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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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the brix parliamentary forum opened in st. petersburg, and the president of russia will take part in it. representatives of 16 countries gathered at the tauride palace. my colleague, anastasia efimova, works at the forum. she joins the live broadcast. anastasia, greetings. what statements have already been made? yes, yuri, hello, but let me remind you that the brix parliamentary forum is dedicated primarily to the cooperation of legislators. nevertheless, of course, this cooperation takes place in the context of world events, those events on... which in the parliamentarians of countries the brix cannot help but react, and it so happened that in parallel with the brix parliamentary forum, a nato summit was held, from which news comes that directly affects our side, in particular the news about the supply of long-range weapons to nato and their deployment in germany. we asked deputy foreign minister sergei rebkov who this decision was aimed at, and most importantly, we asked what russia’s reaction would be.
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look for associations in which countries are based on the principles of equality, on the principles of cooperation, on the principles mutual respect, one of the central ones to look for alternative solutions, makes them such world associations today becomes just brix, the number of participants who want to join this organization or talk about their possibility.
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ban them from traveling, ban them, but the process of building a multipolar world, the desire for state sovereignty, it cannot be stopped, this is already such a kind of agony when all the tools have been exhausted, they are no longer afraid of threats, but maybe some countries are cautious in some ways but they don't accept independent sovereign decision, they understand that it is in this association that they will be comfortable, it will be beneficial for them. let me remind you
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that since january 1 of this year, brix has increased by five states, one of the countries that became a member in 2024 is iran. speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin today held a meeting with his iranian counterpart, and they discussed, among other things, the possibility of parliamentary and not only parliamentary interaction between the two states, which is already of a permanent, very serious nature, and the main thing will be only.
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westerners and pro-westerners commit the most they want everything just for themselves, these are precisely these cruel crimes, and we see that this is what the american government and congress do with the rest of the world. parliamentary union, today the speaker of the federation council also held a bilateral meeting with the head of this union, who is also the chairman of the parliament of tanzania, it was discussed at this meeting, and on both sides it was about a unifying agenda, about points of common decisions, about points of consensus
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of mutual understanding, this is the unifying one the agenda is, perhaps, a key factor in understanding the main goals of the forum currently taking place in st. petersburg. yes, anastasia, thank you, together with you we are closely following what is happening about the work of the brix parliamentary forum in st. petersburg, said my colleague anastasia efimova. nato plans to allocate 40 billion euros to ukraine for military spending next year, this is stated in the declaration of the alliance summit, which is taking place in washington. it was also decided to create a mission to coordinate military assistance to kiev. but the invitation to the editors of nato ukraine is still didn't receive it. instead, there is only a point that the country is on an irreversible path to the alliance. our us correspondent dmitry melnikov will tell you what else we agreed on. red uniforms, a soldier of the british empire on the lawn of the white house, a mixture of eras of meaning, when among nato guests zelensky on the balcony surrounded by the leaders of south korea and japan
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, the mood is not festive, membership in the alliance is vague, all that remains is to drink. it does this by cooperating with china, north korea and iran. after the end of the cold war, nato generals admit, the alliance restructured to conduct special operations, compact mobile forces, ready to fight only with a obviously weak enemy. savings on defense spending allowed
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the west to live comfortably, but now they will have to fork out more. the us and its european partners have been stunned by the weaknesses and holes that have surfaced in their own defense industrial base during the course of the war. one of the results of the second day of the summit was the decision of the united states to deploy tamagaf, sm6 missiles and promising hypersonic systems on german territory. in a joint statement from washington and berlin, published on the white house website, emphasizes that cruise missiles will have a significantly greater range than the weapons systems currently deployed in europe. the german magazine spiegel explains that american tomahawks are arriving in germany for the first time. from the nineties, and at the same time, in words, the west continues to assure that russia does not pose a direct threat to nato members. we do not see any immediate military threat from russia to any of the nato countries. russia today is completely focused on the war with ukraine. however, the confrontation with
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russia will be enshrined in the final declaration of the summit, where there is not a word about the possibility of a diplomatic settlement of the conflict, but efforts to promote the idea of ​​peace negotiations continue. delegation of hungary, the head of the hungarian foreign ministry reported this on his page on social networks. hungary continues to focus on making nato strong to drag us into a war going on in another country. that's why we will continue the peace mission, that's why we will present the position that a ceasefire and peace negotiations are necessary. the final document of the summit will probably include a clause on the irreversibility of ukraine’s entry into the alliance. in washington, zelensky is desperately seeking support not only for his actions. the us administration, but perhaps a future one, meets with the speaker of the lower house of congress mike johnson, and here in washington zelensky admits that ukraine will not return to the border of the ninety-first year. if you are talking about territory, then you must understand that we need to first
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of all save people and the state. we are not nato members, we don’t have such a deputy, we need putin to lose. will joe biden be able to avoid failure is perhaps the main question of this summit. against the backdrop of his belligerent speeches, democrats continue to prepare the ground for biden’s withdrawal from the election race; wait until the end of the week, the president’s most ardent supporters ask. i hope that's it. will join and support president biden to give him time to deal with the nato summit. this is a very big deal; more than thirty heads of state have gathered here. let's just let's wait, we shouldn't jump to conclusions until we see how this week goes. on this final day of the summit, biden still faces a final press conference, which white house staff derisively call a big boy conference. and it seems that all the democrats are just waiting for biden himself... to publicly ruin everything completely, except to withdraw from the election, there will be nothing else left for him.
