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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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at the same time, zelensky has become increasingly paranoid about russia's alleged attempts to kill him and destabilize ukraine's leadership, according to a senior european official who has held talks with the leader. para noe, according to the medical dictionary, is a thinking disorder characterized by the gradual development of delusional ideas. at the same time, the person’s character does not change, he remains emotional and active, hallucinations are not typical, however... the specific idea is completely captivating the patient’s consciousness does not allow him to think about anything else. thoughts of jealousy, obsessions, mania of persecution, fear poisoning are observed; such a person can complain about everyone. treatable with antipsychotics, why not zelensky? as for the fear of being liquidated, such fears are in vain. back in march twenty -two, former israeli prime minister navtaly bennett, after negotiations in the kremlin...
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reported to israel that putin is not going to kill vladimir zelensky, but why? now i want to give the floor to the president ukraine, who is as courageous as he is decisive. ladies and gentlemen, president putin. i 'm better. biden is another matter, when at the nato summit he presented putin as a courageous and decisive man, all the leaders of the country. they do everything he says and thus confirm that they represent us satellite countries, or they simply like vladimir putin deep down in their hearts, even if they carefully hide it.
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over the course of 10 days, the hungarian prime minister visited kiev, moscow, beijing and washington. judging by orban’s video, the friends discussed issues of war and peace over a glass of california red wine, 2020 vintage. the meritage grape variety is an american attempt to replicate the classic old world vines, merlot and cabernet. orban went to vabank and bet on trump’s victory. that's all, only a miracle can prevent his bets from playing out. cnn, after a conspiracy against biden in congress, reveals another one. former us president barack obama and former speaker of the house of representatives have privately expressed concerns about biden's participation in the election. together with the clintons, bill and hillary, these are the most influential democrats.
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i respect you, but he must go. other hollywood democrats are also demanding that the party candidate be replaced. the star of the cult film once upon a time in america is james woods and michael douglas, who himself just played one of the founding fathers of the united states, benjamin franklin. and before this, the american president, of course, was from the democratic party. a lot depends on what
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taylor swift says. the most influential pop diva of our time. last year, she sold 2.5 million tickets to her concerts in a couple of hours and earned it. by popularity she, if not the beatles yet, is already close to that. considering the singer’s staggering size and army of fans, they even talk about the swift factor. in 2020, she supported biden and said that under his leadership the united states has a chance to start the process. the healing the country so desperately needs. in 2024 , taylor swift is still silent. from the usa, our own correspondent, dmitry melnikov.
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even before the start of the meeting in washington. the us administration warned zelensky to scandalize and publicly comment on the lack of concrete plans to join ukraine is not worth joining nato, as he did at the summit last year. only the day before the arrival of the delegation of western politics, they finally figured out how to refuse the official invitation from kiev. in the final communication, the words that ukraine’s entry into the alliance is not a reversible process, and while kiev is walking along the bridge to nato membership, is solid, but... empty formulation, without obligations, deadlines, but with the ability to extend this bridge indefinitely . for nato, our neighborhood between countries, may we continue to become stronger and closer in all the coming years. biden
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is rolling out nato's armored belt and talking about a consolidation of allies unseen in decades. now not nine, but already 23 members of the alliance are fulfilling their obligations to increase. defense spending up to 2%. in this way, the united states solves its main task: to force europeans to pay more. after the end of the cold war, the alliance was restructured to conduct special operations using compact mobile forces capable of fighting only with an obviously weak enemy. savings on defense spending allowed western countries to live comfortably, but the conflict in ukraine showed that the nato military-industrial complex was not ready for the level of confrontation. weaknesses and holes that emerged in their own defense industrial base during the course of supporting ukraine in the confrontation with the russian federation. as an urgent measure, the nato countries agree to replenish their arsenals with 6
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and a half hundred f-35 fighters and build at least 50 ships and submarines. however, these decisions overshadowed news of the site's deployment. cm6 and promising hypersonic systems. a joint statement from washington and berlin, published on the white house website, emphasizes that cruise missiles will have a significantly greater range than the weapons systems currently deployed in europe. together, the nato countries agreed to create integrated air defense and missile defense systems, which should cover not individual countries, but the entire space of the alliance. for this purpose, a new one will appear in poland. in addition to those already existing in romania, spain and turkey. it is specifically noted that this new the missile defense architecture will complement the deterrence role of nuclear weapons, but will not replace them. that is, taking this opportunity, nato reminds that the alliance is
