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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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a ukrainian drone attacked a low-voltage plant this night. in the kursk region, as reported by the interim acting head of the region, no workers were injured, but a fire broke out in one of the workshops, and firefighters from two districts were brought in to extinguish it. russian assault troops are knocking out the enemy from territories under his control in the zaporozhye region. to help our fighters are drones with various types of ammunition, as well as aviation artillery. the militants find themselves with less resistance due to a lack of personnel. resources from the combat line
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contacts, report by our war correspondent igor pikhanov. soldiers of an anti-tank platoon are preparing kamikaze drones to be sent to the front line. in this mission , drone operators assist assault teams in clearing enemy positions. each one carries different types of charges, cumulative charges are intended to combat firing points and well-fortified positions, fragmentation charges are intended to combat mortars. drone cameras show that the gray zone resembles a lunar landscape, the ground is crisscrossed with hundreds of craters from shell explosions, experienced uav operators quickly find camouflaged targets and destroy them, as if uav strikes force the enemy to abandon their guns and hide in dugouts. basically, there is a war of drones going on now, as we fly, our guys fly, so they, well, most likely, of course, they no longer have enough people, the enemy has completely grounded.
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the fighters captured enemy positions and occupied a strategic point. the ssu lost the opportunity to deliver ammunition and reinforcements to neighboring sectors of the front. officers say the unit consists of professionals, almost all have state and departmental awards. among them are fighters with the call signs zolotoy and farah. these are two siblings. both are commanders of anti-tank squads. we monitor the enemy, figure him out, work against him. tank guns in rabotino
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we have been in for more than a year, success has been good, in 3 months we have taken this rabotino, units of the ministry of defense are increasing pressure at the front, destroying enemy positions, military equipment and crews every day, our kamika drones, long-range artillery and tactical artillery are working against the enemy aviation. igor pikhanov, sergey teliseev, lead the zaporozhye region. anti-aircraft gunners of the group of troops of the east. active enemy shells in the south-donetsk direction. the crews of the buk anti-aircraft missile system from buryatia, which protect our troops and civilians from militant attacks in the donetsk people's republic, distinguished themselves. the locations of plant launches change several times a day. the radar station is well hidden. the antenna detects all enemy objects, from small drones to aircraft. and helicopters.
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the head of the russian ministry of defense sent congratulations to the soldiers of the fifth separate guards tank tatsin brigade. they participated in the liberation of urozhayny. the message was published on the telegram channel of the military department. it notes the courage and heroism of our military. now the brigade is pushing back the enemy in the southern donetsk direction. as a result of her professional and decisive actions , the enemy suffers losses and retreats. another telegram in connection with the release of the harvest. addressed to the personnel of the fortieth separate guards marine brigade. in the message says, i am liberating the donetsk people's republic and the zaporozhye region from neo-nazis, the military is showing courage and dedication. the queue of cars at the crimean bridge doubled overnight, according to the operational headquarters, the night before, and approximately 300 cars were waiting to pass. now the waiting time exceeds 2 hours. ambulance duty has been organized. assistance,
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also the number of drinking water distribution points has been increased, i note that the first traffic jams appeared with the beginning of the holiday season, in the first days of july, the traffic jam stretched for 13 km. us senator from the state of agyo, jan dee vance, whom trump announced as the republican vice presidential candidate, gave a long interview on fox news. he harshly criticized the democrats’ policies and said that if trump wins, he will immediately take care of problems within the country and expel illegal migrants, whom biden let in in large numbers. he will also arrange a meeting with the president of russia and personally become a mediator in peace negotiations in ukraine. this conflict.
