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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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so to speak, the speaker of the federation council, valentina matvienko, met with her iranian counterpart. let me remind you that iran has become a full member of brix since january 2024, that is, literally six months of membership, it is already taking a very active part in the work being carried out by the unification and inter-parliamentary cooperation of our states, it is intensifying in exactly the same way as the cooperation between the two countries is intensifying, and this is the work that leads to a full-fledged strategic partnership. valentin matvienko said this at the meeting. i would like to also congratulate you, the people of iran, on gaining full membership in brix. russia was among those countries that contributed in every possible way to your country joining this association. and we note with satisfaction tehran’s active involvement in numerous sectoral formats of interaction within the brix framework. iran is our old one.
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not brix-1 is here today, the parliaments of the cis countries are also represented here, as well as the inter-parliamentary union, this is a very authoritative organization, more than 100 of the world parliaments, it unites, it is headed by the head of the national assembly of tanzania, and today the chairman of the state duma met with his colleague and, of course , clarified how important cooperation can be within such international organizations, especially in the current very difficult international one. it is necessary to resolve issues of forming the legal field, harmonize legislation, prepare model laws; this is the future of any interparliamentary structures if we want to develop relations between our countries, because there are common challenges, and by developing common approaches, they can be dealt with more effectively. common approaches
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are very important, as is a unifying agenda; this is, in general, the key, probably the key thesis on which all participants in the current brix parliamentary forum insist. let me remind you that several sessions have already taken place today, several, of course, are ahead, but the key, main event, not just today’s working day of the forum, and of course, it in general, is the speech of the russian president, everyone is really looking forward to it participants, including... due to the authority of the russian leader and due to the attention with which the russian head of state traditionally treats the legislative branch of power to the possibility of inter-parliamentary cooperation with a variety of states, friendly states, states tuned to dialogue, and absolutely it is obvious that this meeting will be key to understanding the meanings formulated by the brits parliamentary forum, this, i remind you, is the tenth year of russia’s chairmanship in this...
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only a point that the country is on an irreversible path to the alliance. our own us correspondent, dmitry melnikov, will tell you what else was agreed upon. redcoats, soldiers of the british empire on the white house lawn. a mixture of eras of meaning, when zelensky is among the guests of nato on the balcony, surrounded by the leaders of south korea and japan. the mood is not festive, membership in the alliance remains vague. to nato, to our neighborhood
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between countries, may we continue to grow stronger and closer in all the years to come. for the first time at this summit each nato member must make a promise to strengthen its military potential. washington continues to put pressure on allies to bring defense spending to the required 2%. the arguments are still the same, the russian threat. right now, russia is significantly increasing the production of weapons, ammunition , vehicles, and it is doing this in cooperation with china, north korea and iran. after the end of the cold war, the generals recognize. the nato alliance has restructured itself to conduct special operations, compact mobile forces ready to fight only with a obviously weak opponent. savings on defense spending allowed the west to live comfortably, but now they will have to fork out more. the united states and its european partners
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were stunned by the weaknesses and holes that emerged in their own defense-industrial base in the course of supporting ukraine in the confrontation with the russian federation. one of the results of the second day of the summit was the decision of the united states to deploy tamaga, sm-6 missiles and promising hypersonic systems on german territory. in a joint statement from washington and berlin, published on the white house website, it is emphasized that cruise missiles will have a significantly greater range than the weapons systems currently deployed in europe. the german magazine spiegel explains that american tomahawks are arriving in germany for the first time since the nineties, and at the same time, in words, the west continues to assure that there is no direct threat to nato members russia. is. we do not see any immediate military threat from russia to any of the nato countries. russia today is completely focused on the war with ukraine. however, the confrontation with russia will be enshrined in the final declaration of the summit, where there is not
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a word about the possibility of a diplomatic settlement of the conflict, but the hungarian delegation continues efforts to promote the idea of ​​peace negotiations. the head of the hungarian foreign ministry reported this on his page on social networks. hungary continues. we will present a position according to that is why we will continue the peace mission therefore a ceasefire and peace negotiations are necessary. a clause on irreversibility will probably appear in the final communication of the summit joining the alliance of ukraine. in washington , zelensky is desperately seeking support not only from the current us administration, but perhaps the future one, meeting with the speaker of the lower house of congress, mike johnson.
