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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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a soldier in which a person remains, as our soldiers take. earphones, real stories and evidence from both sides, you can’t hide from them, you can’t hide, they are the ones who will hunt the f16 in the skies over ukraine. the russian army received the first modernized mik-31 fighter-interceptors, writes the polish press, what to expect from these speed demons, russian soldiers will be protected from the enemy by the wings of angels, that’s what the soldiers call the new mobile stations rap, in what radius they jam the... control signal ukrainian
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birds, if you want peace for your country, it means you are an enemy of zelensky, the million-strong ukrainian bloggers are pacifying the base because they called for stopping the conflict, who else could become an enemy of the regime? fight against the agenda: elon musk will move spacex from california to texas, microsoft will dissolve the diversity deportation, a subtle calculation or an attempt to save his family and business? russian attack aircraft run up to the opornik, where the enemy detachment is hiding, and then, making sure that the enemy is not offering resistance, they give each armed forces officer the opportunity to calmly surrender, this is a video from the zone responsibility of our group of troops north in the kharkov region, and remarkable footage for two reasons at once, well, firstly, it is clear how demoralized the ukrainian soldiers were, who immediately laid down their arms, although it seemed they were not... inferior to our military personnel
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in numbers, respectively, hypothetically could would try to fight back, but preferred to be captured, and secondly, and perhaps more importantly, the video serves as clear evidence of the humanism of russian fighters; they, of course, act quite toughly, because no one has canceled security considerations, however, as it is not difficult to notice, they do not allow themselves anything even remotely similar to any bullying towards ukrainian militants; there is certainly... something to compare with, anton potkovenko will confirm. our fighters fight in such a way that the vsushniki can surrender, without fear of being destroyed or tortured, no matter how they are treated by dill propaganda, they raise their hands up and remain alive, like these in the just captured opornik under escort with their hands tied, but no assault or bullying, the prisoner even tries to make awkward jokes, ours respond. how do you like my rexes processed
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everything normally rexes - this is in the sense of our fighters, they say that they fought for zelensky, well, of course this is a step, that is , well, any capture of a prisoner, that is, this is a kind of game, that is, who will win, that is, this not just like that, well, well, the guys, too, as if on courage , say, well, how my rexes did you, well, it’s beautiful, a fighter with the name taman too. took prisoners in different directions and artyomovskaya and ovdeevka says that there is no such thing as beating those who surrender, much less shooting prisoners of war, our soldiers don’t fight like that, we were in the direction there near bakhmut, so it was as if the vsushnik, a ukrainian soldier, voluntarily surrendered, he laid down his weapon and that is, well, he came to meet us halfway, and we sort of met him, connected everything, but of course. well, to beat and torture there, we
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don’t have that, that is, he sat in our position for three or four days, so he himself sort of told where their positions were, where were the flamethrower, machine-gun points, his they also fed him, then it was as if they handed him over, we are russian soldiers, every soldier must remain human in any situation, so the human enemy in himself was destroyed. in this case, animals from the forbidden azov region, capable of shooting a wounded, unarmed russian soldier at point-blank range. it is precisely in the fact that our soldiers do not allow such a nightmare to occur that the special strength of the russian soldier lies. this is an extremely revealing story of how they fight and how we fight. it happened on bolshoi potemkin island on the dnieper. the landowners planted theirs as bait, as a decoy. and they have him i did something wrong there. here they are like...
