozen until the house is put into operation, and if the contractor does not complete the housing, then the money from the account will be returned to the buyer. thus banks sazh is trying to protect himself. thank you, masha. it was maria grigorieva with the story.
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well, it’s clear that there must be certain prohibitions in which this assistance cannot be provided. watch the full version of the interview with minister of justice konstantin chuychenko today on russia-24. after 11:00 moscow time. on other topics: a humanitarian aid center of the russian orthodox church has opened in mariupol. it supports
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refugees and civilians affected by the military conflict in the city. similar centers operate in other regions of russia. since march in the twenty-second year, more than 200,000 people turned to them. irina efremova will tell you how they help mariupol residents. the clergy cut the red ribbon. rescued, they barely got me there already in such a serious condition. after a month under bombing in the cold without food or water, an elderly woman was rescued by the russian military, and now
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she is helping the church, including with medicines. a person turned to us for medications and a tonometer, we send it to the pharmacy, and they dispense the medications to us. people are already filling out applications for seriously ill patients organize treatment in moscow at the church hospital of st. alexei. a lot of those. who is embarrassed to come or ask himself, in fact he has a great need, and the first task is for help to reach them, so that they understand that they are not alone, that they are cared for, in the new center you can see people of all ages, they can receive basic necessities, bed linen, dishes, food packages, baby food and clothing. let's go to first grade and they will help us too for children, too, when there are sizes for clothes, summer clothes and winter clothes also helped. they gave away the duck and the books, you will come here again, they will help the residents of mariupol with the restoration of documents, and organize free legal consultations. thank you very much for
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your help, for your kindness that you give us. the kits are collected by volunteers who come to mariupol from all over russia. pasta, sunflower oil, definitely sugar, tea, various cereals, here we have, well, such a classic set. people have already accepted participation in such a ministry, but the recruitment of volunteers to help in the new center is still ongoing. irina efremova, dmitry irut lead donetsk, mariupol. and now footage from khimki near moscow. a strong fire broke out this morning in the skhodnya microdistrict. there , the roof of the workshop where ceramic slabs are produced caught fire. thick clouds of smoke rose above the building and can be seen from behind. several kilometers. according to preliminary information, the fire area reached 2,000 m2. the roof partially collapsed. extinguishing is complicated by intense heat, as well as by what's inside
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there are 30 eye balloons. emergencies ministry employees have managed to remove only some of them so far. and now to the situation with forest fires in the regions. in yakutia, there are already over 600,000 hectares in ogne. 10 outbreaks are located dangerously close to residential buildings. almost fifty settlements were covered in smoke. approximately 2.0 people are involved in the extinguishing. due to smog , flights between transbaikalia and the irkutsk region were postponed. there the situation is rapidly deteriorating due to the intense heat. the thermometer shows above +30. the area is growing fires in neighboring buryat, almost 20,000 hectares were covered by fire. the difficult situation remains in the amur region and khabarovsk territory. and in tuva, the regime imposed on the area was lifted due to the fire. there is an emergency, but restrictions on visiting forests still remain. in vladivostok, the fishing
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vessel andrei bassargin was launched. its task is to harvest seafood and deliver it for processing on a floating base or at a facility on shore. the vessel is capable of carrying up to 100 tons of crab. the work area is not limited. the croaker is capable of laying your way through the ice. all the details are in our next one. the long-awaited event has happened, and right before our eyes , the crab catcher andrei bassargin is being launched into the water. the vessel is designed for catching crab and shrimp. the best employees in their field were recognized at the gala event. among them are mechanics, mechanics, and mechanics. all these people worked hard to build the ship. far eastern shipbuilder. over the years, he was the head of large factories in the region, and today the enormous contribution of this man to development of shipbuilding. it’s not
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that the eastern faith hasn’t lost it. hydrometeorological conditions of the far eastern seas. according to a long-standing tradition , every krobalov has a godmother, a title that must be earned. it is this
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employee who puts a piece into the vessel. is located in the captain's cabin and as long as the ship lives, the godmother is with it, the ship andrei bassargin was built according to the program. 13 of them are for fishing; by the end of 2027 they plan to launch more than 100 vessels. victoria samushcheva maxim molygin, news primorye. and to other topics. the return to earth of the starliner crew members is postponed again. american astronauts have been on the iss for more than a month, their
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stay there. according to the american press, citing sources in the aerospace agency, they hope that the crew will not have to be rescued on the ships of competitors from spacex. now let's take a few minutes.
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in moscow 9:30 minutes and then briefly about the main thing.


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