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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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the networks cannot withstand the black heat of +40 and above came to the south of russia, due to peak loads in the crimea, sevastopol and nakuban region , temporary restrictions were introduced in the supply of electricity, several million residents are without electricity, when will the energy supply be restored? driving the lada aura, new products from the concern. vladimir putin came to the opening of the new and final one. i quote: all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. about how international law is interpreted in the white house, about the war that nato has already unleashed on the rights of national minorities in europe. let's sort it out the main points of sergei lavrov's speech at the un security council. footage of the chief of the general staff working in the special operation zone. valery gerasimov
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visited the command post of the vostok group and awarded the soldiers who distinguished themselves during the liberation of the village of urozhainoye. you can now get from moscow to st. petersburg by car another hour faster. the new m11 neva highway has been completely completed. today the last section started working - bypassing tver. came to the opening. and today the president, via video link, started traffic on the new tagliati bypass highway in samara region. varvara nevskaya will tell you what will change for motorists now. northern bypass of the tver m11 highway and bypass of the city of talyati, new opened sections, the most important roads in russia. here at the largest facility. northern bypass bridge over
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the volga river vladimir putin arrived driving the new lada aura, which was presented in june this year at the st. petersburg economic forum. the president was accompanied by vasily vasiliev, deputy head of the production department of spm1 moscow st. petersburg, who was directly involved participation in the development and construction of the most important infrastructure facility. it was hard to build, but it worked. to implement, why is it so difficult? well, it’s difficult in terms of the fact that the deadlines have changed, let’s say, taking into account the new directive deadlines, the project had to be completed exactly a year earlier, which in principle we succeeded, but a year earlier, at a ceremony the russian leader celebrated the opening of new sections step in strengthening transport.
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this is essentially the final, final stage of construction of the m11 neva highway. happy opening bypassing tver, continuous, seamless, traffic-light-free high-speed traffic between moscow and st. petersburg will be ensured. travel time from the northwestern part of the country to samara, kazan, yekaterinburg, tyumen will be reduced , and additional, more convenient routes will appear within the framework.
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to kazan: 1520 km along comfortable highways without a single traffic light or intersection at a speed of 110 to 130 km/h. new city bypasses are one of the priority tasks of the russian construction complex. bypass of the city of tolyati and another new road length of about 100 km. part of the m5 ural federal highway will reduce one-way travel time by almost 2 hours. today we are putting into operation a hundred-kilometer one. road
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bypass of the city of tolyatte. this route will make car traffic in the region more comfortable and safe, relieve traffic congestion on the road on platina zhigulevskaya g., in general, it will help to more fully reveal the export, logistics, industrial, and tourism potential of the volga region. i would like to note that during the creation of these roads, complex technical structures, including two new bridges across the volga, one over 700 m long, we just drove across it, here in the tsver region, the second over 370 m long.
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in general, a connection with the entire support network, and today i can say , that more than 50% of the population of our country lives on these corridors, that is, this is not only international cargo, it is primarily the development of our country, our settlements, and if we talk about the bypass, for example, tver, then it is included in all three transport corridor, it is the most important part of the development of these transport corridors, we worked very together, everyone is here, both builders and... the highway company, which finished a year earlier for its anniversary, why were we able to achieve such results? because, despite all the difficulties, you have always supported finances, we have always had money, as vladimir putin said, new facilities will give a powerful impetus to the development of cities and towns, and will also contribute to the growth of domestic tourism. so
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the road bypassing tver will allow you to quickly get to amazingly beautiful places in the vicinity of valdai, as well as to the ancient city of torzhok with all its unique monuments. bypass of tolyati.