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i hope everyone will join president biden in supporting him to give him time to deal with the nato summit. this is a very big deal; more than thirty heads of state have gathered here. let's just wait, we shouldn't jump to conclusions until we see how this week goes. in this is the last day of the summit, biden still has a final press conference, which white house staff mockingly call it. big boy conference, it seems that all the democrats are just waiting for biden himself to publicly ruin everything completely, except to withdraw from the election, there will be nothing else left for him. therefore , us allies understand that all agreements and promises made now may fall
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apart in just 4 months. if he wins the election, trump promises to revolutionize nato, and this anniversary summit could be the last meeting of the alliance in its current form.
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has already been created, the issue is in process, the president spoke about this very clearly, then the military and commanders-in-chief will... decide where, how, what to place, in order to fend off these threats, so that we will be under reliable control, and they will throw away your money down the drain. documents adopted at the nato summit show that the alliance is not a supporter of peace. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, in an interview with reporters, also noted: the military infrastructure of the bloc constantly approaching the borders of russia. nato is pursuing one of its main goals, to inflict a strategic defeat on our country. in moscow, they will deeply analyze the text of the declaration. the alliances and the united states are pretending to
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be the world's policeman, in fact provoking wars, this is how the chinese foreign ministry responded to the final declaration of the nato summit, which states that china allegedly creates challenges to euro-atlantic security. in addition, the alliance countries expressed concern about the strengthening of ties between moscow and beijing. the chinese foreign ministry recalled that international the community sees perfectly well who is the initiator of the ukrainian crisis and... who is to blame for its prolongation? washington's condemnation of china's trade with russia was called in beijing a manifestation of double standards. the department noted that the united states provides large-scale assistance to ukraine, while at the same time groundlessly criticizing the normal economic exchange between moscow and beijing. the nato summit declaration is filled with cold war mentality and belligerent rhetoric. this statement was made by the chinese mission to the eu. and the press secretary beijing emphasized the chinese embassy in the united states. opposes hostile-aggressive policies. china calls on the military alliance to immediately stop the baseless
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accusations. a court in latvia sentenced activist elena kreile to three years in prison for supporting russia. he considered installations in the colors of the russian flag in the window of her apartment to justify aggression and war crimes. in particular, elena placed boxes and stationery in tricolor colors on the windowsills. this became the basis for a real prison sentence. there was a total against the activist three criminal cases have been opened. the foreign intelligence service believes that the americans are looking for a replacement for vladimir zelensky. the department received such data from its resident in kiev. this follows from a declassified code published in the razvedchik magazine. according to these data, the west is extremely concerned about the dynamics of public sentiment in ukraine. according to the document , the state department states that it is growing among ukrainian citizens. contentment with the prolongation of the conflict with russia, apathy is rapidly spreading, distrust in state
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institutions is increasing, however, as a resident of the foreign intelligence service notes, americans and europeans would like zelensky to remain in office, since war financing schemes are tied to him. in this situation, washington and its allies are convincing zelensky’s opponents in ukraine to show restraint for the time being, the document notes. however, the americans have stepped up efforts to find an alternative. work is being carried out with the head of the office of the president of ukraine andrey yarmak, former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny and former speaker of the verkhovna rada dmitry razumkov. contacts have also been established with former president petro poroshenko and kiev mayor vitaliy klitschko. now to the latest data on the progress of the special operation in the donetsk people's republic, russian troops liberated the village of voskhod during an active offensive. as the treason defense reported, during the past day our units carried out accurate attacks. attacks on units of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy lost more than 2,000 troops, as well as over 30 guns, 10 of which were manufactured
