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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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high-mast for cellular communications, 34 multifunctional zones have been built, almost every 70 km, all our citizens have the opportunity not only to travel safely, but also to receive all the services that people require today. you have already noted, i can say that there is great gratitude to me, to all the builders, because in just 2 years we have been in new subjects of the russian federation. as of today , 1,700 km have been restored, and by the end of the year there will be more than 2.0 km of roads, 42 artificial structures, built in the twenty-second year more than 800 km of articulation structures, these are numbers, i and events are only saying that the team of builders and designers are ready for new solutions, there is a powerful fist that allows... to solve all your problems, our
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problems, your instructions, we will reach new heights ready, thank you very much, once again for your assessment. and the bridge over the volga river is a major event for all residents of the samara region, as well as a big step in the development of the supporting network of highways of the russian federation, thanks to your instructions that you gave in the seventeenth year, this road was included in the comprehensive development plan.
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embroidered, this is important for the development of the economic potential of talyati and samara. our enterprises, our giants such as avtovaz, our special economic zone will receive new opportunities for development, including the development of export potential. my colleagues and i, along with all the enterprises, have already made plans; we plan to increase the export potential by one and a half times thanks to the opening of this highway. of course, this is our tourism potential. they love the samara region, they know us all over the country more and more residents of settlements are coming, which are waiting for all residents , as well as many small historical russian federation. of course, for everyone who lives in taliyat, in samara, this is a long-awaited road, it is also about road safety. dear vladim vladimirovich, more than 500 builders, engineers, levelers, technologists worked on the creation of this facility, i would like
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to say a big thank you to the entire large team and company teams who took part, to everyone who worked here in the samara region on the creation of this facility, and of course, dear vladimirovich, from all residents of the samara region i would like to say a word of gratitude to the government of the russian federation, marich shizyanovich personally supervised the creation of this facility, helped us at every stage, newbie, this is your order , it is your initiative, your control and your constant attention. which allows us to say with confidence today, the facility is ready for opening, thank you very much, for opening, thank you very much, decide to open traffic, i have permission, let's go?
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what i would like to say in conclusion: a lot of good, effective, very important work has been done with a good result, very important. road traffic, i am pleased to say to all motorists: good luck, thank you, these were shots from the 155th kilometer of the m11 neva highway, where the president took part in the opening ceremony of the so-called northern
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bypass of tver and, via videoconference , vladimir putin took part in the opening of traffic along the talyaite bypass , this is a section of the highway in the samara region. small town. with the potential of a large city, ustkut in the irkutsk region has become not only a transport hub, where bam, the port on the lena river and the federal highway intersect, but also a place where large industries are being created. the irkutsk polymer plant will soon open in ustkutia; all this requires the development of the city itself. about one of the most ambitious projects, a special report by taras kuchurenko, see after the advertisement. what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, appept can help, it helps restore memory and attention, please let your head work, the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated, every month you choose up to five top categories with cashback of up to 10%. supermarkets,
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in the seventies , perhaps every soviet schoolchild knew about this city on the banks of the lena river, because here was the starting point for the construction of the baikal amur mainline; one of the most popular slogans of those years sounded like this: bam from uskut to komsomolsk on the amur. it all started with an event. may 2, 1974, when the envoys of the seventeenth komsomol congress arrived in ustkhod, consisting of a detachment of 300 people, and 2 may they were solemnly greeted here, and then they went to the construction site of the first village on bama, called the star village, well, then other villages appeared on bama, each village was built by a union republic, but student construction teams also helped.