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everyone agrees, even many of me democratic colleagues privately agree with this, we will simply stop sending the last of the money, we will ask ukraine where the billions of dollars spent on it went, what is the goal, what are we trying to achieve there, such a policy will avoid the risk of escalating a nuclear war, and the united states will be able to focus on the real problem, which is china. now alexander's economic news the european union is increasing purchases of russian gas, despite all plans to refuse. our raw materials, the german media report this, but tell us in what what volumes are being supplied now? tatyana, almost 5 billion cubic meters in may, for now on to other topics. the bank of russia has suspended the publication of daily statistics outside the foreign exchange market. he
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made this decision to limit the influence of sanctions. as a result, data on trading volumes in the dollar, euro and yuan will be temporarily unavailable, however, the official ruble exchange rate of the central bank will continue to be calculated on... a basis. the recycling fee for vehicles and trailers could increase by an average of 785% this year. and further will increase by 10-20% per year until 2030. the ministry of industry and trade has prepared a corresponding project. for road construction equipment , the possibility of increasing the rate by 15% per year from 2025 is being considered. moreover, in all cases , indexation will affect only that equipment. which is mass- produced in sufficient quantities in russia and belarus. it is assumed that the gradual indexation of the recycling fee may affect cars, light vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks , buses, trailers and semi-trailers, as well as some types
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road construction equipment. please note that with regard to the import of automotive equipment, the changes will not affect individuals who wish to independently bring to russia a car with an engine capacity of up to... for personal use, comply with the established rules for paying customs duties and taxes. possible indexation will not affect the cost of domestic automotive and special equipment, thanks to state support measures, the ministry said in a statement. moreover, according to market participants, the increase in recycling collection will be stimulate the launch of new car production projects in russia, and will also help our manufacturers increase the level of localization and strengthen it. technological independence. russian gas supplies to the european union are growing, despite sanctions. this conclusion was reached in the german newspaper handels-blat based on data from the consulting company icis. they believed that in may of this year the eu purchased from us a third more gas than in september 2022,
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almost 5 billion cubic meters. the growth is significant, and most importantly, constant noted the authors of the article. according to them, some countries of the union are already questioning this. projects through which europe wanted to diversify imports. in particular, one of the lng terminals planned in greece simply cannot now be implemented, the newspaper emphasized. meanwhile, this country is more than 60% dependent on russian supplies. the eu's plans to abandon our gas seem less and less realistic to experts. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the official exchange rates for today are the dollar 87 rubles. 80 kopecks. euro 9578 on this i have so far that's it, tatyana, thank you, this was economic news with alexandra nazarova. and now to the topic of natural fires: over the past 24 hours, more than one and a half hundred fires were extinguished, and another 303 are being eliminated. the most difficult
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situation is still in the east of the country, so in transbaikalia, according to air forest protection data , more than 100 outbreaks were recorded, in yakutia 76. in the amur region, the fire spread even more. fifty planes and helicopters 86 are monitoring around the clock. the tense situation in the krasnodar region, five natural fires are being extinguished there, three of them have already localized, the ministry of natural resources reported. the largest fire, let me remind you, was recorded on sunday; the fire broke out on the territory of the obraovsky reserve, affected several tour buses and was actively moving towards the durso farm. the night before , another fire was discovered in the area of ​​gelendzhuk, the fire is high and it is spreading quickly, the fire was stopped, the total area in this area is about 2 hectares, at
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a meeting of the operational headquarters the day before it was decided to install seven forest fire stations in the region stations, they will help to quickly detect and quickly extinguish fires. and in crimea , four natural fires were extinguished over the past day; work is still underway in the most difficult area in the karadakhsky nature reserve near koktabel. according to the ministry of emergency situations, approximately 30 hectares are burning ; an airmobile group was brought in from the scene , our correspondent yana shcherbaty reports: hundreds of square meters of forest have been burned almost to the ground, more than 10 hours have passed since the fire started, but the fire cannot be extinguished. in the karodaksky nature reserve in this very place there is a nursery of rare endemics. the flame is doused with water, but it flares up with renewed vigor. 30 hectares are covered in thick smoke and fire. strong wind, hot, hard to get here. the fire started on the steep slopes of an ancient extinct volcano, the place is called karamanovskoye, we have a local name, but
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they say as eyewitnesses that it caught fire because of an angle grinder, people bought a dacha, so they built something there, and because of this the fire started, it’s difficult to get here with special equipment, you have to walk, helicopters from the ministry of emergency situations and the national guard are circling in the sky above the reserve, without aviation, one of the most severe fires in the history of kaktybel would have been impossible to extinguish, rescuers came to the rescue... the fire could not be localized even by late evening, the weather interfered. at night, near the reserve , almost 300 rescuers fought against the elements, but the operational headquarters was working, the main thing was to prevent the fire from spreading over a large area. the main efforts were made to protect the settlements of the village of koktabel, the village of kurortnaya and the village. cooking helicopters of the ministry of emergency situations of russia and the national guard performed more than 60 water drops. the protected area is strongly
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suffered, it will take at least 10 years for the forest to recover. about 1/3 of the reserve's area was damaged. unique endemic tree species grow here, poyarkova's hawthorn, levansky cedar, two types of juniper, all of this has suffered, especially the soil cover. entrance to the reserve now. closed, foresters and environmentalists have yet to calculate the damage caused by this strong fire to the unique nature. yana cherbata and andrey terentev, presenter: crimea. and now it's time for sports news. ilya, it became known when the international olympic committee will publish the final list of participants in the games in paris. tell me, how long will we have to wait? eh, the wait won’t be long, they promise that the full list of participants, including, apparently , russians in a neutral status, will be available. on the mok website tomorrow july 16th. the spanish national team held a championship parade in
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madrid after winning euro 20-24. despite the working day, thousands of people gathered in the center of the spanish capital to greet their national team. the football players wore a t-shirt with the inscription kings of europe and the number four, which means the number of trophies won by the spaniards at continental championships. in the euro final, the spanish team defeated england with a score of 2:1. the spaniards won the last championship. 3:0 in the last friendly match before the start of the rpl, in the russian football program, which returned to our channel after the summer break, spartak midfielder, one of the club’s old-timers, roman zobnin, spoke about the possible role of the captain in the new season. in any case, of course, i feel responsibility, yes, i started it have been feeling for a long time, in principle.
