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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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sleep without the flag and anthem. every day there are new introductions to the american election race, now it is taking place under quarantine conditions. joe biden was diagnosed with coronavirus and sent to self-isolation. how will this affect the election campaign? the heat doesn't go away. in crimea +39. a hundred-year-old record has been broken; the krasnodar region and the central region will be covered by a mountain front. where and when to wait for poetry to strike? how to stop the spread of fire, due to hot weather, the area of ​​fires is rapidly growing. a million hectares of forest have already burned in yakutia. in koktabel, in crimea, the fire covered 44 hectares. an industrial building is on fire in yekaterinburg. according to the ministry of emergency situations in the region, the roof caught fire on an area of ​​over 400 m. the fire occurred in the area where the ural transmash plant is located. before the fire arrives.
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three people evacuated from the building on their own; there is no information about casualties; 37 rescuers and 14 pieces of equipment are working on the site. the crews of the mi-28 helicopters carried out massive attacks on the ukrainian armed forces unit and used unguided aircraft missiles. as a result of the strikes, fortified positions from a concentration of enemy infantry. after this, the crews performed an anti-missile maneuver and successfully returned to base. today we received a combat mission to destroy enemy strongholds, took off strictly on time, entered a combat course, fired missiles at the army s8, s-13, carried out an anti-missile maneuver with the shooting of heat traps on the way back at an extremely low altitude, with folds of the relief area, flew back. russian air defense
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intercepted a french scalp missile in the sky, its cost is a million dollars. now our specialists have the opportunity to carefully study the design of powerful ammunition. the pantsir c1 complex worked on the target. about the work of the unit, see the report by war correspondent vadim topalov. the armor system deployed here in the donbass steppes violated the plans of the militants of the kiev regime; expensive cruise missiles were fired at russian strategic targets. the rocket is now nothing more than a pile of plastic and scrap metal. there's a million dollars at our feet, albeit disassembled, it's a rocket the scalp is made in france, here we see the corresponding designation, this munition was shot down thanks to our air defense. the crew was led by an experienced commander , call sign whale, and together we dismantled the electronic guts of the downed rocket. heads, the most important thing is to find their head, well, the head from it. that is, all these microcircuits
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have already been given away, our specialists have already studied everything. the shell is a reliable system; it deploys from traveling to combat position in 15 minutes. the thirty-ton complex can hit targets like missiles, so with a thirty-millimeter gun. this particular complex showed itself during the repulsion of the so-called ukrainian counter-offensive in the kherson direction. my unit worked for absolutely all purposes, for absolutely everything that was used. the whale is behind us. rich combat experience, the georgian-abkhaz conflict in syria, now defending the skies here in the special operation zone, awarded orders of courage because of his services to the fatherland, in just over two years he trained about thirty crews, driver-mechanic alexander for a long time before svo served in the police, he has a length of service, he could calmly sit not behind the wheel of this complex, but at home, in civilian life, to raise his grandchildren, but he came to the military registration and enlistment office on his own and decided to help the army. hello, krasnodar region, everything is fine with us. everyone is happy, victory
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will be ours, the darkness will be broken. although the crew of the complex can perform a variety of tasks, the main thing is one, protecting the homeland. these soldiers selflessly fulfill their duty and are on duty around the clock. vadim topalov, viktor voloshin, news, donetsk. from the age of fourteen the cia launched large-scale surveillance of residents of the dpr and lpr, including intercepting calls. communication in cellular networks. intelligence express reports this. according to his data, the cia subtask completely restructured the structure and functioning of the main intelligence directorate of ukraine. the cia even built a new publication and electronic espionage department in kiev. all this cost washington tens of millions of dollars. officially, this generosity was explained by fears that the old building was vulnerable to russian intelligence. dpr special services prevented. the terrorist attacks were organized on
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the instructions of kiev, as reported in the fsb department for the region, a russian citizen who was going to set fire to the building of the petrovsky district court of donetsk was detained. it has been established that after. upon joining, she planned to go to ukraine, where she wanted to join the ranks of a terrorist organization. a criminal case has been opened, the detainee is already confessing. in particular, she showed the place where she prepared and stored the flammable substance. kaktybeli fire area increased again. on the territory of the karadakh reserve, 42 gars are burning. the fire mainly affected grassy crops. the damage is now being calculated. a natural fire near koktybel in crimea began on the afternoon of july 15. on the eve of july, the open fire was extinguished; according to the ministry of internal affairs, police officers identified the culprit. the fire started due to improper handling of the grinder; the dry grass caught fire from sparks. in crimea today
