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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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the federation council, following the state duma, approved a bill on public-private partnership in the space industry. the document, in particular, introduces the concept of space objects. these are technical devices designed to operate in outer space. roscosmos general director yuri borisov spoke in more detail about the innovations that this bill provides for in an interview with our channel. we took the path to monetize space services on behalf of our president, this. the path is tested and proven the effectiveness of this path throughout the world, and the attraction of private capital and private companies to the formation of space constellations, and thereby providing the growing demand for space services, is more fully satisfied, therefore the adoption of this law opens the way for the organization of a truly private public partnership for signing constitutional agreements,
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the burden on the federal budget will certainly be reduced, risks will be divided between business and the state, and i think that it should positively influence the development of the entire space industry in russia. during the special operation, assault units of the north group of troops captured a group of ukrainian soldiers. their movements became known thanks to our scouts. they detected enemy infantry and equipment using a drone. first , fire was opened on the militants when they tried to hide, and attack aircraft cleared their shelter. a reconnaissance drone accompanied our fighters and suggested possible pockets of resistance in the trenches. as a result of a smooth the work managed to destroy several large strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces at once. everyone works in tandem behind the sky, rap is watching, there, naturally for me, the stormtrooper himself is watching in front, sappers, miners, it all works, plus there ’s a heavy machine gun, when you’re walking in such a regiment, but it’s very difficult. take, yes,
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plus everything on the right and left is mined, naturally you urgently request artillery, and the artillery should be at that very moment, that is, everything should be rolled up, everything should happen quickly and boldly, then the enemy surrenders. from july 15 on the territory of stavropol a special fire regime has been introduced, which will be in effect for the next two months. as the head of the region, vladimir vladimirov, said, this decision was made due to the extremely hot weather now. the governor of stavropol is in direct contact with the studio by phone. vladimir vladimirovich, hello, what is your current situation with fires and which areas are at high risk? well, today we had a fire on our on us on our mountain, it’s in the area of ​​mount strezhament, this is our specially protected natural area, we quickly eliminated it, and are now working to renew the mineralized strips. temperatures, unfortunately, are on the edge here. from 38
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to 42°, even reaching 46, so the situation is complicated, today we held another headquarters, for the next 10 days, let’s say, there will be no decrease in temperature, so we are keeping the situation under control, trying to minimize the consequences of this abnormal heat, which we have today in the south of russia, well, in the stavropol territory in particular, yeah, and what measures are you now taking to to prevent new fires, to localize them, here are the measures that can generally be taken in that situation. with the weather that has now settled in southern russia. look, the most important thing today is to prevent these local fires from spreading to populated areas. to do this, of course, the clearing of populated areas must be repeated. the high danger regime itself today allows us to minimize, let’s say, the amount of open burning, that is, we prohibit the lighting of open fires, we prohibit today we can control the burning of stubble after the harvesting campaign and we can fine people.
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for the fact that they do not allow such, well , liberties, let’s say, in such a difficult, difficult period, and of course, today this regime allows us today to strengthen our group for the supply of water, now literally we have made a decision for 132 million rubles, we are increasing the number of water trucks in order to, on the one hand, provide people with drinking water, but on the other hand, if necessary, form up for extinguishing fire, well, the work of our ministry of emergency situations in such a situation is simply in an enhanced mode. well, the abnormal heat in the south of russia creates another problem: in the regions, in the southern regions , restrictions on electricity consumption have been introduced since yesterday, are there temporary shutdown schedules now in the stavropol territory, and what is your situation with electricity supply today? well, look, yesterday, due to the fact that one of the zagoblocks on rostovskaya oyas stopped, from 6:29 to 2129 we had a shutdown of 140 mw, at 15 we...
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vladimir vladimirovich, thank you very much for your answers, but i would like to remind you that the governor of the stavropol territory, vladimir vladimirov, was in direct contact with the studio. but we will continue to talk about the weather; heat records in the south of russia today began to be updated already at the beginning of the day. and tatyana belova will tell you more about this. she joins me in the studio now. tatyana, hello, where is the hottest point in the country today? in the zone of extreme overheating, the entire south of russia, the situation on the southern coast of crimea is especially striking. even in elta at night the thermometer dropped only
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to +30.7°. and by 9:00 am the air heated up to +37.1. the daily temperature record was exceeded by more than 2 degrees. but the warming continues. in the regions of kubania, stavropol, and dagestan, record numbers are still far away, but there, too, at 9:00 am it was over +30. and there is a great chance of updating meteorological statistics. in russia at 9:00 in the morning it was about +35, a small whirlwind spun out on the ashes of a forest fire that had been extinguished the day before. let me remind you that we fought fire more than three days. the area of ​​the outbreak reached 60 hectares. judging by the following shots, in the south, in the heat, they began to catch fire inside. in this case, the role of the lens was played by a plastic mount on the glass. the plastic began to melt and then caught fire. the heat reaches its peak in the north-west of russia in st. petersburg already +27. this dog bathed in the fountain caused a stir at the kazan cathedral. passers- by sincerely envied him. the extreme
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heat wave will continue as long as the influence of the widespread, stable anticyclone remains. the high pressure area occupies the entire the european part of the country and the urals. the flow of heat increases. an atlantic cyclone circling over scandinavia, but it will be the weakening of the heat that will be associated with it. in the whirlwind it will be possible to overcome the resistance of the anticyclone, the clouds will gradually increase, and then the rains will come. today, light precipitation will occur in the northeast of russkoravnin, in the caucasus in the westernmost regions. there will be little precipitation, but the temperature will gradually drop. but residents of southern russia and vacationers will have to spend several more days in extreme conditions. in yalets, let me remind you that at dawn the temperature was about 31. at the height of the day it will be 38 in the shade. the coming night will again not bring coolness, the minimum temperature will again be close to 30°. the next two days will be spent in the same conditions of extreme heat. in moscow it will be hot again during the day, with partly cloudy weather up to +31. on thursday afternoon
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, fields of cumulus clouds from the atmospheric front will reach the capital. the rains will linger in the megalopolis on friday, and for a total of up to two days the city will experience about the third monthly norm. mountain showers with hail in places refreshed the air is even, where the day before it was also above +30. this is the information about wait until this minute? it's really very hot.
