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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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more than 2 degrees, but the warming continues. in the cities of kuban, stavropol, dagestan, record numbers are still far away, but even there, as well as at 9:00 in the morning, it was over +30. there is a good chance that the statistics will be updated. but in russia at 9:00 in the morning it was about +35 on the ashes of the forest fire, which was extinguished the day before, and a small whirlwind spun up. let me remind you that two people fought the fire for more than three days. the area of ​​the outbreak reached 60 hectares. judging by the following shots. in the south the heat started to light up initially, the inside of the car began to light up, in this case the role of the lens played a plastic mount on the glass, the plastic began to melt and then caught fire. the heat is reaching its peak in the north-west of russia in st. petersburg, it’s already +20, the excitement at the kazan cathedral was caused by this dog taking a swim in the fountain, passers-by were sincerely envious of him. the extreme heat wave continues and will continue as long as the influence of widespread, stable heat remains. the high pressure area occupies
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the entire european part of the country and the urals. the influx of heat is enhanced by the atlantic cyclone surrounding scandinavia, but with it will be associated with a weakening of the heat. the whirlwind will be able to overcome the resistance of the anticyclone, the clouds will gradually increase, and then the rains will come. today, light precipitation will occur in the northeast of the russian plain, in the caucasus in the westernmost regions. there will be little precipitation, but the temperature will gradually drop. but for the residents of southern russia, vacationers. we have to spend several more days in extreme conditions. in yalta, let me remind you, at dawn the temperature was about 31°, at the height of the day it will be 38 in the shade. the coming night will not bring coolness again and the minimum temperature will again be close to 30°. the next two days will be spent in the same conditions of extreme heat. in moscow , it will be hot again during the day, with partly cloudy weather up to +31; on thursday afternoon , fields of atmospheric cumulus clouds will reach the capital. the rains
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will linger in the megalopolis on friday, in total , in two days, about a third of the monthly rainfall will fall on the city, while the daytime hours are finally fresher to +25, the far east has already begun to get rid of the heat ; almost half of it fell in blagovishchensk in just 10 minutes the ten-day norm of precipitation, while the temperature dropped from 30 to +22, yesterday it was +34, thunderstorms with hail in places freshened the air in the evening, where the day before... it was also up to +30. this is the weather information for this minute. thank you, indeed, a very difficult week for the southern regions of russia, tatyana belova spoke about the literally sizzling heat in the south and regions where the heat has already begun to recede. well, now to the far east. how russian-chinese business cooperation affects the development of the border amur region areas. the governor of the region, vasily orlov, spoke about this and more in an interview with our channel. hello, vasily
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alexandrovich, hello, so, immediately after taking office as president, vladimir putin made his first foreign trip to beijing, the celestial empire, which certainly speaks to the highest level of interaction between moscow and beijing, russia and china, please tell us how in this way , this most directly affects the amur region, which has been changing in the region over the past few years. 2 years in connections with, of course, including the pressure of western sanctions, which are very serious, but nevertheless, this is also an incentive, probably also, indeed, additional responsibility has been assigned to the amur region, we have the longest state border between russia and china , 1,200 km passes through the territory of the amur region, we have two cities located opposite each other, blagoveshchensk chinese heh, we have accumulated a huge amount of knowledge, competencies in relations with china, we teach chinese in schools, in china in... russian in
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schools, we have interuniversity collaboration, interaction, business, we know each other well, that is, we have been communicating with china for a long time, we have been friends for a long time, and that is why the president decided to create a center of competence for russian-chinese relations in the city of blagoeschensk, it will be located on the basis of the convention and exhibition center, which we are also designing today, the golden mile project, a unique project on the banks of the amur, today there are plans to build an international cable car, a unique project and... today this object already under construction, next year we will commission it, put it into operation, two hotels are planned there, a museum of russian-chinese friendship is planned there, including a unique fountain group, the russian flag stands seventy-five meters high, a convention and exhibition center will also be located there, where the platform designated by the president will take place, the off-site platform of the eastern economic forum, it was held for the second time this year, this is the so-called amurspo, i repeat once again that it is on behalf of the president for the second year in a row held. as an off-site platform for the eastern