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one duck shouted for three days: russians , help, yes, but can you imagine when there is silence, this is water, everyone can hear all this, well, there is a click, they first broke his arm, this is an uninvented story, that's all for real. it was, they later broke his leg, it was because he was screaming badly and we didn’t crawl to him, that is, pull him out, but they had a sniper couple sitting there who would work on us, we prepared everything and we pulled him out without there without any of their own there losses, and we then transported him urgently, he was cured by our doctors, these are the records of a doctor with the call sign ovdey, who cured a prisoner from potemkin island, we read: patient vladislav kritsul from odessa, 1996. at birth, he was given quenching antibacterial drugs and so on, that is , ours naturally saved his life, maybe that’s why vysushniki surrendered when they took vdeevka, there were a lot of prisoners, we had 18 prisoners at once in one assault, they
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say, they don't want to be with us they are forced to fight, dmitry romaev from the ukrainian 57th motorized infantry brigade was imprisoned for theft, robbery, murder, drugs. our own and pursuing those who want to surrender, but there are more and more of them who learn what captivity is in russian, not death, salvation. well , continuing the theme of prisoners, 95 russian military personnel were returned from the territories controlled by the kiev regime this afternoon, each of whom, according to information from the ministry of defense
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, was in mortal danger in captivity, all of them immediately received primary medical psychological assistance, and will soon be transported to moscow to undergo full treatment and the necessary rehabilitation in return. the country again received 95 prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces, and i will add that the united arab emirates provided mediation in this exchange. the press service of the ministry of defense officially confirmed today that a special reward will be established for russian military pilots for downed american planes, well, when the latter finally take to the skies over ukraine. in particular , for the first f-16 fighter destroyed in an air battle, they promise 15 million rubles. yes in further liquidation. they also intend to encourage such jets with very substantial sums; all expenses will be covered by a large domestic company, which has previously paid our soldiers for scrapped nato tanks, be it abrams or leopards. in general, in addition to the patriotic incentive, there is also a financial one, as
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it should be in the case of serious male work. well, by the way, the foreign press turns out to be very nervous about the means to make this work more effective. and an example of this is the article of the polish magazine. its authors are seriously alarmed by the latest news about the arrival of modernized mik-31 bm interceptors into the russian aerospace forces. stanislav bernwald will explain why they scared the partners of the kiev regime so much. on the eve of the delivery of f-16 aircraft to ukraine, the western press is guessing on the tea leaves what russia will oppose to american fighters in the skies over ukraine. f-16 fighters are not as invulnerable as these aircraft may seem. destroyed by both russian pilots and systems air defense. the sky over ukraine today is under the complete control of the russian aerospace forces. and the appearance of the old american f-16s in the armed forces of ukraine may not change anything, because in response to this , mig-31 interceptor fighters in
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the modernized version of bm, real sky hunters, and not only them, may appear in the sky. but the polish edition of the computer svyat comes out under the headline that. the upgraded mik and 31bm are already in the skies over ukraine and are ready to hunt the f-16. next, the poles talk about what updates the fighter received. interceptor as a result of modernization. they say the plane received a new on-board computer and can detect targets at a greater distance, but the main feature of this machine is the speed it can reach up to 3,000 km/h. and the most important thing is the weaponry of the moment. the most dangerous enemy. will become mig-31s ​​equipped with extremely tough r-37 missiles. thanks to it and the newer version, the r-37m is the longest-ranged air-to-air weapon on the ukrainian front. ukrainian f-16 equipped with the aem-120 missile, if it has one
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receives it, it will still have a shorter flight range than the mik-31 firing the r-37m. in general, the poles scare the ukrainians even on the shore with our updated moments. an aircraft like the su-35s, which is one of the most modern in its class, and literally not so long ago also received similar weapons, that is, the main thing is not so much the missile carrier, but the onboard radar station of the missile itself. of course, the mig-31 in the modernized version is a formidable weapon, but according to experts, it most likely will not be used to fight the f16 there will be, it has completely different tasks and goals of the mig-31. the vehicle is unique, has no analogues, is designed to a greater extent to
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protect our air borders, it is a component of the air defense system. no moment will be hunting for these f-16s, if only because the hat is a little undersized, this is the mik-31 - this is an all-weather, high-altitude long-range fighter-interceptor f16 - this is a light fighter, for it our su-35kh and.. . children with efochki, ukrainian information aids are savoring the yet-to-be-happened american phenomenon
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of the destroyer of the people, for example, unian. claims that the su-34, carrying the formidable fav-300, is all now, they say, with the advent of the f-16 , the real hunt will begin. of course, an attempt to use f-16s against our aviation will be aimed precisely at defeating our, unfortunately, su-34khs. i hope that our guys, well, i’m even sure, are preparing for this in terms of fighter escort, which could work ahead in terms of air defense, in terms of tactics, the case of appearing in the sixteenth is just like in history in turkey, when it was shot down our su-24, they will be covered by the same su-35 and su-30, and turkish f-16s in this situation tried to stay as far as possible from these... such twins, when a bomber was coming and was covered by a fighter, i think this is exactly
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the story that will develop here. in general, the appearance of the f16, albeit quite outdated, will, of course, create some inconvenience for us in the sky, but for this meeting , our aircraft aces are confidently prepared, ready to cordially welcome the long-awaited, next western handout to ukraine. after the debate with donald trump, joe biden lost popularity in 14 states at once, including including those who voted for him in the last elections. that's the kind of data from...