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the construction of the baikal amur mainline as a transport hub and it must be said that this contributed to the development of the city during this period. the children dreamed of becoming adults as soon as possible, going to a construction site. the museum contains a letter from students of the fourth class, school 133 of the city of donetsk. literally, quote. we are only afraid that when we grow up, all the big things will be done, we won’t get to do heroic things, however, the children also participated as best they could. in 1975
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, the first passengers to cross the newly built bridge over the lena river were given a homemade honorary passenger medal, made by schoolchildren from ustkut. construction ended, ustkut faced the problem of almost all small towns. young professionals since the eighties years, uskud was gradually abandoned, new microdistricts were no longer built, infrastructure was practically not developed, and this, despite the enormous potential of the place. in 2010 the city had both river air and road routes. the largest river port in russia, assetrova, is located here, on which the northern delivery largely depends for many settlements, both the irkutsk region and yakutia, coastal sea, arctic regions from khatanga to kalyma. the cargo turnover is more than a million. engage in loading and unloading using
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quay wall up to 10 fleet units - these are different in displacement and carrying capacity units of analogues on the territory of uskut on the territory of elena there are no such ports anymore the port can accept barges with a carrying capacity of 300. there is now a large order for the supply of pipes for the future novolinskaya tes, which will ensure the electrification of the railway on eastern training ground, in order to fulfill all obligations on time, new employees are additionally hired here for the summer, now the staff exceeds 350 people, in connection with new contracts, the port has launched a program modernization, designed for 3 years, with a complete focus on production resources, which are 100% involved in the work, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the port, the modernization is designed for the reconstruction of
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warehouse space. the irkutsk oil company is one of the largest employers in the region, employing more than 17,000 people, and has been cooperating with sports for 8 years; when the question was where to store cargo and then send it to inka’s fields or enterprises, uskut would have been out of competition. touskut - this is the end point by rail , the starting point by... for yakutia, and for all our suppliers, because in iskus the road to our fields ends, then the federal highway a331 veluy begins. one of the key projects transforming uskut today is the green gas chemical cluster inka. investments in the project exceed 500 billion rubles. 2.0 new jobs will be created. instead of recycling associated petroleum gas. inka creates production with deeper processing
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raw materials into high value-added products such as polymers. the company sells vuska. one of the largest oil and gas projects in the country is the irkutsk polymer plant. now construction is in full swing, all main production facilities have already been erected. the project progress was almost 90%. today , the irkutsk polymer plant is the most modern technology for gas-phase polymerization of ethylene. today we can produce 650,000 tons of polyethylene per year of various grades, ranging from polyethylene low density, finishes. high-density polyethylene, which have completely different purposes, from medical products to consumer goods, various children's toys, food contact, and either the automotive industry. local residents compare the construction of the irkutsk polymer plant with the construction of bama, an area
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of ​​200 hectares, at peak time 7.00 people worked at the construction site, and the plant itself will provide jobs for 1,600 specialists. the first products are expected at the end of this year, beginning of next year, at its the base can be further developed to create new enterprises. the irkutsk polymer plant is still under construction, but industrial tours have already been organized here, where anyone can come and look at this grandiose construction site. industrial tours are conducted not only for adults, but also for children from all over the irkutsk region. there are few specialists who would understand polymer production technologies in russia today; there are a lot of them to be found. it’s easier to show interest from school, this is also the task of such excursions, and irkutsk the oil company sets an ambitious goal: to ensure that the plant employs mainly local residents. we are developing the territory in which we operate, so to a greater extent, when we were concentrated in oil production, we were
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in fields, in fields that are located 200 or more kilometers directly from... the city of uskut, here as factories are being built on the territory immediately close to uskut itself, we understand that the shift work schedule, which applicable in oil fields, it is less applicable when we are talking about complex production, and production with high added value. to train personnel for its enterprises, the irkutsk oil company is implementing the inka school-university project. universities provide training under separate corporate programs, and for... adult residents of uskut a special program has been opened that allows people without work experience to undergo training under the guidance of a mentor. for schoolchildren from the eighteenth year have been implementing the incaclass program for years, recruiting schoolchildren after the ninth grade who study under a special program. additional classes are offered in mathematics, computer science, physics, and chemistry; out of 113 graduates, 86 entered state-funded
