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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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the attacker. after the shooting of donald trump , current head of state joe biden addressed the american nation. he declared that politics should not become a battlefield. and dmitry melnikov, the news correspondent in the usa, will talk about the progress of the american election race. after surviving the assassination attempt, trump wanted to postpone his trip to the republican convention in meluka for 2 days, but in his own words he decided not to allow those who wanted to intimidate him to change the course of the election race. acceptance, which until recently seemed devoid of intrigue, delegates they should have simply approved his candidacy; now, due to its intensity and drama, it will definitely go down in the history of american politics. today trump will make a big speech at the convention, all of america is waiting for this speech, but for his delegates he is already a victorious hero. now it’s even difficult to imagine how the delegates to this republican convention, who will fill this hall in a few hours, will greet donald trump when he rises to this floor. podium after
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the security failure in pennsylvania, the rules at this convention in melwaukee were noticeably tightened, according to ironically, the order to strengthen security measures at this convention was given by none other than trump’s main opponent, president joe biden. by the start of the convention , two-meter fences had been erected around the blocks where the convention center is located, and armed secret service agents will now guard not only trump himself, but members of his campaign headquarters. this. the federal government provided him with the highest possible level of security. of national importance and we are prepared and ready to act. a the democratic campaign decided to suspend the airing of campaign videos that portrayed trump as a dictator who must be stopped at any cost. after the assassination attempt on trump, biden himself postponed his planned trip to texas and from the oval office addressed the nation with a call to reduce the intensity and hatred.
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we do not know whether the suspect received help or support, or communicated with anyone? while i speak, law enforcement officials are investigating these cases. the former president was shot. american citizen was killed when he exercised his freedom to support the candidate of his choice, we should not go down this path in america. meanwhile, more and more details are emerging about the identity of the shooter thomas matthew crooks. according to investigators, the twenty-year-old suspect in the assassination attempt on trump did not have any connections with '. canadian or foreign terrorist or extremist organizations, there is no indication that he could act on behalf of a foreign state, as classmates say, the circle consisted of a school shooting club, but he did not achieve great results, but he showed success in mathematics, was unsociable and was attacked by his peers. he was bullied almost every day, he was just a regular outcast, but you know how teenagers are these days. bye fbi. is finding out the details
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of the assassination, trump supporters all over america are buying t-shirts with this now legendary photo taken seconds after the shooting in pennsylvania, they are increasingly accusing the democratic media of what happened, which did not hesitate in using methods to prevent trump’s victory in these elections. we know they are trying to steal the election from us, they will do everything they can to get rid of trump. and yesterday they tried, so we're here to show. one day, the election campaign in america took an unexpected and incredible turn. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from melwaukee, wisconsin. historical. the united states knows
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several cases of assassination attempts on heads of state and presidential candidates. we analyzed what political consequences this ultimately led to. assassination donald trump became the fourth assassination attempt on a presidential candidate in us history. the first time this happened was in 1912 at a campaign rally for theodore roosevelt. the criminal shot him before the start of the performance. the field pierced the case of points and the thick manuscript with the speech, stuck in the chest. roosevelt spoke for an hour and a half. despite the injury. the second candidate for the post of head of the white house, who was assassinated, was robert kennedy sr. the killer shot him right after his victory speech in the primary. the third attempt occurred in 1972. five bullets were fired at george wallis. he was wounded in the stomach and chest, and his spine was broken. the politician remained paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of his life. besides him , three more people were wounded. everyone managed to survive. among the american leaders who were lucky to survive the assassination attempt is andrew jackson. at 183
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, jackson responded to his attacker with a cane. in 1975 , gerald ford was shot twice. president ronald reagan was shot six times in 1981 and was seriously wounded but survived. record holder for assassination attempts to assassinate bill clinton. in just 8 months between 1993 and 1994, there were four attacks on his life. in total , there were several dozen attempts to kill clinton, according to some sources. in 2005 , a grenade was thrown at george w. bush in tbilisi. luckily, it didn't explode. four us presidents were assassinated as a result of assassination attempts.
