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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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eight people were wounded during another shelling of the ukrainian armed forces of shibeikin. this was announced by the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov. according to him , four victims were sent to hospitals with shrapnel wounds. one of them is in serious condition. the remaining four wounded were treated on the spot. several buildings and a dozen cars were damaged in the city. earlier, the governor also said that one. russian troops of the west and center groups improved the tactical position, units of the east group occupied more advantageous lines, and the north and dnepr groups inflicted fire on several formations of the ukrainian armed forces, the ministry of defense reported. the most intense fighting was carried out by the troops of the southern group. the division of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions. defeated
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the manpower and equipment of the twenty-fourth, seventy-second, ninety-third mechanized, forty-sixth, eighty -first airmobile and 79th air assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​​​the settlements of antonovka, grigorovka, nikolaevka, katerynivka, uspenovka, spornaya, slavyansk, zaleznyanskaya and chasovyar of the donetsk people's republic repelled two attacks by assault groups of the 54th mechanized and tenth mountain assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy lost the day before... investigative actions at the plant where i was undergoing maintenance of the superjet that crashed in the moscow region continue. technical documentation is confiscated. in addition, as reported by the investigative committee, witnesses are being interviewed. based on fragments of the fuselage and other material evidence found at the site disaster, an examination was appointed. on behalf of the chairman of the investigative committee. russia, in order to ensure the most
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complete comprehensive operational investigation into the circumstances of the crash of a plane with a dry superjet-100 in the moscow region, the criminal case was transferred for further investigation to the central office of the department. an investigative and operational group was formed, which included the most experienced investigators and criminologists of the investigative committee. during the inspection of the scene of the incident, the aircraft's flight recorders were discovered, which sent for decryption. the necessary examinations have been ordered on the seized fragments of the fuselage and other material evidence, eyewitnesses of the incident are being interrogated, the inspection of the scene of the incident continues, investigative actions are also being carried out on the territory of the plant where the aircraft underwent maintenance, and the relevant technical documentation is being confiscated for further study. decoding of the black boxes will begin on monday, this is information from the interstate aviation...
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on the legal information portal also a document signed by the president has been published, which obliges deputies and senators to coordinate trips abroad with the leadership of the chambers of parliament; in case of violation, they may be deprived of their mandate. and after the commercial, our broadcast will continue with the author’s program of vladimir bortok. a view from st. petersburg. enjoy
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rolls in a delicious point caesar roll with tender chicken in a crispy breading with tomato and cheese try caesar roll and other rolls only in a delicious point excellent in the department and online your plans are reliable basis hi, my name is boy, i'm helping you with...
5:05 pm
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we conveniently pay off all credit card debts within 24 months, and don’t forget about installment purchases. kholva - simple installment plans. go to the moss exhibition, or maybe come to me, better at a tasty point, check out the clips, a real reason to meet, superbox with clips hello kitty and her friends, hurry up to buy and win a trip, business needs acceleration, for sure, open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly, vtb, we help with business. hello, my name is vladimir burtka, i am a director, and i am from
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st. petersburg, in 2011 by me and my friends. russia, moreover, the life of our country, its very existence, is directly related to its activities. today i would like to remind you of some episodes of his life,
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perhaps they will have an echo in our days. so. stalin chief of the general staff antonov are sitting at a long table with a map of germany. how much time does the general staff need to work out the plan for the berlin operation in detail - stalin asked. three days, antonov answered. we'll watch as the operation progresses. if zhukov does not succeed as planned , we will deploy the right-flank armies to berlin. stalin became, that's it, they were free. antonov collected the papers and said a little hesitantly. there is a question that does not directly concern the general staff, but which i would like to clarify, if possible. please. we
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we have now discussed the plan for the berlin operation. the most difficult task will fall on zhukov's first belarusian front. this operation will require great skill, therefore, forgive me, i will suggest that rakosovsky be returned to command of the first belarusian front. do you think that marshall. the pamerand operation has not yet been completed, which only irakosovsky can solve, but
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that’s not the only thing. have you read hitler's work, my struggle? you could say i studied it,” antonov answered. stalin continued. hitler justified the attack on us by the fact that the russians, these are subhumans who... without their germans , the leadership will disappear, it’s in the germans’ blood, but what about the germans, this racism is in the blood of all of europe, he paused, in the first world war the germans surrendered, when the british and french had not yet set foot on german soil, now they are fighting, why are the germans afraid.
