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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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former commander of the special operations forces of the armed forces of ukraine, lunev, ex-commander of the missile forces and artillery, deputy commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, gorbolev, at different times, in the period from 15 to 21, they led the so -called operation of the joint forces in the southeast of ukraine . as a result of their criminal actions , at least 177 people were killed or injured, including eight children. more than 190
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infrastructure facilities in the dpr and lpr were damaged, measures are being taken to search for them, to arrest them, and retribution in recognition of the merits of foreign mercenaries who participate in hostilities on the side of the kiev regime, according to information from the investigative committee of russia, decisions were made to bring 714 such foreigners as defendants, of which 422 persons were declared... a national wanted list. a militant of the nationalist battalion azov dmitry, who in march twenty-two ordered his subordinates to fire at residential buildings and civilian infrastructure, was sentenced to life imprisonment in absentia. these crimes took place in the eastern microdistrict. speech is about mariupol. further. what, what
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specific crime are we talking about? as a result of these attacks, two people were killed, and the militant of this nationalist battle was put on the international wanted list. a ukrainian neo-nazi guy received 25 years in prison in absentia; he ordered a sniper in mariupol in march 22. su shot a civilian, and he was also put on an international wanted list; a criminal case against the perpetrator of the crime, the executor of this criminal order, is being considered in court. i'll repeat it again, these are just some examples of the numerous conclusions of investigative agencies, law enforcement agencies and courts regarding the crimes of the kiev regime. this work will continue. well. of course, we
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paid attention to the revelation of the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine budanov; on july 13, in an interview with the ukrainian publication nv, he admitted to attempts, even attempts, to assassinate the president of the russian federation. there is no doubt that such crimes were planned and financed with the direct participation anglo-saxon masters, masters of the kiev regime, because the money is flowing.
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that is, if we speak like this without any symbolism, not camouflaged, then the armed forces of ukraine are suffering failure after failure on the way to inevitable defeat, and this, of course, worries the west, which is trying with all its might to prevent russia’s victory, when there are no other ways, terror is the way in , what we talked about today and talk about regularly.
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military obliged their data, according to the ukrainian ministry of defense, about 4.5, to be precise, 4.7 million people did this, for abroad 75,000 people, that is, every tenth ukrainian of mobilized, mobilization age, the so-called leaders are ukrainian refugees in germany, poland, the czech republic and canada, while only as of april in the countries of the european union were
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in ukraine, and this figure reached 417,000 people, the largest number of clones was recorded in western ukraine, where the absolute leader is the lviv region. there, in the twenty-third year and the first half of the twenty-fourth , 85.8 cases of men being put on the wanted list were identified applied to bega or. subscribers, that is , approximately 1/5 of the city's population, who notify the population in advance about mobilization raids, this is what
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is called ukrainian democracy, this is the same as... the number of criminal cases initiated in connection with desertion, unauthorized abandonment of military units is also growing , in the first half of the twenty-fourth year , almost 30,000 such criminal cases were opened in ukraine, just since the twenty-second year... according to the law enforcement agencies of ukraine, 63,000, even more, thousands, were opened, once again, 63,000 criminal proceedings, as reported by the german, german media, in particular, led, in reality
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, these figures may be three or even four times inflated, judging by the messages of ukrainian social networks in the country... mobilize men aged 20-25 years although the law on tightening and mobilization adopted in april does not contain this provision, talk has intensified about lowering the mobilization age in ukraine to 18 years in the next 25 years. every time such plans are discussed, the bank denies them. they always do it, as it seems to them, convincingly, they give their word, they promise, then everything happens exactly the opposite, there is no doubt that this time it will be the same,
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and the mobilization age in ukraine will be lowered, and i think that the mark will be 18 years, this is not the limit, the former us envoy to nato added fuel to the fire. iva dalder, on july 14, he said in an interview with euronews about the need for kiev to use existing human resources and recruitment.