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famous hockey player evgeny kuznetsov will return to russia from the nhl, a number of media outlets have reported this. the stanley cup winner with washington will sign a contract with st. petersburg ska for 4 years. player agent shumi. confirmed that claims were filed regarding kuznetsov, but it is too early to talk about the return of the forward with one hundred percent certainty. the thirty-two-year-old forward spent most of the last season with carolina, where he moved from washington. for carolina, kuznetsov played 63 matches and scored 24 points. at the end of 2023 year, the forward underwent a program to help
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nhl players, hockey players suffering from psychological problems, as well as from alcohol or
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days, go there. the most desperate racers in the world drove from tomsk through the altai mountains to the capital of mongolia at lanbater, more than 500 km from taiga forests and permafrost zones to deserts and highlands, every start is a test, every finish is an overcoming. it is clear that you need to go fast, but you must always take calculated risks, yes, you must understand that the race is long, it lasts 5,500 km, and any jump, any place that you are not, it can unfortunately end in an accident. years, the silk road remains true to itself, it is an exciting motorsport adventure that only the strongest and bravest can complete to the end. i am incredibly happy and happy that the whole team of organizers managed to implement this route from russia to mongolia, to show mongolia. these are roller raids, they test the strength of character of the fighting participants and the reliability of their equipment.
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for sergei koryakin, the silk road was almost ended in tragedy, the car almost burned down, it was not only extinguished, but collected overnight. again and get to the finish line of the marathon, but here it’s already a victory. this is the first car in the world of a new generation that has driven the raleigh marathon for such a long time. before this , these machines broke down, but our team managed to perform a miracle again. andrey novikov's all-terrain vehicle, created in russia, had a completely killer race. it took us 3 years to be able to now complete this entire race with virtually no breakdowns, basically, here i am i just went out to change the tires, we don’t even have any special tools with us. i think it's the same. the silk road has been going on for 15 years, but in this edition of the rally there was an unexpected turn in the history of world motorsport, 100 km of giant dunes and a stage without mechanics on the last day of the race, the steep turns of the silk road became a test even for experienced racers, the organizers of the silk road made the most of did to bring this race closer to the finish line, they succeeded, thank them very much, that is,
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the route is simply fantastic, in russia there were these forest roads, mud roads, that is, this shock road... it was an incredible 11 days, i made a lot of new friends, the russians are very friendly and helpful, everyone helps each other, it was a race and a fair sports fight, but we all were like one family created. in russia , the grandiose rally-marathon in this edition was not a thrill for many participants, but once they take this path, they can no longer turn back. one hundred sredikultsev, ivan lavrikov and alexander salmashevsky, news from ulanbatar, mongolia. slana petrovna, good afternoon, service security of your bank, another moment and
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the fraudster would have access to the money. but svetlana petrovna turned on the scout. the bill went on for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account, i call the bank and hang up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, trying to get money out of you, hang up without talking. russia ranks first in the world in the production of high-grade nickel. vladimir putin announced this on monday at an event dedicated to metallurg day. the president also launched the launch of industrial facilities in the chelyabinsk and nizhny novgorod regions in... my colleague dmitry maruk has all the details. the metallurgical complex is of strategic importance for the country, for increasing its industrial potential and further. economic growth, according to vladimir putin, the industry continues to develop confidently. last year, russia took first place in the world in the production of high-grade nickel, second in aluminum,
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and third in titanium products. last year russia took first place in the world in production of high-grade nickel, second place in aluminum production, third in titanium production and fifth in steel production volumes. it is important that from year to year the industry is becoming more and more high-tech, advanced engineering and production solutions are being actively introduced, and unique alloys are being developed that make it possible to create materials with special properties. last year , the metallurgy industry reached close to records: volumes were driven by the construction industry, shipbuilding and the automotive industry. companies are increasing investments in new high...
