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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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it turns out that money has its own marketplace. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands. when the main trophy of 20 million is right in front of you. every 15 minutes. for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. stoloto. burgers taste better when cooked over fire. how do you like the class, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%. vtb, together, everything will work out. inforce 2.990 tool box for all tools. connect your subscription with berprime. more cashback categories to choose from, access to films and tv series in okko and music in sound, and cashback up to 70%. in
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the megamarket in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. sensoy. sensoy, sansoy. this is what asian tastes like. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. you're a girl, this is not a woman's business. but you didn't listen. you 're doing everything wrong. continue! alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank, the best bank for business. go to the moss exhibition. or maybe to me? better at a tasty point. check out the clips.
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a real reason to meet, a super box with clips of hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, what we bring from travel with avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito trip everything will go as booked with cashback, bonuses, i wanted to open a deposit at 18% , it turns out you can get under 20, have you thought about opening a deposit in one bank? it turns out that you can use different ones at once, for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from moscow exchange. and now there are new personnel from the ministry of defense. the iskander m crew struck a parking lot of a railway train of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov region, killing up to 120 militants. about 20 units of enemy
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equipment, including three mardor infantry fighting vehicles. the department reported this. vladimir putin signed a number of laws, the first on an annual family payment for working russians with two or more children. this applies to citizens with low incomes. in fact, they will be able to return seven of the 13% of personal income tax for the year. new rules will come into force from january 1, 2026. another law on increasing military pensions will be indexed by more than 5% from october 1 this year. the legal information portal also published a document signed by the president, which obliges deputies and senators to coordinate trips abroad with the leadership of the chambers of parliament; in case of violation, they may be deprived of their mandate. well, volgograd is currently hosting a match for the russian super cup . zenit, which won. last
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season, the championship, the national cup, met with krasnodar, which took second place in the rpl. the first half has already ended, the blue-white-blues are in the lead. our correspondent danil makhalin is monitoring the progress of the confrontation; he is now in direct contact with us. danil, greetings, what is the atmosphere like now at the vilgograd arena and what are your general predictions for the second half? yes, greetings from volgograd, here today. big football and a serious holiday atmosphere, it’s very easy to make predictions here after the end of the first half, because zenit is already leading at this point with a score of 3:0 and absolutely no point krasnodar outplays any chance. zenit won the championship, zenit won the cup, but given that krasnodar took second place at the end of last season, it was a battle of the two that came together in the match for the super cup.
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the endings come already for the media, but it feels like today, at least about the same number of viewers, there are absolutely no empty seats, and what you see now is this.
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flew out of the license plates at full speed into parked cars. as you can see, several of them were thrown onto the sidewalk, where there were passers-by, the bmw itself overturned and caught fire. information about victims appears on social networks, but their exact number has not yet been specified. the driver is alive, but nothing is known about his condition yet. at least seven were injured as a result of the accident. car, traffic police, emergency services and ambulance officers are currently working on the scene. well, now a short advertisement, immediately after on our air, a special report by mikhail chibanenko about how the appearance of residential buildings in moscow is being transformed.