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therefore, berlin will take bugs and horses.
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germany, zseelow heights. the floodplain of the oder river was covered with predawn fog. zhukov looked at his watch; it was exactly 5 o’clock moscow time and 3 o’clock berlin time. the whole place was already lit up brightly, thousands were ringing into the air rockets of different colors, at this signal , 43 searchlights flashed, located every 200 m. a moment later , a powerful scream came from all sides, towards berlin, hundreds of attack aircraft were constantly flying overhead, regiments flew a little higher, heavy bomber aircraft, but the progress forward was very insignificantly, the german infantrymen... widely used faust cartridges, the germans knocked out a dozen
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soviet tanks, at his observation post zhukov began to lose patience: you’ll go to the penalty box, understand? he shouted the telephone let's go, forward, forward, went along skrebyshev, stalin's secretary, communications beetles, comrade stalin, stalin picks up the phone, for a while... listens silently, becomes gloomy, which means that the seelow heights have not yet been captured, on what basis did you have an operation plan with the approved headquarters after listening to the front commander's answer, he put down the phone and silently looked for a while at the map lying in front of him.
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stalin hung up. the artillery breakthrough division fired heavy guns at the batteries. many soviet shells were painted with special messages. goebbels for stalingrad for the fat goering for our widows of grays. in the afternoon, in the ruined garden of the chancellery, hitler walked around the honorary king of the members of the hitler jugend. hitler could not present awards on his own.
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in order to make it less noticeable how his left hand was shaking, he constantly held it behind his back. lingering near some teenager, he would pat him on the cheek or pinch his ear. the smile on the fuhrer's face was more like an evil grin. units of chuikov's eighth guards army reached the ministry of foreign affairs. on the first floor, the captain of the disturbances located the battalion command post. he carefully examined the map, trying.
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stalin, at the table next to him, under skrebyshev , finished his game, you scoundrel, stalin said after a pause. it’s a pity that we weren’t able to take him alive, without saying a word to anyone, turning to him after he said: “ask.” the ukrainian playwright korenchuk entered the office. that is, stalin, the playwright of me, the worthless deputy people's commissar for foreign affairs, you ordered the borders of soviet ukraine to be agreed upon by treaties, i cannot do this, president of czechoslovakia benes refuses the sudeten regions of czechoslovakia offered to him, but demands transcarpathian ukraine from us, he calls it subcarpathian russia,
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stalin chuckled, why benes today. refuses the sudeten regions, because these are former german regions, and benesh, even the beaten germans, is still afraid, why does he demand sub-carpathian russia from us, but he is not afraid of the russians, these little princes, comrade kornyachok, understand only force, in they see the germans as masters, in us they see brothers who... are obliged to endure, even if they they're shitting on their russian brother's head, so comrade kornichuk, stalin continued, the point is not that you are a playwright, it's that you don't behave the way an older
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brother should behave, tell mr. benushev that if he... writes our version of the borders, he may not get home, diplomatically convey, august 6, 1945, the explosion of an atomic bomb in kiroshima, stalin is standing at the window. looking at the falling twilight, beria went, well, the americans showed us that... they have a bomb, and the determination to use it too, we must “you lavrenti, get down to business,” said
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stalin. “i’m ready, comrade stalin,” beri replied. to be quick, you need to start with a special committee, including, i assume, the following comrades. stalin out. a sheet of paper and handed it to beria. who to put in charge? asked beria. “i would put vannikov,” stalin answered. let's hope that the forgiven traitor will begin to atone for his sins and selfless work? - asked berry. we must proceed from the fact, lavrente, that in certain circumstances anyone can betray. this is an axiom of politics. not me, then... stalin, answered beru. stalin grinned and looked at beryu appraisingly. the rooster will not have time to crow three times. remember
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the gospel? i remember, berry answered. vannikov is exceptionally energetic and morbidly ambitious, stalin continued. if we promise him another title of hero, he will be on the ground. he says, in this case , only such performers are needed, he paused, and then got tired and said, all over again, what first, this is stalin, have you read about sisyphus? - asked stalin, who was dragging the stone up the mountain, asked the doors, we will carry out industrialization, it will be easier, we will win the war, are you a sezif? asked berry? “i stone laurte”
