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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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funerals, wounded, who appeared in large numbers, here on this dolinsky pass, it seems to me that here you can even hear the battle itself, photography is 120 years old, and we hear the battle, this is the talent of a photo reporter and fearlessness, enormous professionalism. on june 14 , 1904, superior forces of the japanese army attacked the russians, who were forced to retreat, the russian detachment was defeated, 48 people were killed, victor bula photographs soldiers in the trenches, artillery work, everyday life, the infirmary , funerals, and not only photographs, the commander of the first manchurian army ordered photographer bulu for his selfless work in carrying out the wounded at the dolinsky pass on july 14 , 1904, was awarded a silver medal for bravery to be worn on the chest on the st. george ribbon. the horrors of that monstrous war passed before me, the whole terrible epic of the defeat of the tsarist army, its military defeats,
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the general staff, because victor received the corresponding sheet there, the second form was somehow involved in the reconnaissance cover from the red cross he had, why i assume so , because he visited korea, and china, and there in manchuria was, that is, he had some kind of task. victor, frankly speaking, is now much more famous than his older brother, sometimes even his father, this is due to his biography, he was so... a partner from god, who took better from
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the father. it so happened that there were a lot of photographers in russia at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, but perhaps only two surnames were heard: prokudengorsky and bula. the head of the family, karl bula, came from germany, at first he was a boy in a photo studio, but quickly began to make a career. he had a talent as a photographer and a clear commercial streak; he knew how to customers like it. in 1886 he received permission from the ministry of internal affairs to take photographs on the streets. after 10 years. he is the official photographer of the ministry of the imperial court; in fact, we know russia during the times of nicholas ii from photographs of karl bula; both sons, the elder alexander and the younger victor, are also photographers. here is a family portrait from the archive of artyom klassan. often under the photographs they put one surname, bula, and it is not clear who, the author, the family business. at the exhibition in rosfoto we see devices of that era. and at the beginning of the twentieth century excerpts were already very short. and these cameras, portable, made it possible to film movements.
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and moving objects, they were used by photographers, in particular viktor bula, so his reportage could already be unstaged, could be filmed with cameras like this, here dry bromide-gelatin plates were already used, which also allowed the photographer, again relative to our time, this is a slow story, but relative to the 19th century it is a fast process, so it is enough to quickly carry out these surveys already develop it in the workshop, print it. or send to the agencies that disseminated this information. the father and two sons brilliantly master this art , introduce it in various fields, and become pioneers of new genres. beautiful staged portraits are, perhaps, better done by alexander. victor is a real reporter who is burdened by studio photography, he works a lot for newspapers and magazines, and photographs police work and crime scenes, here are clippings from 906, photographs from the scene of the assassination attempts on stolypino, his.
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your portrait has gone down in history, especially since bula took it. victor bula quickly responded to the advent of cinema; he was one of the pioneers of touring filming; in 1909 he organized the independent apollo partnership for the production of horanial and visual films. over the course of 3 years, he shot 40 documentaries and was very fond of filming sports and people in motion. 3 months, 1910, the rally lasted in russabalt cars, st. petersburg, naples, st. petersburg. victor filmed it. and here is a rare
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surviving film from 1909, an international wrestling competition on korestovsky island. in 1914, world war broke out. german, as they said then, alexander and victor were military correspondents at the front for some time, but then returned to st. petersburg, the widowed karl karlovich got married, went to estonia, the brothers need to maintain the family business, victor is now filming a chronicle of revolutionary events. on the day of the revolution, i was almost never at home, i scoured the city like a real event hunter, running with my slr to where gunfire was heard, where machine guns crackled, interrupted by the sounds of revolutionary songs. one of the bula family's ateliers was located. on the top floor of the passage. on july 4, 1917 , victor saw that something important was about to happen at the nivsky demonstration. he felt it. he clearly has excellent intuition. he ran to the roof of the arcade and from there took his most famous photograph: the shooting of the july demonstration on
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the corner of nevsky and sadovaya. they refused to publish this photo. and they, therefore, found an opportunity and transported him to france. it was published in france. and that was it. victor bula, and then the following happened in books in albums, they began to place a freeze frame from the film from einstein and write below
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by photographer victor bula. after the revolution , the luxurious atelier of the bula family on nevsky54 was nationalized, now it is an atelier of the petrograd soviet, then the leningrad soviet. the brothers continue to work here. and then his funeral. alexander's elder brother was arrested and sent to solovki. his fate is sad, mysterious, he returned from the camp, but after that he disappeared. victor understood that he could follow his brother and handed over all the valuable negatives and photographs to the state. archive staff, film photo background
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documents another version. all photo studios and even photo circles of that era were taken into account. their workers were simply obliged to submit a chronicle of the revolution, the civil war, the life of the country of the soviets and its top officials. central archives. at the beginning of 1930 , photo negatives numbering 71,472 were received from the lentsovet photographic studio, which was the former photographic studio of the bula family. it is not possible to find out which of them belonged to victor, karl, alexander, but now most of the heritage of the bula family is in the archive here film photo background of documents in st. petersburg. victor and his family live at the studio on nevsky, he already has three children. they remove him, he goes to a health education center, and becomes an ordinary photographer. in 1938, victor
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was arrested, declared a german spy, and he was shot on october 30, 1938, the next day.
