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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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gandists, our secret is adaptation, the west brought its best tanks to ukraine, our warriors quickly sketched out manuals on how and with what to beat the vaunted abrams, for the ocean billionaire supplied the entire army with starling terminals, which were considered impossible to jam, a couple of months and musk’s saucers refuse work, and of course, the most striking example, the example of rszzo hymers, whose... effectiveness in ukraine, as admitted by the americans themselves, has fallen to almost zero. we will report all the vulnerable points to the chinese comrades, if necessary, not only to the chinese comrades, that their patriot systems do not see targets that fly from the ground to 100 m in height, height, we will inform them that the weak points of their missiles, we will inform them, if necessary in strategic places, theirs... abramtsev, abramtsev has a lot
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vulnerable places, we have the right to do this. why is washington so afraid of keeping its secrets? obviously, no matter how hard american diplomacy tried , it was not possible to quarrel between the bear and the dragon, including the failure to strike a blow at military-technical cooperation. russia and china, on whose territory, thanks to the united states, their own a potential hot spot, taiwan, and the americans brought there the same highmars and abrams patriots. technologies that come to us as a result of a special military operation are naturally of great interest to china, they are stories of such national importance and it is quite possible that they are even interested in our analysis.
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after all, there are trophies, and some of them, including abrams, leopards, are in very working condition, chinese comrades can fly to moscow in them a little dig around, which with a high degree of probability they are also quite doing, and the work of our engineers is already changing the pentagon’s plans, the american media are claiming that the united states has stopped supplying ukraine ... expensive and
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seemingly high-precision artillery shells escalibur, because they no longer hit targets , western analysts are forced to admit that the guidance systems of their smart ammunition are useless where russian rap, the best in the world, works. in fact, the main secret of the world hegemon has long been no secret to anyone, superweapons in the arsenal there are no americans. but he definitely died from excess cholesterol, or maybe it was iskander? the mysterious death of the american officer kirlin in ukraine, how is he connected with the supply of f16s, why, according to documents, did he work there as a military otash?
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who are you? i, traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan! oh, so we're going out to be annoying! what's a fairy tale without ivan? eh, what started? without deception and without flint. he imprisoned me to walk in the flints. pen, homemade pen, magic ink, can you get it? you are the main thing in van, hurry up. i want a mechanical horse, beat yourself on the head, you have a cage where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need it, i can’t live without
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travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has flint in his pocket, soon, if everything looks like...
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in an application or on a website, we so much.
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50%, just an asterisk, the legs are just numb, these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels, it is important to strengthen the blood vessels, the angina helps to improve microcirculation, reducing the risk of
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8:42 pm in the morning flight to zurich swiss aviation rescue service, and in the evening another flight only to salsburg by austrian ambulance airlines . data on flights from the airport in the polish border city of rzeszou, which received and released in just one day. two air ambulance planes from private european companies at once. and here it is worth recalling that it was rzeshov that became the hub for western military supplies to the kiev regime. well, ukraine sends nato troops on the return route who were not lucky enough to meet the russian weapons. and apparently, these meetings have become more frequent lately. according to the aircraft tracking service, the airbase has already organized six evacuation flights this month. half of them are vip class with intensive care on board. this means that we can conclude that we are talking about high-ranking advisers who were wounded during russian attacks on command posts. a little later