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there are limits on electricity consumption; a schedule of temporary planned outages was published the day before. due to abnormally hot weather consumption has increased significantly, equipment is fast. out of order, residents of the region were urged to turn off unnecessary electrical appliances. in simferopol, for the second day in a row, the record for maximum air temperature was broken, the day before it was above 38°, in some areas of the peninsula it was almost 40, above 35 in the krasnodar territory in slavyansk in kuban , a substation caught fire due to the heat, part of the city was left without power. restoration work is already underway. now a short advertisement, then we will continue the release. let's sum up the results of sergei lavrov's visit to new york. you don't decide exactly how you meet your first love. you don't decide where
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but this agreement was torn down by the very people who signed it on the side of the opposition, declaring immediately after the coup d’etat, occupying administrative publications, that they were canceling the status of the russian language in ukraine, that they were demanding that the russians liberate crimea, from the russian population, that is, from citizens ukraine living in crimea, it didn’t work out keep ukraine within the borders of 1991, because crimea held a referendum and...
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sergei lavrov answered questions from reporters for almost an hour and a half; as expected, next time in the work of the united nations, he will take part in the fall of this year, during the un general assembly . alexey golovko, philip dubrovsky, ivan udkin, news from un new york. the president of the european commission, ursula fondeen, intends to turn the european union into a defense one.
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she directly stated this during her speech in strasbourg. justified this that freedom. our freedom is in danger, we have a responsibility, we need to do everything necessary to protect the people of europe, to protect our citizens - this is europe's responsibility. and finally, i think we need to create a real european defense union. the proposals of the head of the european commission are confirmed. the mood of the eu countries for confrontation, this is how the kremlin commented on the words of orsul fondern. apparently, ms. fonderlein was talking about changing priorities and giving a military color to this alliance. it's probably hard here right now give some comprehensive interpretations, but it is clear that this work will intersect with the
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interaction that the eu countries have within the framework of the north atlantic alliance . confirms the general attitude of european states towards militarization, increasing tension, confrontation and relying on confrontational methods of their foreign policy. the russian federation did not pose and does not pose any threat to anyone in the european union; in ukraine it defends its interests in conditions when the countries of the european union have excluded any opportunity. russia and, of course, all this forces us to configure our foreign policy approach accordingly. american president joe biden contracted the coronavirus and canceled campaign events that were scheduled for the coming days. he wrote on social networks that he feels well, but
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intends to comply with the isolation regime. earlier it became known that democratic leaders in congress had already begun to demand. from biden to withdraw his candidacy in the upcoming elections. many believe that the incumbent the head of state has no chance of winning. at the same time, the number of americans who support biden’s rival and donald trump is growing. denis davidov will talk about the pre-election situation. biden does not have the strength to get out of the car, nor does he have a mask; having passed a positive test for covid, he barely gets out of the suv. mr. president, how are you feeling? i feel myself.
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but his democratic party is kicking ass. democrats are falling apart, republicans are uniting. hosts of cnn loyal to democrats lose their temper at convention republican party. there. without undue modesty, 4 months before the election , trump is announced as the next president of the united states. ladies and
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gentlemen, welcome the next president of the united states, donald trump. there's still the same bandage on his ear, and there's a bunch of guards behind him. after the assassination attempt, he did not miss a single day of the congress. for me, he is just my grandfather, he gave us candy and cola when my parents weren’t looking. on saturday i was at school when i heard that he was shot, a lot of people put my grandfather through hell and he still standing. it was a good night for the republicans.
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according to him, with the arrival of trump in the white house , the united states will not get involved in wars unnecessarily. together we will send our children to war only when. must, if we hit, we 'll hit hard. the trump and vence campaigns have refused to agree on a date for the vice presidential debate. republicans said they did not understand who the democrats would nominate as their second-in-command in the race and mocked kamala haris, who could become a presidential candidate if biden leaves. a the likelihood of such an outcome is becoming more and more obvious. more and more party members are calling on biden to withdraw his candidacy. a few minutes ago, congressman adam schiff called on joe biden to resign from the presidency.
