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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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every year, let me remind you, after the bucharest summit in 2008, when the door to nato was opened for ukraine, the leaders of the bloc countries, primarily the united states of america, invent formulations that hide the lack of prospects for nato membership, but at the same time the topic is somehow stimulated for further discussion, well, in fact, there was also this time, it was a broadcast of a briefing by the official representative of the foreign ministry , maria zakharova, we are closely following the statements, now there is new footage from the presidential press service.
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project on your instructions and one of the best pioneer camps was transferred to the federal level, which today has become a branch of our famous artek, and more than a thousand children today can undergo their health improvement and recreation there. i must say that a lot of attention is paid to this by kravtsov’s ministry, also the camp and the lighthouse, it is also included in... included in the federal program on your instructions, there are another 600 children there, these are mainly children from lugansk, donetsk, zaporozhye , kherson, but also, as we say, from the mainland, too the kids are on vacation there. eh, vladimirovich, it also means that today, in this path, we have fully prepared a project on your instructions for the construction of a children’s hospital, which is key for us.
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because unfortunately in the kherson in the zaporozhye region we do not have regional children's hospitals and you gave instructions to carry it out today, work has begun, land has been allocated, a contractor has been identified and the work is being built, work is underway to build a large children's hospital, which will also, by the way, be your instructions say, with an infectious disease unit, given that, unfortunately, covid restrictions today oblige us to build. with these blocks, i would also like to say that the oncological dispensary has been completely completed today, and for the zaporozhye region, which is an oncological dispensary, it also works in the kherson region, in our adjacent region, where a linear accelerator is also being installed today, this is a huge contribution for the zaporozhye region, and those who can compare openly say that the equipment there today costs no worse than in kremlin hospital, for the zaporozhye region. of course, this is a huge breakthrough, i
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examined all the equipment myself, and i can say that we certainly have not seen such mris, and zanat, the equipment that is installed in our hospital today is at the level of, well, the most advanced moscow clinics. an important point is also in the social block, i wanted to note, this is the repair that is being carried out by the ministry of education under the leadership of valery nikolaevich falkov, who is today. 6.5 billion has now been invested in repairs, and these works are in full swing at our university, well, how would i say, if it’s slang, then all the external and internal cladding has been completely torn off, the sewerage system, heating, the entire electrical part, the facade are being completely replaced, our university is being filled, which is studying at 11.00 today children from our entire...
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family, education of the eastern lands of ukraine, today the russian federation fulfills all obligations that are constitutionally prescribed to citizens, all payments are paid in full, and naturally, people cannot help but notice this; accordingly, sociological studies show that the support of the government, the president, and the united russia party, which is also a driver on our territory.
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very high, more than 80%. finishing this block, i would like to say that i ask you to sign, if you consider it necessary, a letter on behalf of... uh, our berdyansk resort is celebrated for its bicentennial, that is, we ask to create a working group under the government of the russian federation to commemorate the bicentennial our famous resort. okay, evgeniyvich, now we will definitely look at all the documents that you have prepared, but i would like to say that, of course, the key issue is ensuring security, the region as a whole and the people, we will definitely do this and achieve it.
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today, but this is their big mistake, we will remember this again, we will talk about this more than once, but despite all the difficulties, we still note that the recovery growth of agriculture, and industry, and construction, it is obvious, and this the trend certainly needs to be supported, but of course the primary tasks... are those related to the restoration of housing and communal services, infrastructure and the residential sector. i am aiming the government at this, and we will now talk about all the issues that you have prepared for discussion during our meeting today. these were footage of
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vladimir putin’s meeting with the head of the zaporozhye region, yevgeny balisky. vladimir putin held a presentation today with permanent members of the russian security council, an event took place via videoconference and at the beginning the president. indicated the topic of conversation. dear colleagues, today we will discuss with you additional measures to ensure the smooth operation of enterprises in the military-industrial complex. let's start. one of the children wounded in the shibekin drone attack is in extremely serious condition. doctors are fighting for his life. this was reported to the ministry of health. another seriously wounded child from shibekin was sent to moscow, to the russian children's clinical hospital. he is already on his way, accompanied by a brigade. doctors. one of the children who received storage is in critical condition; doctors at the belgorod children's regional hospital are fighting for his life. telemedicine consultations were held with federal specialists, and
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treatment tactics were determined together with belgorod colleagues. the condition of the other three victims is not alarming. all children receive all necessary medical care in full. carries out coordination. federal center for medical disasters of russia. let me remind you that the day before the ukrainian drone dropped ammunition on a children's playground in shibek and five children were injured. amid white house statements that a new arms race is on the horizon, demand for private bunkers is growing by leaps and bounds, and the market for the construction of underground bomb shelters in the united states has grown to $11 billion. about how to make money on fear in the america program with valentin bogdanov immediately after the commercial. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets. and this alpha friday, july 12, we are giving 30% cashback on flights to
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this is america, a program about a country that hard to understand. hello. exactly 50 years have passed since the signing of the soviet-american treaty on limiting underground nuclear tests. unlike many other agreements between moscow and washington, this... works, although it is possible while it works. recently, trump's former national security adviser, robert
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o'brien, called for a resumption of american underground nuclear testing if his boss is re-elected. the goal of confrontation between russia and china. and the nuclear arms race is not the worst prospect here. after all treaty limiting underground testing of nuclear weapons. which, among other things , sets the threshold for detonating especially powerful charges over 150 kilotons, was signed during the visit of republican richard nixon to moscow, but now in america both republicans and democrats are doing nothing but competing in nuclear threats, and they are also heard from the white house. if our adversaries do not change trajectory, we may need to increase the number of warheads in the coming years, and if the president decides to do so.