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, other signs of objective control will probably appear, including necrology, if western doctors do not help. just don’t expect that the official version will be told the truth. at least, the recent, mysterious death from tache of the american embassy in kiev is explained by some kind of cholesterol. evgenia petrukhina will explain why this version raises doubts. evgenia, greetings. and how much fun this very cholesterol is. killer up to half a ton approximately. is cholesterol really the cause of death? the mysterious story of an american officer who worked in ukraine for only 10 days. here he is, richard harry kirlin. he was 57 years old, his last place of work was the us embassy in kiev, where he held the position of military atache. the hill writes that kirlin died of natural causes. they say the state debt confirms that there are no signs in this story. speech, and here are also links to the ukrainian media, they write that an american was found in
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a hotel room in a kiev hotel, without signs of bodily harm, i just want to ask, where is the evidence, where is the video or at least a photo? you know, in fact, what they found there in a hotel in kiev, only god knows, they picked it up in mirgorod, and they calmly put it in in a plastic box, well, a plastic bag, they packed it, transported it somewhere to a military base in... the usa, they placed it in a coffin, covered it with the american star-striped flag, and then presented it to the public, of course the coffin was not opened, that is, nothing beyond that not to show it to anyone, here is the obituary on the american memorial website under kirlin’s photograph, all his achievements, he served in the us air force for many years, then retired, in ukraine , what did an american officer do, well, except that according to documents, he worked as a military man... at the us embassy in kiev. kirlin could well be directly related to the supply of f-16s to
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the independent. former military man, now diplomat. it just so happened that he understands fighters, but it all just coincided. the ideal candidate. they use diplomatic cover and diplomatic status to supply military specialists. that is , a person who seems to have been working in the state department since 2005 comes here. to kiev, it turns out that he has such a unique competence, he also understands in logistics, that is, in providing military aircraft with everything necessary, this is exactly where... in the summer , american-made f-16 military aircraft from holland and denmark should arrive, it seems like a coincidence. so maybe kirlin did not die at all in a kiev hotel, as some media claim, it could have happened, for example, during his inspections of ukrainian airfields, but he was probably looking for places for american
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fighters, and then iskander, since he is an expert in... the air force and he had previously dealt with the topic of placing the f16 in different places. countries, his roughly task is clear, that is , he inspected places that should be prepared to receive the f-16 on the territory of ukraine, like in mirgorod or in the venets region, there is an airfield there, a large one, it could be there, you know, it arrived here.
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the americans will not do this under any circumstances. skirlin’s death at a military airfield could be direct evidence of the participation of the american military in the conflict in ukraine. and so, well, the person’s cholesterol rose, as the media wrote, and he died died, no harm to today's more fragile us politics. cholesterol, which for some reason is indicated by the american news agency as one of the destructive factors to which.
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they don’t even need to be legendary in general, because they are, as a rule, employees of private military corporations, this practice was generally tested in the middle east, in iraq, then in afghanistan, when the united states fled afghanistan, biden almost lost the presidency , there is such a possibility this november, and maybe even earlier, for
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this is enough for joe to go on a tour of ukrainian airfields, as he did. you don't decide how exactly you will meet your first love, you don't decide where you'll find friends for life, you don't decide which option you 'll get, but only you decide what
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the legend is back, the same one made from 100% malt, baltika 3 non-alcoholic, gluttony from eating, take it! fights heartburn, pain and heaviness due to increased acidity in the stomach, is active from the first minutes. it extinguishes heartburn, extinguishes it. what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription. open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%. btb, together everything will work out. hello, my name is cashboy. i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket. for example, lasitan shower oil for 2,690 rubles. alexander.