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nato countries. the defense department talked about other successes. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of the armed forces of the russian federation defeated the accumulation of enemy manpower and military equipment in 127 regions. by means. air defense forces shot down 24 unmanned aerial vehicles and five us-made hymers multiple launch rocket systems in 24 hours. and in the dpr, sappers cleared a field mined by the enemy. dangerous work performed in two stages. first , vepor special equipment, created on the basis of the t-90 tank, drove through the territory. it destroyed most of the charges. but the most cunning traps can only be found by people. our war correspondent sergei samokha will tell you more. there are dozens of explosions on several square meters, which
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means that so-called continuous mining was used on the field, but even such barriers are powerless against the vehicle in vepri. the mine clearing combat vehicle is based on the t-90 tank, in front of it is such a huge a trawl that scoops up all mines at a distance of up to 3.5 m. this field is a gray zone along which the line of combat contact passed back in... they clap, that is , there is no damage at all, however , large ammunition does not pose a big threat to boar these are the consequences of an explosion on a tank mine, on an anti-tank mine, that is, well, yes, there are some traces, well, nothing significant. the vehicle has
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mine clearance and another function - to prepare a minefield for pedestrians. it is they who walk comfortably, that is, the grass, he presses they finally clear the territory, after us the grass, that is, here, as you can see, the grass is high, that is, with the device, well, it’s inconvenient, inconvenient, and the speed, the speed of the sappers’ work increases significantly, working with a mine detector and probe is a real art, the device detects the presence of metal at almost every step, the sapper must distinguish a real threat from an imaginary one, there were military operations and artillery coverage and there were a lot of fragments.
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it’s easy to see that this is fraught with consequences for us. just in the last month, combined squad demining engineering troops destroyed more than a thousand explosive objects. according to various estimates, hundreds of thousands of mines still remain undetected on the territory of the dpr. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, lead. alexander bastrykin held an operational meeting in donetsk of the headquarters for the investigation of crimes committed by ukrainian formations. they introduced it to the head of the investigative committee. reports on the results of the work of investigators and the consideration of relevant criminal cases by the court. march 25, 2024 , servicemen of the azov regiment, khmeletsky, novikov, rusinov and lebedev occupied a fighting position on the second floor of an apartment building on moskovskaya street in the city of mariupol. at night, novikov and rusinov discovered, detained, searched, and interviewed two civilian soldiers, which was reported
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to commander khmelevsky, who reported this to the superior commander danilov via radio communication. danilov, knowing for certain that the detained men did not pose a danger and did not participate in hostilities, gave the order to khmilevsky to kill them. khmeletsky, in turn, the corresponding order was given to lebedev, who, being aware of the results of the search and interviewing civilians, executing a deliberately illegal order, shot them with a kalashnikov assault rifle. taking into account the new data , charges were also brought in absentia against the commander of the air forces in the ukrainian armed forces, sergei drozdov, and the commander of the special operation forces , igor lunev. as well as the commander of the missile forces and artillery, deputy commander of the ground forces, vyacheslav gorbelev. in addition, a decision was made to charge 714 foreigners who took part in hostilities on the side of the ukrainian armed forces. of these , 422 people have been put on the wanted list. ukrainian journalist dmitry gordon was sentenced in absentia to 14 years in prison. he was found guilty of
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extremism and calls for terrorism. first group. ukrainian prisoners released early as part of the mobilization were sent to military units, the financial times newspaper reports this with reference to the minister of justice of ukraine, denis malyuska. the prisoners are currently undergoing training and are expected to be sent to the front by the end of summer. at this time at the moment, just under 3.0 people were released, in total more than 500 petitions were submitted, but even this is not enough for the ukrainian authorities. denis malyuska talks about plans to involve about 15 thousand people in the fighting. a monument to the victims of the volyn massacre will be opened in poland. the ceremony is scheduled for july 14. the sculpture was cast more than 5 years ago and immediately caused a lot of controversy. let me remind you that ukrainian nationalists destroyed at least 100 thousand poles. the peak of the massacre occurred on july 11, 1943. warsaw calls it genocide and demands an apology from kiev, but
