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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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sergei lavrov in new york, the diplomat discussed russian gas supplies with the hungarian foreign minister. a bilateral meeting was also held with the head of the swiss foreign ministry. our special correspondent in the usa knows what was on the agenda. black heat in southern russia in several regions is expected to reach +40 and above. how long will the abnormal heat last and what are the forecasts for the central regions? and let's start with the situation with forest fires. in one day, 122 outbreaks covering an area of ​​more than 230 hectares were extinguished in russian regions, this is data air forest protection. large fires were extinguished, including in the vladimir, volgograd, kherson, svetlovsk regions, the republics of tva, crimea, ingushetia, as well as in the khabarovsk territory and the khantamansi autonomous okrug. extinguishing continues in 22 regions, where there are 200. 23 forest
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fires. in yakutia, the fire covered another 300,000 hectares. another natural fire was discovered in buryat this night. according to the forestry agency, the area on the border with transbaikalia is burning. it is from there that the fire is believed to have spread. in in transbaikalia itself, the fire covered more than 100,000 hectares. more than 20 outbreaks remain in the irkutsk region. the tense situation is also in the khabarovsk and krasnoyarsk territories, in koma in the urals. in the stewing. their movements became known thanks to our scouts; they detected enemy infantry and equipment using a drone. first, they opened fire on the militants; when they tried to hide, the stormtroopers cleared their shelter. a reconnaissance drone accompanied our fighters and suggested possible pockets of resistance.
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and then the enemy surrenders. now on south donetsk direction of the special operation. there , fighters from the vostok group of forces destroyed a self-propelled gun of the ukrainian armed forces. they beat me with a lancet. this is a drone with unique characteristics. part of the combat work is performed by artificial intelligence. our military correspondent, sergei samokho saw this drone in action. the ukrainian self-propelled gun bogdan, an analogue of the french caesar gun, leaves the forest. the crew doesn't know that they've already hit it. in the lens of
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a russian reconnaissance drone, without having time to shoot the enemy vehicle, our artillerymen immobilize it, at this time to destroy the lancet loitering munition of the primorye formation of the vostok group flies out at the target. for two months there we were looking for the so-called bogdan, finally we found her, she was struck, she was completely burned out, there was nothing left of her. the lancet is a unique russian weapon with unique characteristics, many of which are still classified, but are not truly known. one thing: in certain cases, loitering ammunition does not even need an operator. the reb system is essentially not a big problem for us if, for example, my participation is no longer necessary, because, for example, they jammed the repeater, and artificial intelligence brings everything to the very end. and among other things, this high-precision weapon is invisible to the enemy. the enemy sees the loitering ammunition only on approach. due to the fact that the landset is made of composite materials, it is not visible to...
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the enemy, and the electric power plant prevents enemy manpads from targeting it. if the armed forces of ukraine find out that landset crews are working in the direction, a real hunt begins for them, because salvation from this there are no russian weapons, camouflage does not help. nothing can be hidden from the scout's eyes, we find and select angles anyway between the trees with the help of loitering ammunition, we manage to go in and hit targets, sorties, the calculation of the lancets is carried out. every day, every flight results in one target hit; the primorye residents account for hundreds of destroyed guns, armored vehicles and several tanks. sergey samokh, oleg sokolchuk, lead. the power supply to the south of russia , disrupted the day before due to a malfunction at the rostov nuclear power plant, has been fully restored, about this was reported by the ministry of energy. the ministry will continue to promptly monitor the situation in regions where there is heat and abnormally high temperatures are recorded. earlier about the restored operation of the first power unit.