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economic forum and is entirely dedicated to the development of russian-chinese relations, we see in numbers that trade turnover is growing, we see an increase in tourist flows, we are actively building and developing border infrastructure, in particular, we have launched the international road bridge luyachensk- xx across the amur river, construction of a full-fledged checkpoint is also underway there, i expect that from the fall, including the bridge, it will be possible for passengers to travel, and the cargo turnover, we are building, as i already said, a cable car, we are building an airport in the active phase in the city of blagoveshchensk, and the runway, the second runway at... this airport was built last year with a three-kilometer runway that allows accept all types of aircraft, and the international terminal will be completed next year, this will also affect the development of tourism, because we, including our chinese partners, are calculating options for how a chinese tourist can travel
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from beijing to moscow, this can be done directly by plane, or you can visit the chinese city of heihei, travel by cable car to blagoveshchensk, see the vostochny cosmodrome, which we are also actively building and... a set of joint projects with chinese partners, these are major projects for example, you know, we are building the omorsky gas chemical complex in the city of free, it is being built by the sebur company, and a significant role in this project is played by the company, which is also a co-founder of this enterprise
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and co-investor. we, as i said, already a cable car is being built, you understand that without chinese participation in this project it would have been impossible, because two unique terminals are being built on two banks of the river. i'll repeat it again. that we expect that it will be completed at the end of the next twenty -fifth year, we have a large number of projects in the humanitarian field, we hold about 200 events annually together with our chinese partners, i can mention the traditional annual cultural art fair, which we hold all summer , these include gastro festivals, a large number of sports events, a winter festival on ice, we play hockey, we hold car rallies together with our chinese friends, every year
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there is something to see in the amur region, and not only here, in general in the distant in the east, we have, as i already said, the eastern cosmodrome, for industrial tourism, a large number of objects of interesting tourists, these are hydroelectric power plants and a gas cluster, there are two huge factories, colossal in size, a gas processing plant that is building gazprom and the gas chemical complex, we have beautiful nature and all this is in collaboration, of course it is interesting for chinese tourists, we have developed routes specialized for foreign tourists, but not only for... foreign ones, we believe in russian tourists , they often come to us, we have of course, the development of an additional hotel complex is required, in this regard, several large hotels, four and five stars, in particular on the golden mile, we have planned, investors have been found, design is underway today, i i think that within two or three years we will build these facilities, and in general this will be
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a unique opportunity for russian tourists, including coming to a russian city using a visa-free border crossing procedure, and we have already approved such a procedure, that is, it is enough just to have a foreign passport passport literally for one or two days before... come to a neighboring state, see how life goes there, and life there is very interesting, return to russia, the same thing , chinese citizens have the opportunity to come to x, move to see blagoveshchensk and go back, so we believe in the prospects. moving on to another topic completely, recently there was a terrible accident in blagoveshchensk, children were killed with the participation of a drunk driver, work is underway in the region, yes, at the legislative level , to tighten measures, respectively , to punish and suppress in such cases, the actual culprits road traffic accidents, please tell me what kind of work is going on, what are the prospects here, here is another point that... you reported that there is a mechanism for encouraging those who will report
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drunk drivers, i also need to improve, please tell me how things are here? and things are as follows: every registered accident, the so -called one, where people were injured or died, is always considered by the relevant road safety commission and there several decisions are made regarding the arrangement of the site of these accident sites, that is, it is necessary to figure out whether there were reasons there road, let's say, is there any need for improvement of the road surface? or any additional technical security measures nature, the second group of questions is everything related to legislation, because, as you said, in this accident, the culprit was a drunk driver, and no technical measures would have helped, there was obvious speeding, absolutely uncontrolled driving , which, unfortunately, led to such a tragedy, therefore, through a legislative initiative from the legislative assembly, we have sent to the state duma a proposal to tighten the liability of drivers for drunk driving, this is an increase in fines by 10 times today it is 30,000 rubles. is, that is , a multiple of 10 times up to 300,000, this is the seizure of the car as a guarantee for the payment of this fine,
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and regardless of whether it belongs directly to the one who was driving or to some other person, this guilty drunk driver was driving by proxy , he will stand in the impound lot until the entire fine is paid, another important topic here is the deprivation of rights, increasing the period of minimum and maximum deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle, then there are quite strict ones... sanctions from a legislative point of view, and finally, the third thing you already mentioned is an experiment, although i know that in some regions there were also similar decisions, we get 30,000 rubles for a fine into the budget from the arrest of a drunk driver, we are not interested, of course, in this money, we are interested in ensuring that such violations do not occur at all, from this point of view we offer citizens a reward of 5,000 rubles for information. that a drunk driver is driving, if this information will lead to the stop and arrest of this