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the so-called allies are in no hurry to do this. with details natalya solovyova. for several years, the polish authorities did not allow it to be installed, recognizing that the placement of a young child in a villa was too much, but this year all stages of approval have been passed, and there will be a monument to the victims of the volyn massacre. on july 14, in a small village in podkarpackie , a monument that no one wanted will be unveiled in domostovo, which will shout the truth about the volyn massacre. young ukrainian, of course you don’t know how much trouble your people caused our nation, because you probably taught a fake... along the perimeter there are severed heads of poles impaled on sticks; inscriptions on the monument indicate the places of villages destroyed by ukrainian nationalists. the volyn massacre, the victims of which were men, women,
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old people and children, is one of the darkest pages in the history of poland; according to various sources, from 100 to 130,000 people were killed at the hands of bandera. the largest massacres took place on bloody sunday, july 11. these events still continue to be the subject of political bargaining between warsaw. to erect such a monument, sir zelensky must kneel in front of this monument. the issue of interpretation of the volyn massacre and attitude towards the leaders of the so-called
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ukrainian rebel army is one of the most difficult in relations between poland and ukraine. in warsaw, these events are regarded as genocide , and they again demand that the bodies of the victims be exhumed, which official kiev does not agree with. to this day , the victims of this crime do not have their own graves, and no exhumations worthy of burial have been carried out. effect on all the most important areas of our memory. the greatest concern is the silence about volyn crime. more than 120 thousand poles killed by ukrainian nationalists
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still lie in death pits in unknown places. they have no graves, no crosses. this is the 81st anniversary of the upa genocide committed against the poles in 1939-1947 on the territory of volyn and south-eastern poland. it did not escape the journalists that it was 3 days before the anniversary.
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as stated by the head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova, two people died from botulism infection after eating bean salad and another 415 were injured, that is, the total the number of people who were poisoned by batalotoxin due to poor-quality food was 417 people, as the head of rospotrebnadzor said, the beans were purchased outside the russian federation, the manufacturer was able to obtain permission to produce food. products made from these low-quality raw materials, in fact, these beans, they were prepared in production, packaged in vacuum bags and supplied to only one
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enterprise, a kitchen in the area, which, let me remind you, was closed by court decision for 90 days, it is known that the supplier’s enterprise had two workshops, as anna popova said, one of these workshops was declared, this is the workshop where they actually produced beans that were infected with batulism, it was not even included in the register and worked according to... now broadcast from st. petersburg, thank you you, thank you, please, thank you very much.
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dear valentina ivanovna, dear vyacheslav viktorovich, dear friends, dear guests, i am glad to welcome all participants and organizers of the tenth anniversary brix parliamentary forum. our distinguished guest is also present here in this hall, chairman of the inter-parliamentary union, mrs. tulia exxon. dear ms. exxon, we see in your participation in the forum a sign of support for the creative partnership of representatives of the legislative authorities of countries and the global south and east, and indeed all countries interested in constructive interaction and cooperation, their initiatives on current issues on the international
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agenda, the topic of... sofia, the principles of our organization’s worldview are taking into account each other’s interests, relying on democracy in international relations, respect for sovereignty and law the original development of everyone, these brix principles are close to understandable to all participants, members of our association, which is rapidly growing and gaining a qualitatively new
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level of influence on...
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they today strive to fix a certain order on their so-called rules, which no one has seen, no one has discussed and no one has ever accepted, and such rules are written or adjusted, each time anew, for each situation in the interests of those who consider themselves exceptional and have
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appropriated... to dictate their will to others, right in in the best traditions of classical colonialism, this is a clear attempt to replace legitimate international law, an attempt to create a monopoly on the ultimate truth, and such a monopoly is destructive, pressure is growing on everyone who has their own position, contrary to the principles of international...


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