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the second son died of hunger during the blockade in 1942, probably after his death someone brought part of viktor bula’s archive and this album with the chronicle of the russian-japanese war to the public. and now the russian national library, modern technology,
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confidence in sustainable work. flexibility for use in any industry, reliability and efficiency, new quality for your success, tomzel electric drives, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand, hello, exactly 50 years have passed since... since the signing of the soviet-american limitation treaty underground nuclear
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testing, unlike many other agreements between moscow and washington, this is in effect, although it may still be in effect. recently, trump's former advisor homeland security, robert o'brien has called for a resumption of us underground nuclear testing if his boss is re-elected, aiming to counter russia and china. and the nuclear arms race is not the most terrible prospect here, because the agreement on limiting underground tests of nuclear weapons, which, among other things, sets the threshold for detonating especially powerful charges, over 150 kilotons, was signed during the visit of republican richard nixon to moscow, but now in america and republicans and democrats do nothing but compete in nuclear threats from the white house too. do not sound, unless our adversaries change trajectory, we may need
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to increase the number of warheads in the coming years, and if the president decides to do so, we must be fully prepared to carry out this task. considering that the nuclear suitcase is a red button, now in the hands of a person who forgets the names of his closest advisers, calls himself a black woman and promises his party colleagues to go to bed early, it’s alarming. we are talking about the possible destruction of the entire world, and biden says that the nuclear issue is not important, global warming is important. i too love fresh air and clean water, but the real existential threat is that tomorrow there could be a war so destructive that the world will not be able to recover from it. and these are not just political statements; just look at the hands of the so -called doomsday clock. this is a project of the university of chicago magazine, the magazine is called the bulletin of atomic scientists, it
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was started in 1947 by the creators of the first american atomic bomb in history the clock hands have never been so close to midnight, look for yourself, this is a fragment of one of our filming last year, standing next to the doomsday clock, it’s hard to imagine an apocalypse around a university auditorium, at least only 90 seconds, so close to the abyss, the world is not has never been before. by the way, during the cuban missile crisis, the doomsday clock showed 7 minutes to midnight. this despite the fact that the flight time of soviet missiles located on a cube to new york, for example, was about 10 minutes, and to washington seven, and on american television they played these frightening educational films. it will look something like this: brightest flash, brightest sun, brightest light. if you are not prepared and
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do not know what to do, you are in great danger. about the nuclear threat. no home in america can be considered modern without a family refuge, because this is the nuclear age. rusted signs indicating nuclear shelters can still be found on some houses on... how they made you afraid at school, jump under the table, cover your heads, today most of these shelters are not used for
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their intended purpose, they are converted into a storage room or bicycles are stored there. he found the civil war, and he was very alarmed, we filmed this report during the anniversary of the cuban missile crisis, and before our eyes he was loading things into a truck, because he was moving from greater new york, which he no longer considered a safe place, to mountains, where there are fewer people, and there is a better opportunity to somehow find shelter, in general
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, many americans now have such sentiments, not all of them, although they have the opportunity... move, those who are richer began again to buy items for survival and build a shelter. in 2023 , a record $11 billion was spent on these purposes in the united states. in texas, where there has long been a popular culture of survivalists preparing for various versions of the apocalypse, one of the creators of customized shelters said that within a month there had been interest in his products. increased by 700%. the most expensive bunker cost the buyer $240,000. that is, there is a real boom in bunker construction in the world. appeared there are many companies that are meeting the demand, one of them has built 14 bunkers in new zealand. it’s also far away, which means it’s apparently doubly safe. there are those who
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are turning abandoned missile silos in america itself into some kind of underground bunkers in the czech republic. there is a company that specializes in requests for billionaires, these are ultra-luxurious underground dwellings in case of doomsday, and it is clear that such a business is maintained, of course, at the expense of wealthy people, or the rich or or the very rich, here is an example of one of these bunkers in new mexico, in america itself. this is a bomb shelter in case of a nuclear attack, 18 steps down, 7 m underground. the stainless steel bunker cost $80,000, you can live here for weeks or even months, there is running water, wi-fi and even a bread oven. 6 years ago we were making 10-11 bunkers a year, now it’s almost a thousand, this is incredible growth. among these companies there are real champions with the most huge, large-scale projects, well, a whole town of bunkers,