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maybe under 20, it turns out that i wanted to open a deposit for my own money at 18%, it turns out, a marketplace, financial services, a financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. after returning to the special operation zone, i decided to radically change my destiny, this is the story a volunteer from the couple, whose example is an excellent example of how our soldiers realize themselves in peaceful life. mikhail semenishchev went to the northern military district along with the trans-baikal cossack detachment, commanded an intelligence department and was the first to receive a state medal for bravery. as he himself admits, the combat experience he gained allowed him to rethink a lot, so as a new type of activity in civilian life, he chose an activity that, it would seem, does not fit well with
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what he experienced during everyday life at the front. and now the couple knows mikhail not at all as an ex serviceman, but as the director of a private kindergarten. as it turned out, in practice, the trench can be completely replaced with a nursery group, and reconnaissance can be sculpted with plasticine and drawn with pencils with the life philosophy of the hero and him. anastasia ivanova will introduce us to the mission. anastasia, good evening. hello, alexey. so, how does one treat a male teacher? well, parents with respect, but some children, as he says, already call him dad. do something new, but something that is familiar to the warmth of your heart, because mikhail semenishev is not only a veteran and his owner kindergarten, but first of all the father of two children, his daughter, who is not even a year old, is now under supervision not only at home, but at work. she was one of the first to appear in the nursery group. in total there are 18 children in a private institution, the teacher, the nanny mikhail himself, sits and plays with them, says that not eating is a man’s work, and their children there actually give a good experience,
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that is, changing a diaper, changing a baby’s clothes, that is, in this there is no problem at all , somehow calm him down, play, and i didn’t see any problem in this, and my children it’s clear, six months of such a fatal state, but here there is such a positive hope for... the future and such development, and you contribute to this, you invest in it, with this you develop, grow, recover faster. last year, mikhail didn’t have any white coats in pomino; he was wearing only a military uniform; after the front, he wanted to take up a peaceful profession. it was no longer possible to work as a dj as before in civilian life; concussion affected my hearing. he accidentally came across an advertisement for the sale of a private kindergarten. i consulted with my wife and began repairs. hired staff. misha was little when i worked at the pioneer camp and we have known each other ever since. there is such a word, but probably just purely feminine. good fellow,
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i’ll mix this completely. mikhail’s calm character is felt by both children and parents, who trust their sons and daughters, a male teacher, he of course gets tired, but there is no longer any doubt that he has chosen his profession, and at home, of course, my wife and my children help me, at work, he is quiet an hour, we're not there for a while we relax during a quiet hour, work ends in the evening, of course it’s quieter at home, there are two people at home, not 18 children, we want to... expand, create another group, it’s not a fact that it will be an older group, because there are government places, well, government there are enough kindergartens for everyone from about 3 years old, in the shutunov family, the head child in the family, while the father is at the front, in the small town of mtsensk, oryol region, there is a lot of work in this area, give bones, sell milk, elena also makes cheese, everything is under the control of the husband, at least
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phone. it’s somehow accepted in our family that the husband does the cutting, but since he is now the son who finishes the cuttings, we are constantly in touch, we consult about, well, sometimes about treating animals, about building some kind of nooks, for example. , how best to make a feeder, this is all we definitely advise, i started to engage in agriculture with the shatonovs, but in 2022 i was recently on vacation, i spent two weeks with my husband and son, now the rest is only in winter. alexander, of course, misses him, but he’s not worried, everything will be fine at home. even when i'm not there, they have everything everything turns out well, i am confident in them, i love them, they are completely confident that everything will work out. it turned out that evgeny zuev , a motorized rifleman, when he returned from the front, opened a flower shop in moscow with a comrade in arms. evgeniya, she has known this business since
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the nineties. he says, yes, he’s a romantic at heart, he collects bouquets not just for money, but because he likes it, the more magnificent, the bigger, the brighter, the better, well, let’s say, an armful, an armful of red roses of all kinds is better than, well, let’s say, a bouquet of daisies , well, the process itself, a certain drive is present in this, you know, it’s like, you never know how the day, even the hour, will end. but the main thing is that each of our heroes showed what a man’s character is, not only at the front, but in business. anastasia ivanova and the men's mission of northern military district veterans.
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the first state radio in russia, more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners, on the air around the clock. moscow listens to russian radio. now on 101.5 fm. vladimir putin today personally got behind the wheel of a lada aura to test the completed section of the m11 neva highway bypassing tver, and also remotely opened another road, a hundred-kilometer bypass togliatti is part of the route that connects europe and china. both highways, as
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the president noted, will have a significant impact. on the russian economy, and new logistics opportunities are also available, alexey konopko was convinced. tell us, vasilich, how are you doing, how was the construction going? things were excellent, the construction was difficult, the project had to be completed exactly a year early, which in principle we succeeded, but a year earlier, that’s great, the president has the car. this time , unusual to open the bypass door, vladimir putin arrived in a lada auri instead of an aurus, but here any now will save time. how much to reduce traffic between st. petersburg and moscow, well, yes, well, about 50, where , in about an hour, let’s say, it will be possible to get from st. petersburg to moscow back in 6.5 hours, 7, 7.5 hours, again, if you follow the speed limit.


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