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preventing and responding to human trafficking in the context of a humanitarian crisis, connected, as it was formulated there, with the war in ukraine. according to ukrainian law enforcement agencies, every day at least 200 people try to cross illegally, and as you understand, it is almost impossible to do this legally.
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ukrainians who have a second citizenship or residence permit in other countries. in general , right now i won’t even try to establish some kind of logical chain in the actions of the kiev authorities, who, remember, denied citizens of their country, citizens of ukraine, the opportunity to have, for example, a russian passport, despite the fact that they were connected by family ties and history, they had to make a choice or a passport.
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european countries, in particular, this is poland, this is the baltic states, this is scandinavia, so far it is true, this is being done without success, the idea of ​​luring out ukrainian citizens who are on the territory of the mentioned countries of the european union. and in the eu countries they are increasingly talking about the desire to help the kiev regime not only with weapons, because someone must hold it in their hands, but in terms of recruiting personnel, although mass deportations of ukrainians to the west from western europe are a matter of until... it hasn’t come yet, refugees are persistently offered to join various kinds
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of volunteer formations to participate in hostilities, moreover, you see how in the countries of the european union, here and there, it is announced that support and payments are ending benefits and other benefits for the so-called refugees of the territory of ukraine, for which all this is being done so that they, so to speak, return to ukraine, and there will be them there. munichner merkur said that the regional authorities can send ukrainian conscript men age to their homeland, if a corresponding request is received from ukraine. this, in my opinion, cannot be understood and will not be heard, only by those
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who do not want to face reality, and this is already reality.
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worked for washington on the territory of afghanistan, they didn’t even let them onto the planes, they clung to the landing gear, dying on the fly, this happens every time, but on the other hand, in order not to repeat mistakes, you need to know history, when history is canceled, then will have to repeat the mistakes, in the same vein should be considered... citizens of ukraine, temporarily residing in poland and other countries can take part in the process of training personnel of the security and defense forces of ukraine on the territory of poland. to do this, they are going to use
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the lithuanian-polish-ukrainian brigade stationed in lublin, poland; it was created in 2014, and it is planned to form it on its basis. the so-called ukrainian legion. polish minadel sekorski reported on july 11 that several thousand people had allegedly already submitted applications to join the legion. warsaw does not hide that it intends to encourage citizens of ukraine, return home to serve in the ssu. well, once again, this is not an incentive for serving in the ssu, this is an incentive for voluntarily giving up your life. it is noteworthy that at the beginning of july , the polish authorities reduced benefits for ukrainian refugees, as i have already... the halls tightened the procedure for entering the country, this same liberal democracy is softly laying down, sleep, however, harshly, similarly configured in the baltics, on july 15, the authorities lithuania announced that they intend, at the request of ukraine, to stop free education of ukrainian students in their universities, it’s normal, how do you like, so to speak,
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the vicissitudes of liberalism? if there is reason to believe that soon the west’s desire to fight to the last ukrainian will take the form of undisguised deportations of ukrainian refugees to the front. well, again, back to the question of history that you need to know. july 11 marked 81 years since the so-called bloody sunday, which became the culmination of the tragic events known in history as the volyn massacre. on that day in 1943, a detachment of thugs oun-upa is an organization of ukrainian nationalists, ukrainian rebel army attacked about 100 polish villages, brutally killed about 8,000 civilians, the advantages of women, children, old people, according
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to archival data declassified by the federal security service of russia 2 years ago, for the period from 1943 to 1945. ukrainian accomplices of the fascists destroyed several tens of thousands of poles, jews, russians, by the way, ukrainians, and of course, belarusians, representatives of other nationalities; they also destroyed, but did not destroy, everyone who lived on the territory volyn, polesie, galicia, other areas of the western regions of ukraine, belarus, eastern poland, in poland they call the volyn massacre genocide, but at the same time they are russophobic. help the neo-nazi kiev regime, which openly glorifies bandera and other hitler henchmen. what 's the logic? or the logic is the same, everything that is against russia is good from the point of view of the west, the notorious double standards and absolutely cynical calculation are evident.