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the topic is the greater caucasus from sea to sea, we are talking about the integrated development of a number of regions from the black and azov seas to the caspian sea. the forum is attended by members of the government, heads of regions, heads of largest companies, countries, experts, more than 4,000 people in total, and of course there will also be foreign delegations here, from more than 50 countries. the business program includes more than 60 events and scheduled sessions dedicated to the comprehensive development of the north caucasus. they will talk. about investments, the digital economy, the banking environment, about entrepreneurship, of course, such topics as tourism and agriculture, without which it is impossible to imagine our north caucasus, will not bypass the country, they will find their reflection at the forum and completely global topics related to geopolitics and economic confrontation with the west, for example, right
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now there is a session dedicated to cooperation with the countries of eurasia and the expansion of transport corridors, north-south, west-east. the caucasus investment forum will also, of course, become a platform for concluding agreements; more than 70 contracts are planned for signing. the central event of today will be the plenary session, which is called exactly the same as the topic of the forum itself "the greater caucasus from sea to sea." also , in less than an hour, the solemn ceremony of laying the first cubic meter of concrete at the nikholoi gas station will take place in the village of nikholoy, shotoi district republic, so we can say that from the first minutes the caucasian investment forum will be marked not only with words, but also... i will note that the forum is taking place on two sites at once, this is the residence of the head of the chechen republic ramzan kadyrov and the exhibition center, well, i must also add that it is very hot in grozny now, 33°, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, that is, on the second to third day of the forum, the weather forecasters promise 35-36 in general,
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so the space of the caucasian economic forum has every chance of becoming that oasis where you can hide from the heat and lay the foundation for the further prosperity of the regions of the north caucasus. tatiana. konstantin, well, let’s hope, konstantin churikov told how the caucasus investment forum in grozny is going on, how it started working. and then, a short advertisement, and then about natural fires in yakutia. sber loyalty program thanks updated. every month, choose up to five top categories with up to ten cashback. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage on everything, it’s more profitable with a subscription that we bring from travel with avita, cashback bonuses for the next trip,
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sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. the first state radio of russia. more than 100 programs for. 130 million listeners on air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia, now on 101.5 fm. and on the topic of forest fires in yakutia, we managed to localize a large fire with an area of ​​more than 40,000 hectares. in total, more than 1,800 people are fighting fires in the region. people, more than 150 units of ground equipment are involved, but most of the outbreaks are in hard-to-reach areas where they can work. what is
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your situation and is there a threat to residents and settlements? hello, tatyana, in yakutia the situation with forest fires remains tense; in the region today there are 159 natural fires on a total area of ​​865 per day, specialists.
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one in aldansky, one in amginsky, two in kabyaisky, one in mirninsky, one in olekmensky, one in suntarsky and one in usmaisky districts. all forces means now aimed at protecting villages from forest fires, the situation is complicated by dry and hot weather, at least +30°. while the situation is like this, we will continue to monitor developments. tatiana. vitaly, thank you, our correspondent vitaly prokopyev told us about how fires are being extinguished in yakutia. and now a short advertisement. next we will tell you about the ural silk road marathon. pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin. we'll do without. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with
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the monument represents the body of an eagle engulfed in flames, on its wings, the name villages in which ukronazis committed mass murders, in the center of the monument there is a child impaled on a pitchfork, and at the foot of the head are children. i note that due to too violent scenes, many cities of the polish state refused to install this sculpture, but a place was still found for it, this is the village of domostov. dmitry sotnikov from the russian kamaz master team won one of the most difficult races in the world, the international silk road raleigh marathon. and about 100 crews from 13 countries of the world came to the start of the race; in 11 days the participants traveled more than 5,000 km from tomsk to ulanbater. and in direct communication from
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the capital of mongolia, our sports correspondent stas ridikultsev. stas, i greet you, tell me how everything goes and... is it difficult for athletes? yes, tatyana, i welcome you, but it is no coincidence that during the 15 years of its existence, the silk road, made and invented in russia, has gained fame as one of the most difficult races in the world. it really was an exciting and difficult adventure, 5,000 km, of which more than 3,000 were the best off-road. just think about it, athletes crossed different climatic zones, they visited the siberian taiga in the sands of mongolia, and... were in the permafrost zone and of course in the endless mongolian steppes from temperatures from almost zero at night to scorching heat. suns in the daytime off-road winner of the marathon silk road dmitry sotnikov white white tiger
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spent hours behind the wheel for more than 24 hours on returns to the kamaster team in the cargo count, well, sotnikov became the record holder of this race, he wins the title for the fifth time, this has never been achieved before and never immediately after at the finish line we spoke with the winner of the silk road, the floor goes to dmitry sotnikov. great, great, but we are happy to return the tiger to kamaz and prove that kamaz is the strongest team, well, maybe not all the rivals in the world are here, but yes, this is the fifth fifth fifth tiger, but there is always a place for them, they are heavy, they heavy and in weight, heavy and in the race it is given, so it’s great that they didn’t think that we were in fifth place...