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all over moscow, old houses are looking younger a monument of historical heritage is given its original appearance, and panel high-rise buildings, built back in the middle of the last century, and later, are now acquiring a modern look, the work carried out by painstaking builders and restorers, somewhere unique and of high quality, thanks to the latest technologies. a pre-military residential building on leningradsky prospekt, stalinsky empire, pilots, heroes of the soviet union, aircraft designers lived here, the fact that the facade needed to be saved became clear from the stains, chipped cornices, damaged linden, so these walls have not yet seen a major renovation. the building has complex architectural forms, a rusticated façade, half-length crowning cornices and rods, and complex forged elements on the balcony railings. we will restore this façade to its historical appearance and restore its historical color. unique
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design solutions for each facade. the main and main goal of the major renovation is to update the appearance of this house, while maintaining its historical appearance. for this purpose, materials are used and new ones are applied technologies that will allow the house and its appearance to be preserved for many years, that is, we will give this house. life. before starting a major renovation of the facade, the contractors carefully studied photographs from more than eighty years ago and architectural documents. the renovation of this part of the old house is at the final stage, almost everything here is ready for painting, very soon workers will take on the facade of this adjacent building, and other hydrophobization technologies will be used here, applying an invisible film to preserve the classic. brickwork. when overhauling residential buildings in moscow, various modern
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technologies are used, each depending on the year the building was built, complexity, and architectural style. we also have a new type of renovation of the architectural appearance of buildings that are dominant in their area. this program is subsidized by the city of moscow. our work will lead to preserving the appearance of moscow using high-tech materials. and the use of new work methods to maintain maximum and comfortable conditions residents of the city of moscow. hundreds of metropolitan high-rise buildings have fundamentally different ways of working with surfaces. builders make wet facades using liquid solutions and use polymer mixtures. this type of plaster is elastic, scratches and damage are invisible on it, ventilated facades are installed, for example, fiber cement... boards, heat and sound insulation, the ability to play with color schemes, are just some of the advantages of such
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panels. historical facades. to repair houses of cultural value, attract not only builders, but sculptors, restorers, as well as hydrophobization, which we have already mentioned, the application of an invisible film on brick. the facade of this house in the north of moscow is treated with such a liquid; it was built in the fifties of the last century. this is our transparent composition, which is used to repel moisture from... these are the surfaces of the building facade, and this hydrofabization also protects the facade from salts, and from blowing, since we have seams on this facade, it also protects from precipitation, chipped or the building materials that have fallen out over time will be replaced,
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stucco molding, modulars, architectural details on external slabs, and various other decorative elements will have to be restored to their original form. material for processing brick houses is produced here. specialists from the company with which the moscow capital repair fund works have come up with their own technology for producing a water repellent. this reactor is equipped with special temperature sensors that maintain the required temperature, the required amount of time, and also maintains mixing speed. for the desired effect, the smallest details and mixing speed are important.
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inside and brick and become structurally contaminated, if treated with a water repellent, it will remain on the surface like this and run off the brick, and not only from the brick, as you can see, it does not get wet at all, in general, fiber cement boards will make this nondescript one more attractive panel house under products that... sheathe a high-rise building with mineral-watt basalt insulation, a material that does not burn, but the multi-colored rectangular panels themselves can be mounted either horizontally or vertically, a kind of tetris. for example, i now have a profile in my hands, on this object it is often used as a horizon, well , a vertical one that has not yet been installed, so,
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accordingly, thanks to such a system, we can play with the cladding material with it. checkers there, well, somehow arrange them differently. clothing for panel houses is produced in obnensk, kaluga region. these products do not harm the environment, do not burn, are durable and quite durable. our stoves are distinguished by the fact that they are very human-friendly. all the components that make up them are absolutely harmless to people, so our boards are compatible, including with residential construction. it should be noted that... it is absolutely not included in the composition of our slabs, and in fact our equipment would not allow us to produce asbestos slabs containing cement, environmentally friendly karelian cellulose, micromarble, all this before being sent for molding, as it should, it is crushed, mixed, the authors of the technology prefer not to rush, the slabs are dried in an oven for several weeks, matured, and
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then the product is tested, the third class of strength, our blyta is matted. to integrate this house into the urban environment in general, paint the slabs and take it to ruza near moscow; here, thanks to technology , any shades requested by the customer are selected for the fiber cement panels. in one minute we pass 4 m of slabs; during a shift we can paint from 600 to 740 slabs. special