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station, which was switched off, rosatom reported. good news from the rostov nuclear power plant. rostov nuclear workers in the shortest possible time managed to turn on power unit number one to the network, which in... yesterday, as it was established, was normally switched off from the intended operation of the protection; for this , the entire personnel of the nuclear plant was mobilized and last night at 22:28 the power unit again began supplying electricity to the network, by this morning its capacity had been raised to 100%, that’s 100 mw. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100% every month. and up to 30% in categories
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for free! opening the way to business! sberbusiness! the speed of redistribution of budget funds has doubled due to automation of the process. this was stated by deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko at a meeting with the leadership of the russian treasury. financial resources aimed at a new goal are tied to a specific result, and this. new schools, roads, modern equipment in hospitals and other socially significant projects. in addition, budget checks have been fully automated. as the deputy prime minister noted, the main task facing the treasury is the fast and efficient movement of budget money. also one of the tasks for the treasury,
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i believe the most important task is the procedure for issuing subsidies to our legal entities and the treasury. support, these procedures should be as simple as possible, as comfortable as possible, many processes are digitalized and thereby simplified, unnecessary or unnecessary actions are selected. well, probably, the third area that i will highlight is procurement, these are the notorious government procurements. of course, there is a lot to be done here, in addition to simplifying the procedures themselves, it is important not to lose quality. federation council today is considering a bill on public-private partnership in the space industry. the state duma adopted it on july 9. the document will allow, in particular, to attract private investment into the space sector. in more detail about the innovations that he... is reviewing, we will talk with the general director of roscosmos yuri borisov, now i give
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the floor to my colleague dmitry morok, who right now has the opportunity to ask questions to the head of roscosmos. dmitry, greetings, i give you the floor. yes, daria, welcome. so, next to me is yuri borisov, the head of roscosmos. yuri ivanovich. hello. good afternoon. so, the federation council literally just approved a bill on public-private partnership in space. tell me what benefit it can bring to the economy and
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well, as for roscosmos, we are really reducing the burden on the budget, and close interaction with private companies, which we carry out in practice today, reduces the risks of carrying out certain activities, attracting private capital is not easy infusion and replacement of budget funds is actually taking upon oneself a certain role of responsibility, in this situation a good alliance can turn out, like...
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knowledge-intensive and fundamental research will probably primarily remain with roscosmos, because such
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activities have always been implemented for budget money, because this is the task of the state as a whole, i have in i mean, this is the organization of manned events, manned direction, scientific research, fundamental research, in part, we still don’t have serious proposals for rocket science, probably in in the near future, this will remain a function for... roscosmos for a function that will be supported specifically from the federal budget, as for the organization of space services, which are indeed in great demand today, is a priority ; here the way opens for attracting private companies and private capital. world practice says that, in principle, the entire global multi-satellite constellation today is created approximately 70% at the expense of private ones. companies, we are also moving along this path, we hope that this will have a positive impact
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on the entire situation in the space industry. well , the bill has been approved, but what now needs to be done to finally make ppp in space work successfully? a bill is always a right that still needs to be properly implemented; of course, we will still have to develop a fairly large number of regulations that regulate precisely... thank you, yuri borisov, the head of roscosmos, was with me. daria, i give you the floor. dmitry, thank you. dmitry moroka discussed with the general director of roscosmos yuri borisov the bill on public-private partnership in the space sector. today the document was approved by the federation council. mikhail mishustin demanded that everything necessary be done to transfer
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shipping to russian standards in new regions. this topic became one of the main ones at the meeting between the prime minister and... rosmorrech-fleet driver andrei tarasenko. another significant topic concerns our new regions - these are donetsk, lugansk, people's republic, kherson and zaporozhye regions. there is a process going on, you know, of restoring the entire infrastructure, but what is very important is integrate them, including into the transport infrastructure, including, of course, waterways, but how is the work going there? we have already included them, we already have them in full. accounting, registration, they are all in operation today, accordingly, today we are working in the main regions to launch a large enterprise, we tell you what kind of cargo turnover you need, because we understand that today the raw materials that were previously used there in the territory are not there, they need to be brought now launch, help with order formation, yes, yes, we are creating a cargo base, accordingly, we are putting in order all
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the depths that are necessary today for there to be a passage, as well as berths and all the other structures that are necessary for transshipment. it is very important to do everything necessary to ensure that the transportation of people and goods is carried out according to russian standards, and that nothing interferes with the integration of the relevant structures of our new regions into the overall transport system of the country. toufon eye drops are created specifically to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes. tufon - triple action for eye health. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. what do we bring back from savito’s travels? cashback
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he added that we are not talking about an isolated case, but about several episodes when the ukrainian military used toxic substances on the battlefield. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov spoke at a meeting of the council of foreign affairs in new york and held a series of bilateral meetings, including with colleagues from. what was discussed in the report of the special correspondent of vesti in new york alexey head there are 15
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states in the un security council, but when the month of russia’s chairmanship begins, attention to the opinion of a permanent member of the security council comes, of course, minister sergei lavrov personally flew to new york in person to convey to his colleagues moscow’s opinion on the most important world problems. sergei lavrov leads the delegation when it comes to issues that are crucial for the states of the world. for the next meeting of the un security council, russia proposed the topic of creating a more just, democratic sustainable world order, instead of the current one, based on unwritten rules. in the last century, george orwell, in his story scott farm, already foresaw the essence of a rule-based order. i quote: all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. end of quote. if you carry out the will of the hegemon, everything is allowed to you, and if... if you start defending your national interests, you will be declared an outcast and subject to sanctions. washington's hegemonic policies have not changed for decades. all schemes, all
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euro-atlantic security schemes without exception, were based on ensuring the dominance of the united states, including its subordination of europe and the containment of russia. it is in this attitude towards the vital interests of other states that sergei lavrov sees the origins of the ukrainian conflict.