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after the completion of the opening ceremony of new transport facilities, vladimir putin met with the governor of the tver region igor. we are actively participating in the formation of contract soldiers, there are a lot of people who would like to participate, we see that this is a very responsible job and we have raised the lump sum payment. together with the ministry of defense, starting from july 10, we are already paying those who want to sign a contract more than 1 million rubles. this is a one-time payment when a person signs a contract, thank you for this work , the families, the families of our guys who are fighting, we also need to work constantly, we provide them with comprehensive support . even if we talk about the gasification program, we made additional payments for the families of participants in the special military operation and also made for families with many children, we even made an additional line for vocational education, these are the children who participated in the special military operation, we started with medicine, by the way, we ourselves pay the increased stipend,
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we pay the monthly payments ourselves. varvara nevskaya, rasul fitkulin, dmitry maslennikov and anna malakhova, lead. several million residents of southern russia were left without electricity. in crimea and sevastopol, outages occurred due to the heat, this was reported by energy supply companies, who emphasized that the measures were temporary. yalta, alushta, sudak, feodosia, kerch and other settlements were shut down. now power engineers are switching supplies to subscribers using backup schemes. forecasters previously reported that the air temperature will rise to 42° in the coming days. the global shutdown also affected krasnodar, ilista, and anapa. energy workers have already been able to restore power supply in three cities: rostov- on-don, botaisk and taganrog. temporary electricity supply schedules were introduced due to equipment failure at the rostov nuclear power plant. there, one of the power units was disconnected from the network under the influence of automation. as rosatom reported, this happened due to problems with
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the turbogenerator. the press service of the station itself stated that the automatic protection system worked normally. today is july 16th. power unit number 1 of the rostov npp was disconnected from the network by automatic action due to the activation of the generator protection. let me emphasize that problems occurred. on the electrical equipment, the system operated in normal mode, there were no violations of the limits and conditions of safe operation, the radiation background at the nuclear power plant in the area of ​​its location did not change, and is at the level of natural background values. after establishing the elimination of the causes of the electric protection, the power unit will be prepared for connection to the network. currently , power units 2 and 4 of the rostov npp are operating. in normal mode at a power of 1700 mw. careless handling of the bulgarian caused
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a large-scale fire in kokhtobel in crimea. this was reported by the official representative of the russian ministry of internal affairs irina volk. the flame destroyed 30 hectares of relict forest. details in the report by yana shcherbata. we are in the place where the fire started in the karadak nature reserve and here all the land has burned out, it is black, there is a lot of ashes, in fact, from once enough. there is nothing left in the written grove, and the conditions for extinguishing are very difficult, the weather conditions are very difficult now on the peninsula, the fact is that the temperature is 7° above the climate norm, the thermometer slots are now approaching +40°, this is the heat together with dry, very dry air and at the same time a strong wind, of course, it is very difficult for rescuers to extinguish this fire, unprecedented for kaktybel, all this, all these factors together have led to the fact that the fire is literally lightning fast...
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local residents came to the aid of specialists, the fact is that not only the weather complicates the work, not only the weather prevents extinguishing this strong fire, but the terrain itself, the fact is that the place where the forest is burning in the karadak reserve is quite high in the mountains, a very inaccessible place, and it is almost impossible to get there even with specialized equipment; you have to go on foot. or on motorcycles, as the locals do, they help, take rescuers up there and deliver them also
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water. well, of course, it would be almost impossible to put out such a fire without the participation of aviation. in total, during this 24-hour period , three helicopters operated in the skies over the karodak reserve, two of them from the ministry of emergency situations, one from the national guard. they non-stop shuttled between the site of the fire and the black sea, which is very close here, and helped put out this fire. now there are threats to a populated area, and let me remind you, there is a village nearby. kaktybel, on the other side of the mountain is the village of kurortnaya. so these are the threats to these settlements now no. the main task is to prevent the fire from rekindling. its localization has already been announced; the fire has been localized to an area of ​​40 hectares. of course, it is worth saying that the karadak nature reserve suffered greatly. the fact is that this very place that you can now see, which has been badly burned, is the nursery of the karadak nature reserve, very rare plants grew there, endemics that grow nowhere else except here. the reserve’s specialists say that to restore the soil, to forest restoration can take up to 10 years. yana
