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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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hello, the program correspondents on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. the former head of the shatura urban district was detained in the moscow region. now alexey artyukhin is being interrogated by investigators. as reported by the online publication, a lot of complaints against him accumulated during his work, and it seems so many that he himself unexpectedly left his post a few days before his arrest. report by fyodor eliseev. this is footage of the probable detention of a former influential official alexey artyukhin. it is clear that the security forces did not disturb the usual tranquility of the small town of shatura near moscow. without unnecessary fuss, masked people surrounded the suv in which the former mayor was located, and presumably he himself was standing with his arms outstretched, leaning on the car. according to the investigation, the official embezzled budget funds in the amount of more than 221 million rubles. allocated for the construction of water intake and treatment facilities. the administration building of
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the shaturu city district, where alexey worked artyukhin. according to our information, investigators have already conducted a search here and probably seized the necessary documentation. the prefix “ex” to artyukhin’s position appeared just a week ago; before that, he had headed the shatura city district since the spring of 2020. the manager wrote his resignation letter of his own free will, while rumors about his imminent departure appeared among the townspeople back in the spring. many people had relationships with the mayor, to put it mildly. tense, the list of complaints about his work is impressive. found online information that artyukhin may be involved in the loss of funds during the construction of a local technology park. the investigation into this scam is in full swing. the damage is estimated at almost 200 million rubles. - the ex-mayor sinned, allegedly by writing out large quarterly bonuses to artyukhin, they recalled the closure of several schools. well, i’m used to being at the head of complaints. the work of public utilities in the district administration was not willing to comment on the delay.
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after the arrest of the former official, he was taken for questioning to employees of the moscow region main directorate of the investigative committee of russia. fedor eliseev, viktor barmin, andrey mashkarov, lead the duty unit. the story of a moscow pensioner who was left without a roof over her head due to extortionate interest on her debt to a microfinance office was continued. the day before, we talked about the situation in which nadezhda romanova found herself. her only home now belongs to unknown persons. the doors of the apartment were broken down by impudent thugs, and all the owner’s personal belongings were thrown out onto the street. all because some time ago she took out a loan for treatment 7000 rub. but the interest turned out to be such that in a matter of months the amount grew to several million. when journalist alexander karpov began to understand the situation, it turned out that this was the result of the actions of sharashka, who had already left dozens of muscovites without housing. after the broadcast of our program , the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, personally ordered to initiate a criminal case to protect the rights of women. regarding fraudulent activities. in the amount of 700 thousand
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rubles for obviously unprofitable for the victims conditions, the progress and results of the criminal investigation were placed under control in the central office of the investigative committee of russia. i will add that the office itself, the employees who left muscovites without housing, seemed to have disappeared into thin air, its offices were empty, but obviously this does not in any way prevent a gang of adventurers from carrying out their murky schemes. in the capital, a court convicted members of a group that had been stealing escheated apartments for more than 10 years. after. death of lonely owners, attackers were registering square meters were then sold to imaginary heirs, 23 episodes were proven, but in reality there could be many times more decent apartments, which the court decided, alexander karpov found out. unprecedented sentences of up to 13 years
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in prison were given to members of a gang of werewolf notaries led by igor zagrai, who stole the apartments of deceased muscovites. igor, can you say anything for your defense? igor got burned and in fact olga balashova. after the strange death of her disabled brother's wife, olga discovered that his apartment was occupied by a family named
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genosyan. what right do you have to interfere, who are you coming, who are you coming to him. genosyan explained that he wrote a will. they explained that they live here all their lives, they are looked after, how is this true? no it is not true. when you started telling the truth, were you threatened? naturally, who? genosyan himself verbally threatened that they would remove me.
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but the employees of the guardianship department emerge from the hospitable mr. gennasyan, carrying heavy bags in their hands. guardianship officers granted guardianship to genosyan. and what did apeka give to the gennosians over him? yes everything, like everything whatever, they began to represent his interests, but olga managed to regain custody through the court, she took her brother and wrote a complaint to the investigative committee, it was after this that igor zagrai and six of his assistants were arrested, a total of 22 people sat in the dock, the notary himself received a sentence of 11, 5 years in prison, realtor sergei gorlov 13.5 years. an examination on four points regarding this will, that is, the will has not yet been revoked, or what? no,
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of course, all apartments that are recognized as stolen in a criminal case will be requested by the city department... the network is vigorously discussing footage of accidents where elderly drivers were the culprits, and in the context of the fact that it is worth limiting their ability to drive, they say the health reactions are no longer the same, legislators and social activists are also thinking about how. .. to stock up on roads, what ideas are being considered, olga mazurak will tell you. the izhevsk-votkinsk highway, a lekhkovka drives into the oncoming lane and crashes into a truck. the sixty-year-old driver dies
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on the spot. in the ulyanovsk region there is a white field driven by another sixty-year-old driver turns without giving way. a dangerous maneuver provokes an accident. a head-on collision in which a retired driver and a passenger die, three more people end up in the hospital, and this is shocking footage of a car accident from the leningrad region, an eighty-six-year-old driver unexpectedly... turns 180° in a one-way traffic sector and goes against the flow, after a few seconds a powerful blow. an elderly man dies. loud accidents that occurred due to the fault of drivers of a respectable age, provoked a public debate about the upper age limit for driving a car. as we age , the number of concomitant diseases increases, that is, a person, say, 75 years old will not react as quickly to a critical situation than a younger person. some social activists decided to take the plunge
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and turned to the ministry of internal affairs with a proposal to introduce restrictions on the issuance of licenses depending on age. indeed, participants in the movement approached the ministry of internal affairs with a proposal to jointly develop a project, for example, to issue licenses only for people under 70 years old, since with age people’s hearing and vision often deteriorate, their reactions slow down, which can... representatives of the social movement emphasize that we are not talking about a complete ban, but about some kind of regulation, for example, to more closely monitor the health status of drivers of honorary age, because the experience accumulated over the years cannot be written off either. vyacheslav pimenov from st. petersburg, at 75 , cannot imagine himself without a car, having been driving for almost half a century. in everyday life, a car is very necessary, for the dacha, i’m at the dacha, then...
