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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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doctors are doing everything possible to save children and those wounded during the shelling of the ukrainian armed forces in shibeikin. this was stated by the head of the regional ministry of health. in total , five people were injured due to the ukrainian drone attack. two of them are in serious condition and are undergoing surgery. the ukrainian nazis deliberately dropped explosives directly into the courtyard onto the site. the youngest of the boys is only 8 years old. according to the official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova, kiev committed a terrorist attack. against children. all the latest
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information from the belgorod region is in our correspondent alexander korobov. the day was quite difficult for the belgorod region, especially for the border area, one died and 29 civilians were injured. the armed forces of ukraine continue to strike and use various weapons. during the day, the city of shibekina came under artillery fire several times. ukrainian militants used cluster weapons. supplies to residential areas, the enemy is also actively using drones, they are hitting residential buildings and cars of residents, and now also playgrounds. in the evening in one of in shebekinsky courtyards, a drone dropped ammunition on children playing there. five guys who were on the site at the time of the attack received various injuries. two of them are being transported by ambulance in serious condition . children's regional clinical
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hospital, three doctors from the shibekinsky central district hospital provided first aid, i was at home, there was a strong bang, then i jumped out onto the balcony, heard a child scream, and ran out, saw a boy, they began to provide assistance, on the stomachs, bents, uh, people who were nearby must be due, because everything was coordinated, there was no panic, in the place where the attack was made there were no military installations, there were only... a couple of benches and a small football ground. the drone operator could see perfectly well where this vile strike was striking. alexander korobov, lead. elgorod region. russia has everything it needs to repel the west and destroy its plans to inflict strategic defeat on our country. about this in a conversation with the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarubin this evening dmitry peskov said. at the same time, the president's press secretary urged not
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to relax, given that the behavior of unfriendly countries is becoming more and more similar to their own cold war policies. news, comments and statements continue to come in regarding us plans to deploy long-range missiles in germany. scholz called this decision a very good one, but the white house claims that the deployment of american long-range weapons in germany is purely defensive in nature. germany, usa, france, uk are directly involved in the conflict around ukraine, all the attributes of the cold war are returning with confrontation, with direct confrontation. all this is being done in order to suppress our country. all this is being done in order to... guarantee our
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strategic defeat on the battlefield, we must take all this into account, this is not a reason for pessimism, on the contrary, this is a reason to get together, to use all of our rich potential that we have is, and fulfill all the goals that we set for ourselves during a special military operation, leaders of 21 countries on the sidelines of the nato summit adopted a package of initiatives to support ukraine to speed up military supplies, as the media specify, great britain, germany, the usa, france, japan, their allies intend to develop a roadmap for the development of the armed forces of ukraine until 2027 within six months and later. as for the immediate future, joe biden, at a meeting with the ukrainian leader in washington, announced on a piece of paper a new package of military assistance for kiev worth $225 million, according to
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official documents, it will include one patriot battery, ammunition for nasa missile systems, stinger missile, ammunition for hymars, anti-tank systems, including jevelin and... in addition, biden promised the guest from kiev to negotiate with nato allies to provide ukraine with f-16 flights this summer . obviously, the rush is related to the autumn elections in the united states, where the chances of the elderly biden are decreasing day by day. in st. petersburg, vladimir putin spoke at the plenary session of the tenth anniversary brix parliamentary forum. it accepts participation of 400 participants from 16 countries. particular attention during the presentation. the head of state focused on the topic of the formation of a multipolar world, as well as collective work in this direction within the framework of brix. viktorovich, dear friends, dear friends, the efforts of the brix members and other developing countries are encountering fierce resistance
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from the ruling elites of states, the so-called golden billion. acting contrary to historical logic and often even to the detriment of the long-term interests of their own peoples. today they are trying to fix a certain order on their own, so-called rules, which no one has seen, no one has discussed and no one has ever accepted, and such rules are written or adjusted, each time anew, for each situation in the interests of those who consider themselves exceptional and have arrogated to themselves the right. dictating your will to others, right in the best traditions of classical colonialism, is a clear attempt to replace legitimate international law, an attempt to create a monopoly on the ultimate truth
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, and such a monopoly is destructive. vladimir putin, among other things, explained why parliamentary dialogue is very important today. the president invited. participants to the international cultural forum, which will take place in september, and also outlined the brix principles. taking into account each other's interests, relying on democracy in international relations, respect for sovereignty, and the right to individual development of everyone. these brix principles are clearly understood by all participants, participants in our association, which is rapidly growing and gaining strength. a qualitatively new level of influence on the dynamics of events in the world. i repeat, today is a parliamentary dialogue, including within the framework of brix, it is more important than ever, because you, as representatives of the interests of your peoples, exponents of their political, national will, acutely feel the genuine
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demands, the mood of the needs of millions, and one can say without involving billions of people on our planet. in st. petersburg , vladimir putin also visited the raanbau palace and park complex on the southern shore of the gulf of finland, the president got acquainted with the results of the completed restoration work, the head of state was accompanied by the minister culture olga lyubimova, governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov and chairman of the paogazprom directorate alexey miller. the tour of the restored architectural monument began with a visit to the rolling hill pavilion. in addition, in aranbaum, completing work.