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driver, we hope that this will work, this measure was only introduced literally on july 15 and began to work, so we will definitely support here in the media, including with your help , talk about how it is we succeed because i think that the most important element in the fight against drunk drivers is not fines, not punishment for deprivation of rights , and so on, but public control, and here i think that such a measure can... help increase the motivation for this public control, let's see what happens, continue the topic of developing a dynamic region, of course, one of the aspects, one of the vectors that we discussed is tourism, and another of the drivers, if not the main one, is the agro-industrial complex, please tell us which ones are here , so to speak, the areas are developing most dynamically, how it all works, what prospects there may be, why it turns out to be so wonderfully developed, and we really have agriculture... agriculture is also one of the main topics in the socio-economic strategy development, in general there are seven areas, but with
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agroprom - this is one of these topics, which means that over the last 5 years, our contribution to the rp from agriculture has doubled to 100 billion rubles last year, we have significantly increased the volume of crop production, productivity , the business actively invests in the processing of agricultural products and actively invests in milk, in dairy farms and subsequent processing, here, in my opinion, the most important condition for investment in these industries was the restrictive decisions of the ministry of agriculture, let’s say about export duties on raw materials, on grain legumes, in particular on our main product soybeans, these duties today provide raw materials for potential investors who enter into processing today, in particular, we are building a plant of the commonwealth group company, which will process 1 million tons of soybeans annually, soybeans per year, for comparison last year we have a total gross yield. the soybean harvest amounted to 1,560,000 tons, the year before 1,600, these are very
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good results, we expect to reach 2 million tons per year, we understand what is needed for this to do, but the key and most important condition is that we need to leave this soybean in the region, process it, the deeper the better, so the commonwealth group of companies is the most important anchor project for us, and the most important not only for the amur region, but for the entire far east in the field of oilseed processing, i am sure that it will be implemented; today a plant is being actively built; the harvest of the twenty-sixth year will be processed already at this point. and concluding our conversation, of course, i can’t help but ask about the baikal-amur mainline, the third stage is already project, and preparing for implementation, expanding opportunities, as it sounds in the documents. expanding the capabilities of the trans-sib and bama, what is the significance for the amur region, firstly, secondly, of course, what is the contribution to the economy of the region, how will all this be implemented? you know, here there is a direct correlation with sanctions, 5 years ago we had the carrying capacity of the eastern range - this is bam and transip across the territory of the male region - 120 million tons, this year , on behalf of the president - a huge construction project
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has been carried out all these years, 180 million tons will carrying capacity, further instructions to provide 270 million tons by the thirty-second year. that is, at times almost compared to 120-270 for a relatively short period in the historical aspect, so to speak - what is the railway for the amur region, it is also transport and logistics - this is one of the key industries for us from the point of view of socio-economic development, but here is the railway, russian railways - this is 20 thousand workers in the amur region, residents of the amur region and 8 billion rubles in taxes, this is the largest the taxpayer, accordingly, if throughput increases, more cargo is transported, then the direct effect from the point of view of workers... it was recently noted that this is the development of deposits adjacent to the bam, in particular, there are quite a lot of them, and of course, these deposits would be developed is impossible without the development of the baikal-amur mainline and transive, so
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it is impossible to overestimate russian railways and the eastern testing area for the amur region. thank you very much for such a detailed interview. thank you. june 28 is a parade of planets, get ready for an expedition to arctic, on the twenty-eighth i have nuggets, and on the twenty-fourth, twenty-fourth i have a chicken burger, a delicious calendar at a delicious point, every day a new favorite product at a super price only in the app, delicious period, the sber loyalty program has been updated, thank you. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage on everything, are more profitable with a subscription from berp. i am chef kote aganezov, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to it was even tastier, the right sauce is important, and
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real estate, for example, an apartment or a cottage? already chosen the appropriate option. before you sign the contract, find out whether this property is in debt. otherwise, you may encounter an unpleasant surprise; how to prevent other people’s debts from becoming yours, we’ll tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. all you need to do is understand whether there are any debts or whether everything is paid on time. the easiest way is to find out and ask to see the receipt for payment for the last month. in it, in the line the status of payments or debt for previous periods, everything will be written. if the owner refuses paper notices, then you can ask him for either access to the payer’s personal account or a certificate of absence of debt. it is issued by the management company and receive it only the owner or his representative can, but not the potential owner. since this information is considered confidential. according to the law, debts accumulated for housing and communal services remain with the previous owner, however, theoretically, a situation could arise when he decided