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universities in moscow, st. petersburg, tomsk, novosibirsk, irkutsk and other large cities. we signed an agreement, a school, a university and a company to create this class, an inca class, and thanks to this agreement our children have the opportunity to study specialized subjects partially at the irkutsk national research technical university, our children go annually to those sessions where subjects are taught at a specialized level, namely by university teachers. this year, among the graduates of the inka class there are three medalists, including nikita gutkov. while studying, he visited the irkutsk polymer plant, which impressed the student so much that nikita decided to work at the company after graduating from university. yes, i would plan to connect my life with this
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company. the company organized a large number of excursions both to its enterprises, so to the institute itself. there we were trained by teachers from the institute itself, we went to the enterprise several times, they showed us the plant, how everything happens, how what is produced, so we visited many objects, we visited drilling rigs, the polymer plant itself, we went to many places so that highly qualified specialists would not they left, but young people did not stay in other cities, they sought to return back, they could receive not only decent pay and interesting work, but also live in a comfortable city and... the sky oil company spoke with the initiative to develop a master plan for the socio-economic development of the uskutsk region. the company will finance the development of the document, the project contractor is a federal scientific institution. eastern center of state planning, the task is to transform the territory into a modern and comfortable city in 10 years. today, small towns in which major
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investment projects are being implemented create a multiplier effect for the development of the region and the russian economy and require special attention from the state. in future the city will be more compact, yes, that is , it will have a dedicated core of the center, and on both sides of the lena, connected by a bridge. additional public spaces appear in the center, and more compact residential development is formed in the center. the masterplan will form a new approach to the development of the territory, aimed at creating a comfortable urban environment, large-scale projects are being implemented here, and uskut does not reach the average russian criteria for quality of life, the old housing stock is airport, roads, there is a lack of services, such as a restaurant. in such small towns in siberia in the far east , the deferred life syndrome often works, that is, a person comes there, saves, then puts it aside and does not spend
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the money on the spot, that is, there is nowhere to go, or he leaves for the mainland, as they say, then, then, from the mainland is already spending this money on the continents, in the master plan we would actually like to get rid of this, that is... to implement such a system for the development of service economies. the development of the master plan is still underway, 150 initiatives are being worked out, including those proposed by the residents of ustkut, which will finally be included in the final document , it will become clear this year that there is a lot of work ahead to identify sources of funding. yes, it is a harsh climate, but nevertheless there, but the ski season starts early and ends late. there are cross-country skiing, the resort is wonderful, that is, there is mud treatment and hydrotherapy, but the condition is, well
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, the level of the sixties, and the state of the funds, they need to be renovated, that is, this is also part of the master plan, the sanatorium in ustkut is one of the local attractions, therapeutic the institution was founded. almost 100 years ago people came here mainly for the popular mud baths. the raw materials are taken from the lake, which is located right on the territory of the sanatorium. on the left, this is our unique salty lake, from it we extract our healing mud, unique in its composition, and next to it you will see a mineral water well, these are our brines, also springs. taken together, these two factors are what they do. this is a miraculous healing effect on our clients. treatment with mud and mineral baths is designed for two weeks in the sanatorium helped
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even with the most complex diagnoses. well, we have a cane - this is our exhibit, which was given to us by a young man last year. a very interesting story, for many years a mother and her child came to us, the diagnosis was cerebral palsy, they started with a stroller, they came in a stroller. then on crutches, on a walker, last year he left us a cane because it was no longer useful to him, the long hard work of the mother of our doctors put the child on his feet. modernization of the sanatorium will increase the attractiveness of uskut as a tourist destination; the issue of transport accessibility, it is not possible to get a direct flight to the city from other regions, the local airport accepts planes only from irkutsk, the building is from the sixties, there is a waiting room. designed for only 50 people, the runway has not been repaired since its foundation, only small planes can land here, which limits passenger traffic and cargo turnover of industrial