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that's what we've come to here in wisconsin. i think we'll see a little higher
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voter turnout, a little more participation in rural areas of the state, and that will be enough to put us in first place. after the assassination attempt on trump, biden, who had suspended his campaigning, again went out to the people. the shooting of an opponent temporarily completely eclipsed the issue of removing him from the race and the democrats decide to continue in nivada. another decisive factor for the electoral state campaigns. unlike ordinary americans, biden has not been on the grocery market for a long time; he obviously cannot estimate the rise in prices during his presidency. how unable. the new electoral reality forces biden to noticeably soften his anti-trump rhetoric and wants to prevent a surge in political violence, but speaking at the convention of the association of colored people of america, he cannot ignore his opponent. democrat
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biden is rapidly losing the votes of americans of color; he decides to remind them that his... vice president, dark-skinned kamla harris, as well as the phrase that jobs are for blacks, which trump said at the debate the day before. guys, i know what the hell a black job is, it's being the vice president of the united states. this is the first black president in american history, barack obama. while the leadership of the dim party is selecting a new strategy after the shooting in pennsylvania, major democratic donors are weaving their own intrigues. the new york times reports that they are calling politicians close to biden, urging them not to give up the idea of ​​removing biden from the election track. biden himself the day before he said that he was ready to withdraw from the elections if he received such a recommendation from doctors, but so far he saw no reason for this. if i had some kind of disease, if someone, the doctors came and said that you have
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such and such a health problem, but honestly, i think the only thing that brings... the police detained another suspicious person , during a search they found a pistol and a full magazine on him, what he was doing in
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the area of ​​the congress is unknown, as police representatives told us, now in city ​​to ensure safety. teams that arrived in milwaukee from all over the country are working. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from milwaukee, wisconsin. they are going to replenish the fund by 45 million euros, additional contributions are still expected, a statement from the so -called coalition of drones for ukraine, which announced new large-scale spending on equipping the kiev regime with drones. the corresponding memorandum was published on the website of the british government; the netherlands, sweden, and latvia united within the framework of the project. and new zealand, a common goal, both it is stated that these are joint purchases, as well as quick and effective deliveries to the kiev regime, and judging by official reports, the coalition’s plans are very ambitious, they plan to obtain a million fpv drones for the armed forces of ukraine, in the future they will be supplemented with attack and reconnaissance uavs of various types, of course , like many such loud statements, in reality everything may turn out to be much
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smaller in scale, this has already happened more than once, which , however, does not negate our response to the enemy’s actions, but news from the popular front about new ones arrived just in time rap installations for protecting the sky, the capabilities of which vadim zavodchenkov became familiar with: invisible domes over the heads of russian soldiers, angel wings, mobile rap that covers the sky from enemy birds, the next batch is being sent to the northern military district zone by the popular front, almost 100 electronic devices, each of which in turn , these are...