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cherbatata, andrey terentsev, presenter: crimea. any proposals to resolve the crisis in ukraine must take into account the key problem and kiev's systematic violation of the rights of national minorities. sergei lavrov stated this at the un security council. the russian foreign minister noted that after the 2014 coup d'etat organized by washington. russia was forced to launch a special military operation to protect these people from physical extermination, as well as to eliminate threats to one's own safety. it is necessary to eliminate once and for all the root causes of the crisis that has broken out in europe. the conditions for establishing sustainable peace in ukraine, president putin set out; i will not
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repeat them; a political-diplomatic settlement must be accompanied by concrete steps to remove threats to the russian federation emanating from the western euro-atlantic direction. when agreeing on mutual guarantees and agreements, it will be necessary to take into account new geostrategic realities, the realities on the eurasian continent where it is being formed. all schemes of so-called euro-atlantic security are aimed at ensuring us dominance, including the complete subordination of europe. to contain russia and attack it, washington is using the neo-nazi regime of ukraine. at the same time , the united states ignores the interests of its own allies, the russian diplomat noted. the united states has long declared
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through the mouths of its presidents its own exclusivity. no quote: if you carry out the will of the hegemon, everything is allowed to you, and if you dare, you will begin defend your national interests, you will be declared an outcast and subject to sanctions. unilateral economic restrictions are widely used to contain russia, china and other countries whose independent policies are perceived as a challenge to american hegemony. to counter
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them, the west is even breaking down the system of globalization that has developed according to its own recipes. washington literally blew up the basis of energy cooperation between russia and the european union, the nord stream gas pipelines. people also suffer from the neocolonial practices of the west. countries of the global south. the market economy, fair competition, and the inviolability of property were forgotten for the sake of us geopolitical interests. lavrov called for a fight against global monopolists in monetary and financial regulation, trade and technology. according to him, reform is also ripe... of the un security council itself, where the countries of the collective west are overrepresented. open debates with the participation of sergei lavrov were devoted to the problems of multilateral cooperation. this topic was proposed by russia, as a country that in july presides over the security council. the socio-economic indicators of chechnya are at a high level,
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mikhail mishustin stated this at a meeting with the head of the republic ramzan kadyrov. the russian prime minister arrived in grozny. where he held a meeting on the development of regions of the north caucasus federal district. mishustin paid special attention to the volume of investment and leading positions in demographics. as ramzan kadyrov noted, a modern perinatal center has been created in the republic. as for the education sector, there is also progress there. in the region managed to completely eliminate the three-shift system in schools. there are more children and more youth in the region. this requires a systematic approach to the formation of a healthcare system. and kindergartens, schools, colleges, a cluster, a vocational training center are being built, i would like to ask you in more detail how the educational infrastructure is developing in the region, please, over the past 3 years , 82 schools with 49,380 places have been built, 120 schools have been renovated,
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nine more schools are being built and two buildings for 9,000 places, 23... kindergartens for 2,900 were also built places, with the support of the federal center , measures are being taken to develop higher secondary vocational education, including training under the graduate program. 47 medical facilities will be repaired and built in the chechen republic as part of the program for the modernization of primary healthcare. the head of the ministry of health announced this. and mikhail murashka. in grozny, he visited the republican oncology clinic and clinical hospital. murashka noted the good equipment of the institutions, thanks to which doctors can provide care at a high level. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that these are timely medical preventive examinations, including consultations with russian specialists , if necessary, after the adventure,
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because we see in the chechen republic that they are still detected quite often. advanced cases of diseases, including onological ones, so almost all the possibilities that modern medicine offers today are there, including nutritional therapy, chemotherapy, in-depth research, including genetic research, so doctors can show your assistance at a consistently high level. pintalgin. not just a loan, a hit, my grandfather disappeared in the garage
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for weeks, my father disappeared for days, but a few minutes in the garage is enough for me, drive your car into the avito auto garage, you will immediately see the suitable spare parts, avito auto garage, the garage of our time, register your car in the avito auto garage auto and...