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to sell the apartment and stopped paying, but while they were looking for a buyer, the owner lived in the apartment and used the resources. after 3 months of no payments, his water and electricity were turned off, and you didn’t even know about it and signed an agreement, and you will be faced with the fact that you need to somehow restore the supply of resources. here , most likely, you will go to court, you will go to court, to cancel this decision, or you will write a claim, say that a transaction was made, the transaction was registered on such and such a date, and i am now the new owner, here are the supporting documents, yes , an extract from the unified state register of real estate, although now there is no patronymic name there, unless you yourself allow them to be published, and well, the date of transfer of rights will be, accordingly. and you will say that you are canceling these restrictions, you don’t have to pay anything for this, for reconnection, and so on further, but this will be a complex process, it is easier, of course, to prevent such situations:
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the management company does not have the right to demand that the new owner repay the debts of the previous one, although in practice such letters are sometimes sent out, to avoid this, it is better to discuss everything with the old owner on the shore and register everything is in the contract, it can be prevented, it can be prescribed. in an agreement that the owner undertakes to pay for services at the time of transfer of rights or until a certain date, you can do this, that you pay for these services, but in return he gives you some kind of discount, yes, that is , he reduces the price of the contract, or you just negotiate in such a way that i know that you have debts of 400,000, so we will price you there we reduce the transaction by 700 and disagree, so there are a lot of options here, there is only one type of debt, like... which follows the property, that is, goes to the new owner when buying an apartment, these are debts for major repairs, so
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this is what you should pay for pay special attention, yes, then there is a check for debts in payment of contributions for major repairs, and accordingly, in court they can collect from you for the last 3 years, although you bought an apartment a month ago, and you will not get anywhere, because you are now... the owner of this premises , this applies to both owners, individuals, and individuals, the situation with dacha plots is clear, all debts remain with the previous owner, the rights and obligations of the new owner arise only after the transfer of ownership, it all begins from a clean slate, although of course before purchasing it is better to talk with the chairman or accountant of snt, where you want to buy a dacha, if there are debts on membership or target fees, debts for electricity or maybe gas, that is, it makes sense to register in...
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you must clearly understand that that debts from the previous owner to the new owner do not pass, since the rights and obligations you and i have arise exclusively from the moment of state registration and transfer of ownership. so, let's repeat the main thing: debts for housing and communal services when buying an apartment remain with the previous owner. the management company does not have the right to demand their repayment from the new owner with one exception: debts on contributions to the capital repair fund, they pass to the new owner. when purchasing a dacha, all debts remain with the previous owner. if you want to know more, how to more reliably make transactions with real estate or other property,
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write to us in telegram, send it. your questions, we will ask experts about everything , we will tell you everything in the next releases of our instruction program.
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dear friends, i am pleased to invite you. you to our new release of the author's program besagon tv with an intriguing title with light steam or who saw bastrykin in the bathhouse. you will see the details on the screen. i look forward to seeing you at our meeting.
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this opens the way for attracting private companies and private capital, private investment in space exploration, in what areas is this possible? the federation council approved the bill on public-private partnership in the space industry.
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advancement of the group's assault units north in the special operation zone , several strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed from the air at once. a group of ukrainian soldiers surrendered . black heat in the south of russia in several regions plus 40 and above. how long will the abnormal heat last and what are the forecasts for the central regions? let's ask our meteorologists. when other arguments no longer worked, the mayor of paris personally went swimming in...
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the state duma approved a bill on public-private partnership in the space industry. the document, in particular , introduces the concept of space objects. this technical devices designed to operate in outer space. roscosmos general director yuri borisov spoke in more detail about the innovations that this bill provides for in an interview with our channel. we took the path to monetize space services on behalf of our president; this path has been tested and proven. the effectiveness of this path throughout the world, and attracting private capital and private companies to the formation of space constellations, and thereby providing increasing demand for space services are more fully satisfied. therefore , the adoption of this law opens the way for the organization of a truly private public partnership, for the signing of constitutional agreements.


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