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stalin said without looking at the bere, and the people sat down, the decree on the creation of a special committee is ready, you become the head of the nuclear state in the state. august 9 , 1900. fifth year, the explosion of an atomic bomb in nagasaki. washington, white house, oval office. before president truman, who was sitting at the table, the head of the us joint intelligence committee, according to document j.329, dated november 3, prepared by us, reported head of the committee. there are 20 urban areas recommended as the most suitable targets. for strikes using atomic weapons: moscow, gorky, kuibyshev , sverdlovsk, novosibirs, omsk, saratov,
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kazan, leningrad, baku, tashken, chelyabinsk, nizhny tagil, magnitogorsk, perm, twilisiy, novokuznetsk, grozny, irkutsk, yaroslavl, with general population of 13 million people, after hesitating a little, president roumain signed the document. stalin and molotov are at the table, will they agree to this? asked molotov. i think not yet. they don't have that many bombs, but if we fail to create our own bombs, they can take advantage of any situation in order to turn our cities into hiroshima nakasa. what to do, let's save molotov. we must not give them the slightest reason for provocation, stalin said with conviction. i have already informed truman of my intention to withdraw our troops from
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czechoslovakia. it will be necessary to prepare the withdrawal of our troops from manzhuria, from northern iran, from the danish island of bordhony, to gradually withdraw our demands to review the status of spitsbergen and danel, to stop in the armenian and georgian press company regarding the region. turkey, formerly populated by georgians and armenians, will have to limit our assistance to the greek guerrillas. retreat on all fronts? - asked molotov. stalin looked at him silently. chief smersh abakumov is in the office. on the night of january 8-9 of this year, a secret search was carried out at zhukov’s dacha located in the village of rublev. near
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moscow, as a result of a search it was discovered that two rooms of the dacha had been turned into a warehouse where a huge amount of various kinds was stored goods and valuables, for example, woolen fabrics, silk, brocade, ponvelvet and other materials in total over 400 m. furs, sable, monkey, fox, fur seal, astrakhan fur and astrakhan fur. total 323 pieces, chevre of the highest quality, 35 koshes, expensive carpets and large-sized tapestries brought from podzdamsky and other palaces, total 44 pieces, valuable paintings of classical painting of large sizes in artistic frames, total 55 pieces, partially stored in a warehouse, stalin walks around... the office,
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looking at what was lying on the tables and sofas, old military maps with offensive arrows drawn on them. continue, expensive sets, tableware and teaware - seven boxes,” abakumov continued. silver set of cutlery and teaware - two drawers. unique hunting rifles from goland goland and others. 20 pieces, this property is stored in fifty- one chests and suitcases, and also lies in bulk. there are paintings that are so valuable that they should be transferred to state museums. at the dacha there is not a single soviet book, but in the bookcases a large number of books in beautiful bindings with gold embossing are worth
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exceptionally. in german, stalin looks at the map, the plan for the berlin operation of the first belarusian front, and without looking at bakumov, says: “go.” moscow, kremlin, cinema hall. january 15, 1946. on the screen there is a long procession of people going to ask tsar ivan the terrible to remain in the kingdom. ivan groznyj. raises his head and looks at the crowd for a long time, the crowd kneels down , stalin, sitting in the hall, turns to director eisenstein, who is sitting in the country, and speaks quietly, we found out a wonderful picture, comrades, we counted, i think the state will honor it. thank you, thank you
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three stalin, thanked esenstein. go to the moss exhibition! or maybe to me? better wa delicious point. check out the clips. a real reason to meet. superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends. hurry up! buy and win a trip, i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out you can get 20%, i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out you can open a deposit in different banks at once, for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%, financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. sios, professional hair restoration, shampoo and conditioner. with re-
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intensive formula with keratin amino complex, it deeply restores the hair structure and seals split ends. hair is restored, strong, smooth. siès. hair looks like it came out of a salon, every day. cosmically delicious. and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat for sausages appears. cherkizova. this is not ogan straus. this. active formula for accelerated penetration into the source of pain and inflammation nice active - pain reduce its goal to get down to business, almost everyone is waiting for the right moment, the glue moment is with you so that you are not afraid to start and bring it to...


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