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those who come to us at the race track , they cope perfectly at high speeds with, so to speak, the behavior of the car in different situations, in different conditions. according to the law, now every motorist must undergo an examination once every 10 years, the medical commission includes a therapist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, narcologist and neurologist. anyone without obvious health problems can receive a positive conclusion, but this will not guarantee safe movement. experience skills still remain the main ones in leadership. as statistics show, extensive life experience behind the wheel is sometimes more expensive than a quick reaction, judging by information from
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open sources, in 2024 alone , over 50 thousand accidents occurred in russia, of which almost 6.00 were fatal. according to the same data, first place among the culprits was taken by motorists from 30 to 60 years old, second place by people under thirty, drivers over seventy get into accidents the least, this is only 4%. person to person is discordant - this does not mean that we should restrict all older people now. additional medical checks for retired drivers have long become the norm in
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a number of european countries, for example, in spain , drivers over sixty undergo a commission every 5 years, and over seventy every 2 years. it is now up to specialists and legislators to decide in what form to adopt the experience of foreign colleagues; the main thing is to make travel as safe as possible for everyone. olga muzrak, ilya karelin and mikhail zhilin, lead the duty department. following the trail of the odious group, primorsky investigators caught six more members of the organized crime group-3. kept local businessmen, the most objectionable ones, at bay olga zhurinkova will tell you what crimes were committed by the brutal gang. judging by the footage of the operational video, the members of the trifonovsky gang probably understood that after arrest they would not go home, but would most likely go to a pre-trial detention center, so they prepared for questioning by investigators and arrived with heavy travel bags. investigators believe that members of the criminal community committed serious, especially serious crimes in
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the economic sphere. we are talking about some fraud with land plots in vladivostok. all the details are still a secret from the investigation, but it is known that we are talking about recreational land, which is the name for the territory that is used for recreation, tourism or sports. investigators of the investigative committee for the primorsky territory identified six more participants in an organized criminal community in a criminal case regarding the sports market in the city of vladivostok. on suspicion of participation in an organized criminal community, fraud and legalization, that is , laundering of funds acquired by other persons through criminal means. gang trifonovsky appeared. in the nineties , participants were engaged in racketeering, extortion, robbery, and were responsible for armed assault and murder. at first, the group was led by sergei trifonov, and after his murder in may 2004, alexander yasin. yasin's name is widely known in primorye; he headed the far eastern kudo federation, was a co-owner of the sports market, and also owned his own shipping company. he was detained and arrested in 2022.
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he did not identify himself as a criminal group. that is, you are honest entrepreneur, honest businessman, absolutely. fortune, they say that you are an insanely rich man, is that true? no, that's a lie. 2 years ago, journalists photographed alexander yasin’s land plot, the front side of a five-meter fence is almost 100 meters long. at the massive gate there is a two-story garage for several cars with security, judging by photographs from space, there is a swimming pool and a mini-football field on the territory. another of the trifonovsky members, the group’s regular killer igor kovalchuk,
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better known as an american, has long been fugitive from justice in los angeles. at the beginning of the 2000s, he dealt with undesirables and killed competitors. its supposed owner alexander yasin. so in 2002, killer eliminated oleg sidinka, a well-known media magnate in primorye, the owner of the television and radio company new wave. explosives were planted at the entrance to his house. when sidinka entered the room, an explosion occurred. the outer entrance door and the inner one were stitched with a metal sheet, onto which, well , at about this distance, i attached an ancient device to a magnet. killed in the same way another businessman, co-owner of the nightlife.
