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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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i think the state will honor her, thank you, thank you, stalin too, thanked ezenstein. knee pain, back pain, maybe. pental extragel contains a special component for better penetration.
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the car of the us ambassador, a car with a us flag on the hood is leaving the corner of the american embassy, ​​us ambassador harriman is in the car. and rep. colmer, you 're going to have a tough day william, hariman said, i don't think you'll get anywhere, he'll take it as an insult and aggression, then let's send him to hell, colner died, he thinks it's tehran or yalta, no, uncle joe, germany, japan are already defeated, but we have nuclear bomb, what do you mean, your economy is destroyed, so accept it.
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the translator quietly translated for stalin, then nodded his head in satisfaction. colmer continued. the government of the united states believes that the government of the soviet union , in turn, will consider it possible to meet the following proposals, namely: it will withdraw soviet troops from eastern europe, will not provide political support to the governments of these countries, and will disclose the contents.
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“okay, mr. colmer,” said stalin with a benevolent smile. i understand. and tell me, do you have a mother? yes, i have a mother, colmer answered somewhat perplexedly, but what did she teach you? kindness, honesty, hard work, justice, all mothers teach this, do you agree? “we are indebted to our mothers,” said golder. “when i was little, my mother told me this story,” said stalin, “a peasant in the forest was attacked by a robber, the peasant began
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to call for help, and some strong man came running to his aid.” , together and drove away the robber and the strong man said: for my help, you must give me your field, this christian understood that this man is a real robber, are you hinting at something, colmer asked, my mother was just telling me, stalin explained, what i want to say is that we did not lose. war, don’t talk to us like we’re losers, it’s unfair, our mother wasn’t taught this, of course, colmer agreed, but a person’s personal life is different from the life of the state, the state has its own special
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interests, why, for example, do you need a twelve-million-strong army , the war is over, we need to live in peace, but why do you need from...
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applauds on may 15, 1946, moscow, a meeting of the supreme military council, molotov, bolenkov, rakosovsky, konev, vasilevsky, shtomenko, zhukov and marshal of the bleytank troops are sitting - fishing. stalin is dressed in a linen suit, he holds a pipe in his hands and walks around. shtomenka finishes reading the letter with novikov’s testimony. the supreme military council, having examined the statement of the former commander of the air force
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novikov, found that marshal zhukov, despite the high regard given to him by the government and the supreme high command position, considered himself offended, expressed dissatisfaction with the decisions of the government, and spoke hostilely about him among his subordinates . konyev leans towards vasilevsky, a bad omen, stalin is dressed. in the pre-war french. marshal zhukov continued shtamko, having lost all modesty, believed that his merits were not sufficiently appreciated, at the same time , in conversations with his subordinates, attributing to himself the development and conduct of all the main operations of the great patriotic war, including those operations to which he had nothing to do. it was established that stalin stopped peredukov. shtomenko falls silent. it was established, said.
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that's the word. it was further established that the liquidation of the korshin-shevchenko group of german troops was carried out not by marshal dzhukov, as he claims, but by marshal konev. and kiev was liberated not by a blow from the south, from the bukrinsky bridgehead, as zhukov proposed, but by a blow from the north. it was finally established that recognizing the merits of marshal zhukov in the capture of berlin. it cannot be denied, as marshov zhukov does, that without the strike
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of marshal konev’s troops and the strike of marshal’s troops rakoslovsky, berlin would not have been surrounded and taken. deathly pale zhukov sat with his head down. continue, comrade shtemenko,” said stalin. in addition, from novikov’s letter it follows that marzhak. leads a plot to carry out a military coup. shtemenko finished. an unbearable silence hung in the hall. stalin addressed those present. after comrade shtemenko read us a letter from the former air force commander, novikov. please speak out. can i go up with a local?