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suitcases are complexes for protecting deployment sites, they are installed in dugouts or trenches, fighters take backpacks with them , they protect units performing combat missions from drones, but arep in the form of small metal domes open an impenetrable umbrella over military equipment, we will not publish the technical characteristics of the devices, there is no need to give the enemy any unnecessary information, let’s just say that the range of mobile radios reaches one and a half kilometers, and the frequency range covers a wide band, there is more than one channel and not two. now we are in a fight like a ball with the enemy to reduce frequencies, right at this moment we come up with a rap that jams this frequency, they figure out how
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to get around this moment, now everything comes down to frequency, the drones themselves are no longer developing, roughly speaking, as they used to be, here is radio frequency warfare, this is already changing, of course, small mobile drones in their efficiency cannot compare with large... army complexes, but you can’t install an antenna everywhere. from the very beginning of the svo, it became obvious that each unit of the russian army ideally needs its own portable drone jamming device. currently , dozens of different devices from a variety of manufacturers are being tested in the special operations zone, including anti-drone guns, and the already famous hedgehogs on tanks. it may not be a panacea against drones; it would be nice to also have mobile means of destroying drones, but it is already an essential element of protecting our soldiers. as for
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mobile weapons and field rap, before the start of the svo, as such, this class of weapons was absent. this is the beginning of a special military operation and the use of such a number of unmanned systems as part of a special military operation that. on the part of our enemy precisely led to the need for effective means countermeasures, ranging from large serious complexes that cover large areas, ending with operational, small operational-tactical tasks, that is , this direct pile of turnips, which directly protects personnel, the effectiveness of trench stations of rap is growing literally every day, they cover more and more frequencies and land enemy drones faster and faster, in about five minutes. or a drone with a gun , i then fought with mavit for 18 minutes, and this is a confident step towards leveling the only factor, for now
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working in favor of the ukrainian armed forces, their endless fleet of uavs. the collective west is betting on this, so they understand that attack drones, as they currently cause us the greatest damage, units cannot go on the attack until groups are suppressed in some direction. hit, that is, until these drones are suppressed, as if in many places the fighting is reaching a dead end, so it is necessary to develop means of rap and , most importantly, to create means of interception and destroying these drones. while, unfortunately, there is not enough mobile equipment for everyone, sometimes you have to fight drones in other ways. for example, here is a recent video from the northern military district zone, our bird brought water to the soldiers on the front line. but she noticed an enemy drone, she shot it down with a plastic bottle, oh, there is contact, no, no, he lay down, he lay down, he fell, he fell, that ’s it, there is, in these frames a russian drone
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is catching an enemy drone with a net, that’s the know-how, nevertheless, without at all begging the resourcefulness of the russian soldiers, i note that it is much simpler it’s safer to spread angel wings over the units. russia will be ready to participate in the search for peaceful solutions for...
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the very people who signed it on the part of the opposition, declaring immediately after the coup d'etat, occupying the administrative building, that they are canceling the status of the russian language in ukraine, that they are demanding that the russians liberate crimea, from the russian population, that is, from ukrainian citizens living in crimea, it was not possible to preserve ukraine within the borders of 1991, because crimea held a referendum and expressions of will from no one objective no observers were called.
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for the fourth day, the fbi is not leaving the crime scene, investigating one of the main failures of the secret service in history, an assassination attempt on live television, hundreds of frames were filmed from different angles, at different times, everything speaks of one thing: shots were fired at...
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and his exit is possible it would have been easy to delay until the situation became clearer. almost half an hour before the shooting, crooks tried to enter the event; during the security check, he attracted attention because he had a rangefinder in his hands. this device looks like a small benocular, but it is used by snipers to determine the distance to an object. crooks did not have a weapon on him and could not be prevented from entering the event, but officers were ordered to keep an eye on him. as they received it, so did... the backpack he was carrying, they saw how he took off the bicycle he was riding, looked through the rangefinder at the podium, behind which trump was soon to appear. the sniper saw crooks looking through the rangefinder and immediately reported this to the command post, he also tried to transmit
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his photograph there. item was created for interactions between the secret service and local police, it is unclear whether they received his warnings. the observant local police sniper was not on the roof, he was looking out the window, from the window of the same building complex from which trump would later be shot. in addition to the sniper, inside, that is, under the roof, there were also special forces, several patrolmen, two of them went to check the roof on which the criminal was climbing. one policeman helped another climb up.
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the post was noted in internal logs, but for some reason no one appeared on it. according to my sources at the head of the secret service were given a command from the administration. if she wants to keep her job, she needs to remain silent about this fact. krug, who worked as an assistant nutritionist in a nursing home on the day of the attack, took a day off. he had his father’s rifle with him; by the way, he thought that his son had gone to the shooting range, but he went 80 km from home to a trump rally. on the way to the building materials store. he bought a ladder that he used to climb to the roof; he also had three magazines with almost a hundred rounds of ammunition, an explosive bulletproof vest. guy with a rifle climbed onto a building, so close to trump, and with a ladder at that, people saw it, including the secret service, so the idea that this was not just a lone shooter, but a coordinated assassination attempt is not crazy. the publication writes politics in...


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