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therefore, us allies understand that all agreements and promises made now could go to waste in just 4 months. in if he wins the election, trump promises to revolutionize nato, and this anniversary summit may be the last meeting of the alliance in its current form. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the united states pretends to be the world's policeman, but in reality provokes wars, this is how the chinese foreign ministry responded to... the final declaration of the nato summit, which states that china allegedly creates challenges to euro-atlantic
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security. in addition, the alliance countries expressed concern about the strengthening of ties between moscow and beijing. the chinese foreign ministry recalled the international community clearly sees who is the initiator of the ukrainian crisis and who is responsible for its prolongation. and washington’s condemnation of china’s trade with russia was called in beijing a manifestation of double standards. the department noted that the united states provides large-scale assistance to ukraine while at the same time criticizing it without reason. normal economic exchange between moscow and beijing. the nato summit declaration is filled with cold war mentality and belligerent rhetoric. this statement was made by the chinese mission to the eu. and the press secretary the us embassy of the people's republic of china emphasized: beijing opposes hostile aggressive policies. china calls on the military alliance to immediately stop the baseless accusations. the foreign intelligence service believes that the americans are looking for a replacement for vladimir zelensky. the department received such data from its resident in kiev. this follows from a declassified code published in the razvedchik magazine. according to these data, the west is extremely concerned about the dynamics
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of public sentiment in ukraine. according to the document, the state department states that among ukrainian citizens, dissatisfaction with the prolongation of the conflict with russia is growing, apathy is rapidly spreading, and distrust of state institutions is intensifying. however, as a resident of the foreign intelligence service notes, european americans would like zelensky to remain in office, since war financing schemes are tied to him. in this situation , washington and its allies are convincing zelensky’s opponents in ukraine to show restraint for the time being, the document notes. however, americans stepped up efforts to find an alternative to zelensky. work is being carried out with the head of the office of the president of ukraine andrey yarmak, former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhin and former speaker of the verkhovna rada dmitry razumkov. contacts have also been established with former president petro poroshenko and kiev mayor vitaliy klitschko.
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we open the way to business, sberbank business. the cause of the massive outbreak of batulism in russia was violations of rules and production technology finished food products, the head of rospotrebnadzor spoke about this at a meeting of the health protection committee. we will find out all the details from varvara nevskaya, she is in the state duma and is in direct contact with us. varvar, greetings, tell us in more detail, what statements did anna popova make? yuri, greetings, it is known, as the head of rospotrebnadzor, anna popova, said, from infection. rospotrebnadzor, the beans were purchased outside the russian federation, the manufacturer was able to obtain permission to sell this, on
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i'm sorry, i was able to get permission to manufacture food products. from this low-quality raw material, in fact, these beans were prepared in production, packaged in vacuum bags and supplied to only one enterprise, a kitchen in the area, which, let me remind you, was closed by court decision for 90 days. it is known that the supplier’s enterprise had two workshops, as anna popova said, one of these workshops was declared, and this one, where they actually produced beans that were infected with batulism, he didn’t even was. entered into the register and worked essentially without notification, that is, as if it did not exist in principle, and it was naturally not subject to any supervisory measures, and an epidemiological investigation was completed, it showed that the production violated all possible rules and technologies, which in fact and led to the manufacture of a dangerous product that caused
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a massive botulism infection in russia in june of this year, we carried out all... all the necessary studies, and chemical studies, assessment studies, we looked at all the genomic databases published in the world, worked with our colleagues from the ministry of defense, with their toxicologists, and today i can say for sure that this was an exceptional violation at work, there was no other reason for this. anna popova said that in the shortest possible time, rospotrebnadzor specialists found out that so... the serum, which essentially saved the lives of all the victims who sought medical
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help on time. in principle, according to anna popova, the department has done a great job, they we checked all the addresses to which the salad was delivered these days, the number of such addresses is 2882. colleagues from rospotrebnadzor, colleagues from the internal affairs agency in the russian regions. healthcare colleagues visited 2,882 apartment addresses where there were requests for supplies of this salad, found another 243 people who did not feel very well, but did not apply, and also found people who had already applied, but ended up in other hospitals than the infectious diseases hospital, this happened in a number of subjects of the russian federation, and all this made it possible to provide them with timely , specific assistance. using the example of this unscrupulous supplier of beans, because of