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a maximum of one year is given for this; within six months you need to declare the car to customs. the measure was taken in connection with eu sanctions imposed on belarus. previously, similar restrictions were introduced in latvia and lithuania. unique hydrological structures are being built on sochi embankment. horizontal breakwaters should protect coastal infrastructure from storms, beaches from erosion. every year this problem becomes more acute, even the annual filling of soil does not help. all work is planned to be completed by the holiday season next year. pavel melnik will tell you
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the details. in this labyrinth of welded structures there is a way out of the most frightening dead end of modern sochi. for many decades now, the wave has been taking away centimeters from the shore from vacationers. the protective frame is the basis of the new hydraulic structures of the seaside embankment. unprecedented support measures specifically our beaches, it is necessary to build two breakwaters 90 m long, 90 cm wide and 1 m high above sea level. hundreds of tons of stones are transported daily from the shore to the engineering platform into the sea, a super-stable substrate for new breakwaters. we will move away from the pile of reinforced concrete, that is, the coastal zone will take on a natural appearance, we will observe the cape between the breakwaters and... there will be such a small cove. environmentalists have hope that these man-made reefs will give rebirth to the entire ecosystem around them. increasing biodiversity here on these
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beaches. at these depths, in general, you could see seahorses and local shrimp in my soviet childhood. studies have shown the safety margin of such structures to be at least 100 years. for the growing tourist flow in sochi, this is a very important calculation. almost 8 million guests a year now fly to the black sea both in summer and winter. at the height of the summer holiday season, everyone has access to the seaside embankment, despite the work being carried out, the updated embankment is more than double times will increase, and the pebble strip will also expand. if you don’t take care of protective structures now, very soon vacationers will simply have nowhere to sunbathe, bulk pebbles are washed away in one or two storms, and the sea simply pushes existing groins to the surface. the project, which has become unique for sochi, in the future may become... an example for the entire krasnodar region. pavel melnik and nikita kalchenko, news from sochi. rbrf will participate in the construction of sea ports and
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coastal infrastructure. area, about it said the head of the corporation, igor shuvalov. the head of the web held a meeting with the leadership of the region, local entrepreneurs, and owners of local brands. in addition, igor shuvalov and the governor of the sakhalin region, valery lemorenko, inspected the progress of construction of a school and water intake in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, and also visited an exhibition of drones. in the region, the production of uavs is now actively developing, and the web is organizing support measures for high-tech entrepreneurs. starring. corporations are implementing projects on 110 billion rubles. web has a big focus on sakhalin, this is the combination of passenger transportation in the city and in the surrounding area, this is the construction of a school, the overall development of the city economy, the launch of a campus and many others. we have big plans, we want to launch new projects in the coming years for the construction of new seaports, and of course
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for... the sakhalin region, this is one of the most important projects, this will mean a big contribution to the development of logistics throughout the russian federation as a whole and will contribute international trade. this one of the projects that we are carrying out on behalf of the president. business missions are carried out jointly with the agency for strategic initiatives. based on their results, potential projects in the regions will form the basis of the future web strategy, which will be presented in the coming months.
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without a flint, in a flint i was quickly imprisoned, a self-written pen, magic ink, you’ll get it , the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanically, beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i'm not taking you where you are you fool, where do you want to go? i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has flint in his pocket, soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, a sensation has occurred, and what a sensation, tense inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now we need to watch from...
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watch, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. well, now to the latest statement by
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german defense minister boris. thorius gave an interview to the luxembourg newspaper tages blood, where he stated, that the deployment of american missiles on german territory from 2026 allegedly serves as a response to the deployment of iskander missiles in kaliningrad. it has not yet been decided where exactly american cruise and supersonic missiles will be located, pistorius also stated this. he said that the united states itself is still at the stage of preparation for the deployment of these weapons in germany. well, i ’ll remind you. the fact that the united states will begin deploying its missiles in germany from 2026 was announced in the white house last week. well, special operations are working in the del direction crews of attack drones of the vego special forces detachment. drones are used to destroy strongholds and equipment in the ukrainian armed forces. they work in pairs.


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