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to reduce the technogenic impact on the environment, the associated task also concerns the gradual achievement of raw material sovereignty of the industry. a number of projects received tax benefits totaling 400 billion rubles under the terms of special investment contracts, in turn, the industrial development fund issues preferential loans for the greening of certain facilities. today is another step. development of industry and opening of new production facilities are in the chelyabinsk, nizhny novgorod regions, in the donetsk people's republic republic. the president launched the operation of a blast furnace at the yanakievsky plant in the dpr.
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it was put into operation after a long period of inactivity. the launch of the furnace will make it possible to melt more than 1 million tons of steel per year. today, special attention is paid to the revival of the metallurgical complex of donbass. last year , local enterprises increased their output by 30% to 2.5 million. particular attention is now paid to the revival of the donbass metallurgical complex; we have detailed plans for the restoration, investment and integration of enterprises into national cooperation chains. the work of key facilities in the yumk circuit has already been launched, these are the volchevsky, yanakieva plants, makeevsky coke and chemical plant, komsomolskaya mining administration, stakhanovsky feroalloy plant, yasinovsky coke and chemical plant. last year they increased it. in addition, the president launched the launch of a furnace at
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the ruspolimet enterprise in the nizhny novgorod region; it is expected that this will almost double the production capacity of heat-resistant steels, alloys and products made from them. also launched a complex for the production of dry coal at the magnitogorsk iron and steel works in the chelyabinsk region. the total capacity of the installation is of great importance for the plant and for the city of magnitogorsk. as a result , emissions of harmful substances, such as dust, will be significantly reduced by more than 20%. benzoperenes 12%. every year, the meteorological industry becomes more and more high-tech, opening up new opportunities in a variety of areas, from aviation
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to electronics and medicine. for further development it is necessary to carry out deep modernization of production and that it is important to do this on the basis of our own domestic technologies and equipment. serial production of civilian drones is about to be launched in the khabarovsk territory. new modifications are being tested. meanwhile, enterprises in the region have joined the charter of technological sovereignty and import substitution. will khabarovsk become a microelectronics center in the far east? anna leonova will talk about this. birds have already donned these powerful swipes, now with a mark for civilian purposes: to search for the missing people, patrol coastal zones, monitor the fire situation in the forest and the flood situation on rivers; their manufacturers create them for such peaceful needs. drones are based on a wing, and they are, as a rule, quite large in size, due to the fact that it is the flight formula that allows them to apply large loads, find, and
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stay. in the air for a long time, that is, these are gliders, by and large, they rise into the air and begin to plan to carry out tasks at low speed, especially since quadcopters are equipped with cameras super-high resolution, which will allow users to examine the image from drones in the smallest detail, we collect and check immediately so that everything works well, the flight range of civil birds is up to 200 km, so for test drive and before starting mass production, they go out into the fields. we test it in critical conditions in order to understand all the capabilities of this drone, we also test new transmission systems for video and control signals on it, these are also systems developed by us, the enterprise becomes the center microelectronics in the region, the leadership signed a charter of technological sovereignty and import substitution, initiated by the head of the region dmitry demeshin. we are carrying out work as part of the practical implementation of the charter. with small-medium
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enterprises in the innovative direction, which are developing and are ready in the future to supply their innovative high-tech products to the domestic instrument-making market. so far, all quadcopters are 55% made from domestic raw materials, but with government support, manufacturers they intend to reach the figure of 95%, and the circuit diagrams, mechanisms, and other components are exclusively developed by khabarovsk engineers. anna lenova konstantin. rudikov egor goncharov, vesti khabarovsk. the temporary location of the militants destroyed our army aviation. the strike was carried out by the crews of fighters and sud-34 bombers. unguided fap-500 bombs with a universal correction module were dropped on the enemy, which allows strikes to be carried out from a safe distance. having received confirmation from intelligence that all targets had been hit, the pilots returned to the departure airfield. we received a combat
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mission. performed the necessary calculations, received aircraft equipment, aircraft weapons, taxied, gained the required altitude, reached the target area, carried out destruction, returned to the departure airfield, taxied, and are ready to carry out the next combat mission. we spent so much effort on driving out the americans, we won, the russians helped, they didn’t care about the people, the americans only bombed and killed, they were of no use, at first the west made it so that crippled these people, because with their consent drugs were grown in afghanistan, we explained
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to the people that we would punish for... what the taliban are talking about has real confirmation. are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. movies, watch, watch in the app or on the website.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. let me tell you, briefly about the main thing.


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