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after about the power supply situation in the southern weeks. father court. and i have enough regions of russia in my garage. grandfather disappeared in the garage for several minutes, drive your car into the avito auto garage, you will immediately see the suitable spare parts: the avito auto garage, the garage of our time, register your car in the avito auto garage, and get a chance to win a new
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connect an online cash register, all this is free, we open the way to business, sber business, discounts until august 14, build a sovit faster for houses, the first state. radio russia: more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners. on air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia, now on 101.5 fm. the power supply to the south of russia, disrupted due to a malfunction at the rostov nuclear power plant, has been fully restored, the ministry of energy reported. the ministry will continue to promptly monitor the situation in regions where there is heat and records abnormally high temperatures. i 'll remind you the day before. several million people remained in the light from the rostov region , reporting by veronica bogma. according to official
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according to data, there is light in the rostov region. the electricity supply restriction was lifted the day before at 11 p.m. this happened an hour after rostov nuclear scientists managed to launch the first power unit in the shortest possible time. yesterday it was turned off during the day in the normal mode of the intended protection operation. and yesterday at 22 o'clock. 28 minutes later, the power unit again began supplying electricity to the network; the next morning it was no longer carrying a load of 100% of the rated power - that’s 100 mw. currently, there are three power units in operation at the rostov nuclear power plant from four. one of them has been undergoing scheduled repairs since june '24. the radiation background at the nuclear power plant site and in the area where it is located is at the level of natural background values. they turned on the lights on a quiet street in mineral waters, the inhabitants of which were all...
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we didn’t know that there would be a blackout, my daughter took him to her friends in the city. the lights were turned off selectively; people had the opportunity , in extreme cases, to move to where there was electricity. hospitals and socially significant facilities have. autonomous sources nutrition. thanks to the coordinated action of power engineers, power supply was restored around 24 hours on july 16. currently, all consumers disconnected within the temporary shutdown schedule are supplied with voltage. the ministry of energy continues to promptly monitor the situation with energy supply in those regions where abnormally high temperatures are observed. the supply of energy was carried out in stages; it returned to toapse, krasnodar, soch, and dagestan. rolling blackouts are still
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ongoing in crimea and the rostov region, as was the case before the situation at the nuclear power plant, the heat is in the southern regions. continues, which of course increases the load on the network. the weather forecast for the near future continues to be hot. veronica bogma, bulat shakieev, eduart ellin, vladimir shumakov, denis denisov, elena bedyak and svetlana selivanova. news. due to extreme heat in kuban , temporary restrictions on power supply are being introduced to avoid overloading equipment. in krasnodar, for 3 days until july 19, from noon to 6 pm, residents may be subject to emergency shutdowns several districts at once. schedules for temporary power outages have been introduced in crimea; they will affect the entire peninsula. during the day , the lights can be turned off for a while every 2-3 hours. and i will add that restrictions on energy supply in the southern regions did not affect the work of medical institutions. the ministry of health reported this a few minutes ago. and now let's return to the first topic of this issue. the
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federation council approved the bill on public-private partnership in space. and now works in the upper house of parliament our. correspondent dmitry morocco. dmitry, hello, what opportunities does this bill open for the development of the industry? yes, daria, welcome. so, the approved bill will allow roscosmos to enter into contracts with private companies to develop spacecraft, create infrastructure and implement other projects. according to the head of the state corporation, yuri borisov, this will allow, firstly, to reduce the burden on... the budget and secondly, to share risks between the state and business. the path to monetize the space services that we taken on behalf of the president, opens up a real opportunity to attract private capital, private companies, into such a knowledge-intensive, important industry. the law, which was adopted at the initiative of senators,
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will indeed give a new dynamic to attracting both private companies and private capital, thereby reducing. noted chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko, according to her, this will attract private investment into the industry, which will only benefit its development. this is a global practice, but we were somewhere in this part, one might say, on the sidelines, and of course, opportunity.