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as for the new defendants in the trifonovsky gang, it is known that all of them have been involved in business in recent years, and they were sent to pre-trial detention during the investigation. while free, they can indicate pressure on witnesses or flee the country. considering the scale of the criminal group’s activities, this is clearly not the last arrest in this high-profile case for primorye. olga zhurenkova, alexander mostova and mikhail shirin, dmitry manyshev. lead the duty department. footage of a car accident involving a speeder has been released. electric trains in the leningrad region. the accident occurred in the gatchina region. in the video, a black car is waiting at the crossing, but a red renault, rushing along the swallow’s tracks, tries to pass right in front of the swallow’s nose. there was no escape from the accident. the car was literally crushed under the weight of the train. the carriage dragged the wrecked car all the way to peron. a criminal case has been opened regarding the collision of a car with a train,
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the investigator is carrying out a set of investigative actions aimed at establishing all the circumstances, causes and conditions what happened. railway traffic was stopped due to the installation of an electric train. state traffic inspectors and an investigator from the russian ministry of internal affairs are working at the scene of the incident. it is preliminary known that the renault driver drove onto the road at a prohibiting traffic light. there were four people inside the sedan, two adults and two children. they all died. there were no injuries among the train passengers. drifting under the bedrooms in bashkiria, the underground parking of an apartment building turned into a racing track. it takes days to fly there. karting competitions, the throttle is so loud that every now and then the fire alarm goes off and the emergency doors are blocked. neither the residents of the building nor the businessmen plan to give in. how officials will judge, danil sukharuchko figured out. the noisy passing of racing cars, right in the yard and even in the underground parking lot, is now
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an unpleasant routine for the residents of this high-rise building in ufa. it all started in december - residents complained when a wonderful neighbor moved into the house. karting. moreover, according to the locals, it is not entirely legal, we have a technical passport for this is a room, in this room there should be just columns, it should be an underground space, it is 2.0 km, and look what they have built here, the owners of the karting, according to information from their website, have built a 23-meter racing track, such an attraction is not within walking distance of residents to their liking, no one wants to breathe exhaust from gasoline engines, and the safety of load-bearing concrete... with regular arrivals, the residents’ complaints about the fire safety of new neighbors in the parking lot are constantly going off, the fire alarm is constantly going off, to prevent air flow, our parking lots are blocked in dmyri. and it’s impossible to leave until the cause of this alarm is eliminated, and this is about an hour and a half, just think, in a week i was already 3 hours late for work, and
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recently, according to residents, there was a fire here due to faulty wiring, something happened here fire, most likely there was a short circuit in the wiring, there was a box here, which later began to burn shorter, but in addition to the four-wheeled one on the paste, residents complain, there is also a two-wheeled one, in the same parking lot. located a garage for electric scooters, which also create an additional load on the network, but the businessmen did not stop work due to residents’ claims; representatives of the owner of the premises came to protect the underground business from the people’s anger, they fought back steadfastly, the lady from the owner of the basement harom, who had previously talked about the fire and the short circuit , admonished that everything...
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also confirms that it is safe, it is allowed. in the end, government agencies judged the parties ; the state housing and construction inspectorate did not evaluate the activities of cunning entrepreneurs. it was established that the redevelopment work had been carried out, but at the time of the inspection the permitting documentation had not been submitted. as a result, a decision was made to bring the owner of the non-residential premises to administrative responsibility, and also to issue an order to eliminate the identified violations. the prosecutor's office became interested in underground rides. the prosecutor's office will assess the legality. while all checks have not been passed,
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the story is still far from the end, why should it be underground, karting or parking, now it’s up to the auditors to decide, the main thing is that the residents of the house sigh so that now helicopter racing does not become fashionable, otherwise they will have businessmen in their attic, danil sukhoruchka, anna morozova. duty department. and in krasnoyarsk, an aspiring blogger organized a demonstration swim in the aquarium of a hypermarket. the young man said that he was very hot and went to swim in the water with live fish put up for sale. the buyers just twirled their fingers at their temples. obviously, there was only one real reason for the prank - the pursuit of fame. and here with bloggers, who cares about intelligence? enough. as a result, the store had to write off the live product and spend money on thoroughly disinfecting the aquarium. you never know what you can pick up from such bloggers now? the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is run by the duty department and the honest detective, subscribe, also watch our investigations and daily releases on the platform, go to
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the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our release is now complete, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the tv channel russia24, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, technical revolution, it is both the future of mankind and the history of mankind, it is a universal language. over the past 2,000 years , bread has shaped our attitude to life, it is the power of our country, its strength and fashion. every day i take a piece of black bread and always
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enjoy life. faced with bread, man literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital ones. the decision to take it to a new height, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials, exports in general, what is our product like?
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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ukraine has repeatedly been able to achieve ceasefire and peace agreement, but kiev, blinded by the desire to preserve its regime... it directly rejects all possibilities. sergei lavrov spoke about this. the head of russian diplomacy answered questions from journalists after participating in meetings of the un security council, where russia is now the chairman. what other important statements were made? alexey golovko will talk about this. the work of the russian foreign minister at the un invariably arouses great interest among the world.


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