7:22 pm
what is this square? interesting, let me show you, this is a marking code, an honest sign, your assistant for safe purchases, the cash register checks it and does not allow suspicious goods through, the marking protects your purchases, here you go this is a cash register, this is an honest sign, real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy of twenty is right in front of you. million, every 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, one hundred lotto. enjoy rolls from tasty point.
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caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try a caesar roll and other rolls at a tasty spot or go pick them up at your drive-thru. under the silver foil is a delicious chocolate layer. it turns out you can immediately use your own marketplace for money, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. world
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blockbusters on the yandex market, what were you waiting for? maybe a mide wall split system with a 19% discount. eh? in the united states, there is ongoing discussion of the recent decision of donald trump, who, let me remind you, nominated senator james vance as a candidate for vice president. elizaveta khramtsova will tell you what trump’s choice is being said in the states and other western countries. a fresh face, but the meaning is the same. according to the mood of the liberal american press, it is obvious that the results of the republican convention in milwaukee did not add optimism to the democratic camp. the wall street journal assures that the new participant in the show is a candidate.
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and not for personal reasons, he is a nice guy, the only senator in a happy marriage, but because they thought that he would be difficult to manipulate, and he would not be so interested in killing people, that's all. entrepreneur elon musk reacts to a statement about vence with emoticons, supports the opinion of conservative commentator ben shapira that due to his intelligence, the senator’s oratorical abilities, takaya best choice for republicans. laughs at the words of writer stephen king, a famous defender of ukraine, who now quote “fears for his country.” liberals have no choice but to whip up
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fear among undecided voters. the trump card for this is the topic of racism. he has everything trump needs in a running mate, he's white, and well, that's about it, and he looks like what eric and donald jr.'s baby would look like. speaking of trump's eldest son, it is he who is mentioned most often by the press as the man who promoted wentz's candidacy. the new york times writes that the most important role in the politician’s career was played by businessman peter thiel and trump’s eldest son, who, however. doubted the loyalty of his party, similar collections of statements by vence made several years ago remind us of reasons for doubt. i'm a not- trump type of person. i never liked him. as someone who never liked trump, i guess i 'll have to hold my nose and vote for hillary clinton. i didn't vote for trump, i can't stomach him. he seems to me harmful. the german press is trying to understand what to do next, since the authorities in recent
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years have followed biden’s instructions in everything. admired biden's form, his strength and how high his chances of winning again, and then there was this television duel, and after it panic, an attempt to build relationships with the trump team and perhaps trump personally, but experience shows that this is not easy, perhaps, in the entire eu, there is now only one person who has a very good connection with donald trump, and that is viktor orban. and in the hungarian government does not hide its joy that
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a critical politician can become vice president of the united states. to show resilience in the face of this horrific attack, i think one of the evidences of this is how strong president trump is, and i think that is what america needs right now, i do not support joe biden, i believe he was a weak president of the united states, and i want donald trump to win. the question of how strong trump is remains debatable depending on political views, but the topic of weakness no one doubts the special services. the publication politiku draws attention to the fact that
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there was an attempt on the life of the candidate. republicans raise fundamental questions about officers' failure to protect high-profile clients in a gun-free country. and the creator of america’s largest pmc, blackwater, eric prince , is confident that the people who were responsible for security at the rally in pennsylvania have no hint of professionalism. in a situation like this, you need people with an offensive mindset who think like an attacker. obviously those people they weren’t, because they... missed the most obvious place for the sniper to be positioned and thank god the wind picked up there, and the president turned his head, but this has nothing to do with the training and skill of the secret service. trump himself said that he is trying to think less about what happened on saturday, but admits that the unsuccessful assassination attempt affected him. khramtsova, matvey popov, news!
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, our brutality, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the overall situation with production, raw materials and exports? what is our product?


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