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against the soviet state, stalin continued walking, then stopped, enough, comrade marinkov, word to comrade konev, konev started slowly, georgy konstantinovich, a difficult person, with a temper, he can offend in vain, and loves flattery, but to speak out against the soviet regime, it doesn’t fit in my head , what do you say , comrade vasilevsky. comrade stalin, you know my opinion about zhukov, he has
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many shortcomings, he likes to take credit for the merits of others, he has made mistakes more than once during military operations, but it is difficult to imagine that georgy konstantinovich stood up on the path of anti-state activities. what is your opinion, kosovsky? “i have known zhukov for a long time,” rakosovsky said. it happened that we argued heatedly, however. can this letter be trusted? at one time i was also imprisoned for mistakes in organizing maneuvers, but i was accused of non-verification of espionage. i know how such testimony is obtained. over to you, comrade fishing, stalin stopped next to the marshal, i don’t believe that marshal zhukov is a conspirator, he has shortcomings like any other person, but he is a patriot of his homeland, and he convincingly proved this in the battles of the great patriotic war. stalin looked at
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zhukov, and what about you, comrade zhukov? you can tell us, comrade stalin, i have nothing to justify, i have always honestly served the party and our homeland, zhukov answered, and i am not involved in any conspiracy, i kindly ask you to find out under what circumstances the testimony was received from novikov, i personally know novikov and is convinced that someone forced him to write a lie. stalin looked into his eyes intently. "tell me, comrade zhyukov, why do you need 15 accordions?" “i’ll hand over everything,” he replied. stalin he paused and after a pause said: “still, comrade zhukov, you will have to leave moscow for a while.” everyone leaves the office at
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the door, marsh vasilevsky, smiling vestedly, put his hand on his shoulder. “it turns out that you are a bonopart, georgy? the comparison is incorrect,” answered zhukov. bonopart lost the war, and i won. june 5 , 1946, moscow, red square. the kremlin chimes are chimed. the coffin standing next to the grave is lowered on the kremlin wall; stalin throws the earth to the grave.
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sense of national superiority. of any people over another, no matter whether tatar, georgian or russian, is an enemy of soviet power, and we will fiercely continue, the most dangerous crime in the ussr is nationalism and we will mercilessly fight it, not stopping at any measures,
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at any , stalin and molotov enter the kremlin through the spassky gate. “here are the tatars being evicted from crimea,” stalin continued. yes, of course, from the point of view of bourgeois morality, this is wrong. yes, what is wrong? yes, it’s simply criminal. they passed through the spassky gate. stalin continued, felt that this topic worried him, but if you look at it from a different point of view, from thousands of thousands of tatars.
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with people who betrayed their common homeland to the soviet union, so what were we supposed to do? imprison the entire tatar male village? how could the only women, old people and children who remained survive? capitalists accuse us of cruelty, why? they
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are guided by their class morality, but we are also guided by socialist morality. in addition, our soldiers returning from the war would hardly live peacefully next to people. simply who shot at them, that’s why the government made this decision, it’s not cruel, it’s fair, stalin concluded, well, voznesensky betrayed his homeland, molotov noted, so the punishment will be easier, stalin explained, and voznesensky, let him think about why you are rivals, beria and marinkov became members of the politburo, but he did not, the tenth. june moscow, the kremlin, the basements of a large palace, the archive of the party control committee of the central committee of the all-union communist party of the russian federation (a low, quiet basement
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room with cabinets along the walls) with questionnaires, a long table in the middle, bright illuminated, tin-shade lamps shining from the ceiling, in the room stalin and mehris, these are profiles of politburo members and candidates. characteristic, said stalin, leafing through the questionnaires on the table, give me a page. molotov, vyacheslav mikhailovich, began to mechlet. usichev is the main thing, smart, a good performer, always second. in this capacity he is irreplaceable. berio, lavrentiy palovich, is incredibly efficient, incredibly ambitious. an excellent organizer, strives for the first roles, but is uncritical of himself. khrushchov, nikita sergeevich, cruel, energetic,
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cunning and smart. rather cunning, strives to be a local leader, poorly calculates the long-term consequences of his actions. malinkov, georgy nikolaevich, is smart, distrustful, vulgar, and doesn’t get along well with people. and this. asked voznesensky, educated, smart, efficient, rude and deceitful, little experience, give a description of yourself, said stalin. mehlis, lev zakharovich, chairman of the party control committee of the central committee of the all-russian communist party of belarus. stalin sat with his eyes closed. i'm tired.
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this is scarier, there is no one who can replace you, you cannot go out, and we will check this, i would shoot half of them, i said, destroy your comrades for no reason, this is the act of a criminal, stalin said quietly, it’s another matter if as a result.
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falsity, the desire for good, carried through to the end, turns into evil. monk luther meant well, and as a result he burned more people than the catholic church. here are a few episodes with stalin, it’s a pity that i didn’t make this film. i think i'll remind you about the cases of this.
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it would be appropriate to recall his activities, which we still use, it would be, by the way, yes, not all of his decisions were correct and soft, but the times were tough, our country was resolving issues of its existence, as it is now, to be honest, where? it seemed appropriate to remember the affairs of this man, that’s all for today.
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the crash of a superjet is a criminal case. in the moscow region the central apparatus of the investigative committee is now in charge. forensic experts are already working at the scene of the disaster. decoding of the flight recorders will begin in the near future. and while various versions of the tragedy are being expressed, work is in full swing at the crash site. our correspondent is also there, egor grigoriev. he is in direct contact with us. egor, i greet you, tell me what is the latest information, are there any new details about the tragedy by this time?


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