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which 417 people received severe poisoning from botulism, the question of the imperfection of the system that controls everything was revealed; now a person who opens any enterprise manufacturing food products must notify. rospotrebnadzor, this bill has already been submitted to the state duma, it will make it possible to bring an entrepreneur to administrative liability in case of violations of related or failure to timely submit such notice. or if this notification was not submitted at all, but the amount of fines for such violations should also increase. it turned out that this is a conscientious
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business that closely monitors its obligations, they submit notifications on time, but it turns out that about 200,000, as far as i remember the figure, most likely did not do this at all. here a situation happened that in 3 weeks you can open a public catering establishment like... which will also feed people with the same rights as a big one restaurant, using marketplaces or delivery, and at the same time bearing almost no responsibility for the quality of the product. it is expected that the state duma may consider these necessary changes before the end of the summer session. yuri. yes, varvara, thank you. varvara nevskaya spoke about the work of the state duma.
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the modern education system simply does not have time to grow in the conditions of a special military operation. according to experts, the sector has begun to actively train specialists for it. as a result, there was a labor shortage. the shortage of personnel in the defense industry sector is a fairly significant problem at the moment; about 160 additional education programs are required. further, the authorities are relying on targeted training in universities and technical schools. students are offered scholarships, for which the state allocates a total of over a billion rubles.
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thanks to this approach, over the past 7 years , about 20 thousand young specialists have found employment in the defense industry sector. the next group of cadets completed training courses for operators of unmanned aerial vehicles. certificates of success they were given the training to pass the exams by the authorized representative of the president, acting as secretary of the agency council. i must say that we are conducting this project together with the military, with the central military district, so those flight hours that the students receive, pass, at the training ground
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there is practically a combat situation, these are working machine guns, firing tanks.
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now about the weather, extreme heat has been incinerating kuban for almost a week, the highest classes of fire danger are in effect in the south of russia, however, the first signs of a change in the weather have emerged, thunderstorms have begun in the region, but will they be able to affect the situation with fires? let's ask my colleague anna volkova, hello anna, will the rains manage to bring down the abnormal heat? a surge in thunderstorm activity in the south will slightly ease the unbearable heat,
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but the risk of fires in the region. still remains high. it's unbearably hot in simferopol. in the sun the thermometer shows +62 degrees. in sochi, the carrier equipped some buses with hanging fans when there is no air conditioning is also a good option: the heat has turned dried grass, trees and shrubs into ideal fuel. on wednesday evening, a large fire broke out in the ivpatoria area, dry vegetation burned over an area of ​​about 1.2, and gusty winds contributed to the spread of the fire. rescuers have already extinguished the fire. by the way, according to the ministry of emergency situations of crimea, against the backdrop of abnormal heat, this year the number of fires has increased by a quarter. it is extremely hot in tavrida today, but powerful cumulonimbus clouds recently broke out into thunderstorms in the eastern regions crimea. eyewitnesses filmed bright flashes of lightning, powerful rumbles of thunder echoed across the sky, and little rain fell.
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it is simple to explain what is happening, the solar anticyclone dominates on the russian plain, but due to sharp temperature contrasts between the hot land and sea water over the black sea, depression intensified, masses of heaps of rain clouds began to form in this area, it was like that yesterday, it will be like that today . on thursday, most of the european territory of russia still has minimal chance of precipitation, zone unstable weather with showers and... roses will appear in the south of the country, the most intense precipitation is expected in the mountainous regions of the caucasus, in addition, in the east of the russian plain today the influence of a cyclone is affecting, so there are thunderstorms here. the disaster has already hit the ural city of sirov. after limny , his street was flooded and there was a lot of rainfall. in the sverdlovsk region there is a storm warning for heavy rain and gusty winds of up to 15 m/s.


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