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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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here are the shots of the filigree work of our poultry houses in the sky above the razdolovka in the dpr, with just such a combat fpv drone, here it is pursuing an attack hexocopter of the armed forces of ukraine like baba yaga. the operator first noticed an enemy vulture that went towards our positions, and then allowed our drone to gain altitude while remaining unnoticed, entered a convenient trajectory into the so -called blind zone and rammed the ukrainian armed forces drone, which... the enemy thoroughly worked on camouflage, the object seemed to merge with a military landscape, but a small serving hole our air reconnaissance aircraft still found the entrance to the dugout.
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they are growing in geometric sequence, russia has really increased the production of the same eagles, ailerons, nakhodtsev lancets, and gyrania, the modernization of existing ones is in full swing, the creation of new models of unmanned weapons, but the enemy cannot be underestimated, that is, now we see a continuing increase in production, they say , that there are enough of them, no, there are not enough, a further increase in production is necessary, as well, actually.
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in most directions of drones, that is, we we see that the number of drones used in war is constantly increasing, increasing, this is again a trend towards the robotization of war, this applies to both aerial drones and others, that is, now we see the segment of sea drones in the process of development, here we are still lagging behind from an enemy who is already actively using them, we still have all this more development, in addition to the growing production of uavs, various types of honing the skills of pilots... here experts promise a real breakthrough in the near future, which, of course, will help it is much more effective for our poultry birds to fight the enemy’s vultures. ukrainian border guards, excuse me now, urgent message from the united states, the republican party has officially nominated donald trump as a candidate for us president.
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ukrainian border guards immediately detained 27 young men who were trying to escape to moldova; if successful, they had to pay the organizer of the escape $7.00 in cryptocurrency, but this time there was no luck, but however, the one-time capture of almost three dozen people is very is indicative for understanding the mass exodus from the square. according to recent polls, half of ukrainians already believe that there is no shame in being a draft dodger, and the more fierce the military commissars are, the more the population will support those who are not going to serve. then, margarita semenyuk observes how mobilization is proceeding in ukraine. they are being held, they say there are no elders, there is no one to talk to, tomorrow they are leaving for the dnieper, they have updated the data. territorial recruitment centers are a short way to the front. people on the front line there is a catastrophic shortage, ukraine is cracking under western pressure, the pace of mobilization has doubled in recent months. at the summit in washington, iva dolder, us ambassador, appears on the notorious euron tv channel. blocked in russia, he suggested
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conscripting eighteen-year-olds. what ukraine needs to do is mobilize human resources? this is a war fought by forty year olds, no other war in history has been fought with forty year olds, you need to recruit eighteen year olds, you need to recruit twenty-year-olds you need to recruit twenty one-year-olds. in odessa minibuses every morning , instead of military commissars as conductors, there are police officers, new examples of barbaric mobilization.
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okay, and then i hit a possible employee of the shopping center with a good punch. they are sent to the front line with virtually no preparation, and as statistics from a sociological survey in ukraine have shown,
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instead of visiting military registration and enlistment offices, ukrainians track down the cars of tcc employees, and at night they stage a fire show, the arson becomes a partisan flash mob, they burn almost all over the country. what are we doing here? good evening, playground 275, what are we doing here with money? by increasing the pace of mobilization and tightening the law, the kiev authorities. memorial war cemetery. the initiators of the ministry of veterans affairs assure that there is a request for this, and 100,000 dead will be able to be housed in such branches. margarita
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semenyuk, kozbek gagaev, valeria sapegina, news. eight dozen settlements may be in the flood zone, and the total number of victims will be 900,000. ukraine was previously warned by the russian foreign ministry that moreover, of course, the square authorities intend to place the blame for a possible man-made disaster on russian forces. about the preparation of such a provocation from the outside. the corresponding information background is already being prepared. it’s not for nothing that a frightening visualization of what the flooding of kiev will look like began to be promoted in ukrainian public pages; zelensky’s gang may well use the disaster for the media effect of direct involvement. countries into the conflict, especially since the technology had already been tested earlier at the kokhovskaya dam, the explosion of which forever changed the life of the region, although the kiev regime cares little about such costs, but meanwhile , footage like this is already being filmed on the site of the former reservoir, a forest has grown there, what are the consequences of
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this phenomenon, we’ll figure it out together with vadim zavodchenkov. russia now has its own jungle, on the site of the former kokhovsky... the reservoir is being formed, perhaps the largest forest in europe. the impenetrable wilds of young willow stretch for more than 100 kilometers; one year was enough for the biosphere to adapt to the changes in the landscape. the fact that plants are water-loving others have populated the territory of beer; this is certainly a natural process. if there is land, it is fertile, we just need to understand how fertile it is. it is contaminated as a result of this discharge. amazing shots come from both our side and the ukrainian side. environmentalists call what is happening a unique precedent. for 70 years , there was a huge artificial reservoir in this place; an area of ​​more than 2,000 km was flooded in
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the interests of energy and water supply of the ukrainian ussr, but in 2023, having lost all benefits. from the reservoir, criminal the kyiv regime destroyed the kokhovskaya gas dam. very quickly the sea turned into a gray lifeless wasteland, and the dnieper returned to its historical course. who could have imagined that nature would fix everything so quickly. satellite images now show the bottom of the reservoir bright green. more than 150,000 hectares were occupied by young forest, mainly willows and... poplars, approximately the same territory is occupied by the famous beloveshskaya pushcha, which means that the kochovo jungle can become the largest forest in europe, it is already inhabited by wild boars, hares, badgers, the forest will be develop, will change, the types