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citizens have about 4 billion rubles, while in 5 months banks prevented the withdrawal of about 300 billion into the shadow sector. director of rosfinitoring yuri chikhanchen spoke in more detail about measures to counter fraudulent schemes. against the backdrop of a decrease in the availability of bank loans, providers are becoming more active, issuing loans secured by real estate vehicles. for the last year. in terms of work to suppress the activities of financial pyramids using materials from the service together with law enforcement agencies for within a year and a half, several dozen such organizations were liquidated. also today the federation council considered the issue of
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raising funds from citizens for the construction of individual houses through. ta escru. this mechanism will provide people with financial protection and provide new opportunities for the development of the housing market. the same system is already successfully used in the construction of apartment buildings. giving. dmitry, thank you, my colleague dmitry morocco spoke about the topics being discussed today in the federation council. foreign secretary russia's sergei lavrov will speak today at a meeting of the un security council dedicated to the palestinian-israeli conflict. even the special correspondent for news in new york, alexei glovko. there are 15 states in the un security council, but when the month of russia’s chairmanship comes
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, attention to the opinion of a permanent member of the security council, of course, is special. minister sergei lavrov personally flew to new york to convey moscow’s views on the most important world issues to his colleagues. sergei lavrov leads the delegation when it comes to life-changing events states of the world problems for the next meeting of the un security council of russia. proposed the topic of forming a more just, democratic, sustainable world order, instead of the current one, based on unwritten rules. in the last century, george orwell, in his story scott farm, already foresaw the essence of a rule-based order. i quote: all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. end of quote. if you carry out the will of the hegemon, everything is allowed to you. and if you dare and start defending your national interests, you will be declared an outcast, but will be subject to sanctions. washington’s hegemonic policy has not changed for decades; all schemes, all schemes of euro-atlantic security without exception, were
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based on ensuring the dominance of the united states, including the subordination of europe and the containment of russia. it is in this attitude towards the vital interests of other states that sergei lavrov sees the origins of the ukrainian conflict; again in this room it is necessary to explain why russia. national minorities, and indeed the constitution of ukraine itself, which requires compliance with these rights, precisely to eliminate threats to the security of russia and the protection of people
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who feel themselves to be part of russian culture and live on lands settled for centuries by their ancestors, to save them from legislative and physical extermination, a special military operation was launched, changing with a series of bilateral meetings, sanctions, then we will see that the situation on the field the battle is still not what the united states and its allies hoped for, and since there is no military solution, then negotiations are needed. lavov’s next guest himself
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asked for a meeting, this is swiss foreign minister ignazio cassis, alpine the country has long been trying to become a kind of mediator between russia and ukraine, although moscow has repeatedly declared its neutral status, switzerland could not maintain it, and now cassis left without talking to journalists. at the end of july, the elected president of the islamic republic will take office, having already stated that all agreements with russia remain in force. at the inauguration, our country will be represented by the chairman of the state duma, i hope that immediately after this we will begin to work without delay. the ministers also discussed bilateral relations, situation in the palestine-israel zone. we also discussed the genocide that the zionist regime is currently carrying out in the gas sector, and came to the conclusion that it is necessary to stop these atrocities.
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tomorrow’s meeting of the un security council will be devoted to the situation in the middle east; on the eve of it, sergei lavrov held meetings with colleagues from kuwait and bahrain. alexey glovko, philip dubrovsky, ivan utkin and aleftina sorokina. news from the un, new york. here. god help me, oh, thank you, it’s simple, we came here forever, now there’s news. maybe
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to raise the growth forecast for the russian economy this year, there is every reason for this, said deputy prime minister alexander novak. according to current ministry estimates, gdp will increase by 2.8% in 2024. the central bank also reports an improvement in the economic situation. according to him , gdp in the second quarter grew by 8%. the economy is preparing to transition to a balanced growth trajectory, the central bank notes. however, the overheating will still be smoothed out gradually. holders of rosselkhozbank union pay cards may encounter difficulties when making payments abroad. customers are advised to withdraw cash before july 19. this was reported to rshb. chinese union pay is one of the largest payment systems in the world. its cards are accepted in 183 countries. in russia they are also issued by gazprom bank, asia-pacific bank and credit uralbank. the demand for them grew after that.
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russia has reduced purchases of european wine by 2 and a half times; in may, supplies dropped to almost 9,000 tons, this is the minimum since february 2015, reports citing eurostat. spain reduced exports more than others, seven times, four times supplies from germany and lithuania fell. experts cite the reason for the increase in import duties on wine from unfriendly countries; they were raised from 12.5 to... and japan will allocate $3 billion 300 million to ukraine from the proceeds from russia’s frozen assets. this is about 6% of the total amount of assistance that was previously agreed upon by the g7. this was reported by the kyoda agency. at the same time , ukraine will have to spend the money not on military purposes, but on the restoration of infrastructure. true, the transmission mechanism itself is still being worked out. let me remind you that the g7 leaders agreed to allocate ukraine until the end of the year
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50 billion dollars. it was economic news, briefly.
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you can try it on, yes, please, you can try it on.


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