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this is confirmed by the already mentioned polish-ukrainian agreement on cooperation in the field of security dated july 8 this year. its fifth section provides for the need, direct quote: reconciliation on controversial issues that are the result of a complex one. history of both states, we are talking about, among other things, again a direct quote: the development of joint tools for historical research, as well as instructions on curriculum for school textbooks on history and relations between the two state peoples, in particular on the basis of the ukrainian-polish brotherhood in the war of 1920 years since bolshevik russia, end of quote, then it seems to work out. on the territory of ukraine, then there were no bolsheviks, communists, communist party, and there were no representatives from the territory of ukraine in
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the central bodies of the bolshevik, so to speak, political forces and communist ranks, there was nothing, but on the other hand, what are they for? ...
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distortions, and this will lead, as i already said, again to the repetition of bloody mistakes. ukraine is counting on, and this is also spelled out in the aforementioned agreement, assistance from poland in the rise of its economy, especially the rise defense industry to solve the notorious problem of restoring control over the country's territory within the borders of the ninety-first year. in return, the poles are offered free access to ukrainian. market, trade benefits, other preferences, varsha is already openly using the position of the kiev regime, kiev and ukraine, and are making aggressive plans, precisely so that
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literally at the first opportunity, to take over, as they call it in poland, their own and historical lands, found themselves part of ukraine, from the point of view of many figures in warsaw, completely by accident. it is also clear that the zelensky regime, signing agreements of this kind with western countries, is chasing short-term gain, saving itself, all this for the sake of self-preservation in power, and apparently, for the sake of fulfillment, the realization of this goal, the bank will not stop at anything, it doesn’t give a damn about ukraine, don’t care about... the ukrainian people, i have only one question: why does zelensky hate ukrainians so much? the listed facts once again confirm the urgent
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tasks of the special military operation to densification, demilitarization of ukraine , elimination of threats emanating from its territory, all of them, as the russian leadership has repeatedly stated, will definitely be implemented. here is the situation in moldova, look what is happening there, the sando authorities, the sando regime. as the presidential elections in october approach, it is increasingly using anti-russian rhetoric as the main, and in fact the only, election slogan. on july 10, president sendu said that a direct quote: the kremlin’s desire to return the thieves to power is almost a threat moldova, i don’t know, she came up with some kind of bullshit, you know who she’s talking about, she’s talking about... the position of the citizens of their own country who speak directly, despite the threats, despite all these
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repressions that are happening from... from the sandu side on the territory of moldova they are directly calling a spade a spade and trying to preserve moldova, moldavian history, culture and ethnic identity. now they are being directly called names. at the same time, official chisinau continues its policy of erasing from public consciousness everything connected with russia, first of all, the russian language, but they have already dealt with the moldovan ones, now there is no moldovan language, as you know, there is only romanian, so they continue - this terrible struggle with such an obvious nationalist tilt, now with the russian language. in june , it was announced that three gymnasiums and two primary schools teaching in russian would be closed in the sanzhereysky district under the pretext of a small number of students and teachers.
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according to... residents. last week, the moldovan media reported about the suspension from july 22 activities of the slavic university due to refusal.
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ae is doing literally everything to turn moldova into romania. here's just one example, because every statement must be supported by an invoice, we have it. during sandu's tenure as minister of education in 2012-2015 , 119 schools were closed in moldova, and the total number of educational institutions was reduced by 221 units. well , that’s right, in order to accomplish what was planned and deny the people of moldova their language, culture, identity and turn moldova into part of romania, for this it is necessary to lower the educational level of the population, which sanuy is doing; there are calls from government activists for the renaming of urban infrastructure facilities in the capital, for example, moskovsky avenue,
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st. petersburg square.
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this is not improving the welfare of moldovan citizens, this is pushing moldova towards the implementation of the ukrainian scenario. so, this batch included 20 armored combat vehicles, humvees, a draft of the updated national defense strategy of moldova for 24-34 years provided, direct quote: integration of the country into the defense security architecture.


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