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a nuclear bloc. it is obvious who this message is addressed to. in the final declaration, russia was mentioned more than 100 times. at the same time, the alliance claims that it is not looking for confrontation with moscow, but... it is its allies that consider it the main threat. zelensky is also present at all events as a living symbol of the confrontation with russia. the meetings of the ukraine-nato council were presented as almost the main thing event of the meeting. without membership, but with weapons. the alliance is trying to console the frayed nerves of the petitioners from kiev. here in washington , the alliance decided on long-term assistance. first, we have agreed on a significant aid package for ukraine. nato will coordinate all military support through the german command in iisbadan. the second is a financial commitment to provide ukraine with at least 40 billion euros of military assistance next year. the third is urgent military support, the fourth is bilateral security agreements with ukraine. there are already
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signed by 20 members and partners of the alliance. fifth, deepening military compatibility. we are working more closely with the armed forces of ukraine, including training centers in poland. together, these elements create a bridge to nato membership. left to the mercy of fate, says that ukraine is ready to convene a second, so-called peace summit even before the elections in the united states, and supposedly russia will be invited to it and at the same time asks for more weapons; negotiations, if they happen, will still have to wait. today i am proud to announce a new package of military aid to ukraine, this will be the eighth package, which i have approved since the signing of the national security law, and we are working with... nato allies to provide ukraine with f-16 flights this summer
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to show the world that we support ukraine now in the future. so, mr. president, thank you again for being here, we have a lot of work to do together. as the pentagon explains, the eighth aid package for kiev , worth $225 million, includes only one petriot battery. in total, nato countries promised to transfer five of these from their reserves systems, dozens of tactical systems will go to ukraine. rome is being guided right now by the united states and its allies, so ukraine will be able to resist
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russian aggression. however, the exact delivery dates for the f-16 are again unknown. the united states, denmark, the netherlands, norway and belgium have pledged to send a total of about six dozen such fighters to ukraine. at the same time, western countries are discussing their possible use on russian territory, the use of western weapons to strike russia, one of the main topics in the time of all performances. at the final press conference, biden let it slip that the united states independently determines targets every day, directs american missiles at russian troops and objects, and immediately reports what to hit.
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strength and determination in supporting ukraine was decided at the nato summit and the new british prime minister
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keir stramer, he, like his predecessors, actively and demonstratively embraced zelensky during their first meeting in washington, in addition to the allocation of almost $ 4 billion, stramer, as reported, personally allowed zelensky to strike territory of russia with british stormshadow missiles, but a day later downing street hastened to refute this statement by the prime minister, was it? whether it was the criticism from the white house or stramer’s personal desire to avoid moscow’s response, one way or another, the british prime minister’s first international exit turned into an embarrassment. and for kiev , this summit in washington did not bring any pleasant surprises. there is no chance of becoming the thirty-third member of the alliance, despite the pretentious words of the west, in the foreseeable future, having put hundreds of thousands of its soldiers on the battlefield zelensky was patted on the shoulder, shook hands and called on him to stand to the end, although more and more often in the western... press began to appear, similar to the truth, figures of real losses of the armed forces of ukraine in this battle of ukraine for nato, and the west is quite
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happy with this. to invite a new ally, we need general agreement, all allies agree that ukraine will become a member of the alliance, but it is too early to say when exactly this will happen. i can only say that together with ukraine we are moving closer and closer to nato membership. this one of the few public statements by nato members about '. ukraine's inevitable membership in the alliance, in order not to spoil the anniversary, the panoramic faces of the kiev delegation tried not to raise the topic at all, but in conversations with the press , individual nato leaders were much more frank.
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to become a member of nato until mr. duda admitted that ukraine could not end its conflict with russia. for russia's help , china and belarus, as well as iran and north korea, were added to the list of direct threats to the west, although it was beijing who was accused this is the first time that so much space has been devoted to the final document. deep concerns about strategic ties with russia have resulted in direct threats to chinese leadership from biden. we need to make sure xi understands that he will have to pay for putting both the asia-pacific region and europe at risk. china must understand that if it supplies russia with information and capabilities, and works with north korea and other countries to help russia with weapons, it will not benefit economically. benefits in the form of the investments he is looking for.
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a separate meeting was dedicated to the chinese threat in washington, hence the presence of us allies in the region at the summit. an alliance that is no longer limited to the geographical boundaries of the north atlantic. western strategies do not hide that a springboard is being prepared for an attack on china, in which, according to the united states , europe will also have to participate. the truth is that we cannot effectively deal with china unless we have the strong support of our european allies. therefore we need hold on.