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bombs in the entire history of the clock hand we have never been located so close to
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midnight, look for yourself, this is a fragment of one of our shootings from last year. stand next to the doomsday clock, it’s hard to imagine an apocalypse around a university auditorium, and yet just 90 seconds, the world has never been so close to the abyss. by the way, during the cuban missile crisis, the doomsday clock showed: 7 minutes to midnight, despite the fact that the flight time of soviet missiles located in cuba to new york, for example, was about 10 minutes, and to washington seven, and... . these frightening educational films were shown on american television. it will look something like this: brightest flash, brightest sun, brightest light. if you are not prepared and do not know what to do, you are in great danger. they talked about the nuclear threat from every iron, americans, naturally, were even more frightened,
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it was during that period, at the beginning of the sixties, that the first boom occurred in the usa with... not a single house in america can be considered modern without a family shelter, because this is the nuclear age. rusted signs indicating nuclear shelters can still be found on some houses in manhattan and you can meet people who clearly remember how it was. at school they tried to make us afraid, but my family was very loving. is not used for its intended purpose, they were converted into a storage room or bicycles are stored there, so we are in a bomb shelter, yes we are here, how many people live
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in this house, more than can fit here, about 20 apartments, maybe a couple of hundred people, then you can eat here. hold out for several hours, well, yes, if you are lucky, then yes, you wouldn’t want to spend here, no, not a single hour, not a minute, and especially not a single day, this is madness, you can see, the room is about 10:20, it’s too small, ines hazanovich, originally from the former yugoslavia, he witnessed the civil war, and he was very alarmed, we filmed this report during the anniversary of the cuban missile crisis, and before our eyes he was loading things. in a truck because he is moving from new york city, which he no longer considers a safe place, to the mountains, where there are fewer people and better opportunities to somehow find shelter, in general , many americans now have such sentiments, not everyone, however, has the opportunity to move, but those who are richer began again to
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buy items for survival and build a shelter in... in texas, where the culture of survivalists who are preparing for various versions of the apocalypse has long been popular; one of the creators of individual shelters said that in a month interest in his products increased by 700%. the most expensive bunker cost the buyer $24,000. that is there is a real boom in bunker construction in the world. there are many companies that satisfy the demand, one of them built 14 bunkers in new zealand, it is also far away, that is, apparently doubly safe, there are those who turn abandoned missile silos in america itself into some kind of underground bunkers, there is a company in the czech republic, which specializes in requests for billionaires, these are ultra-luxurious
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underground dwellings in case of doomsday, well , it is clear that... such a business is maintained, of course, at the expense of wealthy people, or rich, or or the very rich, here is an example of one of these bunkers in new mexico, in america itself. this is a bomb shelter in case of a nuclear attack, 18 steps down, 7 m underground. the stainless steel bunker cost 80 thousand dollars, you can live here for weeks or even months, there is running water, wi-fi and even a bread oven. 6 years ago.
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now businessmen are building up and turning these underground communications into new bunkers, the total population of this town should be 10,000 people, each such dwelling is sold for 55 thousand dollars, they are arranged excursions, bloggers go there. fuel and water will be stored here, all the walls are insulated, the pipes are also insulated so that they don’t freeze, on this side there is another storage facility for fuel and stuff. which i like most is a filter that purifies the air from radioactive, biological and chemical pollution. of course, people who can afford capital.
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conditions to organize some place for yourself in order to survive a nuclear disaster. the easiest way to build a shelter is to lean a wooden structure against the wall in in the form of a box filled with sand, as we know, compressed dirt and sand are well protected from radioactive particles.
