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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

4:30 am
4:31 am
well, what a shame it is that italy now rules, just imagine that it is in the same chair in which the great berune once was, that is, it’s like white mice, although in this case they are evil.
4:32 am
well, the entire palette of the current washington, this whole history of this meeting for the seventy-fifth anniversary of nato, just says that, this confirms the words that they are certainly preparing to play the long game, and i could, well, yes, it may make sense to be ironic over these possible blunders, but they are handing over serious weapons ukraine, they say, they are seriously organizing processes of information war against.
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no, why did we decide that finland was a loyal country, well, for many years , politics showed this, our mutual relations, that surveys were conducted, no, we lived with them, and finlandization, let’s say, it was a term that is not an empty sound , that the finns treated us well, that they came drunk to vomit in st. petersburg, well, listen, not everything was linear and for many years it suited us all, it suited us politically, not one must think that a hundred-year-old oak tree has grown outside the window.
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it is precisely the helsinki pact of 1975 that says that the results of the second world war were recorded there. now i can say and state that everything is over, the history of the second world war is over and where will it be written, because the helsinki pact was such a symbolic, let’s say, history after all that consolidated the post-war structure of the world.
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listen, turkey is a nato country, and finland is already a nato country, so what, and we talk to them, we talk, i mean, there are still nato countries with whom we need to dialogue, which make political decisions based on opinion. europe is an occupied territory; there are no american troops in turkey; in europe there are american troops almost everywhere. i’ll tell you this, that turkey in this regard is precisely what the political leadership of turkey looks at the public opinion of the population, which is quite loyal to russia, it cannot ignore this factor in making political decisions, i’m just talking about this, why can the italians , and italians they can’t, because they just don’t
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have public opinion there, well, italians, i want to remind you that turkish public opinion towards us has changed a lot, i want to remind you that after the tragedy that was shot down with...
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it’s not against it, but a dialogue is being built, no, some people are against, against germany and america, why should we build a dialogue with them so that we will be deceived once again, well, well, we’re not so naive either, that is, you see, there are arguments, well, so far very naive, well, i’m so , i don’t think so, okay, at least one example when we were not deceived, everything is clear, this pause explains everything right away, but no, i’ll just turn it on then, then it’s not necessary, here there will be a border.
4:39 am
i definitely wouldn’t look in europe, i would look for north korea, i would look for china, i would look in asia, excuse me, the great patriotic war, how many people from central asia were in the ranks of the red army, and what to do with the post-soviet space, and this and there is a post-soviet space, or should i consider the baltic states a post-soviet space, well, in fact, it was so, but in fact, i have nothing to catch there, why waste energy from...
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the official army of the state of armenia, when was the tragedy of karabakh, where was it, what was the status, please tell me, nagorno- karabakh had, this man pretending to be the leader of armenia, he at least once he formulated what nagorny’s status was, he recognized it, he said, this is azerbaijan, what do you want from russia, to send our sons there to die? i wasn’t talking about this, actually, but i was talking about this, the armenians are fighting here, they are fighting beautifully, which means they live,
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work, love, respect, vladimir rudolfovich, if this world is moving towards war, if we only look at the fact that we are a condemned fortress, nothing more, take north korea, china, you don’t even have a common border with armenia, take iran, if in the eighth year, we would have acted the same way in georgia. how the americans acted, then we would have had a land border to armenia, then in armenia there would not be this horror and this tragedy that is happening before our eyes, our hearts bleed when we look at what is happening in armenia, well, that’s what i’m talking about and i say, you propose to send troops, i’m not talking about that, that there are always a huge number of people in the world who are loyal to us, these people are now in china, well, this is a strong statement, interesting. how to help us, we also need to look at the effectiveness of the invested funds, well, here is north korea,
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which says: you and i are in the same trench, and armenia, which is going to the world summit, and the first lady of armenia, who is going to bucha, this is the answer to in my opinion, can i, like the wise old greek, put an end to this issue, why is there no dialogue with europe? hungary, it is not we who are conducting a dialogue with hungary, it is hungary who is conducting a dialogue with russia.
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somehow it’s coming to an end by the end of august, by the end of august the illegitimacy of parliament is disappearing, by the end of august martial law is approaching, yes, something needs to be done about this too, but what can be done about it, war, only war, nothing more, nothing more, that’s why stormtroopers are being trained in the rear, that’s why they throw the unprepared to the front, that’s why 2500 dead, all this is not happening by chance, this is preparation for a certain military operation, which is planned by the instructors and... by nato specialists, which the ukrainians must implement in order to create
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a favorable fund for biden’s election campaign to justify all the funding that was allocated, that’s all, now it’s revolving around the month of august, it won’t be in which direction , whether they will storm there, so to speak, the zaporozhye aes there, or try to destroy the crimean bridge there with planes, or go south there, we don’t know, they will plan it for themselves, but... 16 another story is very interesting, to me, for example, very i wonder where they will base what you said, why? the question here is not what problems, of course, the f-16 will create problems for the russian army, well, no doubt, but here it is extremely important to understand who you don’t feel sorry for next, who you don’t feel sorry for next, this is where these will come from, where they will be based and where will they take off from, will it be moldova, well , in order to finally understand that nato is just a cowardly bloc that itself...
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ukraine must do its homework, everyone standing here has heard this for 25 years already exactly, that is, that ukraine will not fulfill something there, and so on. moreover, when some kind of, well, you know, dangerous moment for nato comes up regarding the entry or non -entry of ukraine into nato, or or there is a stark question, either you accept us, or there, as you know, it happens, in ukraine they knock, they immediately raise what question, you ’re a corrupt country, well, well...