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located in south dakota, an area called the black hills. was there at one time a missile base that was used by the american army, then it was sold, abandoned, well, in general , businessmen are now building up on this place and turning these underground communications into new bunkers, the total population of this town should be 10,000 people, each such dwelling is sold for 55,000 dollars, they organize excursions, fuel and water will be stored here, all the walls are insulated, the pipes too, so they don’t freeze, on this side there’s another fuel storage and the thing that i like the most. this is a filter that cleans air from radioactive, biological and chemical pollution. of course,
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there are few people who can afford capitally built bunkers for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, and there are many people who are worried about the unpleasant future; by the way, in america they are called preppers. among these preppers, such methods are becoming increasingly popular. a simple way to build a shelter is to lean against the wall a wooden structure in the form of a box filled with sand, as we know, compressed mud and sand protect well from radioactive
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particles. demand, as we know, creates supply, and celebrities also create the situation; they also rushed to comment and talk about how they are preparing for the doomsday of the apocalypse. in general, i prepare for different things; i have a set of earthquake cases. flat shoes, shoulder bag, physical training, and who are you planning to escape from? i don’t know, you will need something with which you can start a fire and hunt animals, this is very important, i would take guns, bows, arrow cartridges, water disinfection tablets, high-calorie bars that take up little space, i would get into my land cruiser and leave los angeles, because there will be nothing to eat here. los angeles - california is silicon valley, and there are a lot of rich people there and quite a few people who already consider themselves to be that very anxious generation z,
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among the billionaires of silicon valley there is a gigantic demand for bunkers of the highest level, in some ways this is reminiscent of the fashion of twenty years, or maybe thirty years ago, when they bought expensive yachts, now they are building expensive bunkers, the most probably a well-known character here is mark zuckerberg, there have long been rumors that on the hawaiian island he is building, probably, the most expensive shelter in the world, a bunker, the rumors are fantastic, they have their own reserves of energy, food, whatever, well and the prices, of course, for the cloud, it costs, according to various estimates, from 100 million dollars to 270 million dollars, people like me every day experience, how can i say, constant. terrifying existential dread, climate change, collapse of democratic institutions, atomic clocks at 90 seconds from midnight, but no matter what happens,
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i have life-affirming news for you: everything will be fine with the rich, but in general, of course, an amazing thing, that is , people who have plenty of resources, money, power to change the state of affairs in the world, to somehow influence, i don’t know, the same... biden or trump, in general, to calm the situation, instead of using their opportunities to make it good for everyone, they simply selfishly spend this money on in order to save ourselves. technology expert douglos razhkov recounted attending a highly secret meeting with super-rich people who wanted his opinion on how to prepare for the x-hour. his conclusion: their extreme wealth and privilege had only led to obsession. the idea of ​​protecting themselves from dangers such as climate change, mass migration, disease, depletion of resources, for them the technologies of the future are aimed at only one thing: getting away from the rest. billionaires think about
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the end of the world, and for some the end of the world comes every day, but if a person, for example, has no housing, in america it is such a big problem, here’s what to do in this case, paradoxically, one of these private bunkers helped a person in a peaceful life.
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this all affects her personal life, she admits that she once invited a boyfriend to her home, in general, she is a pretty girl, but the young man considered the prospect of a date in a bunker worse than a nuclear war. this was america, all the best to you. who are you? i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go on, what a fairy tale, without ivan, what began, without deception and without... niva, i was imprisoned in
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a flint and steel, pen, self-written, magic ink, you will get it, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanically, and beat yourself on the head, you have a cage, where i need to go, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go, i can’t live without traveling. flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24, indian leader visiting russia narendrud was feted in moscow.
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nuclear deterrence. materials of our program. prime minister jevaharal nehru, the founder of independent india, visits moscow state university in june 1955. this was his first visit to the ussr, and the guests received him with unprecedented pomp.


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