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everyone is putting out the fire, and i even saw how the mayor was dragging the hederant, and the mayor in the footage, he is in a blue t-shirt, and utility workers , of course, firefighters and rescuers are helping to extinguish the fire with the whole city, the general water supply system that supplies the city is now from there let's take it directly the hydrants are just like the ganders of the nuclear power plant, we refuel from there, dozens of hectares of vegetation are on fire, this arson on the part of vysu is deliberate, the militants... attacked critical infrastructure, including the city
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water intake. the method of terror is a psychological impact on the civilian population, attacks on power supply facilities, water intakes, arson by drones in the forest around the city, everything is aimed at panic among workers ensuring the safe operation of the zaporozhye ips. there is no threat to the station itself, is operating normally, its units are in cold shutdown mode, having no success on the battlefield, the ukrainian... are trying to take revenge on the civilians of energodar throughout the zaporozhye region, the russian city and region, but they achieved the opposite goal, people rallied, gave a tough rebuff to the fire, to the enemy. egor grigoriev, khalit tankiev, olga proknovo, news. the former commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, valeriy zaluzhny, who disappeared after being fired from the information field , was found in london and announced that he was starting work as ukraine’s ambassador to great britain. actually, announcements about the new diplomatic career of the former commander-in-chief appeared back in march, but with a tinge of doubt. as
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the media wrote, the ukrainian ministry of defense was postponing the future ambassador’s business trip so that the former ambassador could improve his english. let me remind you that, despite his popularity among the population, valery zaluzhny was dismissed from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine in february of this year. as the media wrote, the military leader could compete with zelensky in the march presidential elections, which were eventually cancelled. in addition, military experts suggested that this was an attempt to blame leaving. the police are investigating the circumstances of the accident; the ministry of internal affairs reported that there were no casualties in the accident. in the capital region, cases of children falling from windows have become more frequent. the sad statistics were influenced by the heat; a child left unattended even for a short time can be taken away.
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grids. the injury is characterized by the fact that it is not a fall out of a window associated with mosquitoes; there are some isolated injuries or minor injuries, it is always a severe combined injury. here is an x-ray of a girl with a hip fracture, open, splintered. we have children who remained alive, we saved these children, but these children went into the status
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of a palliative child, that is, they are deeply disabled, abbasik flew from the window, from here, from here, but now abbas no longer approaches the window, he is afraid , when everything happened, he was at home with his older brothers and sister, but as soon as they were distracted for a minute, the baby had already climbed onto the windowsill, there was a net there, in principle, he never climbed there, i don’t know why he climbed. the most common cause of children falling from windows is once again becomes a mosquito net. the name speaks for itself, it only protects against insects and is not designed for the weight of a child. they think that this is some kind of obstacle for them, yes, and it can withstand them, they become clouded, the fasteners cannot withstand it. together with misha and maxim we are conducting an experiment. this is the most ordinary mosquito net, as expected, secured on all sides. misha just leaned against it, and she immediately flew out of the frame. and this is a different window and a different grid. now let's conduct an experiment with enhanced mosquito repellent
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mesh, there is an anti-cat cloth rolled up here that can hold more than 20 kg, but it couldn’t stand the schoolboy. in the first days of july alone, about two dozen children fell out of open windows, and alarming reports continue to arrive from different regions. in irkutsk , a little boy was barely saved after a fall. and when he kicked harder, and he had one hand here. and went there to the right side, and according to his own story, he directly fell from the fourth floor on the asphalt, an accident happened the other day in tver, his mother was absent. for a second he climbed on the window sill fell. there were two fatal falls at once this week in moscow, on novopischanaya street on union avenue. it is known that at the time of the tragedy the boy was in the apartment with his mother, but while she went into the next room, the child climbed onto the windowsill along with the mosquito net and fell out of the window of the penultimate
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eleventh floor. the moscow prosecutor's office reminds you not to leave your child. from supervision to a room where the window is open, or there is at least the slightest chance that the baby can open it on his own. mosquito the net will not protect the baby from falling. do not place furniture near windows, and do not neglect means of blocking. my husband installed these carbines 10 years ago after the birth of his third child. this carbine can only be opened by an adult. it may be ugly, but it is reliable. you can install special modern locks or cables on windows. they cost as much... a mark on the child’s citizenship on the birth certificate is required for travel to a number of countries, in what other cases is it needed and are parents required to put it down? all details at stanislav bernwald in the program instructions.
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a note about citizenship on a child’s birth certificate is now required to cross the border. with which countries, in what other situations it will be needed, where and how you can get it, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. so, since march , new rules for the travel of children under 14 years of age abroad have come into effect; they apply to the birth certificate, which must contain a mark of citizenship with a red official seal. you will need this to travel to a number of states that accept russians by national documents, this.