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with which you can light a fire and hunt animals, this is very important, i would take guns, bows, cartridges and arrows, tablets for water decontamination, high-calorie bars that take up little space, i would get into my land cruiser and leave los angeles, because there will be nothing to eat here. los angeles is california, california is silicon valley, and there are a lot of rich people there, and quite a few people who consider myself to that same anxious generation. uz, among billionaires in silicon valley , there is a gigantic demand for bunkers of the highest level, in some ways this is reminiscent of the fashion
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of twenty, or maybe thirty years ago, when they bought expensive yachts, and now they are building expensive bunkers. the most famous character here is probably mark zuckerberg. it has long been rumored that on the hawaiian island he is building probably the most expensive shelter in the world. bunker, the rumors are fantastic, it has its own reserves of energy, food and anything else, and prices, of course, for cloud services it costs according to various estimates, from $100 million to $270 million. people like me every day experience, what shall i say, constant, terrifying existential dread, climate change, the collapse of democratic institutions, atomic clocks 90 seconds from midnight, but whatever happens, i have for you... life-affirming news: everything will be fine with the rich. in general, of course, it’s an amazing thing, that is, people who have plenty of resources, money, power to
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change the state of affairs in the world, somehow to influence, i don’t know, the same biden or trump, in general, to calm the situation, instead of using their opportunities to make it good for everyone, they simply spend this money in a selfish way. to save ourselves. technology expert douglas razhkov recounted attending a highly secret meeting with the super-rich who wanted his opinion on how to prepare for hour x. his conclusion: their extreme wealth and privilege had only led to an obsession with protecting themselves from dangers like change. climate, mass migration, disease, resource depletion. for them, the technologies of the future are aimed at only one thing: to get away from... other billionaires think about the end of the world, and for some, the end of the world comes every day, but if a person, for example, has no housing, in america this is such a big problem, here's what to do in this
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case, paradoxically, one of these private bunkers helped a person in a peaceful life, a girl, her name is caitlin, she rented such a bunker from her friend, she pays little by american standards money, 500 dollars. she has been living in this bunker for a month, she has equipped it, and every day she talks about her life and existence underground . the advantage of living down here is that you can’t hear the street at all when the door is closed, the room is not bare and it’s actually very fresh and cool here, even when it’s hot outside. living in a bunker, caitlin saves on utilities; her water comes from a well and her electricity comes from solar panels. the only thing that is inconvenient is that it all affects her personal life, she admits that she once invited a boyfriend to her home,
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uh, in general, the girl is pretty, but... the young man considered the prospect of a date in a bunker worse than a nuclear war. this was america. all the best. now it's time for economic news. trade turnover between china and russia in the first half of the year increased by almost 2% to $117 billion. this was reported by the general customs administration of the people's republic of china. exports from russia to china increased almost. 4%, imports decreased by 8. meanwhile , china's trade volumes with the united states decreased by 2%, with the european union by more than 3.5. mts bank for 5 months earned almost 6.5 billion rubles in net profit, which is 43% more than a year earlier, the ifrs report says. since the beginning of the year , the bank’s capital has grown by a quarter to 88 billion rubles, and the retail loan portfolio by 9.5% to 370.1 billion. let me remind you that in april mts
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bank went public, then investor demand exceeded supply 15 times. the chernogolovka group will stop producing heins baby food from september. in return, the company will launch the gippa brand. the first batches will arrive in stores in august. the products will be manufactured at the same factories which produced hains food. let me remind you that chernogolovka bought the business of an american company in russia in march of this year. and the global national debt. exceeded 100 trillion dollars, rionovosti writes about this with reference to data from the world bank and the imf. compared to the global economy , debt is growing at a faster pace. gdp increased by only 4%. the united states has the largest national debt - 35% of the world economy. china is in second place, japan is in third. russia took twenty-eighth place. it was economic news. short. in march
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twenty-third year. there was an order, but i was already ready, collected, all that was left was to go, the offensive was underway, i heard a sound, well, the quadcopter hovered above me, at that moment it immediately exploded, the tanks came towards us, just in a second the white light i don’t see anything else, there were a couple it’s been very difficult for months to accept yourself for who you are, but now it’s better, now yes, of course, my rehabilitation also went very well, there were gyms, swimming pools, immediately after he received a new protest, we went to test him in the mountains how he behaves will lead, this is discipline first of all, be fighters in life, that’s what i advise, just fighters in life.
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the rhythmic work of defense plants, what measures to support the industry still need to be taken at the meetings, as well as a working meeting between the president and the governor of the zaporozhye region, the restoration of roads, social facilities, but most importantly - the safety of people, what else were they talking about? the children were targeted for a monstrous terrorist attack in shevekin, all hitting the
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