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enterprises. the masterplan also involves the work of modernizing the air harbor; the issue of reconstructing the runway can only be resolved at the federal level. we have 25 flights - exactly per week, these are flights from irkutsk and back, and at the same time now from july 1st. uter is increasing the number of flights, that is, our cargo flow in the twenty-third year is more than 100 thousand passengers, that is, it was transported, compared to the twenty-second year, this is 25% higher, the twenty-fourth year is also expected to exceed the passenger flow, so here it is those who want in number are precisely those who fly using the services of just airplanes, their number is increasing significantly, that is, increasing, so we... develop airport. some of the work will begin without waiting for the master plan. the utp company, which is the owner of the airport, will allocate 100 million rubles for repairs in the next 3 years. they invest in
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the development of uskut and enterprises. timber industry and oil and gas. the irkutsk oil company does quite a lot, if we take, well, maybe not specifically the current year, but take some period, so that it is clear, over the past, well, about 5 years, we have invested directly there, if we evaluate it in monetary resources, about one and a half billion rubles in development uskut. local residents associate the future development of uskut with inka, during the construction. the irkutsk polymer plant is introducing advanced technologies, this also applies to environmental standards. the plant has a closed water circulation, a closed flare for the safe disposal of gases, separate waste sorting will be organized, and some of the waste will be processed into soil at the plant. yes, indeed, the irkutsk oil company produces the entire product cycle, including packaging and even its own pallets, that is, its own
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the products will be packaged. another faction will be added to us - this is ethan. initially, the gas processing plant was built in wiskut for the convenience of transporting hydrocarbons throughout russia and abroad. the main cargo, butane, propane, goes along the baikal-amur mainline to the buyer. ethane will be supplied only to the irkutsk polymer plant. to obtain the necessary raw materials, a gas fractionation plant is being built here, developing production. inc. is investing in infrastructure development. construction of a microdistrict for 3.00 residents has begun in uskut.
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let's. and let's see, such houses have not been built here since the days of bama, employees of the irkutsk polymer plant will live here, and inc. expects that specialists will move here and become local residents, so living conditions will be as comfortable as possible, there will also be a school for 520 places and two kindergartens , a sports and recreation complex with a swimming pool, social facilities will be available to all residents of ustkut, in the new microdistrict all the houses will be nine floors, this one is already ready... for permanent employees their families will have two or three-room apartments from 55 m2 made according to european standards with furniture and appliances, so that you can carry a minimum of things with you. modern design solutions are taken as the basis, which includes a large kitchen-living room with built-in fully appliances, a dining table, a tv, a seating area and also comfortable dressing rooms where you can store
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anything you want. the builders promise that the houses will be comfortable in any weather, the climate is northern, and in winter the frosts can be as low as -40. here, when designing, we fully took into account, well, starting roughly, from seismic zone, this given zone, seismic and , accordingly, climatic conditions, the materials here, we will say, are a little overpriced in terms of comfort, the increased thickness of aerated concrete there, plus the insulation of the facades, this is also a ventilated facade. the city must radically change its appearance by 2035, become modern and comfortable, the project is supported by government officials, the head of the region, igor kobzev, personally keeps this issue under control: regional government specialists are directly involved in the development of the master plan. we have usku is a growth point, and it is a difficult growth point, because huge
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investment projects are being implemented on its territory and nearby. not just huge, but colossal, i joke all the time that a small african republic has been excavated nearby, and it’s true, and the people who live there, they work, will work on these investment projects in these factories. today, the uskutsk region has the cheapest electricity and gas in russia, huge forest resources and untapped tourism potential. transport infrastructure and geographical proximity. the territory of the ktr makes it attractive for investment cooperation. the implementation of large-scale projects gives impetus to the development of medium and small businesses. these are new jobs and taxes into the budget. according to preliminary estimates, investment projects within the framework of the master plan for the development of uskut amount to 600 billion rubles of investment. 8,000 jobs will be created. people realize this potential. therefore, it is important to make the territory a comfortable place to live, so that you would like to live there
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stay forever.


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