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administration and the possible arrival of trump is only that in the first case the drift may turn out to be slow, while trump has more than once promised to stage a real revolution in the alliance. and although european nato leaders publicly declared their absolute support for biden and his supposedly excellent physical shape, looking at the current president, everyone understood that
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under his leadership the future of the alliance could turn out to be much more uncertain, even if trump returns. as they also understood that the validity period of all agreements, achieved in washington, as well as the promises made, is limited to november of this year, because already now the interests of the allies and especially ukraine are fading into the background for america. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from the united states. sberbank mortgage. for any type of housing, a house outside the city, better an apartment in the center, vaskriloda, or maybe everything everywhere at once, find a property , submit just one application for a mortgage in the domklik service, this is neogan ostrich, this is
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of responsibility of the north group of forces. based on the results of objective control, the target was hit. the fab-300 carries one and a half tons of explosives; it is currently the most powerful weapon used by the russian army in the combat zone. this is the first time we managed to film. combat work at the secret vks air base , talk to the operator of the tsar bomb. tsar bomb special military operation the fab-3000 on board the su-34 goes on a combat mission, the simplest, most destructive and
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high-precision weapon that changed the course of hostilities. the simplicity and power of the assembled fap 3000 terrifies the enemy. they fly with wings, here they are, look, a bomb , and also for those bombs that are dropped, their wings spread, this formidable weapon is already flying along the given coordinates, everything is ingenious, just a synergy of the soviet military-industrial complex and the russian one. engineering thoughts have led to an outstanding result: a bomb that is essentially not much different from those that was used during the second world war has become an invulnerable weapon of the 21st century.
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the universal module gave a second life to such archaic ammunition as the fap-300, and indeed to any free-falling bombs, due to its simple solutions, it does not contain complex technologies, it is often assembled, by the engineering staff, everything is quite quickly and high accuracy is achieved with using the correction module. as far as i understand, all the heads of our enemy are now occupied with how to counter. act like a fab and so far, fortunately for us, there is no solution, that is no iriste, there patriots and other fashionable american and european systems can’t do anything with it, it’s the protector that makes the bomb aerodynamic and actually turns it into a high-precision weapon, you and i don’t know exactly how far a bomb with an mpc flies, but let’s listen, because what
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the nasty one writes... the country is 70-80 km from the place of application, but the pilots say that it is possible further. western systems simply do not see glide bombs, they do not have engines, like missiles, contrails and heat traces, like samurai is the only way to achieve the goal. any weapon must be such that even a cadet can use it. fapsumpk fully corresponds to this principle of pilots. i accept the ammunition and the aircraft in general for the combat vult. that is the next one. several types of aircraft at once, but most often the vks for such tasks use the modern su-34 fighter bomber, when the su-34 is called a duckling, the pilots don’t mind, well, we call
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it a duckling among ourselves. we can call him, and so that others call him a fighting drake, combat drake, well, well, well, we are leaving the su-34, little little guy, you see, you can only call him a pilot, we have a combat drake in our jackets, now he is sent with a formidable weapon fab 300 on a combat mission, in combat conditions. high intensity, as now in the area of ​​volchansk or leptsov, chasov yar or rabotin, missile and bomb strikes allow us to move forward and save people. with one blow, the fap-300 destroys an enemy fortified area or an entire workshop of a military enterprise. the mass wasted explosive the substance in the bomb is approximately 1,400 kg. and this number leaves all competitors, of course, far behind. the estimated bomb accuracy is prescribed. 54, versions
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of its own, universal planning and correction modules, are 10 m, at the moment, the enemy does not know how to shoot down our bombs , he cannot shoot down the mpk, he cannot shoot down any air defense systems, neither patriots, nor cheetahs, nothing, nothing can shoot down , so of course she terrifies him, she plans the bomb, she plans it, she doesn’t have her own engine, she relies only on - on... on its wings, let's say, that is, the faster, the higher the height and the faster you drop it, the further it will fly, this is the most important thing, cheap and fast, tens of times faster and cheaper, than the missile production cycle, so, of course, this changes everything, and the good news is that we have learned to make them in large quantities, and this inevitably affects the course of the war. evgeniy popov,
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nikolai koskin, the lack of people at the front remains a key problem for the kiev regime; total mobilization only partially solves it. authorities of ukraine and poland announced that recruitment for the so-called ukrainian legion was opening in warsaw. men and women who have left for europe are invited to the front; they have few desires to die. in the west, patience is running out, only europe has already sent kiev.
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there has never been another war in history.


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