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of plant resources that will survive on the territory, they will gradually change, the growth of plants, the environment has become more favorable for land... belly, in fact, they went there, well, if we remember the well-known chernobyl disaster, they fenced territory, people have been resettled from there, please, the animals are feeling pretty good there... as for the strategic importance of the forest, it does not give us or the enemy any advantages, the trees reach only 2.5-3.5 m in height so far they don’t compete with each other for space, so the very thick shoots at the moment are an impenetrable wall. in kiev , which has spent hundreds, if not thousands of lives trying to drop troops into the area
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, it’s a little easier here, because we have a flatter coast and we can take a reconnaissance vehicle into the air, see what they are doing there on the shore, and forestall their actions. the forest will have a much more serious impact on the local climate; during the years of so-called independence, ukraine desperately sold local businessmen cut down their wealth, including forests, everything they could reach with axes, and this... turned into a disaster. desertification has begun in ukraine. according to
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local climatologists, by the middle of the 21st century. and the breadbasket of independent europe will turn into a wasteland. however, this does not threaten new russian regions. large forests retain more moisture, which is why the temperature in the kokhov jungle area may drop by 2-3° and precipitation will become heavier. yes. in this case, i think it’s a fairly advantageous situation for everyone, why advantageous situation? firstly, this bank is being drained, but it is no longer so swampy, gradually it will even be possible to walk there and, so to speak, not only walk, but maybe even drive, this is the first moment, the second moment in the steppes, and these are, so to speak, very strong steppes, so to speak, hot steppes, there are dry winds, and in this way it will be possible to protect yourself from dry winds. undoubtedly, the kiev decision makers are already drooling over a new landscape object;
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cutting down and selling the largest forest in europe is tempting, but they will have to curb their appetites. almost the entire territory of the kokhovsky jungle is within the borders of the russian federation. detachments of several brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as fighters from one of the formations of a prohibited terrorist group, today found themselves under intense artillery fire from the outside.
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not only a filter-ventilation unit, which allows operation in contaminated areas, but also an air conditioner, which allows the crew to work at a temperature of +65°. a gun developed and put into production as an anti-tank artillery weapon for a motorized rifle brigade of the western group troops learned to use to solve a wider range of problems. designed to destroy armored vehicles with direct fire, but we got the hang of it, we work with... we destroy enemy infantry or dugouts, the penetration ability helps to open any dugout, two or three
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attacks, it doesn’t matter to her, the main thing is to hit, we hit, we make them feel bad, hurt, unpleasant , they are trying to destroy us, 136 1.49, level 0.5, the accuracy of the shot is recorded by reconnaissance drones, with the help of which the coordinates of the targets were obtained. a given area where you need to do passage to the armed forces of ukraine, birds immediately start opening fire on you, fpv, drones, everything immediately starts working to stop the car so as not to make a passage, nothing
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works, because the car is very reliable, and passages are made where necessary, reinforced armor. the maneuvers involve the loud and harsh ships of the pacific fleet and several frigates of the prc naval forces. the program is extensive and is designed for several days, including the crew will conduct joint air defense exercises, work anti-submarine warfare resupply on the move. the head of our chinese bureau, alexander baletsky, will show spectacular footage. please convey our heartfelt greetings to all officers and sailors.
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thanks a lot. st. andrew's flag in chinese janjiang. here the headquarters of the southern fleet of the people's republic of china is developing together with the chinese crew. submarines, and before going to sea, the sailors of the two countries study the technical features of the ships of the two countries, the russians are on the floor without mints nanin, the chinese officers are climbing up... i have already participated in joint exercises with russia, but it was my first time on a russian ship, it’s like meeting an old friend, these are our friends, brothers in arms, we already have a tradition and have been conducting our joint exercises with the chinese naval forces for more than 10 years, this alliance is absolutely is not intended to threaten
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another state in any way; on the contrary, they symbolize the maintenance of stability. in the asia-pacific region. the ships of the pacific fleet arrived in janjiang on friday, escorted by a chinese pilot. chinese on the pier the military orchestra was already playing katyusha. and why the russian sailors are here was explained in detail in the chinese news. the goal is to demonstrate the resolve and ability of both sides, strengthen joint responses to maritime security threats, and maintain international and regional peace. the threats are nato's expansion into asia. the chinese military is increasingly detecting american ships near its territorial waters. and us aviation is conducting overt surveillance and air defense here, also in the joint maneuvers program. already the thirteenth maritime interaction will last until wednesday. the interaction itself, of course, will continue further, especially since it is not limited only to maneuvers and
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exercises; right now, chinese and russian warships are conducting joint patrols in the pacific region. and the main thing here is the ability to find a common language in all senses, therefore the training program also includes an introduction to the cuisine of the two countries; the russian sailors here were gladly demonstrated the basics of traditional gymnastics with swords in chinese social networks, these shots are already breaking viewing records. alexander baalsky, maxim golopakchiy, nikolai petrov, lead china. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll tell you about: i'm hungry for language! an agent who escaped from russia is now entertaining ukrainians at a wedding in italy. how much does a jackdaw foreign agent cost?