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and after the finish, it’s very cool that we finally got to the finish line, it was also another an unforgettable day, every day is new, in fact, thank you very much to the organizers of the silk road rally, because this year it was just super, and what can be remembered, of course, is the sands, it was the sands that i enjoyed the most, and of course getting to the finish line, wow, this is cool, it’s no coincidence that in the world of marathon rallies they say that the one who reached ... the fish has already become the winner, but in a few hours there will be a solemn ceremony where real motorsport heroes will be honored and given their well-deserved awards,
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the main one is the white tiger. tatyana, stas, thank you, stas ridikultsev told about the finish of the silk road marathon rally.
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i welcome everyone who has joined us, studio five is on the air, a place where we traditionally have the opportunity to talk about the events taking place around us a little more carefully than... ar-15.
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the new york post reports that they were able to interview donald trump, publishing excerpts and some of his statements. as for the assassination attempt, as donald trump says, the situation could have ended more tragic if he hadn't turned his head a little to the right to read the data on illegal migrants. in the same interview , donald trump reports that he spoke with joe biden. joe biden called him and he called the conversation very good. stated that biden will allegedly ask to drop two cases against him, meaning criminal prosecution, i remind you, however, so far there is no information confirming such a possibility, except for trump’s words. in addition, the ex-president of the united states, after the attempt on his life, called it fantastic the work of the secret service, whose employee eliminated the shooter with one shot, the question is the actions of the secret service, the questions are more likely
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to be actions. services have been assigned over the past 24 hours after the assassination attempt, it seems to many that, especially in the context of eyewitness statements reporting a certain man with a rifle on the roof, that the secret service did not behave professionally enough, nevertheless, judging by the statements of donald trump, he did this work satisfied. what could such a thing mean, let’s call it an incident that happened to a candidate for president of the united states and a former president of the united states.
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in order to claim world leadership, you need to restore order in your own country, because the terrorist attack that occurred was not accidental, it is a kind of fashion that has been instilled in american society for decades, and therefore, i want to return again to my first thoughts, this society is sick and it is precisely to cure this disease that we must direct it. all the efforts of both the president and both parties, who claim to win the presidential race, this is the key issue, the work of the intelligence services, security, various statements by trump and biden, this is all, of course, information for thought, but at the root of it all lies what i said, society is sick with violence and terrorism and is trying
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to extend this... logic to international relations, this is extremely dangerous and threatens with serious consequences, curiously we are in little agreement with the united states on anything now, let's say, nevertheless, former us department of justice prosecutor ronald siewert says exactly the same thing as you. he says: now the background noise - this quote in political campaigns, can provoke crazy people who are mentally ill to begin with, these are people who need psychological help. and he adds that although he does not have the exact one. soften political rhetoric in the public sphere after they themselves called trump a threat to democracy. judging by these words, judging by what is happening, we can hardly say that any attempts to de-escalate, say, the rage that is now present in american society, that intransigence, and...


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