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sofbes changes through a series of bilateral meetings, the first of them with the hungarian foreign minister. hello, it is possible, it is possible. sergei lavrov and petra szijarta discuss the peace initiative of hungary, which prime minister viktor orban recently proposed during a voyage to kiev, moscow, beijing and washington. in budapest clearly realize that the strategy of ukraine’s western allies is failing. if we take the supply of weapons to kiev or the sanctions imposed, we will see that the situation on the battlefield is still not what the united states and its allies hoped for, and since there is no military solution, then
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negotiations are needed. lavov’s next guest himself asked for a meeting, this is the swiss foreign minister ignazio casis. the alpine country has long been trying to become a kind of mediator between russia and ukraine, although moscow has repeatedly declared its neutral status. switzerland could not stand it. and now kasis left without talking to the journalist. bilateral relations with the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone. we also discussed the genocide that the zionist regime is currently carrying out in the gas sector. we came to
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the conclusion that it was necessary to stop these atrocities. tomorrow's meeting of sov beon will be devoted to the situation in the middle east. in anticipation of it, sergei lavrov held meetings with colleagues from kuwait and bahrain. alexey glovko, philip dubrovsky, ivan utkin and aleftina sorokina. news from the un, new york. the minister of foreign affairs and economic relations of hungary had a telephone conversation with his colleague from china. peter szijjarto outlined his views on the ukrainian crisis and spoke about budapest's recent efforts in this matter. head of the chinese foreign ministry wang. said beijing is ready to work with budapest to promote a peaceful resolution of the situation, making it clear that this is the most urgent matter. all parties must come to a consensus as quickly as possible to avoid escalation. wang yi stated the need to create real conditions for peace negotiations. it is clear to everyone that russia is not
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a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps with, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with production, export raw materials , what is it, our product.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest
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detective story. now economic news, briefly. the ministry of economic development may raise the growth forecast for the russian economy this year, there is every reason for this, deputy prime minister tas said alexander novak. gdp growth in 2024 will add 2.8%. the central bank also reports an improvement in the economic situation. according to him, gdp in the second quarter grew by 8%. the economy is preparing to transition to a balanced growth trajectory, the central bank notes. however, the overheating will still be smoothed out gradually. alexander novyk also said that more gas will be produced in russia, and they plan to increase volumes to pre-sanction levels. according to him,
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the government. expects a significant increase in consumption within the country, and new export destinations, in particular to asia. according to the international energy agency, gas production in russia this year will increase by 6% to 675 billion cubic meters. russia has reduced purchases of european wine by 2 and a half times. in may, supplies fell to almost 9,000 tons, the minimum since february 2015, riyavosti reported, citing eurostat. more. spain immediately reduced other exports by seven times, and supplies from germany and lithuania fell four times. experts say the reason is the increase in import duties on wine from unfriendly countries, they were raised from 12.5 to 20%. and japan will allocate $3 billion 300 million to ukraine from the proceeds from russia’s frozen assets, which is about 6% of.


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