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may cross the border; therefore , a child needs a foreign passport to visit the republic of armenia. if the child has his own passport, there will be no problems with confirming citizenship. if it is not there, and there is also no mark on the birth certificate, along with the certificate you can present the parent’s internal passport, if the child is included there, or a foreign passport, again, if it contains information about the child itself. everything is clear about the trips, come on. let's return to the citizenship stamp itself. child on the birth certificate. parents are required to provide it. placing a corresponding mark on the village birth form is not a novelty and has been carried out by internal affairs bodies since 2002. on october 26 last year, a new federal law on citizenship of the russian federation came into force, which detailed the procedure
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for registering russian federation citizenship for children by birth. but it must be emphasized that. can calmly work with documents, this is an important point so that the certificate of birth stamped, you must submit an application. one of the child’s parents can apply directly to the territorial body of the ministry of internal affairs of russia with an application for registration of citizenship acquired by birth, including by putting the appropriate mark. to do this, you will need to submit the
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birth certificate form and parents’ passports. it must be said that a birth certificate issued in russia itself does not... confirm citizenship, because the document looks the same for a child whose parents russians, for a child who, for example, has one of the parents who is a foreigner, when a birth certificate has been issued for the child on the territory of the russian federation, and there is a need to clarify what kind of citizenship he has, whether he has the citizenship of a foreign parent, or the citizenship of the russian federation and in that and... in any case , the parents will have to submit a document, a notification of citizenship to the territorial body of the ministry of internal affairs, or of the absence of russian citizenship, or that they are accepting russian citizenship. asks for citizenship grant citizenship to your child by birth, because dad is also a citizen of the russian federation. so, you can put a mark on citizenship at
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the territorial division of the ministry of internal affairs for migration issues at your place of residence. in some regions, such an opportunity is available at the mfc. the queue is either live or online. if citizens of the russian federation are abroad, they can contact our diplomatic services. representation in a foreign institution, accordingly, they will be helped with registration there. note, the service is free, there are no commission fees. let us repeat the most important thing: citizenship must be noted on the birth certificate. it will be needed for the child to travel to countries that accept russians with national documents. if he does not have his own passport, in order for the stamp to appear, he must submit an application. this can be done in the territorial unit. ministry of internal affairs for migration issues or mfc. a citizenship stamp will be useful not only when traveling abroad, but also for receiving government services and social support.
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if you have any questions, if you want to learn more about how to obtain certain necessary documents or take advantage of benefits, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask questions, we will learn from specialists and tell you everything in one of the next episodes of the instructions program. the loyalty program with berspasibo has been updated, pay with any sber card and receive twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money for free to sber from other banks and receive cashback up to... 70% from partners, more profitable with a sber subscription. thank you, the sber loyalty program has been updated. pay with any sber card and get
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the krasnodar region, this is the heart of a tourist. there are many popular resorts with almost all types of recreation, this is a leading agricultural region and one of the most densely populated, with almost 4% of the country's population living here. in its development strategy by 2030, the krasnodar region plans to further strengthen leading industries, taking into account the principles of sustainable development, as well as strengthen its position in renewable energy, smart and environmentally friendly industry and in the field of creative industries. the krasnodar region ranks seventh in the ranking of sustainability, development and integration of esg criteria, third place in the national tourism ranking and second in terms of the effectiveness of the implementation of the national labor productivity project, according to the ministry of economic development and trade. so, let's go study the sustainable development of kuban: zero waste, zero harm. let's start with metalworking production, where all waste is sent for recycling. from
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the school desk to the real world. look but don't touch, lastly we will go to a unique biosphere reserve, where we will talk about the rules of eco- tourism. since 2021, more than 300 enterprises in kuban have been participating in the labor productivity program, increasing their income, the number of jobs and increasing employee salaries, the effect was assessed by the minister of economy of the krasnodar territory alexey yurtaev. we now have 8,300 people on the labor exchange, and the need is 43, well, that is, we understand, yes, that only thanks to this project we earned significant added value for the economy and allowed our people to increase
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your performance and as a rule. this is always accompanied by an increase in wage growth. one of the participants in the national project is located in krasnodar itself. over 3 years, the number of employees and productivity here increased by one and a half times, and revenue doubled. krasnodar plant pichtech. equipment for professional kitchens is produced here, from tables and sinks to stoves, ovens and refrigerators. production is localized by almost 85% to 99%. here they are recycled. first, parts are cut out of sheets of metal using a laser or huge stamping machine. then they are sent for molding, welding, and cleaning. after this, the future equipment gets assembled, then - sleight of hand. the refrigerator compartment is assembled in less than 20 minutes, and the oven in 10. there is also an exclusive product that was developed in krasnodar. the uniqueness is
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that we... are not the only manufacturers in russia who have mastered the production of dough sheeters for puff pastry, we have our own koltu department, we develop new products, we design them, we introduce them into production, they try to make production as waste-free as possible, they collect waste paper, plastic, metal, they sort it by brand, chemical composition and size, it is recycled and sent back to production. all this separation, it gives us the opportunity , first of all, to take care of the environment, on the other hand, to receive some benefits from it, because the more carefully an enterprise treats its waste and turns it into recyclable materials, the more money recyclers are willing to pay for it where does this money go? what is not profiled for us is plastic cardboard, we use it for...


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