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by the moment, the moment for those who get down to business, world blockbusters on the yandex market, and what were you waiting for, maybe a techno p6 neo smartphone with a 19% discount, and start your journey into business with the support of sber, in sber business they will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register, all this for free, we are opening the way to business, sberbusiness, i was expecting a quiet walk around berlin, but unexpectedly i heard russian speech, the situation in which foreign agent arthur smolyaninov found himself this weekend, a fugitive actor included in the list of terrorists and extremists, was accidentally identified.
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attack his opponent, but he was also defiantly restrained by his companions, but the former star fully felt the people’s love, and after admitting his readiness to perform in front of the kiev militants , he can hardly count on anything more, unless that the services of the fugitive russian actor will suddenly be needed by some fugitive, rich ukrainians? well, at least the intelligence agent galkin seems to have settled in well in this society, and the ukrainian press even wrote about his last speech at the wedding, well, in a negative tone, but... anastasia ivanova will tell you what it was and, most importantly, how much it cost. one sunny summer day
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, exclamations in crooked ukrainian scattered over the italian lake coma; these were the attempts of the runaway agent galkin to please his customers. they make music they paid anyway. such sincerity in quotes about the agent isn’t it clear from his face that the party is clearly not his, but you can learn a couple of songs if they pay from 100 thousand euros, or more than 9 million if in rubles. this is the fee of the foreign agent galkin in the role of wedding host, as ukrainian media resources report, mockingly, noting that the agent staged a primitive stand-up about a woodpile. we will not translate to highlight all the efforts of the foreign agent. the password is ukrainian, so what is it?
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it’s strange that gopak hasn’t danced yet, although who knows, but here’s how the foreign agent already pulled out notes on stage indoors at the same wedding, pelhits of ukrainian singers, only there was no one near him at all, but the author of the song stepan giga, emoji fire on the extremist social network set, a powerful assessment, of course the russians did not invite galkin, who it remains that the americans or the germans know him well there, but no, of course. that’s why ukrainians remain, which means that ukrainians naturally put forward strict demands, you speak ukrainian, sing ukrainian songs, you’ve already eaten all the old ones his income, now he needs at least some three 33 pieces of silver, but to earn money, so i’m sure that his fee is now a pittance, and it turns out that he has to go on the customer’s terms, and the customer apparently can afford it, since the whole wedding reportedly
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cost a million euros, here... the young wife angelina terskaya, as is known from social networks, and the groom incognito, not a word about him, however , there are no more photographs of the univesta celebration itself, deleted, as if songs for the young were not bawled in the language, terskaya herself put the flag of ukraine in profile, although from ukraine itself left after the start of the svo, travels, is reportedly involved in the tourism business, and is now making excuses to subscribers, saying that she is about to return with her husband to her homeland, but still she was hated for an expensive wedding, while her compatriots.
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does not happen, galkin may face a lack of orders from citizens of ukraine, today they hated this lady, about whom, in principle, the general ukrainian public knew nothing, and tomorrow they may also hate other wealthy ukrainians, that is, now the agent aimed at the square audience, who are the next corrupt kiev officials, in any case, the ukrainians themselves are paying. foreign agent galkin, as it turned out, is not ashamed to sell himself, let the ukrainian media then go after all those who have appeared nearby. for example, a singer from lutsk, monatik, became famous for dancing together with foreign agent galkin on the same stage in italy, ukrainian media write. for galkin to be the jester of bandera criminals, murders, mass torture, kidnapping people and sending them by force to the front against them convictions, against their... desires, and at the same time
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organ trafficking, child trafficking, galkin will be soiled to the very ears with all this, all this blood, dirt, all this pus, all this will cover galkin. galkin doesn’t understand this now. it seems to him that bandera’s members are good spectators because they are willing to pay money to dance at their weddings. foreign agent maxim galkin will apparently last a month, because only in mid-august. now the birth is announced, a concert is expected in jurmala, so now, teach latvian?
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several large metallurgical facilities in russia went into operation today, the start was given by the president via video link, what did the head of state talk about with industry participants on the eve of their professional holiday? a large landscape fire near novorossiysk was localized; a criminal case of negligence was opened into the fire. meanwhile, in neighboring crimea they are also fighting outbreaks; fire broke out in several points of the peninsula at once. the european union is fenced off from hungary all because of initiatives budapest on resolving the ukrainian crisis, why doesn’t the eu need peace? trump is the republican presidential candidate. now officially, the decision was announced at the party congress. there, the ex-president announced that he was nominating republican senator james david vance for the position of deputy.


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