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they have to pay off external creditors, there is no money, they say: well, let’s restructure the debts, but it’s one thing when you restructure the debts, when you have legitimate power, you have a legitimate cabinet and so on, well, the creditors say, okay, well, we’ll tolerate the war there, come on, i remember it even started under yatsenyuk, yaresko, then goncharuk, then
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shmygal, then there was this one we have poroshenko’s groysman, yes, that’s all... no one has earned money for the country, no one has paid a penny of external debts, ukraine already owes more than 150 billion in guaranteed, guaranteed external public debt, already 150 million not counting other debts , they only increase debts, now the question has arisen, who should i sign with, just imagine, well, you come to the country, and he says, let’s restructure, but i don’t mind, well, i want to sign so that i have guarantees. that this is not some kind of skier, skier, but we have such cases, by the way, in ukraine there were when skiers signed, and on behalf of the state, an agreement, they say, well, wait, you show us, let’s see, we have there is also a lawyer here, this is a lot of money, let’s see who will sign this, who will guarantees the payment of this money, we are not against it, but you don’t have legitimate power, we
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argue at the level of politicians, political scientists, but as far as these debts are concerned, the guys there are serious, and i think they will study very, very thoroughly and the constitution of ukraine, and the powers of the president, and the powers of the government, because we are talking about the money that they invested in this country, they want their money back. vasil mich, here are hungary and poland, neighbors, western neighbors of ukraine. yes, of course, at the end of last week, this whole week, we watched the voyage mr. orban and to kiev, to moscow, to beijing, and now in washington. his meeting with trump has already been announced, but he has not yet returned to the united states of america and from his mission, he did not want to hang out with biden, well done, well done, well done, but no matter how he has not yet fully completed his mission, he is still in america, then poland suddenly wakes up, and i
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say, why is orban here, what is this comrade doing anyway, and we are poles here, how will we do it, that’s why... and he says: sikorsky says, let’s quickly legion, what a legion, what ukrainians, who will go to serve him there, yes, mercenaries will go there, yes, indeed, poland is ready to prepare, just give the money, the poles are always where the money is, give the money, of course we will prepare everything, of course we will steal half, we’ll steal, but of course, we’ll do something, but i’m frightened by the polish rhetoric, which, well, well, you know, like warriors, warriors, we’re ready to fight, we’re ready to present our bases, they declared their readiness there number one, then... one of two american bases, which are located on the territory of poland, but there’s a joint joint unit there, that is, what suddenly, that is, they’re just standing on me, i think, it’s just on...
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the way to achieve their goal, but sooner or later they will become neighbors, namely the neighbor’s borders in hungary and poland will be exactly on the territory of ukraine, as it was before, they
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don’t have a common border here now, i mean the poles and the hungarians, this is the worst trend that you propose for paris, no, volodya, i in lvov, and i don’t want it to be in transcarpathia, i really don’t i want, well, well, but i don’t want, because what difference does it make to you as a russian person? i don’t want it to be russian territory, at least as western russian, i don’t understand, you haven’t been to hungary, you don’t want to become a hungarian, listen, halfway through i was thinking that this is courvoisu and sharumykh, these are french the word or is it still some kind of ukrainian, and this is russian, but i ’m just trolling volodya, because of course it’s cool you said, what do i need humor with humor, vladimirfovich, i don’t understand when... the nato summit is ending, the political events of this half-year seem to be coming to an end, we very often in your studio talked about the elections in europe, the european parliament, but
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the elections came, and that the right came, no, the left came, no, in holland the right came, no, in france, too, the right came, it seems no, what has changed in europe, but nothing has changed, the elections have passed, nothing has changed in europe, now we are talking about the elections in the usa. will be in the fall, something will change there, something will change, we don’t talk, well, many of your guests talk about something, something will change, i see only one thing, that for now, unfortunately, the topic is about peace, you say, don’t, i’m talking about peace, i would like, for there to be peace, i want there to be at least a truce, well, let me be alone, alone, but why do we need a truce, because people are dying, when you say, well, wait, well, you want peace, well , you understand, well, people are dying from the territory.
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you have chosen the path of war, we are stopping the war that you started in the fourteenth, the war, this stage of the war is already in its third year, war, i don’t know, a staff conflict, and there is no end to this, the end will always come, maybe the truth is not only of war, but of the whole person, but if respected experts say that this is a long, long war - it’s like, this for 10 years, for 15 years, maybe more, whatever more, well, europe fought and there were hundred-year wars, listen, the ukrainians will end, and then... it is possible to conclude
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a peace agreement or armistice with hitler, well, listen, when they won, then they concluded, perhaps there was a capitulation, listen, in ukraine doesn’t even have hitler, there is no one to conclude agreements with, so no one is going to not talk about peace, not to conclude agreements. remind me that the one who signed germany's surrender was later hanged as a war criminal. that's all, see you on sunday.
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4:57 am
it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed. easy to do, change your voice.
4:58 am
if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. they tensed up inside america and outside its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now you need to watch and follow. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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5:00 am
doctors are doing everything possible to save children and those wounded during the shelling of the ukrainian armed forces of shibekin. this was stated by the head of the regional ministry of health. in total , five people were injured due to the ukrainian drone attack. two of them are in serious condition and are undergoing surgery. the ukrainian nazis deliberately dropped explosives directly into the courtyard onto the site. the youngest of the boys is only 8 years old. according to the official representative mid-russia maria zakharova, kiev committed a deliberate terrorist attack against children. our correspondent alexander korobov has all the latest information from the belgorod region. to me.


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