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technique leads to increased service life panels. domestic non-toxic paint will not fade for a long time and will not crack. the façade panels are ready for shipment, the transport gray and copper-brown colors will be sent to construction sites for the capital repair fund; the gray-brown color has been chosen directly for the residential building on the mazhaisk highway. one of the houses in the south-west of moscow has been covered with tiles since its construction, but now it will have a completely different look. view - walls with relief coating, insulation in interpanel seams, screens on balconies are also changed the basement is being restored. these are lost elements, the tightness of the panels is broken. after a major overhaul, the facade takes on this appearance, which was achieved by applying a plaster layer with a reinforcing mesh, followed by the application of
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a decorative element, followed by painting. and builders and professional restorers, certified by the ministry of culture of russia, specialists in working with stone, wood, metal, were involved in the overhaul of this house; this is the only way to return it. our house has not been renovated 70 years, there has never been any major repairs here, so we found it in its original form, we still have the same way it was built, it’s as if nothing had been done there, well, except for some ongoing minor repairs, that’s how it is some of them began to crumble. structures, some decorative elements, naturally they will be restored. previously, the appearance of an ancient building
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was rarely touched upon, only by the management companies serving it, and there was no major renovation of the facade at all, somewhere they greased it up, somewhere they strengthened it with wire so that it just didn’t fall on the heads, somewhere i’m just saying, they just smeared paint on top, here you can see the layers of paint yourself repeatedly. on the quantity, as a result, on the railings there are railings of different sizes, sloppy strokes, paints, stucco moldings, cornices are missing in places, designers who work with the archive each time report more and more new details, for example, the giant gates into the arches were not originally black, here you see, under the layers of paint there are elements of gilding, that is, it will be restored to its original form, gates with... minutes will be taken to the workshop, many decorative elements, tulips on the rods, the lower leaf needs to be restored, but first the workers had to swing the gates, the shutters seemed to have grown into their hinges, they were open
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for several decades, corrosion tightly bound the metal parts, the house itself on the red gates it will become lighter, because initially the high-rise was sand-colored; workers , centimeter by centimeter, remove layers of dust and paint, getting to the shades of seventy years ago. accordingly , the form and form will be put in order and the geometry of the bollards, the shape and geometry of the sickhouses themselves, the fences, in full. in addition, the restoration of the facades will also put the decorative elements of the facade in order. let me remind you that this was such an advanced technology, basically it was a brick building, hung with decorative elements of the facades. many remain to be restored.
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lost decorative elements will be restored using documents, photographs and rescued relics. now the courtyard is noisy and dusty, but the residents are ready. be patient they say that in recent years it has been dangerous to walk under the windows, and no one could calmly watch how the facade of the legendary moscow high-rise collapsed. this year , 900 facades of residential buildings will be repaired throughout moscow, and a huge part of the work is already at the final stage. elegant, technologically advanced, beautiful, and most importantly - a guarantee for many decades.
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bomber, only we have an interview with a military pilot in the strategist’s bowl and the tsar bomb of the svo, is it true that the fab 3000 changed the course of the war? why did the americans call indians during modi's visit to moscow? friendly to the indian people, peacemaker of prosperity. thank you! who else was covered on novoogorev's veranda? when will kiev send teenagers into the trenches? mobilize human resources, you need eighteen-year-olds, you need
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twenty-year-olds and twenty-one-year-olds. how did biden invite putin's stage? ladies and gentlemen, president putin. what did zelensky mumble in response? i'm better. how orban will be punished for his visits to moscow and marola. the most unusual unit of the army.
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plus he lost the prospect of becoming an economic center on the volga, but it was thanks to this i bought something that no amount of money can buy. volga cultural anomaly. big news with evgeny popov. on sunday at 20:00 on the russia channel.
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ro, home-written magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing in van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanically, and beat yourself on the head, you have a cage where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m taking it to the wrong place you're a fool, you want where you need to go, i can't live without travel, flint, he doesn't need a pen, who has... niva in his pocket, soon!
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are you used to watching videos online? stopped work? install, open, look.
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russian channels all series. movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the app or on the website, this is russia 24, we continue to talk about the main thing for today, well, at the beginning, new footage from the ministry of defense, an iskander m crew hit a railway train of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov region , in the video from a drone the moment the train was hit, but the results are burning enemy military equipment, about twenty units in total, including three infantry fighting vehicles marder is german-made, with up to 120 ukrainian fighters with them at once.


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